import bpy import bmesh import operator import math import os from bpy.props import * from . import settings from . import utilities_bake class op(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "uv.textools_texture_save" bl_label = "Save Texture" bl_description = "Save the texture" name : bpy.props.StringProperty( name="image name", default = "" ) # Properties used by the file browser # filepath = bpy.props.StringProperty(subtype="FILE_PATH") # filepath : bpy.props.StringProperty(name="myName.png", description="Texture filepath", maxlen=1024, default="bla bla.png") filter_folder : BoolProperty(name="Filter folders", description="", default=True, options={'HIDDEN'}) filter_glob : StringProperty(default="*.png;*.tga;*.jpg;*.tif;*.exr", options={'HIDDEN'}) def invoke(self, context, event): # if self.filepath == "": # self.filepath = bpy.context.scene.FBXBundleSettings.path # blend_filepath = context.blend_data.filepath # context.window_manager.fileselect_add(self) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.label(text="Choose your Unity Asset directory") @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return True def execute(self, context): save_texture(self.filepath) return {'FINISHED'} def save_texture(path): print("Save image.. "+path) # class op(bpy.types.Operator): # bl_idname = "uv.textools_texture_save" # bl_label = "Save Texture" # bl_description = "Save the texture" # name = bpy.props.StringProperty( # name="image name", # default = "" # ) # @classmethod # def poll(cls, context): # return True # def execute(self, context): # save_texture(self, context) # return {'FINISHED'} ''' class op_ui_image_save(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "uv.textools_ui_image_save" bl_label = "Save image" bl_description = "Save this image" image_name = bpy.props.StringProperty( name="image name", default = "" ) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return True def execute(self, context): # bpy.context.scene.tool_settings.use_uv_select_sync = False # bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') print("Saving image {}".format(self.image_name)) # bpy.ops.image.save_as() return {'FINISHED'} ''' bpy.utils.register_class(op)