import bpy import bmesh import operator from mathutils import Vector from collections import defaultdict from math import pi from . import utilities_ui class op(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "uv.textools_uv_channel_add" bl_label = "Add UV Channel" bl_description = "Add a new UV channel with smart UV projected UV's and padding." bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): if bpy.context.active_object == None: return False if bpy.context.active_object.type != 'MESH': return False return True @classmethod def poll(cls, context): if bpy.context.active_object == None: return False if bpy.context.active_object.type != 'MESH': return False if len(bpy.context.selected_objects) != 1: return False return True def execute(self, context): print("Add UV") if len( ) == 0: # Create first UV channel if bpy.context.active_object.mode != 'EDIT': bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') # Smart project UV's bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.uv.smart_project( angle_limit=65, island_margin=0.5, user_area_weight=0, use_aspect=True, stretch_to_bounds=True ) # Re-Apply padding as normalized values bpy.ops.uv.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.uv.pack_islands(margin=utilities_ui.get_padding()) else: # Add new UV channel based on last bpy.ops.mesh.uv_texture_add() # Get current index index = len( = index bpy.context.scene.texToolsSettings.uv_channel = str(index) return {'FINISHED'} bpy.utils.register_class(op)