import bpy import bmesh import operator import time import math from mathutils import Vector # Find a mesh that contains UV mesh shape keys def find_uv_mesh(objects, insideModifiers=True): for obj in objects: # Requires mesh & UV channel if obj and obj.type == 'MESH': # Contains shape keys? if and len( == 2: if "uv" in and "model" in return obj if insideModifiers: # Find via mesh deform modifier if len(obj.modifiers) > 0: for modifier in obj.modifiers: if modifier.type == 'SURFACE_DEFORM': if if and len( == 2: return return None # # Find meshes that can be wrapped aka texture meshes def find_texture_meshes(objects): obj_textures = [] for obj in objects: if obj and obj.type == 'MESH': if find_uv_mesh([obj], insideModifiers=False) == None: if obj not in obj_textures: obj_textures.append(obj) return obj_textures def uv_mesh_clear(obj_uv): # Remove Previous Modifiers if "Solidify" in obj_uv.modifiers: obj_uv.modifiers.remove( obj_uv.modifiers["Solidify"] ) # Remove Solidify and push modifiers def uv_mesh_fit(obj_uv, obj_textures): # Clear first shape transition bpy.context.scene.texToolsSettings.meshtexture_wrap = 0 # Clear modifiers first uv_mesh_clear(obj_uv) # Add solidify modifier modifier_solid ="Solidify", type='SOLIDIFY') modifier_solid.offset = 1 modifier_solid.thickness = 0 #scale*0.1 #10% height modifier_solid.use_even_offset = True modifier_solid.thickness_clamp = 0 modifier_solid.use_quality_normals = True min_z = obj_uv.location.z max_z = obj_uv.location.z for i in range(len(obj_textures)): obj = obj_textures[i] # Min Max Z if i == 0: min_z = get_bbox(obj)['min'].z max_z = get_bbox(obj)['max'].z else: min_z = min(min_z, get_bbox(obj)['min'].z) max_z = max(max_z, get_bbox(obj)['max'].z) # Set thickness size = max(0.1, (max_z - min_z)) min_z-= size*0.25 #Padding max_z+= size*0.25 size = (max_z - min_z) modifier_solid.thickness = size # Set offset if size > 0: p_z = (obj_uv.location.z - min_z) / (max_z - min_z) modifier_solid.offset = -(p_z-0.5)/0.5 else: modifier_solid.offset = 0 def get_bbox(obj): corners = [obj.matrix_world @ Vector(corner) for corner in obj.bound_box] # Get world space Min / Max box_min = Vector((corners[0].x, corners[0].y, corners[0].z)) box_max = Vector((corners[0].x, corners[0].y, corners[0].z)) for corner in corners: # box_min.x = -8 box_min.x = min(box_min.x, corner.x) box_min.y = min(box_min.y, corner.y) box_min.z = min(box_min.z, corner.z) box_max.x = max(box_max.x, corner.x) box_max.y = max(box_max.y, corner.y) box_max.z = max(box_max.z, corner.z) return { 'min':box_min, 'max':box_max, 'size':(box_max-box_min), 'center':box_min+(box_max-box_min)/2 }