using System; using ConformalDecals.Util; using UnityEngine; namespace ConformalDecals.MaterialProperties { public class MaterialTextureProperty : MaterialProperty { [SerializeField] public bool isNormal; [SerializeField] public bool isMain; [SerializeField] public bool autoScale; [SerializeField] public bool autoTile; [SerializeField] private string _textureUrl; [SerializeField] private Texture2D _texture; [SerializeField] private bool _hasTile; [SerializeField] private Rect _tileRect; [SerializeField] private Vector2 _scale =; [SerializeField] private Vector2 _textureOffset; [SerializeField] private Vector2 _textureScale =; public Texture2D Texture { get => _texture; set => _texture = value; } public string TextureUrl { get => _textureUrl; set { _texture = LoadTexture(value, isNormal); _textureUrl = value; } } public int Width => _texture.width; public int Height => _texture.height; public int MaskedWidth => _hasTile ? (int) _tileRect.width : _texture.width; public int MaskedHeight => _hasTile ? (int) _tileRect.height : _texture.height; public Vector2 Dimensions => new Vector2(_texture.width, _texture.height); public Vector2 MaskedDimensions => _hasTile ? _tileRect.size : Dimensions; public float AspectRatio { get { if (_texture == null) return 1; if (_textureUrl?.Contains("Squad/Flags") == true) return 0.625f; // squad flags are slightly stretched, so unstretch them return MaskedHeight / (float) MaskedWidth; } } public override void ParseNode(ConfigNode node) { base.ParseNode(node); ParseUtil.ParseBoolIndirect(ref isMain, node, "isMain"); ParseUtil.ParseBoolIndirect(ref isNormal, node, "isNormalMap"); ParseUtil.ParseBoolIndirect(ref autoScale, node, "autoScale"); ParseUtil.ParseBoolIndirect(ref autoTile, node, "autoTile"); if (!autoTile) { ParseUtil.ParseRectIndirect(ref _tileRect, node, "tile"); } if (ParseUtil.ParseStringIndirect(ref _textureUrl, node, "textureUrl")) { _texture = LoadTexture(_textureUrl, isNormal); } if (_texture == null) { _texture = isNormal ? DecalConfig.BlankNormal : Texture2D.whiteTexture; } } public override void Modify(Material material) { if (material == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(material)); if (_texture == null) { _texture = isNormal ? DecalConfig.BlankNormal : Texture2D.whiteTexture; } material.SetTexture(_propertyID, _texture); material.SetTextureOffset(_propertyID, _textureOffset); material.SetTextureScale(_propertyID, _textureScale * _scale); if (_propertyName != "_Decal") material.EnableKeyword("DECAL" + _propertyName.ToUpper()); } public override void Remove(Material material) { if (material == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(material)); base.Remove(material); if (_propertyName != "_Decal") material.DisableKeyword("DECAL" + _propertyName.ToUpper()); } public void SetScale(Vector2 scale) { _scale = scale; } public void SetTile(Rect tile) { SetTile(tile, Dimensions); } public void SetTile(Rect tile, Vector2 mainTexDimensions) { var scale = tile.size; var offset = tile.position; // invert y axis to deal with DXT image orientation offset.y = mainTexDimensions.y - offset.y - tile.height; // fit to given dimensions scale /= mainTexDimensions; offset /= mainTexDimensions; _tileRect = tile; _hasTile = true; _textureScale = scale; _textureOffset = offset; } private static Texture2D LoadTexture(string textureUrl, bool isNormal) { //Logging.Log($"loading texture '{textureUrl}', isNormalMap = {isNormal}"); if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(textureUrl) && isNormal) || textureUrl == "Bump") { return Texture2D.normalTexture; } if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(textureUrl) && !isNormal) || textureUrl == "White") { return Texture2D.whiteTexture; } if (textureUrl == "Black") { return Texture2D.blackTexture; } var texture = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(textureUrl, isNormal); if (texture == null) throw new Exception($"Cannot get texture '{textureUrl}', isNormalMap = {isNormal}"); return texture; } } }