using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace ConformalDecals { public class ProjectionPartTarget : IProjectionTarget { public const string NodeName = "PART_TARGET"; // enabled flag public bool enabled; public readonly Part part; public readonly List meshTargets = new List(); public ProjectionPartTarget(Part part, bool useBaseNormal) { this.part = part; foreach (var renderer in part.FindModelComponents()) { var target = renderer.transform; var filter = target.GetComponent(); // check if the target has any missing data if (!ProjectionMeshTarget.ValidateTarget(target, renderer, filter)) continue; // create new ProjectionTarget to represent the renderer var projectionTarget = new ProjectionMeshTarget(target, part.transform, renderer, filter.sharedMesh, useBaseNormal); // add the target to the list meshTargets.Add(projectionTarget); } } public bool Project(Matrix4x4 orthoMatrix, Transform projector, Bounds projectionBounds) { enabled = false; foreach (var meshTarget in meshTargets) { enabled |= meshTarget.Project(orthoMatrix, projector, projectionBounds); } return enabled; } public void Render(Material decalMaterial, MaterialPropertyBlock partMPB, Camera camera) { if (!enabled) return; foreach (var target in meshTargets) { target.Render(decalMaterial, partMPB, camera); } } } }