using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Smooth.Delegates; using UnityEngine; namespace ConformalDecals.MaterialModifiers { public class MaterialPropertyCollection : ScriptableObject { private static int _opacityID = Shader.PropertyToID("_Opacity"); private static int _cutoffID = Shader.PropertyToID("_Cutoff"); public TextureMaterialProperty MainTextureProperty { get; set; } public bool UseBaseNormal { get; private set; } private List _materialProperties; private List _textureMaterialProperties; public String BaseNormalSrc { get; private set; } public String BaseNormalDest { get; private set; } public Material DecalMaterial { get { if (_protoDecalMaterial == null) { _protoDecalMaterial = MakeMaterial(_decalShader); } return _protoDecalMaterial; } } private Shader _decalShader; private Material _protoDecalMaterial; private const string _normalTextureName = "_BumpMap"; public void Initialize(ConfigNode node, PartModule module) { // Initialize fields _materialProperties = new List(); _textureMaterialProperties = new List(); // Get shader var shaderString = node.GetValue("shader") ?? throw new FormatException("Missing shader name in material"); _decalShader = Shabby.Shabby.FindShader(shaderString); // note to self: null coalescing does not work on UnityEngine classes if (_decalShader == null) { throw new FormatException($"Shader not found: '{shaderString}'"); } // Get useBaseNormal value var useBaseNormalString = node.GetValue("useBaseNormal"); if (useBaseNormalString != null) { if (bool.TryParse(useBaseNormalString, out var useBaseNormalRef)) { UseBaseNormal = useBaseNormalRef; } else { throw new FormatException($"Improperly formatted bool value for 'useBaseNormal' : {useBaseNormalString}"); } } else { UseBaseNormal = false; } // Get basenormal source and destination property names BaseNormalSrc = node.GetValue("baseNormalSource") ?? _normalTextureName; BaseNormalDest = node.GetValue("baseNormalDestination") ?? _normalTextureName; // Parse all materialProperties foreach (ConfigNode propertyNode in node.nodes) { try { MaterialProperty property; switch ( { case "FLOAT": property = new FloatMaterialProperty(propertyNode); break; case "COLOR": property = new ColorMaterialProperty(propertyNode); break; case "TEXTURE": property = new TextureMaterialProperty(propertyNode); var textureModifier = (TextureMaterialProperty) property; if (textureModifier.IsMain) { if (MainTextureProperty == null) { MainTextureProperty = textureModifier; } else { // multiple textures have been marked as main! // non-fatal issue, ignore this one and keep using current main texture module.LogWarning( $"Material texture property {textureModifier.TextureUrl} is marked as main, but material already has a main texture! \n" + $"Defaulting to {MainTextureProperty.TextureUrl}"); } } _textureMaterialProperties.Add(textureModifier); break; default: throw new FormatException($"Invalid property type '{}' in material"); } _materialProperties.Add(property); } catch (Exception e) { // Catch exception from parsing current material property // And print it to the log as an Error module.LogException("Exception while parsing material node", e); } } module.Log($"Parsed {_materialProperties.Count} properties"); } public void SetScale(Material material, Vector2 scale) { foreach (var textureProperty in _textureMaterialProperties) { textureProperty.UpdateScale(material, scale); } } public void SetOpacity(Material material, float opacity) { material.SetFloat(_opacityID, opacity); } public void SetCutoff(Material material, float cutoff) { material.SetFloat(_cutoffID, cutoff); } private Material MakeMaterial(Shader shader) { var material = new Material(shader); foreach (MaterialProperty property in _materialProperties) { property.Modify(material); } return material; } } }