using ConformalDecals.MaterialProperties; using ConformalDecals.Text; using ConformalDecals.UI; using TMPro; using UnityEngine; namespace ConformalDecals { public class ModuleConformalText : ModuleConformalDecal, ISerializationCallbackReceiver { [KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public string text = "Hello World!"; [KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public Color fillColor =; [KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public Color outlineColor = Color.white; [KSPField] public Vector2 lineSpacingRange = new Vector2(-20, 50); [KSPField] public Vector2 charSpacingRange = new Vector2(-20, 50); // serialization-only fields. do not use except in serialization functions [KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public string fontName = "Calibri SDF"; [KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public int style; [KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public bool vertical; [KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public float lineSpacing; [KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public float charSpacing; // KSP TWEAKABLES [KSPEvent(guiName = "#LOC_ConformalDecals_gui-set-text", guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true)] public void SetText() { if (_textEntryController == null) { _textEntryController = TextEntryController.Create(text, _font, _style, lineSpacingRange, charSpacingRange, OnTextUpdate); } else { _textEntryController.Close(); } } // FILL [KSPField(guiName = "#LOC_ConformalDecals_gui-fill", groupName = "decal-fill", groupDisplayName = "#LOC_ConformalDecals_gui-group-fill", guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true, isPersistant = true), UI_Toggle()] public bool fillEnabled = true; [KSPEvent(guiName = "#LOC_ConformalDecals_gui-fill-color", groupName = "decal-fill", groupDisplayName = "#LOC_ConformalDecals_gui-group-fill", guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true)] public void SetFillColor() { if (_fillColorPickerController == null) { _fillColorPickerController = ColorPickerController.Create(fillColor, OnFillColorUpdate); } else { _fillColorPickerController.Close(); } } // OUTLINE [KSPField(guiName = "#LOC_ConformalDecals_gui-outline", groupName = "decal-outline", groupDisplayName = "#LOC_ConformalDecals_gui-group-outline", guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true, isPersistant = true), UI_Toggle()] public bool outlineEnabled; [KSPField(guiName = "#LOC_ConformalDecals_gui-outline-width", groupName = "decal-outline", groupDisplayName = "#LOC_ConformalDecals_gui-group-outline", guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true, isPersistant = true, guiFormat = "F2"), UI_FloatRange(stepIncrement = 0.05f)] public float outlineWidth = 0.1f; [KSPEvent(guiName = "#LOC_ConformalDecals_gui-set-outline-color", groupName = "decal-outline", groupDisplayName = "#LOC_ConformalDecals_gui-group-outline", guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true)] public void SetOutlineColor() { if (_outlineColorPickerController == null) { _outlineColorPickerController = ColorPickerController.Create(outlineColor, OnOutlineColorUpdate); } else { _outlineColorPickerController.Close(); } } private DecalTextStyle _style; private DecalFont _font; private TextEntryController _textEntryController; private ColorPickerController _fillColorPickerController; private ColorPickerController _outlineColorPickerController; private MaterialTextureProperty _decalTextureProperty; private MaterialKeywordProperty _fillEnabledProperty; private MaterialColorProperty _fillColorProperty; private MaterialKeywordProperty _outlineEnabledProperty; private MaterialColorProperty _outlineColorProperty; private MaterialFloatProperty _outlineWidthProperty; private TextRenderJob _currentJob; private DecalText _currentText; public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node) { base.OnLoad(node); OnAfterDeserialize(); UpdateTextRecursive(); } public override void OnSave(ConfigNode node) { OnBeforeSerialize(); base.OnSave(node); } public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); UpdateTextRecursive(); } public override void OnAwake() { base.OnAwake(); _decalTextureProperty = materialProperties.AddOrGetTextureProperty("_Decal", true); _fillEnabledProperty = materialProperties.AddOrGetProperty("DECAL_FILL"); _fillColorProperty = materialProperties.AddOrGetProperty("_DecalColor"); _outlineEnabledProperty = materialProperties.AddOrGetProperty("DECAL_OUTLINE"); _outlineColorProperty = materialProperties.AddOrGetProperty("_OutlineColor"); _outlineWidthProperty = materialProperties.AddOrGetProperty("_OutlineWidth"); } public void OnTextUpdate(string newText, DecalFont newFont, DecalTextStyle newStyle) { text = newText; _font = newFont; _style = newStyle; UpdateTextRecursive(); } public void OnFillColorUpdate(Color rgb, Util.ColorHSV hsv) { fillColor = rgb; UpdateMaterials(); foreach (var counterpart in part.symmetryCounterparts) { var decal = counterpart.GetComponent(); decal.fillColor = fillColor; decal.UpdateMaterials(); } } public void OnOutlineColorUpdate(Color rgb, Util.ColorHSV hsv) { outlineColor = rgb; UpdateMaterials(); foreach (var counterpart in part.symmetryCounterparts) { var decal = counterpart.GetComponent(); decal.outlineColor = outlineColor; decal.UpdateMaterials(); } } public void OnFillToggle(BaseField field, object obj) { // fill and outline cant both be disabled outlineEnabled = outlineEnabled || (!outlineEnabled && !fillEnabled); UpdateTweakables(); foreach (var counterpart in part.symmetryCounterparts) { var decal = counterpart.GetComponent(); decal.fillEnabled = fillEnabled; decal.outlineEnabled = outlineEnabled; decal.UpdateTweakables(); } } public void OnOutlineToggle(BaseField field, object obj) { // fill and outline cant both be disabled fillEnabled = fillEnabled || (!fillEnabled && !outlineEnabled); UpdateTweakables(); foreach (var counterpart in part.symmetryCounterparts) { var decal = counterpart.GetComponent(); decal.fillEnabled = fillEnabled; decal.outlineEnabled = outlineEnabled; decal.UpdateTweakables(); } } public void OnOutlineWidthUpdate(BaseField field, object obj) { UpdateMaterials(); foreach (var counterpart in part.symmetryCounterparts) { var decal = counterpart.GetComponent(); decal.outlineWidth = outlineWidth; decal.UpdateMaterials(); } } public void OnBeforeSerialize() { fontName = _font.Name; style = (int) _style.FontStyle; vertical = _style.Vertical; lineSpacing = _style.LineSpacing; charSpacing = _style.CharSpacing; } public void OnAfterDeserialize() { _font = DecalConfig.GetFont(fontName); _style = new DecalTextStyle((FontStyles) style, vertical, lineSpacing, charSpacing); } public override void OnDestroy() { if (_currentText != null) TextRenderer.UnregisterText(_currentText); base.OnDestroy(); } protected override void OnDetach() { // close all UIs if (_textEntryController != null) _textEntryController.Close(); if (_fillColorPickerController != null) _fillColorPickerController.Close(); if (_outlineColorPickerController != null) _outlineColorPickerController.Close(); base.OnDetach(); } private void UpdateTextRecursive() { UpdateText(); foreach (var counterpart in part.symmetryCounterparts) { var decal = counterpart.GetComponent(); decal.text = text; decal._font = _font; decal._style = _style; decal._currentJob = _currentJob; decal._currentText = _currentText; decal.UpdateText(); } } private void UpdateText() { // Render text var newText = new DecalText(text, _font, _style); var output = TextRenderer.UpdateTextNow(_currentText, newText); _currentText = newText; UpdateTexture(output); // TODO: ASYNC RENDERING // var newText = new DecalText(text, _font, _style); // _currentJob = TextRenderer.UpdateText(_currentText, newText, UpdateTexture); // _currentText = newText; } public void UpdateTexture(TextRenderOutput output) { _decalTextureProperty.Texture = output.Texture; _decalTextureProperty.SetTile(output.Window); UpdateMaterials(); UpdateScale(); } protected override void UpdateMaterials() { _fillEnabledProperty.value = fillEnabled; _fillColorProperty.color = fillColor; _outlineEnabledProperty.value = outlineEnabled; _outlineColorProperty.color = outlineColor; _outlineWidthProperty.value = outlineWidth; base.UpdateMaterials(); } protected override void UpdateTweakables() { var fillEnabledField = Fields[nameof(fillEnabled)]; var fillColorEvent = Events["SetFillColor"]; var outlineEnabledField = Fields[nameof(outlineEnabled)]; var outlineWidthField = Fields[nameof(outlineWidth)]; var outlineColorEvent = Events["SetOutlineColor"]; fillColorEvent.guiActiveEditor = fillEnabled; outlineWidthField.guiActiveEditor = outlineEnabled; outlineColorEvent.guiActiveEditor = outlineEnabled; ((UI_Toggle) fillEnabledField.uiControlEditor).onFieldChanged = OnFillToggle; ((UI_Toggle) outlineEnabledField.uiControlEditor).onFieldChanged = OnOutlineToggle; ((UI_FloatRange) outlineWidthField.uiControlEditor).onFieldChanged = OnOutlineWidthUpdate; base.UpdateTweakables(); } } }