using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using ConformalDecals.MaterialModifiers; using ConformalDecals.Util; using UnityEngine; namespace ConformalDecals { public class ModuleConformalDecal : PartModule { // CONFIGURABLE VALUES /// /// Shader name. Should be one that supports decal projection. /// [KSPField] public string shader = "ConformalDecals/Paint/Diffuse"; /// /// Decal front transform name. Required /// [KSPField] public string decalFront = string.Empty; /// /// Decal back transform name. Required if is true. /// [KSPField] public string decalBack = string.Empty; /// /// Decal model transform name. Is rescaled to preview the decal scale when unattached. /// /// /// If unspecified, the decal front transform is used instead. /// [KSPField] public string decalModel = string.Empty; /// /// Decal projector transform name. The decal will project along the +Z axis of this transform. /// /// /// if unspecified, the part "model" transform will be used instead. /// [KSPField] public string decalProjector = string.Empty; // Parameters [KSPField] public bool scaleAdjustable = true; [KSPField] public float defaultScale = 1; [KSPField] public Vector2 scaleRange = new Vector2(0, 4); [KSPField] public bool depthAdjustable = true; [KSPField] public float defaultDepth = 0.1f; [KSPField] public Vector2 depthRange = new Vector2(0, 2); [KSPField] public bool opacityAdjustable = true; [KSPField] public float defaultOpacity = 1; [KSPField] public Vector2 opacityRange = new Vector2(0, 1); [KSPField] public bool cutoffAdjustable = true; [KSPField] public float defaultCutoff; [KSPField] public Vector2 cutoffRange = new Vector2(0, 1); [KSPField] public Rect tileRect = new Rect(-1, -1, 0, 0); [KSPField] public Vector2 tileSize; [KSPField] public int tileIndex = -1; /// /// Should the back material scale be updated automatically? /// [KSPField] public bool updateBackScale = true; /// /// Should the shader use the normal map of the part its projecting onto? Use only with "paint" shaders. /// [KSPField] public bool useBaseNormal = true; // INTERNAL VALUES /// /// Decal scale factor, in meters. /// [KSPField(guiName = "#LOC_ConformalDecals_gui-scale", guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true, isPersistant = true, guiFormat = "F2", guiUnits = "m"), UI_FloatRange(stepIncrement = 0.05f)] public float scale = 1.0f; /// /// Projection depth value for the decal projector, in meters. /// [KSPField(guiName = "#LOC_ConformalDecals_gui-depth", guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true, isPersistant = true, guiFormat = "F2", guiUnits = "m"), UI_FloatRange(stepIncrement = 0.02f)] public float depth = 0.2f; /// /// Opacity value for the decal shader. /// [KSPField(guiName = "#LOC_ConformalDecals_gui-opacity", guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true, isPersistant = true, guiFormat = "P0"), UI_FloatRange(stepIncrement = 0.05f)] public float opacity = 1.0f; /// /// Alpha cutoff value for the decal shader. /// [KSPField(guiName = "#LOC_ConformalDecals_gui-cutoff", guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true, isPersistant = true, guiFormat = "P0"), UI_FloatRange(stepIncrement = 0.05f)] public float cutoff = 0.5f; [KSPField] public MaterialPropertyCollection materialProperties; [KSPField] public Transform decalFrontTransform; [KSPField] public Transform decalBackTransform; [KSPField] public Transform decalModelTransform; [KSPField] public Transform decalProjectorTransform; [KSPField] public Material backMaterial; [KSPField] public Vector2 backTextureBaseScale; private const int DecalQueueMin = 2100; private const int DecalQueueMax = 2400; private static int _decalQueueCounter = -1; private List _targets; private bool _isAttached; private Matrix4x4 _orthoMatrix; private Material _decalMaterial; private Material _previewMaterial; private int DecalQueue { get { _decalQueueCounter++; if (_decalQueueCounter > DecalQueueMax || _decalQueueCounter < DecalQueueMin) { _decalQueueCounter = DecalQueueMin; } return _decalQueueCounter; } } /// public override void OnAwake() { base.OnAwake(); if (materialProperties == null) { materialProperties = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); } else { materialProperties = ScriptableObject.Instantiate(materialProperties); } } /// public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node) { this.Log("Loading module"); try { // SETUP TRANSFORMS // find front transform decalFrontTransform = part.FindModelTransform(decalFront); if (decalFrontTransform == null) throw new FormatException($"Could not find decalFront transform: '{decalFront}'."); // find back transform if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(decalBack)) { if (updateBackScale) { this.LogWarning("updateBackScale is true but has no specified decalBack transform!"); this.LogWarning("Setting updateBackScale to false."); updateBackScale = false; } } else { decalBackTransform = part.FindModelTransform(decalBack); if (decalBackTransform == null) throw new FormatException($"Could not find decalBack transform: '{decalBack}'."); } // find model transform if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(decalModel)) { decalModelTransform = decalFrontTransform; } else { decalModelTransform = part.FindModelTransform(decalModel); if (decalModelTransform == null) throw new FormatException($"Could not find decalModel transform: '{decalModel}'."); } // find projector transform if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(decalProjector)) { decalProjectorTransform = part.transform; } else { decalProjectorTransform = part.FindModelTransform(decalProjector); if (decalProjectorTransform == null) throw new FormatException($"Could not find decalProjector transform: '{decalProjector}'."); } // get back material if necessary if (updateBackScale) { this.Log("Getting material and base scale for back material"); var backRenderer = decalBackTransform.GetComponent(); if (backRenderer == null) { this.LogError($"Specified decalBack transform {decalBack} has no renderer attached! Setting updateBackScale to false."); updateBackScale = false; } else { backMaterial = backRenderer.material; if (backMaterial == null) { this.LogError($"Specified decalBack transform {decalBack} has a renderer but no material! Setting updateBackScale to false."); updateBackScale = false; } else { if (backTextureBaseScale == default) backTextureBaseScale = backMaterial.GetTextureScale(PropertyIDs._MainTex); } } } // PARSE MATERIAL PROPERTIES // set shader materialProperties.SetShader(shader); // add texture nodes foreach (var textureNode in node.GetNodes("TEXTURE")) { materialProperties.ParseProperty(textureNode); } // add float nodes foreach (var floatNode in node.GetNodes("FLOAT")) { materialProperties.ParseProperty(floatNode); } // add color nodes foreach (var colorNode in node.GetNodes("COLOR")) { materialProperties.ParseProperty(colorNode); } // handle texture tiling parameters if (tileRect.x >= 0) { materialProperties.UpdateTile(tileRect); } else if (tileIndex >= 0) { materialProperties.UpdateTile(tileIndex, tileSize); } // QUEUE PART FOR ICON FIXING IN VAB DecalIconFixer.QueuePart(; } catch (Exception e) { this.LogException("Exception parsing partmodule", e); } UpdateMaterials(); if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsGame) { UpdateScale(); } else { scale = defaultScale; depth = defaultDepth; opacity = defaultOpacity; cutoff = defaultCutoff; } } /// public override void OnIconCreate() { UpdateScale(); } /// public override void OnStart(StartState state) { this.Log("Starting module"); // handle tweakables if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) { GameEvents.onEditorPartEvent.Add(OnEditorEvent); GameEvents.onVariantApplied.Add(OnVariantApplied); UpdateTweakables(); } materialProperties.SetRenderQueue(DecalQueue); UpdateMaterials(); if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsGame) { // set initial attachment state if (part.parent == null) { OnDetach(); } else { OnAttach(); } } } public virtual void OnDestroy() { // remove GameEvents GameEvents.onEditorPartEvent.Remove(OnEditorEvent); GameEvents.onVariantApplied.Remove(OnVariantApplied); // remove from preCull delegate Camera.onPreCull -= Render; // destroy material properties object Destroy(materialProperties); } protected void OnSizeTweakEvent(BaseField field, object obj) { // scale or depth values have been changed, so update scale // and update projection matrices if attached UpdateScale(); foreach (var counterpart in part.symmetryCounterparts) { var decal = counterpart.GetComponent(); decal.UpdateScale(); } } protected void OnMaterialTweakEvent(BaseField field, object obj) { materialProperties.SetOpacity(opacity); materialProperties.SetCutoff(cutoff); foreach (var counterpart in part.symmetryCounterparts) { var decal = counterpart.GetComponent(); decal.materialProperties.SetOpacity(opacity); decal.materialProperties.SetCutoff(cutoff); } } protected void OnVariantApplied(Part eventPart, PartVariant variant) { if (_isAttached && eventPart == part.parent) { UpdateTargets(); } } protected void OnEditorEvent(ConstructionEventType eventType, Part eventPart) { if (this.part != eventPart && !part.symmetryCounterparts.Contains(eventPart)) return; switch (eventType) { case ConstructionEventType.PartAttached: OnAttach(); break; case ConstructionEventType.PartDetached: OnDetach(); break; case ConstructionEventType.PartOffsetting: case ConstructionEventType.PartRotating: break; } } protected void OnAttach() { if (part.parent == null) { this.LogError("Attach function called but part has no parent!"); _isAttached = false; return; } _isAttached = true; this.Log($"Decal attached to {part.parent.partName}"); // hide preview model decalFrontTransform.gameObject.SetActive(false); decalBackTransform.gameObject.SetActive(false); // add to preCull delegate Camera.onPreCull += Render; UpdateMaterials(); UpdateTargets(); UpdateScale(); } protected void OnDetach() { _isAttached = false; // unhide preview model decalFrontTransform.gameObject.SetActive(true); decalBackTransform.gameObject.SetActive(true); // remove from preCull delegate Camera.onPreCull -= Render; UpdateMaterials(); UpdateScale(); } protected void UpdateScale() { var aspectRatio = materialProperties.AspectRatio; var size = new Vector2(scale, scale * aspectRatio); // update material scale materialProperties.UpdateScale(size); if (_isAttached) { // update orthogonal matrix _orthoMatrix = Matrix4x4.identity; _orthoMatrix[0, 3] = 0.5f; _orthoMatrix[1, 3] = 0.5f; _orthoMatrix[0, 0] = 1 / size.x; _orthoMatrix[1, 1] = 1 / size.y; _orthoMatrix[2, 2] = 1 / depth; // update projection foreach (var target in _targets) { target.Project(_orthoMatrix, decalProjectorTransform, useBaseNormal); } } else { // rescale preview model decalModelTransform.localScale = new Vector3(size.x, size.y, (size.x + size.y) / 2); // update back material scale if (updateBackScale) { backMaterial.SetTextureScale(PropertyIDs._MainTex, new Vector2(size.x * backTextureBaseScale.x, size.y * backTextureBaseScale.y)); } } } protected void UpdateMaterials() { materialProperties.UpdateMaterials(); materialProperties.SetOpacity(opacity); materialProperties.SetCutoff(cutoff); _decalMaterial = materialProperties.DecalMaterial; _previewMaterial = materialProperties.PreviewMaterial; decalFrontTransform.GetComponent().material = _previewMaterial; } protected void UpdateTargets() { if (_targets == null) { _targets = new List(); } else { _targets.Clear(); } // find all valid renderers var renderers = part.parent.FindModelComponents(); foreach (var renderer in renderers) { // skip disabled renderers if (renderer.gameObject.activeInHierarchy == false) continue; // skip blacklisted shaders if (DecalConfig.IsBlacklisted(renderer.material.shader)) continue; var meshFilter = renderer.GetComponent(); if (meshFilter == null) continue; // object has a meshRenderer with no filter, invalid var mesh = meshFilter.mesh; if (mesh == null) continue; // object has a null mesh, invalid // create new ProjectionTarget to represent the renderer var target = new ProjectionTarget(renderer, mesh); // add the target to the list _targets.Add(target); } } protected void UpdateTweakables() { // setup tweakable fields var scaleField = Fields[nameof(scale)]; var depthField = Fields[nameof(depth)]; var opacityField = Fields[nameof(opacity)]; var cutoffField = Fields[nameof(cutoff)]; scaleField.guiActiveEditor = scaleAdjustable; depthField.guiActiveEditor = depthAdjustable; opacityField.guiActiveEditor = opacityAdjustable; cutoffField.guiActiveEditor = cutoffAdjustable; var steps = 20; if (scaleAdjustable) { var minValue = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Epsilon, scaleRange.x); var maxValue = Mathf.Max(minValue, scaleRange.y); var scaleEditor = (UI_FloatRange) scaleField.uiControlEditor; scaleEditor.minValue = minValue; scaleEditor.maxValue = maxValue; scaleEditor.stepIncrement = (maxValue - minValue) / steps; scaleEditor.onFieldChanged = OnSizeTweakEvent; } if (depthAdjustable) { var minValue = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Epsilon, depthRange.x); var maxValue = Mathf.Max(minValue, depthRange.y); var depthEditor = (UI_FloatRange) depthField.uiControlEditor; depthEditor.minValue = minValue; depthEditor.maxValue = maxValue; depthEditor.stepIncrement = (maxValue - minValue) / steps; depthEditor.onFieldChanged = OnSizeTweakEvent; } if (opacityAdjustable) { var minValue = Mathf.Max(0, opacityRange.x); var maxValue = Mathf.Max(minValue, opacityRange.y); maxValue = Mathf.Min(1, maxValue); var opacityEditor = (UI_FloatRange) opacityField.uiControlEditor; opacityEditor.minValue = minValue; opacityEditor.maxValue = maxValue; opacityEditor.stepIncrement = (maxValue - minValue) / steps; opacityEditor.onFieldChanged = OnMaterialTweakEvent; } if (cutoffAdjustable) { var minValue = Mathf.Max(0, cutoffRange.x); var maxValue = Mathf.Max(minValue, cutoffRange.y); maxValue = Mathf.Min(1, maxValue); var cutoffEditor = (UI_FloatRange) cutoffField.uiControlEditor; cutoffEditor.minValue = minValue; cutoffEditor.maxValue = maxValue; cutoffEditor.stepIncrement = (maxValue - minValue) / steps; cutoffEditor.onFieldChanged = OnMaterialTweakEvent; } } protected void Render(Camera camera) { if (!_isAttached) return; // render on each target object foreach (var target in _targets) { target.Render(_decalMaterial, part.mpb, camera); } } } }