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# Scripts
Python scripts for interacting with files
## Installation
All files require python3 to be installed.
`ddscompress`, `ddsdecompress` and `ddsck` require [ImageMagick]( and [Nvidia Texture Tools]( to be installed and available in your `$PATH`.
## Usage
usage: ` [-h] [--format {auto,DXT1,DXT5}] [--nomips] [--noflip] [--keep] [--convertcmd CMD] [--compresscmd CMD] [files ...]`
Converts any number of files to `.dds` format, automatically choosing dxt1 or dxt5 depending on if the source image has anything in its alpha channel. Designed to be used with a glob, e.g: ` *.png`
##### positional arguments:
* `files`: input texture files
3 years ago
##### optional arguments:
* `-h, --help `: show this help message and exit
* `--format {auto,DXT1,DXT5}`: output texture format (default: auto)
* `--nomips, -m`: Do not generate mipmaps
* `--noflip, -f`: Do not flip the image
* `--keep, -k`: Do not delete originals
* `--convertcmd CMD`: name of imagemagick's convert tool (default: `convert`)
* `--compresscmd CMD`: name of the nvidia dds compress tool (default: `nvcompress`)
3 years ago
3 years ago
usage: ` [-h] [--decompresscmd CMD] [files ...]`
Converts any number of files to `.tga` from `.dds`. Designed to be used with a glob, e.g: ` *.dds`
##### positional arguments:
* `files`: input dds files
##### optional arguments:
* `-h, --help`: show this help message and exit
* `--decompresscmd CMD`: name of the nvidia dds decompress tool (default: `nvdecompress`)
usage: ` [-h] [--transparency | --format] [--convertcmd CMD] [--infocmd CMD] [files ...]`
3 years ago
Checks any number of dds files for common issues, including formats not supported by KSP, and DXT5 textures that don't use the alpha channel. Designed to be used with a glob, e.g: ` *.dds`
##### positional arguments:
* `files`: input dds files
##### optional arguments:
* `-h, --help`: show this help message and exit
* `--transparency, -t`: Generate a list of files that fail the transparency check
* `--format, -f`: Generate a list of files that fail the format check
* `--convertcmd CMD`: name of imagemagick's convert tool (default: `convert`)
* `--infocmd CMD`: name of the nvidia dds info tool (default: `nvddsinfo`)