# Scripts Bash scripts for interacting with files ## Installation All files require bash to be installed (default location of `/bin/bash`). `convert2dds` and `dds2png` require [ImageMagick](https://imagemagick.org/index.php) and [Nvidia Texture Tools](https://github.com/HeliumProject/NvidiaTextureTools) to be installed and available in your `$PATH`. ## Usage ### convert2dds converts any number of files to `.dds` format, automatically choosing dxt1 or dxt5 depending on if the source image has anything in its alpha channel. Designed to be used with a glob, e.g: `convert2dds *.png` ### dds2png converts any number of files to `.png` from `.dds`. Designed to be used with a glob, e.g: `dds2png *.dds`