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from pillow_mbm.version import __version__
import struct
from PIL import Image, ImageFile
MAGIC = b'\x03KSP'
def _accept(prefix: bytes):
"""Check if a file is a MBM file"""
return prefix[:4] == MAGIC
class MBMImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
format = 'MBM'
format_description = 'Kerbal Space Program MBM image'
def _open(self):
"""Open an MBM file"""
magic =
if magic != MAGIC:
raise SyntaxError('not a MBM file')
width, height, bits = struct.unpack('<2I4xI',
self._size = (width, height)
if bits == 24:
self.mode = 'RGB'
elif bits == 32:
self.mode = 'RGBA'
raise SyntaxError('unknown number of bits')
self.tile = [('raw', (0, 0, width, height), 20, (self.mode, 0, 1))]
Image.register_open(MBMImageFile.format, MBMImageFile, _accept)
Image.register_extensions(MBMImageFile.format, ['.mbm'])