diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4b82ccd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +.vs/ +bin/ +obj/ diff --git a/Assets/blowfish/NormalMaps/mk2FuselageShort_height.psd b/Assets/blowfish/NormalMaps/mk2FuselageShort_height.psd new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9cd67651 Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/blowfish/NormalMaps/mk2FuselageShort_height.psd differ diff --git a/Assets/blowfish/license.txt b/Assets/blowfish/license.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e3ee94cb --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/blowfish/license.txt @@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ +Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International + +======================================================================= + +Creative Commons Corporation ("Creative Commons") is not a law firm and +does not provide legal services or legal advice. Distribution of +Creative Commons public licenses does not create a lawyer-client or +other relationship. 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b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-rcs-0625-1.mu new file mode 100644 index 00000000..82671f4b Binary files /dev/null and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-rcs-0625-1.mu differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-rcs-125-1.mu b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-rcs-125-1.mu new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6a6c5be6 Binary files /dev/null and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-rcs-125-1.mu differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-rcs-25-1.mu b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-rcs-25-1.mu new file mode 100644 index 00000000..94952687 Binary files /dev/null and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-rcs-25-1.mu differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-rcs-radial-1.mu b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-rcs-radial-1.mu new file mode 100644 index 00000000..63acb445 Binary files /dev/null and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-rcs-radial-1.mu differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-rcs-radial-2.mu b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-rcs-radial-2.mu new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e0da80b6 Binary files /dev/null and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-rcs-radial-2.mu differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-rcs-tank-1-n.tga b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-rcs-tank-1-n.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c6971ca3 Binary files /dev/null and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-rcs-tank-1-n.tga differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-rcs-tank-1.tga b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-rcs-tank-1.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4a33370f Binary files /dev/null and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-rcs-tank-1.tga differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-rcs-tank-2-n.tga b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-rcs-tank-2-n.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..df333275 Binary files /dev/null and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-rcs-tank-2-n.tga differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-rcs-tank-2.tga b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-rcs-tank-2.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4e19efcc Binary files /dev/null and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-rcs-tank-2.tga differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-variants-adapter-375-n.tga b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-variants-adapter-375-n.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c62616dd Binary files /dev/null and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-variants-adapter-375-n.tga differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-variants-adapter-375.tga b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-variants-adapter-375.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0227581d Binary files /dev/null and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-variants-adapter-375.tga differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-125-0625-1.mu b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-125-0625-1.mu index 8d3de138..9e2455f1 100644 Binary files a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-125-0625-1.mu and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-125-0625-1.mu differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-125-0625-2.mu b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-125-0625-2.mu index c8a70125..77c3d4fb 100644 Binary files a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-125-0625-2.mu and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-125-0625-2.mu differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-25-125-1-alt-n.tga b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-25-125-1-alt-n.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd7fdf2b Binary files /dev/null and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-25-125-1-alt-n.tga differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-25-125-1-alt.tga b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-25-125-1-alt.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c07743fb Binary files /dev/null and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-25-125-1-alt.tga differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-25-125-1.mu b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-25-125-1.mu index ff97152e..8d7c41ac 100644 Binary files a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-25-125-1.mu and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-25-125-1.mu differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-25-125-1.tga b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-25-125-1.tga index 897c5788..413fea28 100644 Binary files a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-25-125-1.tga and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-25-125-1.tga differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-25-125-2.mu b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-25-125-2.mu index e5625765..1eb09b53 100644 Binary files a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-25-125-2.mu and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-25-125-2.mu differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-125-1-n.tga b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-125-1-n.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f60c93df Binary files /dev/null and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-125-1-n.tga differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-125-1.mu b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-125-1.mu index 7e4eecd5..96a158b9 100644 Binary files a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-125-1.mu and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-125-1.mu differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-125-1.tga b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-125-1.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cac2cfac Binary files /dev/null and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-125-1.tga differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-125-2.mu b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-125-2.mu new file mode 100644 index 00000000..65e588aa Binary files /dev/null and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-125-2.mu differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-125-3.mu b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-125-3.mu new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ad9505ba Binary files /dev/null and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-125-3.mu differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-25-1-alt-b.tga b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-25-1-alt-b.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..632bca81 Binary files /dev/null and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-25-1-alt-b.tga differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-25-1-alt-n.tga b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-25-1-alt-n.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..906ed126 Binary files /dev/null and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-25-1-alt-n.tga differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-25-1-alt.tga b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-25-1-alt.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0edd4799 Binary files /dev/null and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-25-1-alt.tga differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-25-1.mu b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-25-1.mu index c299ea81..6925c18f 100644 Binary files a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-25-1.mu and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-25-1.mu differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Localization/en-us.cfg b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Localization/en-us.cfg index 4844f6ad..820978fe 100644 --- a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Localization/en-us.cfg +++ b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Localization/en-us.cfg @@ -38,5 +38,8 @@ Localization #LOC_Restock_variant-heat-shield-brown = Classic #LOC_Restock_variant-heat-shield-red = Unpainted + #LOC_Restock_variant-linear-rcs-pod = Podded + #LOC_Restock_variant-linear-rcs-bare = Bare + } } diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Aerodynamic/restock-aero-0625.cfg b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Aerodynamic/restock-aero-0625.cfg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2f471254 --- /dev/null +++ b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Aerodynamic/restock-aero-0625.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +// Patches applying art changes to 0.625m aerodynamic parts +// Contents: +// - Small Nose Cone (standardNoseCone) + +@PART[standardNoseCone] +{ + @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea) + + !mesh = DELETE + !MODEL {} + MODEL { + model = ReStock/Assets/Aero/restock-nosecone-0625-1 + } + +} diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Aerodynamic/restock-aero-125.cfg b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Aerodynamic/restock-aero-125.cfg index c8eee626..09441d3f 100644 --- a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Aerodynamic/restock-aero-125.cfg +++ b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Aerodynamic/restock-aero-125.cfg @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ // Patches applying art changes to 1.25m aerodynamic parts // Contents: // - Aerodynamic Nose Cone (noseCone) +// - Advanced Nose Cone - Type A (pointyNoseConeA) +// - Advanced Nose Cone - Type B (pointyNoseConeB) @PART[noseCone] { @@ -11,4 +13,228 @@ MODEL { model = ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-125-1 } + !MODULE[ModulePartVariants] {} + MODULE + { + name = ModulePartVariants + baseVariant = BlackAndWhite + VARIANT + { + name = BlackAndWhite + displayName = #autoLOC_8007122 + themeName = BlackAndWhite + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #000000 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 125mConeBlackWhite = true + 125mConeWhite = false + 125mConeDark = false + 125mConeOrange = false + } + } + + VARIANT + { + name = Dark + displayName = #autoLOC_8007117 + themeName = Dark + primaryColor = #4c4f47 + secondaryColor = #4c4f47 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 125mConeBlackWhite = false + 125mConeWhite = false + 125mConeDark = true + 125mConeOrange = false + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = White + displayName = #autoLOC_8007119 + themeName = White + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #ffffff + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 125mConeBlackWhite = false + 125mConeWhite = true + 125mConeDark = false + 125mConeOrange = false + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = Orange + displayName = #autoLOC_8007121 + themeName = Orange + primaryColor = #4c4f47 + secondaryColor = #f49841 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 125mConeBlackWhite = false + 125mConeWhite = false + 125mConeDark = false + 125mConeOrange = true + } + } + } +} + +@PART[pointyNoseConeA] +{ + @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea) + + !mesh = DELETE + !MODEL {} + MODEL { + model = ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-125-2 + } + !MODULE[ModulePartVariants] {} + MODULE + { + name = ModulePartVariants + baseVariant = White + VARIANT + { + name = White + displayName = #autoLOC_8007119 + themeName = White + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #ffffff + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 125SharpConeDark = false + 125SharpConeWhite = true + 125SharpConeBlackWhite = false + 125SharpConeOrange = false + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = BlackAndWhite + displayName = #autoLOC_8007122 + themeName = BlackAndWhite + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #000000 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 125SharpConeDark = false + 125SharpConeWhite = false + 125SharpConeBlackWhite = true + 125SharpConeOrange = false + + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = Orange + displayName = #autoLOC_8007121 + themeName = Orange + primaryColor = #4c4f47 + secondaryColor = #f49841 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 125SharpConeDark = false + 125SharpConeWhite = false + 125SharpConeBlackWhite = false + 125SharpConeOrange = true + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = Dark + displayName = #autoLOC_8007117 + themeName = Dark + primaryColor = #4c4f47 + secondaryColor = #4c4f47 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 125SharpConeDark = true + 125SharpConeWhite = false + 125SharpConeBlackWhite = false + 125SharpConeOrange = false + } + } + } + !MODULE[ModuleAnimateHeat] {} +} + +@PART[pointyNoseConeB] +{ + @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea) + + !mesh = DELETE + !MODEL {} + MODEL { + model = ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-125-3 + } + !MODULE[ModulePartVariants] {} + MODULE + { + name = ModulePartVariants + baseVariant = White + VARIANT + { + name = White + displayName = #autoLOC_8007119 + themeName = White + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #ffffff + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 125mBentConeDark = false + 125mBentConeWhite = true + 125mBentConeBlackandWhite = false + 125mBentConeOrange = false + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = BlackAndWhite + displayName = #autoLOC_8007122 + themeName = BlackAndWhite + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #000000 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 125mBentConeDark = false + 125mBentConeWhite = false + 125mBentConeBlackandWhite = true + 125mBentConeOrange = false + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = Orange + displayName = #autoLOC_8007121 + themeName = Orange + primaryColor = #4c4f47 + secondaryColor = #f49841 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 125mBentConeDark = false + 125mBentConeWhite = false + 125mBentConeBlackandWhite = false + 125mBentConeOrange = true + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = Dark + displayName = #autoLOC_8007117 + themeName = Dark + primaryColor = #4c4f47 + secondaryColor = #4c4f47 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 125mBentConeDark = true + 125mBentConeWhite = false + 125mBentConeBlackandWhite = false + 125mBentConeOrange = false + } + } + } + !MODULE[ModuleAnimateHeat] {} } diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Aerodynamic/restock-aero-25.cfg b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Aerodynamic/restock-aero-25.cfg index 58f0b28f..c2de8a5c 100644 --- a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Aerodynamic/restock-aero-25.cfg +++ b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Aerodynamic/restock-aero-25.cfg @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ // Patches applying art changes to 2.5m aerodynamic parts // Contents: -// - Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk7 (rocketNoseCone) +// - Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk7 (rocketNoseCone_v2) -@PART[rocketNoseCone] +@PART[rocketNoseCone_v2] { @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea) @@ -11,4 +11,54 @@ MODEL { model = ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-nosecone-25-1 } + !MODULE[ModulePartVariants] {} + MODULE + { + name = ModulePartVariants + baseVariant = White + VARIANT + { + name = White + displayName = #autoLOC_8007119 + themeName = White + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #ffffff + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 25mNoseconeBlackWhite = false + 25mNoseconeWhite = true + 25mNoseconeOrange = false + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = BlackAndWhite + displayName = #autoLOC_8007122 + themeName = BlackAndWhite + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #000000 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 25mNoseconeBlackWhite = true + 25mNoseconeWhite = false + 25mNoseconeOrange = false + } + + } + + VARIANT + { + name = Orange + displayName = #autoLOC_8007121 + themeName = Orange + primaryColor = #4c4f47 + secondaryColor = #f49841 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 25mNoseconeBlackWhite = false + 25mNoseconeWhite = false + 25mNoseconeOrange = true + } + } + } } diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Electrical/restock-lights.cfg b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Electrical/restock-lights.cfg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..428909ce --- /dev/null +++ b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Electrical/restock-lights.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +// Patches applying art changes to lights +// Contents: +// - Illuminator Mk1 (spotLight1) +// - Illuminator Mk2 (spotLight2) + +// Spotlight +@PART[spotLight1] +{ + @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea) + !mesh = DELETE + !MODEL,* {} + MODEL + { + model = ReStock/Assets/Electrical/restock-light-spot-1 + position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 + scale = 1,1,1 + rotation = 0, 0, 0 + } + + @MODULE[ModuleLight] + { + @animationName = RestockSpotLight_On + @lightName = Spot + } + +} +// Floodlight +@PART[spotLight2] +{ + @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea) + !mesh = DELETE + !MODEL,* {} + MODEL + { + model = ReStock/Assets/Electrical/restock-light-flood-1 + position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 + scale = 1,1,1 + rotation = 0, 0, 0 + } + @MODULE[ModuleLight] + { + @animationName = RestockFloodLight_On + @lightName = Spot + } +} diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Engine/restock-engines-ion-0625.cfg b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Engine/restock-engines-ion-0625.cfg index 944fc440..7173a269 100644 --- a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Engine/restock-engines-ion-0625.cfg +++ b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Engine/restock-engines-ion-0625.cfg @@ -67,909 +67,3 @@ jettisonDirection = 0 0 1 } } - -// Spider -@PART[radialEngineMini] -{ - @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea) - - !mesh = DELETE - !MODEL {} - MODEL { - model = ReStock/Assets/Engine/restock-engine-spider-1 - } - !EFFECTS {} - EFFECTS - { - engage - { - AUDIO - { - channel = Ship - clip = sound_vent_soft - volume = 1.0 - pitch = 2.0 - loop = false - } - } - flameout - { - PREFAB_PARTICLE - { - prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2 - transformName = thrustTransform - oneShot = true - } - AUDIO - { - channel = Ship - clip = sound_explosion_low - volume = 1.0 - pitch = 2.0 - loop = false - } - } - fx-spider-running - { - AUDIO - { - channel = Ship - clip = sound_rocket_mini - volume = 0.0 0.0 - volume = 1.0 0.3 - pitch = 0.0 0.75 - pitch = 1.0 1.5 - loop = true - } - - MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE - { - name = core - modelName = ReStock/FX/restock-fx-ant-1 - transformName = fxTransform - emission = 0.0 0.0 - emission = 0.01 0.1 - emission = 0.075 0.25 - emission = 1.0 1.0 - speed = 0.0 0.35 - speed = 1.0 1.0 - } - } - } - @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] - { - @runningEffectName = fx-spider-running - } - @MODULE[ModuleGimbal] - { - @gimbalTransformName = B_Gimbal - } - MODULE - { - name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = CylTop001 - rotatorsName = Cyl001 - } - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = CylTop002 - rotatorsName = Cyl002 - } - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = Cyl001 - rotatorsName = CylTop001 - } - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = Cyl002 - rotatorsName = CylTop002 - } - } - !MODULE[FXModuleAnimateThrottle] {} - MODULE - { - name = FXModuleThrottleEffects - fxModuleNames = heatColor - responseSpeed = 0.005 - dependOnEngineState = True - dependOnThrottle = True - } - MODULE - { - name = FXModuleThrottleEffects - fxModuleNames = throttleColor - responseSpeed = 1.0 - dependOnEngineState = True - dependOnThrottle = True - } - - MODULE - { - name = ModuleColorChanger - moduleID = heatColor - animRate = 0.05 - shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor - excludedRenderer = EngineCore - toggleInEditor = false - toggleInFlight = false - redCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - greenCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - blueCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - alphaCurve - { - key = 0 0 - key = 1 1 - } - } - MODULE - { - name = ModuleColorChanger - moduleID = throttleColor - animRate = 1 - shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor - includedRenderer = EngineCore - toggleInEditor = false - toggleInFlight = false - redCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - greenCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - blueCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - alphaCurve - { - key = 0 0 - key = 1 1 - } - } -} - -// Spark -@PART[liquidEngineMini] -{ - @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea) - - !mesh = DELETE - !MODEL {} - MODEL { - model = ReStock/Assets/Engine/restock-engine-spark-1 - } - %node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3 - @attachRules = 1,1,1,0,0 - !EFFECTS {} - EFFECTS - { - engage - { - AUDIO - { - channel = Ship - clip = sound_vent_medium - volume = 1.0 - pitch = 2.0 - loop = false - } - } - disengage - { - AUDIO - { - channel = Ship - clip = sound_vent_soft - loop = false - } - } - flameout - { - PREFAB_PARTICLE - { - prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2 - transformName = thrustTransform - oneShot = true - } - AUDIO - { - channel = Ship - clip = sound_explosion_low - volume = 1.0 - pitch = 2.0 - loop = false - } - } - fx-spark-running - { - AUDIO - { - channel = Ship - clip = sound_rocket_mini - volume = 0.0 0.0 - volume = 1.0 1.0 - pitch = 0.0 0.75 - pitch = 1.0 0.95 - loop = true - } - - MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE - { - name = core - modelName = ReStock/FX/restock-fx-spark-core-1 - transformName = fxTransformCore - emission = 0.0 0.0 - emission = 0.01 0.1 - emission = 0.075 0.25 - emission = 1.0 1.0 - speed = 0.0 0.35 - speed = 1.0 1.0 - } - MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE - { - name = plume - modelName = ReStock/FX/restock-fx-spark-plume-1 - transformName = fxTransformPlume - emission = 0.0 0.0 - emission = 0.01 0.1 - emission = 0.075 0.25 - emission = 1.0 1.0 - speed = 0.0 0.35 - speed = 1.0 1.0 - } - MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE - { - name = turbo - modelName = ReStock/FX/restock-fx-spark-turbo-1 - transformName = fxTransformTurbo - emission = 0.0 0.0 - emission = 0.01 0.1 - emission = 0.075 0.25 - emission = 1.0 1.0 - speed = 0.0 0.35 - speed = 1.0 1.0 - } - } - } - MODULE - { - name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint - - // Basic - - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = CylBot001 - rotatorsName = CylTop001 - } - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = CylBot002 - rotatorsName = CylTop002 - } - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = CylTop001 - rotatorsName = CylBot001 - } - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = CylTop002 - rotatorsName = CylBot002 - } - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = CylBot003 - rotatorsName = CylTop003 - } - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = CylBot004 - rotatorsName = CylTop004 - } - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = CylTop003 - rotatorsName = CylBot003 - } - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = CylTop004 - rotatorsName = CylBot004 - } - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = CylBot005 - rotatorsName = CylTop005 - } - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = CylBot006 - rotatorsName = CylTop006 - } - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = CylTop005 - rotatorsName = CylBot005 - } - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = CylTop006 - rotatorsName = CylBot006 - } - - } - @MODULE[ModuleGimbal] - { - @gimbalTransformName = B_Gimbal - } - MODULE - { - name = ModulePartVariants - baseVariant = Size0 - VARIANT - { - name = Size0 - displayName = #LOC_Restock_variant-engine_size0 - primaryColor = #999999 - secondaryColor = #da8544 - GAMEOBJECTS - { - SparkBasic = true - CylBot001 = false - CylBot002 = false - CylBot003 = true - CylBot004 = true - CylBot005 = false - CylBot006 = false - SparkCompact = false - SparkBoattail = false - AdditionalColliders = false - } - } - VARIANT - { - name = Boattail - displayName = #LOC_Restock_variant-engine_boattail - primaryColor = #da8544 - secondaryColor = #999999 - GAMEOBJECTS - { - SparkBasic = false - CylBot001 = false - CylBot002 = false - CylBot003 = false - CylBot004 = false - CylBot005 = true - CylBot006 = true - SparkCompact = false - SparkBoattail = true - AdditionalColliders = true - } - - } - VARIANT - { - name = Compact - displayName = #LOC_Restock_variant-engine_compact - primaryColor = #999999 - secondaryColor = #555555 - GAMEOBJECTS - { - SparkBasic = false - CylBot001 = true - CylBot002 = true - CylBot003 = false - CylBot004 = false - CylBot005 = false - CylBot006 = false - SparkCompact = true - SparkBoattail = false - AdditionalColliders = true - - } - } - } - @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] - { - %runningEffectName = fx-spark-running - } - !MODULE[FXModuleAnimateThrottle] {} - MODULE - { - name = FXModuleThrottleEffects - fxModuleNames = heatColor - responseSpeed = 0.005 - dependOnEngineState = True - dependOnThrottle = True - } - MODULE - { - name = FXModuleThrottleEffects - fxModuleNames = throttleColor - responseSpeed = 1.0 - dependOnEngineState = True - dependOnThrottle = True - } - - MODULE - { - name = ModuleColorChanger - moduleID = heatColor - animRate = 0.0005 - shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor - excludedRenderer = EngineCore - toggleInEditor = false - toggleInFlight = false - redCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - greenCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - blueCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - alphaCurve - { - key = 0 0 - key = 1 1 - } - } - MODULE - { - name = ModuleColorChanger - moduleID = throttleColor - animRate = 1 - shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor - includedRenderer = EngineCore - toggleInEditor = false - toggleInFlight = false - redCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - greenCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - blueCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - alphaCurve - { - key = 0 0 - key = 1 1 - } - } - @MODULE[ModuleJettison] - { - @jettisonName = ShroudSparkBasic - } -} - -// Twitch -@PART[smallRadialEngine] -{ - @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea) - - !mesh = DELETE - !MODEL {} - MODEL { - model = ReStock/Assets/Engine/restock-engine-twitch-1 - } - !EFFECTS {} - EFFECTS - { - engage - { - AUDIO - { - channel = Ship - clip = sound_vent_medium - volume = 1.0 - pitch = 2.0 - loop = false - } - } - disengage - { - AUDIO - { - channel = Ship - clip = sound_vent_soft - loop = false - } - } - flameout - { - PREFAB_PARTICLE - { - prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2 - transformName = thrustTransform - oneShot = true - } - AUDIO - { - channel = Ship - clip = sound_explosion_low - volume = 1.0 - pitch = 2.0 - loop = false - } - } - fx-twitch-running - { - AUDIO - { - channel = Ship - clip = sound_rocket_mini - volume = 0.0 0.0 - volume = 1.0 1.0 - pitch = 0.0 0.8 - pitch = 1.0 1.0 - loop = true - } - MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE - { - name = turbo - modelName = ReStock/FX/restock-fx-spark-turbo-1 - transformName = fxTransformTurbo - emission = 0.0 0.0 - emission = 0.01 0.1 - emission = 0.075 0.25 - emission = 1.0 1.0 - speed = 0.0 0.35 - speed = 1.0 1.0 - } - MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE - { - name = core - modelName = ReStock/FX/restock-fx-spark-core-1 - transformName = fxTransformCore - emission = 0.0 0.0 - emission = 0.01 0.1 - emission = 0.075 0.25 - emission = 1.0 1.0 - speed = 0.0 0.35 - speed = 1.0 1.0 - } - MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE - { - name = plume - modelName = ReStock/FX/restock-fx-spark-plume-1 - transformName = fxTransformPlume - emission = 0.0 0.0 - emission = 0.01 0.1 - emission = 0.075 0.25 - emission = 1.0 1.0 - speed = 0.0 0.35 - speed = 1.0 1.0 - } - } - } - MODULE - { - name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint - - // Ringed - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = CyBotRad001 - rotatorsName = CylTopRad001 - } - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = CyBotRad002 - rotatorsName = CylTopRad002 - } - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = CylTopRad001 - rotatorsName = CyBotRad001 - } - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = CylTopRad002 - rotatorsName = CyBotRad002 - } - } - @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] - { - runningEffectName = fx-twitch-running - } - @MODULE[ModuleGimbal] - { - @gimbalTransformName = B_Gimbal - } - !MODULE[FXModuleAnimateThrottle] {} - MODULE - { - name = FXModuleThrottleEffects - fxModuleNames = heatColor - responseSpeed = 0.005 - dependOnEngineState = True - dependOnThrottle = True - } - MODULE - { - name = FXModuleThrottleEffects - fxModuleNames = throttleColor - responseSpeed = 1.0 - dependOnEngineState = True - dependOnThrottle = True - } - - MODULE - { - name = ModuleColorChanger - moduleID = heatColor - animRate = 0.05 - shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor - excludedRenderer = EngineCore - toggleInEditor = false - toggleInFlight = false - redCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - greenCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - blueCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - alphaCurve - { - key = 0 0 - key = 1 1 - } - } - MODULE - { - name = ModuleColorChanger - moduleID = throttleColor - animRate = 1 - shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor - includedRenderer = EngineCore - toggleInEditor = false - toggleInFlight = false - redCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - greenCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - blueCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - alphaCurve - { - key = 0 0 - key = 1 1 - } - } - -} - -// Puff -@PART[omsEngine] -{ - @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea) - - !mesh = DELETE - !MODEL {} - MODEL { - model = ReStock/Assets/Engine/restock-engine-puff-1 - } - !EFFECTS {} - EFFECTS - { - engage - { - AUDIO - { - channel = Ship - clip = sound_vent_soft - volume = 1.0 - pitch = 2.0 - loop = false - } - } - flameout - { - PREFAB_PARTICLE - { - prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2 - transformName = thrustTransform - oneShot = true - } - AUDIO - { - channel = Ship - clip = sound_explosion_low - volume = 1.0 - pitch = 2.0 - loop = false - } - } - fx-puff-running - { - AUDIO - { - channel = Ship - clip = sound_rocket_mini - volume = 0.0 0.0 - volume = 1.0 0.5 - pitch = 0.0 0.5 - pitch = 1.0 1.0 - loop = true - } - - MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE - { - name = plume - modelName = ReStock/FX/restock-fx-puff-1 - transformName = fxTransform - emission = 0.0 0.0 - emission = 0.01 0.1 - emission = 0.075 0.25 - emission = 1.0 1.0 - speed = 0.0 0.35 - speed = 1.0 1.0 - } - } - } - - MODULE - { - name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint - - // Ringed - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = Cyl005 - rotatorsName = CylTop005 - } - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = Cyl006 - rotatorsName = CylTop006 - } - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = CylTop005 - rotatorsName = Cyl005 - } - CONSTRAINLOOKFX - { - targetName = CylTop006 - rotatorsName = Cyl006 - } - - } - @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] - { - @runningEffectName = fx-puff-running - } - - !MODULE[FXModuleAnimateThrottle] {} - MODULE - { - name = FXModuleThrottleEffects - fxModuleNames = heatColor - responseSpeed = 0.005 - dependOnEngineState = True - dependOnThrottle = True - } - MODULE - { - name = FXModuleThrottleEffects - fxModuleNames = throttleColor - responseSpeed = 1.0 - dependOnEngineState = True - dependOnThrottle = True - } - - MODULE - { - name = ModuleColorChanger - moduleID = heatColor - animRate = 0.05 - shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor - excludedRenderer = EngineCore - toggleInEditor = false - toggleInFlight = false - redCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - greenCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - blueCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - alphaCurve - { - key = 0 0 - key = 1 1 - } - } - MODULE - { - name = ModuleColorChanger - moduleID = throttleColor - animRate = 1 - shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor - includedRenderer = EngineCore - toggleInEditor = false - toggleInFlight = false - redCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - greenCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - blueCurve - { - key = 0 1 - key = 1 1 - } - alphaCurve - { - key = 0 0 - key = 1 1 - } - } -} diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Engine/restock-engines-liquid-0625.cfg b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Engine/restock-engines-liquid-0625.cfg index 8e87e9df..1534f44b 100644 --- a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Engine/restock-engines-liquid-0625.cfg +++ b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Engine/restock-engines-liquid-0625.cfg @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ // Contents: // - LV-1 "Ant" Liquid Fuel Engine (microEngine) // - LV-1R "Spider" Liquid Fuel Engine (radialEngineMini) -// - 48-7S "Spark" Liquid Fuel Engine (liquidEngineMini) +// - 48-7S "Spark" Liquid Fuel Engine (liquidEngineMini_v2) // - 24-77 "Twitch" Liquid Fuel Engine (smallRadialEngine) // - O-10 "Puff" MonoPropellant Fuel Engine (omsEngine) @@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ } // Spark -@PART[liquidEngineMini] +@PART[liquidEngineMini_v2] { @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea) @@ -524,6 +524,7 @@ { @gimbalTransformName = B_Gimbal } + !MODULE[ModulePartVariants] {} MODULE { name = ModulePartVariants diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Engine/restock-engines-liquid-125.cfg b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Engine/restock-engines-liquid-125.cfg index 8bb3ecbf..704b3572 100644 --- a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Engine/restock-engines-liquid-125.cfg +++ b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Engine/restock-engines-liquid-125.cfg @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ // Contents: // - LV-N "Nerv" Atomic Rocket Motor (nuclearEngine) // - S3 KS-25 "Vector" Liquid Fuel Engine (SSME) -// - LV-909 "Terrier" Liquid Fuel Engine (liquidEngine3) +// - LV-909 "Terrier" Liquid Fuel Engine (liquidEngine3_v2) // - LV-T45 "Swivel" Liquid Fuel Engine (liquidEngine2) // - LV-T30 "Reliant" Liquid Fuel Engine (liquidEngine) @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea) !mesh = DELETE - !MODEL = {} + !MODEL {} MODEL { model = ReStock/Assets/Engine/restock-engine-nerv-1 } @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea) !mesh = DELETE - !MODEL = {} + !MODEL {} MODEL { model = ReStock/Assets/Engine/restock-engine-vector-1 } @@ -433,18 +433,17 @@ // Terrier -@PART[liquidEngine3] +@PART[liquidEngine3_v2] { @author = Porkjet and Chris Adderley (Nertea) !mesh = DELETE - !MODEL = {} + !MODEL {} MODEL { model = ReStock/Assets/Engine/restock-engine-terrier-1 } - %rescaleFactor = 1 - %node_attach = 0.0, 23.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 + node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 @attachRules = 1,1,1,0,0 !fx_exhaustFlame_blue = DELETE @@ -521,8 +520,9 @@ } @bulkheadProfiles = srf, size1 - @node_stack_top = 0.0, 28.75, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 - @node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -47.281375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1 + + !MODULE[ModulePartVariants] {} + MODULE { name = ModulePartVariants diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Engine/restock-engines-rcs.cfg b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Engine/restock-engines-rcs.cfg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4d1f557f --- /dev/null +++ b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Engine/restock-engines-rcs.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +// Patches applying art changes to RCS blocks +// Contents: +// - RV-105 RCS Thruster Block (RCSBlock) +// - Place-Anywhere 7 Linear RCS Port (linearRcs) + +// RCS block +@PART[RCSBlock] +{ + @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea) + + !mesh = DELETE + !MODEL {} + MODEL { + model = ReStock/Assets/Control/restock-rcs-block-1 + } +} + +// Linear RCS port +@PART[linearRcs] +{ + @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea) + + !mesh = DELETE + !MODEL {} + MODEL { + model = ReStock/Assets/Control/restock-rcs-linear-1 + } + + MODULE + { + name = ModulePartVariants + baseVariant = Pod + VARIANT + { + name = Pod + displayName = #LOC_Restock_variant-linear-rcs-pod + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #ffffff + GAMEOBJECTS + { + RCSLinear = true + RCSLinearBase = false + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = Bare + displayName = #LOC_Restock_variant-linear-rcs-bare + + primaryColor = #999999 + secondaryColor = #999999 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + RCSLinear = false + RCSLinearBase = true + } + } + } + +} diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Engine/restock-engines-srb-125.cfg b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Engine/restock-engines-srb-125.cfg index 425c3f18..da2b3475 100644 --- a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Engine/restock-engines-srb-125.cfg +++ b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Engine/restock-engines-srb-125.cfg @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ // Patches applying art changes to 1.25m SRB engines // Contents: -// - Kickback (MassiveBooster) -// - Thumper (solidBooster1-1) -// - Hammer (solidBooster) -// - Flea (solidBooster_sm_v2) +// - S1 SRB-KD25k "Kickback" Solid Fuel Booster (MassiveBooster) +// - BACC "Thumper" Solid Fuel Booster (solidBooster1-1) +// - RT-10 "Hammer" Solid Fuel Booster (solidBooster_v2) +// - RT-5 "Flea" Solid Fuel Booster (solidBooster_sm_v2) // - Separatron I (sepMotor1) // Kickback @@ -426,6 +426,10 @@ } } } + @MODULE[ModuleJettison] + { + @jettisonName = ShroudSRB + } } // Flea @@ -566,6 +570,10 @@ } } } + @MODULE[ModuleJettison] + { + @jettisonName = ShroudSRB + } } // Separatron @PART[sepMotor1] { diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/FuelTank/restock-fueltanks-125.cfg b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/FuelTank/restock-fueltanks-125.cfg index 5dee4da7..15d0bde8 100644 --- a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/FuelTank/restock-fueltanks-125.cfg +++ b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/FuelTank/restock-fueltanks-125.cfg @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ @PART[fuelTankSmallFlat] { - @author = Porkjet + @author = Porkjet and Chris Adderley (Nertea) !mesh = DELETE !MODEL {} @@ -15,11 +15,72 @@ model = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-4 } !MODULE[ModulePartVariants] {} + MODULE + { + name = ModulePartVariants + baseVariant = BlackAndWhite + VARIANT + { + name = Dark + displayName = #autoLOC_8007117 + themeName = Dark + primaryColor = #4c4f47 + secondaryColor = #4c4f47 + TEXTURE + { + mainTextureURL = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-dark + _BumpMap = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-n + shader = KSP/Bumped Specular + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = BlackAndWhite + displayName = #autoLOC_8007122 + themeName = BlackAndWhite + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #000000 + TEXTURE + { + mainTextureURL = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1 + _BumpMap = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-n + shader = KSP/Bumped Specular + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = White + displayName = #autoLOC_8007119 + themeName = White + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #ffffff + TEXTURE + { + mainTextureURL = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-white + _BumpMap = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-n + shader = KSP/Specular + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = GrayAndOrange + displayName = #autoLOC_8007121 + themeName = GrayAndOrange + primaryColor = #4c4f47 + secondaryColor = #f49841 + TEXTURE + { + mainTextureURL = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-orange + _BumpMap = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-n + shader = KSP/Specular + } + } + } } @PART[fuelTankSmall] { - @author = Porkjet + @author = Porkjet and Chris Adderley (Nertea) // @node_stack_top = 0.0, 5.5525, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 // @node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -5.5525, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 // @node_attach = 6.2625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1 @@ -30,11 +91,72 @@ } %rescaleFactor = 1 !MODULE[ModulePartVariants] {} + MODULE + { + name = ModulePartVariants + baseVariant = BlackAndWhite + VARIANT + { + name = Dark + displayName = #autoLOC_8007117 + themeName = Dark + primaryColor = #4c4f47 + secondaryColor = #4c4f47 + TEXTURE + { + mainTextureURL = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-dark + _BumpMap = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-n + shader = KSP/Bumped Specular + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = BlackAndWhite + displayName = #autoLOC_8007122 + themeName = BlackAndWhite + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #000000 + TEXTURE + { + mainTextureURL = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1 + _BumpMap = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-n + shader = KSP/Bumped Specular + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = White + displayName = #autoLOC_8007119 + themeName = White + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #ffffff + TEXTURE + { + mainTextureURL = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-white + _BumpMap = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-n + shader = KSP/Specular + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = GrayAndOrange + displayName = #autoLOC_8007121 + themeName = GrayAndOrange + primaryColor = #4c4f47 + secondaryColor = #f49841 + TEXTURE + { + mainTextureURL = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-orange + _BumpMap = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-n + shader = KSP/Specular + } + } + } } @PART[fuelTank] { - @author = Porkjet + @author = Porkjet and Chris Adderley (Nertea) !mesh = DELETE !MODEL {} @@ -43,6 +165,67 @@ } %rescaleFactor = 1 !MODULE[ModulePartVariants] {} + MODULE + { + name = ModulePartVariants + baseVariant = BlackAndWhite + VARIANT + { + name = Dark + displayName = #autoLOC_8007117 + themeName = Dark + primaryColor = #4c4f47 + secondaryColor = #4c4f47 + TEXTURE + { + mainTextureURL = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-dark + _BumpMap = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-n + shader = KSP/Bumped Specular + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = BlackAndWhite + displayName = #autoLOC_8007122 + themeName = BlackAndWhite + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #000000 + TEXTURE + { + mainTextureURL = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1 + _BumpMap = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-n + shader = KSP/Bumped Specular + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = White + displayName = #autoLOC_8007119 + themeName = White + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #ffffff + TEXTURE + { + mainTextureURL = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-white + _BumpMap = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-n + shader = KSP/Specular + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = GrayAndOrange + displayName = #autoLOC_8007121 + themeName = GrayAndOrange + primaryColor = #4c4f47 + secondaryColor = #f49841 + TEXTURE + { + mainTextureURL = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-orange + _BumpMap = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-n + shader = KSP/Specular + } + } + } // @node_stack_top = 0.0, 9.81725, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 // @node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -9.12500, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 // @node_attach = 6.2625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1 @@ -50,7 +233,7 @@ @PART[fuelTank_long] { - @author = Porkjet + @author = Porkjet and Chris Adderley (Nertea) // @node_stack_top = 0.0, 18.75, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 // @node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -18.87500, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 // @node_attach = 6.2625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1 @@ -60,5 +243,66 @@ model = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1 } !MODULE[ModulePartVariants] {} + MODULE + { + name = ModulePartVariants + baseVariant = BlackAndWhite + VARIANT + { + name = Dark + displayName = #autoLOC_8007117 + themeName = Dark + primaryColor = #4c4f47 + secondaryColor = #4c4f47 + TEXTURE + { + mainTextureURL = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-dark + _BumpMap = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-n + shader = KSP/Bumped Specular + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = BlackAndWhite + displayName = #autoLOC_8007122 + themeName = BlackAndWhite + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #000000 + TEXTURE + { + mainTextureURL = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1 + _BumpMap = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-n + shader = KSP/Bumped Specular + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = White + displayName = #autoLOC_8007119 + themeName = White + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #ffffff + TEXTURE + { + mainTextureURL = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-white + _BumpMap = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-n + shader = KSP/Specular + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = GrayAndOrange + displayName = #autoLOC_8007121 + themeName = GrayAndOrange + primaryColor = #4c4f47 + secondaryColor = #f49841 + TEXTURE + { + mainTextureURL = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-orange + _BumpMap = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-125-1-n + shader = KSP/Specular + } + } + } %rescaleFactor = 1 } diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/FuelTank/restock-fueltanks-25.cfg b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/FuelTank/restock-fueltanks-25.cfg index e4e48488..e96e2394 100644 --- a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/FuelTank/restock-fueltanks-25.cfg +++ b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/FuelTank/restock-fueltanks-25.cfg @@ -26,31 +26,18 @@ scale = 1,-1,1 rotation = 0, 0, 0 } - @MODULE[ModulePartVariants] - { - baseVariant = White - !primaryColor = DELETE - !secondaryColor = DELETE - !baseDisplayName = DELETE - !baseThemeName = DELETE - @VARIANT[Orange] - { - !TEXTURE {} - !GAMEOBJECTS {} - GAMEOBJECTS - { - 25TankTinyGrey = false - 25TankTinyOrange = true - 25TankTinyWhite = false - } - } + !MODULE[ModulePartVariants] {} + MODULE + { + name = ModulePartVariants + baseVariant = BlackAndWhite VARIANT { - name = White + name = BlackAndWhite displayName = #autoLOC_8007122 - themeName = BlackAndWhite - primaryColor = #ffffff - secondaryColor = #000000 + themeName = White + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #000000 GAMEOBJECTS { 25TankTinyGrey = false @@ -58,6 +45,21 @@ 25TankTinyWhite = true } } + VARIANT + { + name = Orange + displayName = #autoLOC_8007123 + themeName = Orange + primaryColor = #f49841 + secondaryColor = #4c4f47 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 25TankTinyGrey = false + 25TankTinyOrange = true + 25TankTinyWhite = false + } + } + VARIANT { name = Metallic @@ -97,31 +99,18 @@ scale = 1,-1,1 rotation = 0, 0, 0 } - @MODULE[ModulePartVariants] - { - baseVariant = White - !primaryColor = DELETE - !secondaryColor = DELETE - !baseDisplayName = DELETE - !baseThemeName = DELETE - @VARIANT[Orange] - { - !TEXTURE {} - !GAMEOBJECTS {} - GAMEOBJECTS - { - 25TankMedGrey = false - 25TankMedOrange = true - 25TankMedWhite = false - } - } + !MODULE[ModulePartVariants] {} + MODULE + { + name = ModulePartVariants + baseVariant = BlackAndWhite VARIANT { - name = White - displayName = #autoLOC_8007122 + name = BlackAndWhite themeName = BlackAndWhite - primaryColor = #ffffff - secondaryColor = #000000 + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #000000 + displayName = #autoLOC_8007122 GAMEOBJECTS { 25TankMedGrey = false @@ -129,6 +118,21 @@ 25TankMedWhite = true } } + VARIANT + { + name = Orange + displayName = #autoLOC_8007123 + themeName = Orange + primaryColor = #f49841 + secondaryColor = #4c4f47 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 25TankMedGrey = false + 25TankMedOrange = true + 25TankMedWhite = false + } + } + VARIANT { name = Metallic @@ -167,31 +171,18 @@ scale = 1,-1,1 rotation = 0, 0, 0 } - @MODULE[ModulePartVariants] + !MODULE[ModulePartVariants] {} + MODULE { - baseVariant = White - !primaryColor = DELETE - !secondaryColor = DELETE - !baseDisplayName = DELETE - !baseThemeName = DELETE - @VARIANT[Orange] - { - !TEXTURE {} - !GAMEOBJECTS {} - GAMEOBJECTS - { - 25TankSmallGrey = false - 25TankSmallOrange = true - 25TankSmallWhite = false - } - } + name = ModulePartVariants + baseVariant = BlackAndWhite VARIANT { - name = White + name = BlackAndWhite displayName = #autoLOC_8007122 themeName = BlackAndWhite - primaryColor = #ffffff - secondaryColor = #000000 + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #000000 GAMEOBJECTS { 25TankSmallGrey = false @@ -199,6 +190,21 @@ 25TankSmallWhite = true } } + VARIANT + { + name = Orange + displayName = #autoLOC_8007123 + themeName = Orange + primaryColor = #f49841 + secondaryColor = #4c4f47 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 25TankSmallGrey = false + 25TankSmallOrange = true + 25TankSmallWhite = false + } + } + VARIANT { name = Metallic @@ -237,12 +243,18 @@ scale = 1,-1,1 rotation = 0, 0, 0 } - @MODULE[ModulePartVariants] + !MODULE[ModulePartVariants] {} + MODULE { - @VARIANT[White] + name = ModulePartVariants + baseVariant = BlackAndWhite + VARIANT { - !TEXTURE {} - !GAMEOBJECTS {} + name = BlackAndWhite + displayName = #autoLOC_8007122 + themeName = BlackAndWhite + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #000000 GAMEOBJECTS { 25TankLargeGrey = false @@ -250,17 +262,23 @@ 25TankLargeWhite = true } } - @VARIANT[Orange] + VARIANT { - !TEXTURE {} - !GAMEOBJECTS {} + name = Orange + displayName = #autoLOC_8007123 + themeName = Orange + primaryColor = #f49841 + secondaryColor = #4c4f47 GAMEOBJECTS { - 25TankLargeGrey = false - 25TankLargeOrange = true - 25TankLargeWhite = false + 25TankLargeGrey = false + 25TankLargeOrange = true + 25TankLargeWhite = false } } + + + VARIANT { name = Metallic diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/FuelTank/restock-fueltanks-mk2.cfg b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/FuelTank/restock-fueltanks-mk2.cfg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d0aad58c --- /dev/null +++ b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/FuelTank/restock-fueltanks-mk2.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +// Patches applying art changes to Mk2 Fuselage Parts +// Contents: +// - Mk2 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Short (mk2FuselageShortLiquid) +// - Mk2 Rocket Fuel Fuselage Short (mk2FuselageShortLFO) +// - Mk2 Monopropellant Tank (mk2FuselageShortMono) + +@PART[mk2FuselageShortLiquid|mk2FuselageShortLFO|mk2FuselageShortMono]:FOR[Restock] +{ + @author = Porkjet and blowfish + + MODULE + { + name = ModuleRestockModifyMaterials + + MATERIAL + { + shader = KSP/Bumped Specular + TEXTURE_PROPERTY + { + name = _BumpMap + textureUrl = Restock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-mk2-short-n + isNormalMap = true + } + } + } +} diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/FuelTank/restock-fueltanks-rcs.cfg b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/FuelTank/restock-fueltanks-rcs.cfg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9ca48e43 --- /dev/null +++ b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/FuelTank/restock-fueltanks-rcs.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +// Patches applying art changes to RCS tanks +// Contents: +// - Stratus-V Roundified Monopropellant Tank (radialRCSTank) +// - Stratus-V Cylindrified Monopropellant Tank (rcsTankRadialLong) +// - FL-R10 RCS Fuel Tank (rcsTankMini) +// - FL-R25 RCS Fuel Tank (RCSFuelTank) +// - FL-R1 RCS Fuel Tank (RCSTank1-2) + +// Spherical Radial Tank +@PART[radialRCSTank] +{ + @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea) + + !mesh = DELETE + !MODEL {} + MODEL { + model = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-rcs-radial-1 + } + +} + +// Capsule Radial Tank +@PART[rcsTankRadialLong] +{ + @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea) + + !mesh = DELETE + !MODEL {} + MODEL { + model = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-rcs-radial-2 + } + +} + +// 0.625m Tank +@PART[rcsTankMini] +{ + @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea) + + !mesh = DELETE + !MODEL {} + MODEL { + model = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-rcs-0625-1 + } + + +} + +// 1.25m Tank +@PART[RCSFuelTank] +{ + @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea) + + !mesh = DELETE + !MODEL {} + MODEL { + model = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-rcs-125-1 + } +} + +// 2.5m Tank +@PART[RCSTank1-2] +{ + @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea) + + !mesh = DELETE + !MODEL {} + MODEL { + model = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-fueltank-rcs-25-1 + } + !MODULE[ModulePartVariants] {} +} diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Structural/restock-structural-125.cfg b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Structural/restock-structural-125.cfg index fda5913a..52d5ff41 100644 --- a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Structural/restock-structural-125.cfg +++ b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Structural/restock-structural-125.cfg @@ -12,6 +12,58 @@ MODEL { model = ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-125-0625-1 } + !MODULE[ModulePartVariants] {} + MODULE + { + name = ModulePartVariants + baseVariant = BlackAndWhite + VARIANT + { + name = BlackAndWhite + displayName = #autoLOC_8007122 + themeName = BlackAndWhite + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #000000 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 125mAdapterTallOrange = false + 125mAdapterTallWhite = true + 125mAdapterTallDark = false + } + + } + + + VARIANT + { + name = GrayAndOrange + displayName = #autoLOC_8007121 + themeName = GrayAndOrange + primaryColor = #4c4f47 + secondaryColor = #f49841 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 125mAdapterTallOrange = true + 125mAdapterTallWhite = false + 125mAdapterTallDark = false + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = Dark + displayName = #autoLOC_8007117 + themeName = Dark + primaryColor = #4c4f47 + secondaryColor = #4c4f47 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 125mAdapterTallOrange = false + 125mAdapterTallWhite = false + 125mAdapterTallDark = true + } + } + + } } @PART[adapterSmallMiniShort] @@ -23,4 +75,72 @@ MODEL { model = ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-125-0625-2 } + !MODULE[ModulePartVariants] {} + MODULE + { + name = ModulePartVariants + baseVariant = BlackAndWhite + VARIANT + { + name = BlackAndWhite + displayName = #autoLOC_8007122 + themeName = BlackAndWhite + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #000000 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 125mAdapterShortOrange = false + 125mAdapterShortWhite = true + 125mAdapterShortDark = false + 125mAdapterShortMetal = false + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = GrayAndOrange + displayName = #autoLOC_8007121 + themeName = GrayAndOrange + primaryColor = #4c4f47 + secondaryColor = #f49841 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 125mAdapterShortOrange = true + 125mAdapterShortWhite = false + 125mAdapterShortDark = false + 125mAdapterShortMetal = false + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = Dark + displayName = #autoLOC_8007117 + themeName = Dark + primaryColor = #4c4f47 + secondaryColor = #4c4f47 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 125mAdapterShortOrange = false + 125mAdapterShortWhite = false + 125mAdapterShortDark = true + 125mAdapterShortMetal = false + } + + } + VARIANT + { + name = Metal + displayName = #LOC_Restock_variant-surface_metal + themeName = Metal + primaryColor = #6f6e6d + secondaryColor = #6f6e6d + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 125mAdapterShortOrange = false + 125mAdapterShortWhite = false + 125mAdapterShortDark = false + 125mAdapterShortMetal = true + } + + } + } } diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Structural/restock-structural-25.cfg b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Structural/restock-structural-25.cfg index 5bb8e5b4..0e1ffeb0 100644 --- a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Structural/restock-structural-25.cfg +++ b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Structural/restock-structural-25.cfg @@ -12,7 +12,40 @@ MODEL { model = ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-25-125-1 } + !MODULE[ModulePartVariants] {} %rescaleFactor = 1 + MODULE + { + name = ModulePartVariants + baseVariant = BlackAndWhite + + VARIANT + { + name = BlackAndWhite + displayName = #autoLOC_8007122 + themeName = BlackAndWhite + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #000000 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 25mAdapterTallOrange = false + 25mAdapterTallWhite = true + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = Orange + displayName = #autoLOC_8007123 + themeName = Orange + primaryColor = #f49841 + secondaryColor = #4c4f47 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 25mAdapterTallOrange = true + 25mAdapterTallWhite = false + } + } + } } @PART[largeAdapter2] { @@ -24,4 +57,54 @@ model = ReStock/Assets/Structural/restock-adapter-25-125-2 } %rescaleFactor = 1 + !MODULE[ModulePartVariants] {} + MODULE + { + name = ModulePartVariants + baseVariant = BlackAndWhite + + VARIANT + { + name = BlackAndWhite + displayName = #autoLOC_8007122 + themeName = BlackAndWhite + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #000000 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 25mAdapterShortOrange = false + 25mAdapterShortWhite = true + 25mAdapterShortMetal = false + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = Orange + displayName = #autoLOC_8007123 + themeName = Orange + primaryColor = #f49841 + secondaryColor = #4c4f47 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 25mAdapterShortOrange = true + 25mAdapterShortWhite = false + 25mAdapterShortMetal = false + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = Metal + displayName = #LOC_Restock_variant-surface_metal + themeName = Metal + primaryColor = #6f6e6d + secondaryColor = #6f6e6d + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 25mAdapterShortOrange = false + 25mAdapterShortWhite = false + 25mAdapterShortMetal = true + } + } + + } } diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Structural/restock-structural-375.cfg b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Structural/restock-structural-375.cfg index d4e63f01..674906f7 100644 --- a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Structural/restock-structural-375.cfg +++ b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Patches/Structural/restock-structural-375.cfg @@ -1,14 +1,75 @@ // Patches applying art changes to 3.75m structural parts // Contents: -// - Kerbodyne ADTP-2-3 (Size3to2Adapter) +// - Kerbodyne ADTP-2-3 (Size3to2Adapter_v2) -@PART[Size3to2Adapter] { +@PART[Size3To2Adapter_v2] { @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea) !mesh = DELETE !MODEL {} MODEL { - model = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-adapter-375-solid-1 + model = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-adapter-375-fueled-1 } + MODEL + { + model = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-endcap-fueltank-25-orange + scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 + position = 0.0, 1.148, 0.0 + } + MODEL + { + model = ReStock/Assets/FuelTank/restock-endcap-fueltank-375-orange + scale = 1.0, -1.0, 1.0 + position = 0.0, -1.098, 0.0 + } %rescaleFactor = 1 + !MODULE[ModulePartVariants] {} + MODULE + { + name = ModulePartVariants + baseVariant = BlackAndWhite + VARIANT + { + name = BlackAndWhite + displayName = #autoLOC_8007122 + themeName = BlackAndWhite + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #000000 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 375mAdapterBlackWhite = true + 375mAdapterWhite = false + 375mAdapterOrange = false + } + + } + VARIANT + { + name = White + displayName = #autoLOC_8007119 + themeName = White + primaryColor = #ffffff + secondaryColor = #ffffff + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 375mAdapterBlackWhite = false + 375mAdapterWhite = true + 375mAdapterOrange = false + } + } + VARIANT + { + name = Orange + displayName = #autoLOC_8007123 + themeName = Orange + primaryColor = #f49841 + secondaryColor = #f49841 + GAMEOBJECTS + { + 375mAdapterBlackWhite = false + 375mAdapterWhite = false + 375mAdapterOrange = true + } + } + } } diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Plugins/Restock.dll b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Plugins/Restock.dll new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9078f250 Binary files /dev/null and b/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Plugins/Restock.dll differ diff --git a/Distribution/Restock/changelog.txt b/Distribution/Restock/changelog.txt index 51e5fcda..471218a3 100644 --- a/Distribution/Restock/changelog.txt +++ b/Distribution/Restock/changelog.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -0.1.0 +0.1.0 ----- - Initial release - Parts included: @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ - PPD-10 Hitchhiker Storage Container (Nertea) - Control - .625m reaction wheel (Andrew Cassidy) + - RV-105 RCS Thruster Block (Nertea) + - Place-Anywhere 7 Linear RCS Port (Nertea) - Coupling - Inline Clamp-O-Tron (Passinglurker) - Clamp-O-Tron Jr. Docking Port (Nertea) @@ -15,6 +17,8 @@ - Clamp-O-Tron Shielded Port (Nertea) - Aero - Aerodynamic Nose Cone (Nertea) + - Advanced Nose Cone - Type A + - Advanced Nose Cone - Type B - Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk7 (Nertea) - Thermal - Heat Shield (0.625m) (Nertea) @@ -35,10 +39,10 @@ - Kerbodyne ADTP-2-3 (Nertea) - Fuel Tanks - Oscar-B Fuel Tank (Beale) - - FL-T200 Fuel Tank Porkjet - - FL-T400 Fuel Tank Porkjet - - FL-T800 Fuel Tank Porkjet - - FL-T100 Fuel Tank Porkjet + - FL-T200 Fuel Tank (Porkjet/Nertea) + - FL-T400 Fuel Tank (Porkje/Nertea) + - FL-T800 Fuel Tank (Porkjet/Nertea) + - FL-T100 Fuel Tank (Porkjet/Nertea) - Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel Tank (Nertea) - Rockomax X200-16 Fuel Tank (Nertea) - Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tank (Nertea) @@ -49,12 +53,17 @@ - PB-X150 Xenon Container (Nertea) - PB-X750 Xenon Container (Nertea) - PB-X50R Xenon Container (Nertea) + - Stratus-V Roundified Monopropellant Tank (Nertea) + - Stratus-V Cylindrified Monopropellant Tank (Nertea) + - FL-R10 RCS Fuel Tank (Nertea) + - FL-R25 RCS Fuel Tank (Nertea) + - FL-R1 RCS Fuel Tank (Nertea) - Engines - Separatron I (Nertea) - - Flea (Nertea) - - Hammer (Nertea) - - Thumper (Nertea) - - Kickback (Nertea) + - RT-5 "Flea" Solid Fuel Booster (Nertea) + - RT-10 "Hammer" Solid Fuel Booster (Nertea) + - BACC "Thumper" Solid Fuel Booster (Nertea) + - S1 SRB-KD25k "Kickback" Solid Fuel Booster (Nertea) - LV-1 "Ant" Liquid Fuel Engine (Nertea) - LV-1R "Spider" Liquid Fuel Engine (Nertea) - 48-7S "Spark" Liquid Fuel Engine (Nertea) @@ -87,6 +96,7 @@ - Engines are all surface attachable - New 'Metallic' variant for 2.5m tanks - New Unpainted, Black variants for heat shields +- New Bare variant for Linear RCS - Engines have a basic and a compact variant - Most atmospheric engines also have a boattail variant - New plumes/FX for all redone engines diff --git a/Distribution/RestockPlus/GameData/ReStockPlus/Patches/Engine/restock-engine-srb-gimbal.cfg b/Distribution/RestockPlus/GameData/ReStockPlus/Patches/Engine/restock-engine-srb-gimbal.cfg index 39add959..5aa9f6d1 100644 --- a/Distribution/RestockPlus/GameData/ReStockPlus/Patches/Engine/restock-engine-srb-gimbal.cfg +++ b/Distribution/RestockPlus/GameData/ReStockPlus/Patches/Engine/restock-engine-srb-gimbal.cfg @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ // Adds gimballing to SRBs // Kickback -@PART[MassiveBooster] { +@PART[MassiveBooster]:NEEDS[!BetterSRBs] { MODULE { name = ModuleGimbal @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ } // Thumper -@PART[solidBooster1-1] { +@PART[solidBooster1-1]:NEEDS[!BetterSRBs] { MODULE { @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ } // Hammer -@PART[solidBooster] { +@PART[solidBooster]:NEEDS[!BetterSRBs] { MODULE { name = ModuleGimbal @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ } // Flea -@PART[solidBooster_sm] { +@PART[solidBooster_sm]:NEEDS[!BetterSRBs] { MODULE { name = ModuleGimbal diff --git a/Source/Restock.sln b/Source/Restock.sln new file mode 100644 index 00000000..00321601 --- /dev/null +++ b/Source/Restock.sln @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ + +Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00 +# Visual Studio 15 +VisualStudioVersion = 15.0.28307.136 +MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1 +Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Restock", "Restock\Restock.csproj", "{0A087745-0E2B-4D11-9431-C2D4191DD510}" +EndProject +Global + GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution + Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU + Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution + {0A087745-0E2B-4D11-9431-C2D4191DD510}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU + {0A087745-0E2B-4D11-9431-C2D4191DD510}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU + {0A087745-0E2B-4D11-9431-C2D4191DD510}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU + {0A087745-0E2B-4D11-9431-C2D4191DD510}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution + HideSolutionNode = FALSE + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution + SolutionGuid = {B94D54D6-0912-444F-8285-8F526D28B442} + EndGlobalSection +EndGlobal diff --git a/Source/Restock/ModuleRestockModifyMaterials.cs b/Source/Restock/ModuleRestockModifyMaterials.cs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c91aa9cd --- /dev/null +++ b/Source/Restock/ModuleRestockModifyMaterials.cs @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +using System; +using UnityEngine; + +namespace Restock +{ + public class ModuleRestockModifyMaterials : PartModule + { + public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node) + { + base.OnLoad(node); + + if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor || HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) return; + + Transform modelTransform = part.partTransform.Find("model"); + + Renderer[] renderers = modelTransform.GetComponentsInChildren(); + + if (modelTransform == null) + { + Debug.LogError("Couldn't find model transform"); + return; + } + + foreach (ConfigNode node2 in node.GetNodes("MATERIAL")) + { + if (node2.GetValue("shader") is string newShaderName) + { + if (Shader.Find(newShaderName) is Shader newShader) + { + foreach (Renderer renderer in renderers) + { + renderer.material.shader = newShader; + } + } + else + { + Debug.LogError($"Can't find shader {newShaderName}"); + continue; + } + + } + + foreach (ConfigNode node3 in node2.GetNodes("TEXTURE_PROPERTY")) + { + string name = node3.GetValue("name"); + string textureUrl = node3.GetValue("textureUrl"); + bool normalMapToggle = false; + + if (node3.GetValue("isNormalMap") is string normalMapToggleString) + { + normalMapToggle = bool.Parse(normalMapToggleString); + } + + GameDatabase.TextureInfo textureInfo = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTextureInfo(textureUrl); + + if (textureInfo == null) + { + Debug.LogError($"Cannot find texture: {textureUrl}"); + continue; + } + + foreach (Renderer renderer in renderers) + { + renderer.material.SetTexture(name, normalMapToggle ? textureInfo.normalMap : textureInfo.texture); + } + } + } + + isEnabled = false; + moduleIsEnabled = false; + } + } +} diff --git a/Source/Restock/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/Source/Restock/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8a0cb45c --- /dev/null +++ b/Source/Restock/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +using System.Reflection; +using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; +using System.Runtime.InteropServices; + +// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following +// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information +// associated with an assembly. +[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Restock")] +[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] +[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Porktober Revolution")] +[assembly: AssemblyProduct("Restock")] +[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © Porktober Revolution 2018")] +[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")] + +// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible +// to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from +// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type. +[assembly: ComVisible(false)] + +// The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM +[assembly: Guid("0a087745-0e2b-4d11-9431-c2d4191dd510")] + +// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: +// +// Major Version +// Minor Version +// Build Number +// Revision +// +// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers +// by using the '*' as shown below: +// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")] +[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] +[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] + +[assembly: KSPAssembly("Restock", 0, 1, 0)] diff --git a/Source/Restock/Restock.csproj b/Source/Restock/Restock.csproj new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a74979d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Source/Restock/Restock.csproj @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ + + + + + Debug + AnyCPU + {0A087745-0E2B-4D11-9431-C2D4191DD510} + Library + Properties + Restock + Restock + v3.5 + 512 + true + + + true + full + false + bin\Debug\ + DEBUG;TRACE + prompt + 4 + + + pdbonly + true + bin\Release\ + TRACE + prompt + 4 + + + + False + + + + + False + + + + + + + + + sh -e -c "cp -v '$(TargetPath)' '$(SolutionDir)/../Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Plugins'" + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Source/license.txt b/Source/license.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6163256f --- /dev/null +++ b/Source/license.txt @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + +Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies +of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + +This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates +the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public +License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below. + +0. Additional Definitions. + +As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser +General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU +General Public License. + +"The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License, +other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below. + +An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided +by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library. +Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode +of using an interface provided by the Library. + +A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an +Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library +with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked +Version". + +The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the +Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code +for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are +based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version. + +The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the +object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data +and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the +Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work. + +1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL. + +You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License +without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL. + +2. Conveying Modified Versions. + +If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a +facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application +that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the +facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified +version: + +a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to +ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the +function or data, the facility still operates, and performs +whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or + +b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of +this License applicable to that copy. + +3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files. + +The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from +a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object +code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated +material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure +layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates +(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following: + +a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the +Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are +covered by this License. + +b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license +document. + +4. Combined Works. + +You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that, +taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the +portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of +the following: + +a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that +the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are +covered by this License. + +b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license +document. + +c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during +execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among +these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the +copies of the GNU GPL and this license document. + +d) Do one of the following: + +0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this +License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form +suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to +recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of +the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the +manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying +Corresponding Source. + +1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the +Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time +a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer +system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version +of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked +Version. + +e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise +be required to provide such information under section 6 of the +GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is +necessary to install and execute a modified version of the +Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the +Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If +you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany +the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application +Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation +Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL +for conveying Corresponding Source.) + +5. Combined Libraries. + +You may place library facilities that are a work based on the +Library side by side in a single library together with other library +facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this +License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your +choice, if you do both of the following: + +a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based +on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities, +conveyed under the terms of this License. + +b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it +is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the +accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + +6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License. + +The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new +versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may +differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version +of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version" +applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that published version or of any later version +published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you +received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser +General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser +General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation. + +If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide +whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall +apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is +permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the +Library.