- slow down animations of DTS-M1 and C-16 (Addresses #403)
- change material of foil to have a specular tint of ~0.8 and a slightly lower shininess for the folding foil parts
- adjust foil normal map to look a bit better and be a bit bumpier
- make the DTS-M1 case black and white instead of grey and white
- normalize color of bottom of DTS-J1
- normalize color of 88-88
- Update relay specular maps and diffuse colors to match rest of the Restock pallette
- Update all maps with nicer looking dish rims for the RA-2 and RA-15. New rims are 12-sided rather than circular so they look less jagged when viewing at a low angle
- rename all antenna parts to be consistant with naming convention
- rename models and texture files with consistant naming
- update asset files with naming convention and update all new antenna parts