// Patches applying art changes to the asteroid claw // Contents: // - Advanced Grabbing Unit (GrapplingDevice) // Advanced Grabbing Unit @PART[GrapplingDevice]:HAS[RestockIgnore[]] { @author = Andrew Cassidy !mesh = DELETE MODEL { model = ReStock/Assets/Coupling/restock-claw-125 } %rescaleFactor = 1 %node_stack_top = 0.0, -0.14082675, 0.00, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1 @MODULE[ModuleGrappleNode] { nodeTransformName = Pivot } @MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric] { animationName = Deploy } @MODULE[FlagDecal] { textureQuadName = flagTransform } !MODULE[FXModuleLookAtConstraint] MODULE { name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint CONSTRAINLOOKFX { rotatorsName = act_cylU.001 targetName = act_cylL.001 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { rotatorsName = act_cylL.001 targetName = act_cylU.001 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { rotatorsName = act_cylU.002 targetName = act_cylL.002 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { rotatorsName = act_cylL.002 targetName = act_cylU.002 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { rotatorsName = act_cylU.003 targetName = act_cylL.003 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { rotatorsName = act_cylL.003 targetName = act_cylU.003 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { rotatorsName = act_cylU.004 targetName = act_cylL.004 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { rotatorsName = act_cylL.004 targetName = act_cylU.004 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { rotatorsName = act_cylU.005 targetName = act_cylL.005 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { rotatorsName = act_cylL.005 targetName = act_cylU.005 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { rotatorsName = act_cylU.006 targetName = act_cylL.006 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { rotatorsName = act_cylL.006 targetName = act_cylU.006 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { rotatorsName = act_cylU.007 targetName = act_cylL.007 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { rotatorsName = act_cylL.007 targetName = act_cylU.007 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { rotatorsName = act_cylU.008 targetName = act_cylL.008 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { rotatorsName = act_cylL.008 targetName = act_cylU.008 } } MODULE { name = ModuleLight lightName = Lamp useAnimationDim = true lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5 lightDimSpeed = 2.5 resourceAmount = 0.02 useResources = true animationName = RestockClawLamp_On } }