using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace Restock { public class ModuleRestockISRUAnimation : PartModule { // name of the deploy animation to use [KSPField] public string deployAnimationName = ""; // name of the retract animation to use // will default to using the deploy animation in reverse [KSPField] public string retractAnimationName = ""; // name of the active animation to use [KSPField] public string activeAnimationName = ""; // name of the inactive animation to use [KSPField] public string inactiveAnimationName = ""; // speed to run the animation when deploying [KSPField] public float deploySpeed = 1.0f; // speed to run the animation when retracting [KSPField] public float retractSpeed = 1.0f; // does this module need electric charge to be enabled? [KSPField] public bool needsEC = false; // should the module wait until a current looping animation completes before changing state? [KSPField] public bool waitForComplete = false; public bool IsDeployed => (CurrentState == State.InactiveWaiting || CurrentState == State.Active || CurrentState == State.Deploying); private enum State { Inactive, InactiveWaiting, Deploying, Active, ActiveWaiting, Retracting } private Animation DeployAnimation { get; set; } private Animation RetractAnimation { get; set; } private Animation ActiveAnimation { get; set; } private Animation InactiveAnimation { get; set; } private State CurrentState { get; set; } private bool _deployAnimationPresent = false; private bool _retractAnimationPresent = false; private bool _activeAnimationPresent = false; private bool _inactiveAnimationPresent = false; private List _modules; public void Start() { _modules = base.part.FindModulesImplementing(); _deployAnimationPresent = (deployAnimationName != string.Empty); _retractAnimationPresent = (retractAnimationName != string.Empty); _activeAnimationPresent = (activeAnimationName != string.Empty); _inactiveAnimationPresent = (inactiveAnimationName != string.Empty); DeployAnimation = ((_deployAnimationPresent) ? base.part.FindModelAnimators(deployAnimationName)[0] : null); RetractAnimation = ((_retractAnimationPresent) ? base.part.FindModelAnimators(retractAnimationName)[0] : null); ActiveAnimation = ((_activeAnimationPresent) ? base.part.FindModelAnimators(activeAnimationName)[0] : null); InactiveAnimation = ((_inactiveAnimationPresent)? base.part.FindModelAnimators(inactiveAnimationName)[0] : null); foreach (var a in base.part.FindModelAnimators()) a.Stop(); if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) return; if (ConvertersEnabled()) { DeployStart(1000f); } else { RetractStart(1000f); } } public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node) { } public void Update() { if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) return; try { switch (CurrentState) { // System is inactive, and playing the inactive animation if present case State.Inactive: if (ConvertersEnabled()) { if (waitForComplete) { DeployWait(); } else { DeployStart(); } } break; // System is inactive, but waiting for the animation to end before deploying case State.InactiveWaiting: if (!waitForComplete || !_inactiveAnimationPresent) { this.LogError( "Invalid state! waitForComplete not enabled or inactive animation not present."); CurrentState = State.Inactive; } else if (!ConvertersEnabled()) { RetractEnd(); } else if (!InactiveAnimation.IsPlaying(inactiveAnimationName)) { DeployStart(); } break; // System is deploying case State.Deploying: if (!_deployAnimationPresent) { this.LogError("Invalid state! Deploying without an animation present."); CurrentState = State.Active; } else if (!ConvertersEnabled()) { RetractStart(); } else if (!DeployAnimation.IsPlaying(deployAnimationName)) { DeployEnd(); } break; // System is active, and playing the active animation if present case State.Active: if (!ConvertersEnabled()) { if (waitForComplete) { RetractWait(); } else { RetractStart(); } } break; // System is active, but waiting for the animation to finish before retracting case State.ActiveWaiting: if (!waitForComplete || !_activeAnimationPresent) { this.LogError("Invalid state! waitForComplete not enabled or active animation not present."); CurrentState = State.Active; } else if (ConvertersEnabled()) { DeployEnd(); } else if (!ActiveAnimation.IsPlaying(activeAnimationName)) { RetractStart(); } break; // System is retracting case State.Retracting: if (!_retractAnimationPresent && !_deployAnimationPresent) { this.LogError("Invalid state! Retracting without an animation present."); CurrentState = State.Inactive; } else if (ConvertersEnabled()) { DeployStart(); } else if (!RetractAnimation.IsPlaying(retractAnimationName)) { RetractEnd(); } break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } catch (Exception e) { this.LogException("Failed to update animation module", e); } } private void DeployWait() { if (_inactiveAnimationPresent){ CurrentState = State.InactiveWaiting; PlayAnimation(InactiveAnimation, inactiveAnimationName, loop: false); } else { DeployStart(); } } private void DeployStart(float speed = 1f) { if (_deployAnimationPresent) { if (_retractAnimationPresent && RetractAnimation.IsPlaying(retractAnimationName)) { RetractAnimation.Stop(retractAnimationName); } CurrentState = State.Deploying; PlayAnimation(DeployAnimation, deployAnimationName, speed * deploySpeed); } else { DeployEnd(); } } private void DeployEnd() { CurrentState = State.Active; if (_activeAnimationPresent) { PlayAnimation(ActiveAnimation, activeAnimationName, loop: true); } } private void RetractWait() { if (_activeAnimationPresent) { CurrentState = State.ActiveWaiting; PlayAnimation(ActiveAnimation, activeAnimationName, loop: false); } else { RetractStart(); } } private void RetractStart(float speed = 1f) { if (_retractAnimationPresent) { if (_deployAnimationPresent && DeployAnimation.IsPlaying(deployAnimationName)) { DeployAnimation.Stop(deployAnimationName); } CurrentState = State.Retracting; PlayAnimation(RetractAnimation, retractAnimationName, speed * retractSpeed); } else if (_deployAnimationPresent) { CurrentState = State.Retracting; PlayAnimation(DeployAnimation, deployAnimationName, speed * retractSpeed * -1); } else { RetractEnd(); } } private void RetractEnd() { CurrentState = State.Inactive; if (_inactiveAnimationPresent) { PlayAnimation(InactiveAnimation, inactiveAnimationName, loop: true); } } private bool ConvertersEnabled() { if (needsEC && !CheatOptions.InfiniteElectricity) { var ecHash = PartResourceLibrary.ElectricityHashcode; base.vessel.GetConnectedResourceTotals(ecHash, out var ecAmount, out _, true); if (ecAmount < 0.1) { return false; } } for (var i = 0; i < _modules.Count; i++) { if (_modules[i].ModuleIsActive()) { return true; } } return false; } private static void PlayAnimation(Animation anim, string name, float speed = 1f, bool loop = false) { var animState = anim[name]; if (animState.wrapMode != WrapMode.Loop) { if (speed < 0 && animState.time < Mathf.Epsilon) { animState.time = animState.length; } else if (speed > 0 && animState.time > animState.length - Mathf.Epsilon) { animState.time = 0.0f; } } animState.speed = speed; animState.wrapMode = loop ? WrapMode.Loop : WrapMode.Once; //if (!anim.IsPlaying(name)) anim.Play(name); } } }