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synced 2024-09-01 17:34:42 +00:00
This is the launch clamp side of the fix for the EL-ReStock launch clamp compatibility issue. The issue was reported in the EL thread and started out as issues with getting the build cost but after fixing that, had issues with the clamps extending properly when built at a survey site. The bulk of the fix for that is (or will be) in EL, but this change is for handling rotated clamps: it points the tower in the correct (editor) direction prior to the tower being extended.
165 lines
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165 lines
5.9 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Restock
public class ModuleRestockLaunchClamp : LaunchClamp
[KSPField] public int maxSegments = 100;
[KSPField] public Transform towerAnchor;
[KSPField] public Transform towerGirder;
[KSPField] public Transform towerPivot;
[KSPField] public Transform towerStretch;
[KSPField] public Transform towerYoke;
[KSPField] public string trf_towerGirder_name = "";
[KSPField] public string trf_towerYoke_name = "";
[KSPField] public Mesh girderMesh;
[KSPField] public MeshFilter girderMeshFilter;
[KSPField] public float girderSegmentHeight;
public LaunchClampGirderFactory girderFactory;
private int _girderSegments;
private Quaternion towerRot;
private Material _girderMaterial;
private Matrix4x4[] _girderMatrices;
private bool _girderFlightUpdated = false;
[KSPField] public bool instancingEnabled = true;
public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node)
if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsGame)
towerPivot = part.FindModelTransform(trf_towerPivot_name);
towerYoke = part.FindModelTransform(trf_towerYoke_name);
towerAnchor = part.FindModelTransform(trf_anchor_name);
towerGirder = part.FindModelTransform(trf_towerGirder_name);
towerStretch = part.FindModelTransform(trf_towerStretch_name);
girderMeshFilter = towerGirder.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
girderMesh = girderMeshFilter.mesh;
if (!SystemInfo.supportsInstancing)
this.LogWarning("You are using a computer which does not support instancing, " +
"falling back to a slower launch clamp implementation in the editor");
instancingEnabled = false;
if (girderFactory == null)
//Debug.Log("Making new girder factory...");
girderSegmentHeight = Vector3.Distance(towerAnchor.position, towerStretch.position);
if (float.IsInfinity(girderSegmentHeight))
girderSegmentHeight = -1f;
girderFactory = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<LaunchClampGirderFactory>();
girderFactory.Initialize(girderMesh, girderSegmentHeight, maxSegments);
if (node.HasValue ("towerRot"))
string rot = node.GetValue ("towerRot");
towerRot = KSPUtil.ParseQuaternion (rot);
_girderSegments = 1;
public void RotateTower ()
// transforms found in OnLoad
float height = Vector3.Distance (towerAnchor.position, towerStretch.position);
//Debug.Log($"[ModuleRestockLaunchClamp] RotateTower: {height} {towerRot}");
towerPivot.localRotation = towerRot;
towerAnchor.localRotation = towerRot;
towerAnchor.position = towerStretch.position - towerStretch.up * height;
public override void OnStart(StartState state)
girderMesh = towerGirder.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
if (instancingEnabled && HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor)
var girderRenderer = towerGirder.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
girderRenderer.enabled = false; // we'll render manually from now on
_girderMatrices = new Matrix4x4[maxSegments];
_girderMaterial = girderRenderer.material;
_girderMaterial.enableInstancing = true;
public void LateUpdate()
var height = HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor ? towerStretch.position.y : this.height;
var initialHeight = this.initialHeight;
towerAnchor.position = towerStretch.position - towerStretch.up * height;
var vec1 = Vector3.down;
var vec2 = towerAnchor.localPosition - towerYoke.localPosition;
towerYoke.localRotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(vec1, vec2);
var girderSegments = Mathf.CeilToInt(height / initialHeight);
girderSegments = Math.Min(girderSegments, maxSegments);
girderSegments = Math.Max(girderSegments, 0);
if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor)
if (instancingEnabled)
if (_girderFlightUpdated) return;
_girderFlightUpdated = true;
private void UpdateGirderInstanced(int girderSegments)
var matrix = towerGirder.localToWorldMatrix;
var offset = Matrix4x4.Translate(towerGirder.TransformVector(Vector3.down * initialHeight));
for (var i = 0; i < girderSegments; i++)
_girderMatrices[i] = matrix;
matrix = offset * matrix;
Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced(girderMesh, 0, _girderMaterial, _girderMatrices, girderSegments, part.mpb,
UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.On, true, towerGirder.gameObject.layer);
private void UpdateGirderMesh(int girderSegments)
if (girderSegments == _girderSegments) return;
girderMeshFilter.mesh = girderFactory.makeGirder(girderSegments);