Experimental quality improvements and speed optimizations.
This commit is contained in:
@ -55,9 +55,247 @@ __constant__ float3 kColorMetricSqr = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
texture<uchar4, 2, cudaReadModeNormalizedFloat> tex;
// Color helpers
__device__ inline uint float_to_u8(float value)
return min(max(__float2int_rn((255 * value + 0.5f) / (1.0f + 1.0f/255.0f)), 0), 255);
__device__ inline uint float_to_u6(float value)
return min(max(__float2int_rn((63 * value + 0.5f) / (1.0f + 1.0f/63.0f)), 0), 63);
__device__ inline uint float_to_u5(float value)
return min(max(__float2int_rn((31 * value + 0.5f) / (1.0f + 1.0f/31.0f)), 0), 31);
__device__ inline float u8_to_float(uint value)
return __saturatef(__uint2float_rn(value) / 255.0f);
//return (value) / 255.0f;
__device__ float3 color32ToFloat3(uint c)
float3 color;
color.z = u8_to_float((c >> 0) & 0xFF);
color.y = u8_to_float((c >> 8) & 0xFF);
color.x = u8_to_float((c >> 16) & 0xFF);
return color;
__device__ int3 color16ToInt3(ushort c)
int3 color;
color.z = ((c >> 0) & 0x1F);
color.z = (color.z << 3) | (color.z >> 2);
color.y = ((c >> 5) & 0x3F);
color.y = (color.y << 2) | (color.y >> 4);
color.x = ((c >> 11) & 0x1F);
color.x = (color.x << 3) | (color.x >> 2);
return color;
__device__ float3 color16ToFloat3(ushort c)
int3 color = color16ToInt3(c);
return make_float3(color.x, color.y, color.z) * (1.0f / 255.0f);
__device__ int3 float3ToInt3(float3 c)
return make_int3(c.x * 255, c.y * 255, c.z * 255);
__device__ float3 int3ToFloat3(int3 c)
return make_float3(float_to_u8(c.x), float_to_u8(c.y), float_to_u8(c.z));
__device__ int colorDistance(int3 c0, int3 c1)
int dx = c0.x-c1.x;
int dy = c0.y-c1.y;
int dz = c0.z-c1.z;
return __mul24(dx, dx) + __mul24(dy, dy) + __mul24(dz, dz);
// Round color to RGB565 and expand
#if 0
__device__ inline uint float_to_u8(float value)
//uint result;
//asm("cvt.sat.rni.u8.f32 %0, %1;" : "=r" (result) : "f" (value));
//return result;
//return __float2uint_rn(__saturatef(value) * 255.0f);
int result = __float2int_rn((255 * value + 0.5f) / (1.0f + 1.0f/255.0f));
result = max(result, 0);
result = min(result, 255);
return result;
__device__ inline float u8_to_float(uint value)
//float result;
//asm("cvt.sat.rn.f32.u8 %0, %1;" : "=f" (result) : "r" (value)); // this is wrong!
//return result;
return __saturatef(__uint2float_rn(value) / 255.0f);
inline __device__ float3 roundAndExpand565(float3 v, ushort * w)
uint x = float_to_u8(v.x) >> 3;
uint y = float_to_u8(v.y) >> 2;
uint z = float_to_u8(v.z) >> 3;
*w = (x << 11) | (y << 5) | z;
v.x = u8_to_float((x << 3) | (x >> 2));
v.y = u8_to_float((y << 2) | (y >> 4));
v.z = u8_to_float((z << 3) | (z >> 2));
// v.x = u8_to_float(x) * 255.0f / 31.0f;
// v.y = u8_to_float(y) * 255.0f / 63.0f;
// v.z = u8_to_float(z) * 255.0f / 31.0f;
return v;
inline __device__ float3 roundAndExpand565(float3 v, ushort * w)
uint x = __float2uint_rn(__saturatef(v.x) * 31.0f);
uint y = __float2uint_rn(__saturatef(v.y) * 63.0f);
uint z = __float2uint_rn(__saturatef(v.z) * 31.0f);
//uint x = float_to_u5(v.x);
//uint y = float_to_u6(v.y);
//uint z = float_to_u5(v.z);
*w = (x << 11) | (y << 5) | z;
v.x = __uint2float_rn(x) * 1.0f / 31.0f;
v.y = __uint2float_rn(y) * 1.0f / 63.0f;
v.z = __uint2float_rn(z) * 1.0f / 31.0f;
//v.x = u8_to_float((x << 3) | (x >> 2));
//v.y = u8_to_float((y << 2) | (y >> 4));
//v.z = u8_to_float((z << 3) | (z >> 2));
return v;
inline __device__ float2 roundAndExpand56(float2 v, ushort * w)
uint x = __float2uint_rn(__saturatef(v.x) * 31.0f);
uint y = __float2uint_rn(__saturatef(v.y) * 63.0f);
*w = (x << 11) | (y << 5);
v.x = __uint2float_rn(x) * 1.0f / 31.0f;
v.y = __uint2float_rn(y) * 1.0f / 63.0f;
return v;
inline __device__ float2 roundAndExpand88(float2 v, ushort * w)
uint x = __float2uint_rn(__saturatef(v.x) * 255.0f);
uint y = __float2uint_rn(__saturatef(v.y) * 255.0f);
*w = (x << 8) | y;
v.x = __uint2float_rn(x) * 1.0f / 255.0f;
v.y = __uint2float_rn(y) * 1.0f / 255.0f;
return v;
// Block errors
__device__ float3 blockError4(const float3 * colors, uint permutation, float3 a, float3 b)
float3 error = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
const uint bits = permutation >> (2*i);
float beta = (bits & 1);
if (bits & 2) beta = (1 + beta) / 3.0f;
float alpha = 1.0f - beta;
float3 diff = colors[i] - (a*alpha + b*beta);
error += diff*diff;
return error;
__device__ float3 blockError4(const float3 * colors, uint permutation, ushort c0, ushort c1)
float3 error = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
int3 color0 = color16ToInt3(c0);
int3 color1 = color16ToInt3(c1);
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
const uint bits = permutation >> (2*i);
int beta = (bits & 1);
if (bits & 2) beta = (1 + beta);
float alpha = 3 - beta;
int3 color;
color.x = (color0.x * alpha + color1.x * beta) / 3;
color.y = (color0.y * alpha + color1.y * beta) / 3;
color.z = (color0.z * alpha + color1.z * beta) / 3;
float3 diff = colors[i] - int3ToFloat3(color);
error += diff*diff;
return error;
__device__ float3 blockError3(const float3 * colors, uint permutation, float3 a, float3 b)
float3 error = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
const uint bits = permutation >> (2*i);
float beta = (bits & 1);
if (bits & 2) beta = 0.5f;
float alpha = 1.0f - beta;
float3 diff = colors[i] - (a*alpha + b*beta);
error += diff*diff;
return error;
// Sort colors
__device__ void sortColors(const float * values, int * ranks)
@ -100,7 +338,7 @@ __device__ void sortColors(const float * values, int * ranks)
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
if (tid > i && ranks[tid] == ranks[i]) ++ranks[tid];
if ((tid > i) & (ranks[tid] == ranks[i])) ++ranks[tid];
@ -109,6 +347,7 @@ __device__ void sortColors(const float * values, int * ranks)
// Load color block to shared mem
__device__ void loadColorBlock(const uint * image, float3 colors[16], float3 sums[16], int xrefs[16], int * sameColor)
const int bid = blockIdx.x;
@ -121,9 +360,7 @@ __device__ void loadColorBlock(const uint * image, float3 colors[16], float3 sum
// Read color and copy to shared mem.
uint c = image[(bid) * 16 + idx];
colors[idx].z = ((c >> 0) & 0xFF) * (1.0f / 255.0f);
colors[idx].y = ((c >> 8) & 0xFF) * (1.0f / 255.0f);
colors[idx].x = ((c >> 16) & 0xFF) * (1.0f / 255.0f);
colors[idx] = color32ToFloat3(c);
// No need to synchronize, 16 < warp size.
@ -163,7 +400,7 @@ __device__ void loadColorBlockTex(uint bn, uint w, float3 colors[16], float3 sum
if (idx < 16)
float x = 4 * ((bn + bid) % w) + idx % 4;
float x = 4 * ((bn + bid) % w) + idx % 4; // @@ Avoid mod and div by using 2D grid?
float y = 4 * ((bn + bid) / w) + idx / 4;
// Read color and copy to shared mem.
@ -300,42 +537,6 @@ __device__ void loadColorBlock(const uint * image, float2 colors[16], float2 sum
// Round color to RGB565 and expand
inline __device__ float3 roundAndExpand565(float3 v, ushort * w)
uint x = __float2uint_rn(__saturatef(v.x) * 31.0f);
uint y = __float2uint_rn(__saturatef(v.y) * 63.0f);
uint z = __float2uint_rn(__saturatef(v.z) * 31.0f);
*w = (x << 11) | (y << 5) | z;
v.x = __uint2float_rn(x) * 1.0f / 31.0f;
v.y = __uint2float_rn(y) * 1.0f / 63.0f;
v.z = __uint2float_rn(z) * 1.0f / 31.0f;
return v;
inline __device__ float2 roundAndExpand56(float2 v, ushort * w)
uint x = __float2uint_rn(__saturatef(v.x) * 31.0f);
uint y = __float2uint_rn(__saturatef(v.y) * 63.0f);
*w = (x << 11) | (y << 5);
v.x = __uint2float_rn(x) * 1.0f / 31.0f;
v.y = __uint2float_rn(y) * 1.0f / 63.0f;
return v;
inline __device__ float2 roundAndExpand88(float2 v, ushort * w)
uint x = __float2uint_rn(__saturatef(v.x) * 255.0f);
uint y = __float2uint_rn(__saturatef(v.y) * 255.0f);
*w = (x << 8) | y;
v.x = __uint2float_rn(x) * 1.0f / 255.0f;
v.y = __uint2float_rn(y) * 1.0f / 255.0f;
return v;
// Evaluate permutations
@ -457,6 +658,8 @@ __device__ float evalPermutation4(const float3 * colors, float3 color_sum, uint
// compute the error
float3 e = a * a * alpha2_sum + b * b * beta2_sum + 2.0f * (a * b * alphabeta_sum - a * alphax_sum - b * betax_sum);
//float3 e = blockError4(colors, permutation, *start, *end);
return (1.0f / 9.0f) * dot(e, kColorMetricSqr);
@ -493,6 +696,8 @@ __device__ float evalPermutation3(const float3 * colors, float3 color_sum, uint
// compute the error
float3 e = a * a * alpha2_sum + b * b * beta2_sum + 2.0f * (a * b * alphabeta_sum - a * alphax_sum - b * betax_sum);
//float3 e = blockError3(colors, permutation, a, b);
return (1.0f / 4.0f) * dot(e, kColorMetricSqr);
@ -1086,6 +1291,102 @@ __device__ void saveBlockDXT1(ushort start, ushort end, uint permutation, int xr
result[bid].y = indices;
__device__ void saveBlockDXT1_Parallel(uint endpoints, float3 colors[16], int xrefs[16], uint * result)
const int tid = threadIdx.x;
const int bid = blockIdx.x;
if (tid < 16)
int3 color = float3ToInt3(colors[xrefs[tid]]);
ushort endpoint0 = endpoints & 0xFFFF;
ushort endpoint1 = endpoints >> 16;
int3 palette[4];
palette[0] = color16ToInt3(endpoint0);
palette[1] = color16ToInt3(endpoint1);
int d0 = colorDistance(palette[0], color);
int d1 = colorDistance(palette[1], color);
uint index;
if (endpoint0 > endpoint1)
palette[2].x = (2 * palette[0].x + palette[1].x) / 3;
palette[2].y = (2 * palette[0].y + palette[1].y) / 3;
palette[2].z = (2 * palette[0].z + palette[1].z) / 3;
palette[3].x = (2 * palette[1].x + palette[0].x) / 3;
palette[3].y = (2 * palette[1].y + palette[0].y) / 3;
palette[3].z = (2 * palette[1].z + palette[0].z) / 3;
int d2 = colorDistance(palette[2], color);
int d3 = colorDistance(palette[3], color);
// Compute the index that best fit color.
uint b0 = d0 > d3;
uint b1 = d1 > d2;
uint b2 = d0 > d2;
uint b3 = d1 > d3;
uint b4 = d2 > d3;
uint x0 = b1 & b2;
uint x1 = b0 & b3;
uint x2 = b0 & b4;
index = (x2 | ((x0 | x1) << 1));
else {
palette[2].x = (palette[0].x + palette[1].x) / 2;
palette[2].y = (palette[0].y + palette[1].y) / 2;
palette[2].z = (palette[0].z + palette[1].z) / 2;
int d2 = colorDistance(palette[2], color);
index = 0;
if (d1 < d0 && d1 < d2) index = 1;
else if (d2 < d0) index = 2;
__shared__ uint indices[16];
indices[tid] = index << (2 * tid);
if (tid < 8) indices[tid] |= indices[tid+8];
if (tid < 4) indices[tid] |= indices[tid+4];
if (tid < 2) indices[tid] |= indices[tid+2];
if (tid < 1) indices[tid] |= indices[tid+1];
if (tid < 2) {
result[2 * bid + tid] = tid == 0 ? endpoints : indices[0];
__device__ void saveBlockDXT1_Parallel(uint endpoints, uint permutation, int xrefs[16], uint * result)
const int tid = threadIdx.x;
const int bid = blockIdx.x;
if (tid < 16)
// Reorder permutation.
uint index = ((permutation >> (2 * xrefs[tid])) & 3) << (2 * tid);
__shared__ uint indices[16];
indices[tid] = index;
if (tid < 8) indices[tid] |= indices[tid+8];
if (tid < 4) indices[tid] |= indices[tid+4];
if (tid < 2) indices[tid] |= indices[tid+2];
if (tid < 1) indices[tid] |= indices[tid+1];
if (tid < 2) {
result[2 * bid + tid] = tid == 0 ? endpoints : indices[0];
__device__ void saveBlockCTX1(ushort start, ushort end, uint permutation, int xrefs[16], uint2 * result)
saveBlockDXT1(start, end, permutation, xrefs, result);
@ -1207,18 +1508,26 @@ __global__ void compressDXT1_Tex(uint bn, uint w, const uint * permutations, uin
ushort bestStart, bestEnd;
uint bestPermutation;
__shared__ float errors[NUM_THREADS];
__shared__ float errors[NUM_THREADS];
evalAllPermutations(colors, sums[0], permutations, bestStart, bestEnd, bestPermutation, errors);
// Use a parallel reduction to find minimum error.
const int minIdx = findMinError(errors);
__shared__ uint s_bestEndPoints;
__shared__ uint s_bestPermutation;
evalAllPermutations(colors, sums[0], permutations, bestStart, bestEnd, bestPermutation, errors);
// Use a parallel reduction to find minimum error.
const int minIdx = findMinError(errors);
// Only write the result of the winner thread.
if (threadIdx.x == minIdx)
saveBlockDXT1(bestStart, bestEnd, bestPermutation, xrefs, result);
s_bestEndPoints = (bestEnd << 16) | bestStart;
s_bestPermutation = (bestStart != bestEnd) ? bestPermutation : 0;
saveBlockDXT1_Parallel(s_bestEndPoints, colors, xrefs, (uint *)result);
//saveBlockDXT1_Parallel(s_bestEndPoints, s_bestPermutation, xrefs, (uint *)result);
@ -236,74 +236,6 @@ void CudaCompressor::setImage(const Image * image, nvtt::AlphaMode alphaMode)
/// Compress image using CUDA.
void CudaCompressor::compressDXT1(const CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, const OutputOptions::Private & outputOptions)
#if defined HAVE_CUDA
// Image size in blocks.
const uint w = (m_image->width() + 3) / 4;
const uint h = (m_image->height() + 3) / 4;
uint imageSize = w * h * 16 * sizeof(Color32);
uint * blockLinearImage = (uint *) malloc(imageSize);
convertToBlockLinear(m_image, blockLinearImage); // @@ Do this in parallel with the GPU, or in the GPU!
const uint blockNum = w * h;
const uint compressedSize = blockNum * 8;
clock_t start = clock();
// TODO: Add support for multiple GPUs.
uint bn = 0;
while(bn != blockNum)
uint count = min(blockNum - bn, MAX_BLOCKS);
cudaMemcpy(m_data, blockLinearImage + bn * 16, count * 64, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
// Launch kernel.
compressKernelDXT1(count, m_data, m_result, m_bitmapTable);
// Check for errors.
cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
if (err != cudaSuccess)
nvDebug("CUDA Error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err));
if (outputOptions.errorHandler != NULL)
// Copy result to host, overwrite swizzled image.
cudaMemcpy(blockLinearImage, m_result, count * 8, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
// Output result.
if (outputOptions.outputHandler != NULL)
outputOptions.outputHandler->writeData(blockLinearImage, count * 8);
bn += count;
clock_t end = clock();
//printf("\rCUDA time taken: %.3f seconds\n", float(end-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
if (outputOptions.errorHandler != NULL)
void CudaCompressor::compressDXT1_Tex(const CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, const OutputOptions::Private & outputOptions)
#if defined HAVE_CUDA
@ -316,18 +248,19 @@ void CudaCompressor::compressDXT1_Tex(const CompressionOptions::Private & compre
cudaMallocArray(&d_image, &channelDesc, m_image->width(), m_image->height());
cudaMemcpyToArray(d_image, 0, 0, m_image->pixels(), imageSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
// Image size in blocks.
const uint w = (m_image->width() + 3) / 4;
const uint h = (m_image->height() + 3) / 4;
const uint blockNum = w * h;
const uint compressedSize = blockNum * 8;
void * h_result = malloc(MAX_BLOCKS * 8);
void * h_result = malloc(min(blockNum, MAX_BLOCKS) * 8);
clock_t start = clock();
//clock_t start = clock();
uint bn = 0;
while(bn != blockNum)
@ -360,7 +293,7 @@ void CudaCompressor::compressDXT1_Tex(const CompressionOptions::Private & compre
bn += count;
clock_t end = clock();
//clock_t end = clock();
//printf("\rCUDA time taken: %.3f seconds\n", float(end-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ namespace nv
void setImage(const Image * image, nvtt::AlphaMode alphaMode);
void compressDXT1(const nvtt::CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, const nvtt::OutputOptions::Private & outputOptions);
void compressDXT1_Tex(const nvtt::CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, const nvtt::OutputOptions::Private & outputOptions);
void compressDXT3(const nvtt::CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, const nvtt::OutputOptions::Private & outputOptions);
void compressDXT5(const nvtt::CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, const nvtt::OutputOptions::Private & outputOptions);
void compressDXT1n(const nvtt::CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, const nvtt::OutputOptions::Private & outputOptions);
@ -181,6 +181,16 @@ inline __device__ __host__ float3 normalize(float3 v)
return make_float3(v.x * len, v.y * len, v.z * len);
inline __device__ __host__ float3 lerp(float3 a, float3 b, float t)
const float s = 1.0f - t;
return make_float3(s * a.x + t * b.x, s * a.y + t * b.y, s * a.z + t * b.z);
inline __device__ __host__ float lengthSquared(float3 a)
return dot(a, a);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user