1.7 * Fixed floating-point equality issue in clusterfit sort (x86 affected only) * Implemented proper SSE(2) floor function for 50% speedup on SSE builds * The range fit implementation now uses the correct colour metric 1.6 * Fixed bug in CompressImage where masked pixels were not skipped over * DXT3 and DXT5 alpha compression now properly use the mask to ignore pixels * Fixed major DXT1 bug that can generate unexpected transparent pixels 1.5 * Added CompressMasked function to handle incomplete DXT blocks more cleanly * Added kWeightColourByAlpha flag for better quality images when alpha blending 1.4 * Fixed stack overflow in rangefit 1.3 * Worked around SSE floor implementation bug, proper fix needed! * This release has visual studio and makefile builds that work 1.2 * Added provably optimal single colour compressor * Added extra/squishgen.cpp that generates single colour lookup tables 1.1 * Fixed a DXT1 colour output bug * Changed argument order for Decompress function to match Compress * Added GetStorageRequirements function * Added CompressImage function * Added DecompressImage function * Moved squishtool.cpp to extra/squishpng.cpp * Added extra/squishtest.cpp 1.0 * Initial release