// Copyright NVIDIA Corporation 2007 -- Ignacio Castano // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person // obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without // restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, // copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following // conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR // OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #include "CudaCompressorDXT.h" #include "CudaUtils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined HAVE_CUDA #include #endif #include #include using namespace nv; using namespace nvtt; #if defined HAVE_CUDA #define MAX_BLOCKS 8192U // 32768, 65535 extern "C" void setupCompressKernel(const float weights[3]); extern "C" void bindTextureToArray(cudaArray * d_data); extern "C" void compressKernelDXT1(uint firstBlock, uint blockNum, uint w, uint * d_result, uint * d_bitmaps); extern "C" void compressKernelDXT1_Level4(uint blockNum, uint * d_data, uint * d_result, uint * d_bitmaps); extern "C" void compressWeightedKernelDXT1(uint blockNum, uint * d_data, uint * d_result, uint * d_bitmaps); extern "C" void compressKernelDXT3(uint firstBlock, uint blockNum, uint w, uint * d_result, uint * d_bitmaps); //extern "C" void compressNormalKernelDXT1(uint blockNum, uint * d_data, uint * d_result, uint * d_bitmaps); //extern "C" void compressKernelCTX1(uint blockNum, uint * d_data, uint * d_result, uint * d_bitmaps); #include "BitmapTable.h" /* // Convert linear image to block linear. static void convertToBlockLinear(const Image * image, uint * blockLinearImage) { const uint w = (image->width() + 3) / 4; const uint h = (image->height() + 3) / 4; for(uint by = 0; by < h; by++) { for(uint bx = 0; bx < w; bx++) { const uint bw = min(image->width() - bx * 4, 4U); const uint bh = min(image->height() - by * 4, 4U); for (uint i = 0; i < 16; i++) { const int x = (i % 4) % bw; const int y = (i / 4) % bh; blockLinearImage[(by * w + bx) * 16 + i] = image->pixel(bx * 4 + x, by * 4 + y).u; } } } } */ #endif CudaContext::CudaContext() : bitmapTable(NULL), bitmapTableCTX(NULL), data(NULL), result(NULL) { #if defined HAVE_CUDA // Allocate and upload bitmaps. cudaMalloc((void**) &bitmapTable, 992 * sizeof(uint)); if (bitmapTable != NULL) { cudaMemcpy(bitmapTable, s_bitmapTable, 992 * sizeof(uint), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); } cudaMalloc((void**) &bitmapTableCTX, 704 * sizeof(uint)); if (bitmapTableCTX != NULL) { cudaMemcpy(bitmapTableCTX, s_bitmapTableCTX, 704 * sizeof(uint), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); } // Allocate scratch buffers. cudaMalloc((void**) &data, MAX_BLOCKS * 64U); cudaMalloc((void**) &result, MAX_BLOCKS * 8U); #endif } CudaContext::~CudaContext() { #if defined HAVE_CUDA // Free device mem allocations. cudaFree(bitmapTableCTX); cudaFree(bitmapTable); cudaFree(data); cudaFree(result); #endif } bool CudaContext::isValid() const { #if defined HAVE_CUDA cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError(); if (err != cudaSuccess) { nvDebug("*** CUDA Error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); return false; } #endif return bitmapTable != NULL && bitmapTableCTX != NULL && data != NULL && result != NULL; } #if defined HAVE_CUDA CudaCompressor::CudaCompressor(CudaContext & ctx) : m_ctx(ctx) { } void CudaCompressor::compress(nvtt::InputFormat inputFormat, nvtt::AlphaMode alphaMode, uint w, uint h, const void * data, const nvtt::CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, const nvtt::OutputOptions::Private & outputOptions) { nvDebugCheck(cuda::isHardwarePresent()); #if defined HAVE_CUDA // Allocate image as a cuda array. cudaArray * d_image; if (inputFormat == nvtt::InputFormat_BGRA_8UB) { cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc(8, 8, 8, 8, cudaChannelFormatKindUnsigned); cudaMallocArray(&d_image, &channelDesc, w, h); const int imageSize = w * h * sizeof(uint); cudaMemcpyToArray(d_image, 0, 0, data, imageSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); } else { #pragma message(NV_FILE_LINE "FIXME: Floating point textures not really supported by CUDA compressors.") cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc(32, 32, 32, 32, cudaChannelFormatKindFloat); cudaMallocArray(&d_image, &channelDesc, w, h); const int imageSize = w * h * sizeof(uint); cudaMemcpyToArray(d_image, 0, 0, data, imageSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); } // Image size in blocks. const uint bw = (w + 3) / 4; const uint bh = (h + 3) / 4; const uint bs = blockSize(); const uint blockNum = bw * bh; const uint compressedSize = blockNum * bs; void * h_result = malloc(min(blockNum, MAX_BLOCKS) * bs); setup(d_image, compressionOptions); // Timer timer; // timer.start(); uint bn = 0; while(bn != blockNum) { uint count = min(blockNum - bn, MAX_BLOCKS); compressBlocks(bn, count, w, h, alphaMode, compressionOptions, h_result); // Check for errors. cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError(); if (err != cudaSuccess) { //nvDebug("CUDA Error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); outputOptions.error(Error_CudaError); } // Output result. outputOptions.writeData(h_result, count * bs); bn += count; } //timer.stop(); //printf("\rCUDA time taken: %.3f seconds\n", timer.elapsed() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); free(h_result); cudaFreeArray(d_image); #else outputOptions.error(Error_CudaError); #endif } void CudaCompressorDXT1::setup(cudaArray * image, const nvtt::CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions) { setupCompressKernel(compressionOptions.colorWeight.ptr()); bindTextureToArray(image); } void CudaCompressorDXT1::compressBlocks(uint first, uint count, uint w, uint h, nvtt::AlphaMode alphaMode, const nvtt::CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, void * output) { // Launch kernel. compressKernelDXT1(first, count, w, m_ctx.result, m_ctx.bitmapTable); // Copy result to host. cudaMemcpy(output, m_ctx.result, count * 8, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); } void CudaCompressorDXT3::setup(cudaArray * image, const nvtt::CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions) { setupCompressKernel(compressionOptions.colorWeight.ptr()); bindTextureToArray(image); } void CudaCompressorDXT3::compressBlocks(uint first, uint count, uint w, uint h, nvtt::AlphaMode alphaMode, const nvtt::CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, void * output) { // Launch kernel. compressKernelDXT3(first, count, w, m_ctx.result, m_ctx.bitmapTable); // Copy result to host. cudaMemcpy(output, m_ctx.result, count * 16, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); } void CudaCompressorDXT5::setup(cudaArray * image, const nvtt::CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions) { setupCompressKernel(compressionOptions.colorWeight.ptr()); bindTextureToArray(image); } void CudaCompressorDXT5::compressBlocks(uint first, uint count, uint w, uint h, nvtt::AlphaMode alphaMode, const nvtt::CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, void * output) { /*// Launch kernel. compressKernelDXT5(first, count, w, m_ctx.result, m_ctx.bitmapTable); // Copy result to host. cudaMemcpy(output, m_ctx.result, count * 16, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);*/ // Launch kernel. if (alphaMode == AlphaMode_Transparency) { // compressWeightedKernelDXT1(first, count, w, m_ctx.result, m_ctx.bitmapTable); } else { // compressKernelDXT1_Level4(first, count, w, m_ctx.result, m_ctx.bitmapTable); } // Compress alpha in parallel with the GPU. for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { //ColorBlock rgba(blockLinearImage + (first + i) * 16); //OptimalCompress::compressDXT3A(rgba, alphaBlocks + i); } // Copy result to host. cudaMemcpy(output, m_ctx.result, count * 8, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); // @@ Interleave color and alpha blocks. } // @@ This code is very repetitive and needs to be cleaned up. #if 0 /// Compress image using CUDA. void CudaCompressor::compressDXT3(const CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, const OutputOptions::Private & outputOptions) { nvDebugCheck(cuda::isHardwarePresent()); #if defined HAVE_CUDA // Image size in blocks. const uint w = (m_image->width() + 3) / 4; const uint h = (m_image->height() + 3) / 4; uint imageSize = w * h * 16 * sizeof(Color32); uint * blockLinearImage = (uint *) malloc(imageSize); convertToBlockLinear(m_image, blockLinearImage); const uint blockNum = w * h; const uint compressedSize = blockNum * 8; AlphaBlockDXT3 * alphaBlocks = NULL; alphaBlocks = (AlphaBlockDXT3 *)malloc(min(compressedSize, MAX_BLOCKS * 8U)); setupCompressKernel(compressionOptions.colorWeight.ptr()); clock_t start = clock(); uint bn = 0; while(bn != blockNum) { uint count = min(blockNum - bn, MAX_BLOCKS); cudaMemcpy(m_ctx.data, blockLinearImage + bn * 16, count * 64, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); // Launch kernel. if (m_alphaMode == AlphaMode_Transparency) { compressWeightedKernelDXT1(count, m_ctx.data, m_ctx.result, m_ctx.bitmapTable); } else { compressKernelDXT1_Level4(count, m_ctx.data, m_ctx.result, m_ctx.bitmapTable); } // Compress alpha in parallel with the GPU. for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { ColorBlock rgba(blockLinearImage + (bn + i) * 16); OptimalCompress::compressDXT3A(rgba, alphaBlocks + i); } // Check for errors. cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError(); if (err != cudaSuccess) { nvDebug("CUDA Error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); outputOptions.error(Error_CudaError); } // Copy result to host, overwrite swizzled image. cudaMemcpy(blockLinearImage, m_ctx.result, count * 8, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); // Output result. for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { outputOptions.writeData(alphaBlocks + i, 8); outputOptions.writeData(blockLinearImage + i * 2, 8); } bn += count; } clock_t end = clock(); //printf("\rCUDA time taken: %.3f seconds\n", float(end-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); free(alphaBlocks); free(blockLinearImage); #else outputOptions.error(Error_CudaError); #endif } /// Compress image using CUDA. void CudaCompressor::compressDXT5(const CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, const OutputOptions::Private & outputOptions) { nvDebugCheck(cuda::isHardwarePresent()); #if defined HAVE_CUDA // Image size in blocks. const uint w = (m_image->width() + 3) / 4; const uint h = (m_image->height() + 3) / 4; uint imageSize = w * h * 16 * sizeof(Color32); uint * blockLinearImage = (uint *) malloc(imageSize); convertToBlockLinear(m_image, blockLinearImage); const uint blockNum = w * h; const uint compressedSize = blockNum * 8; AlphaBlockDXT5 * alphaBlocks = NULL; alphaBlocks = (AlphaBlockDXT5 *)malloc(min(compressedSize, MAX_BLOCKS * 8U)); setupCompressKernel(compressionOptions.colorWeight.ptr()); clock_t start = clock(); uint bn = 0; while(bn != blockNum) { uint count = min(blockNum - bn, MAX_BLOCKS); cudaMemcpy(m_ctx.data, blockLinearImage + bn * 16, count * 64, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); // Launch kernel. if (m_alphaMode == AlphaMode_Transparency) { compressWeightedKernelDXT1(count, m_ctx.data, m_ctx.result, m_ctx.bitmapTable); } else { compressKernelDXT1_Level4(count, m_ctx.data, m_ctx.result, m_ctx.bitmapTable); } // Compress alpha in parallel with the GPU. for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { ColorBlock rgba(blockLinearImage + (bn + i) * 16); QuickCompress::compressDXT5A(rgba, alphaBlocks + i); } // Check for errors. cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError(); if (err != cudaSuccess) { nvDebug("CUDA Error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); outputOptions.error(Error_CudaError); } // Copy result to host, overwrite swizzled image. cudaMemcpy(blockLinearImage, m_ctx.result, count * 8, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); // Output result. for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { outputOptions.writeData(alphaBlocks + i, 8); outputOptions.writeData(blockLinearImage + i * 2, 8); } bn += count; } clock_t end = clock(); //printf("\rCUDA time taken: %.3f seconds\n", float(end-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); free(alphaBlocks); free(blockLinearImage); #else outputOptions.error(Error_CudaError); #endif } void CudaCompressor::compressDXT1n(const nvtt::CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, const nvtt::OutputOptions::Private & outputOptions) { nvDebugCheck(cuda::isHardwarePresent()); #if defined HAVE_CUDA // Image size in blocks. const uint w = (m_image->width() + 3) / 4; const uint h = (m_image->height() + 3) / 4; uint imageSize = w * h * 16 * sizeof(Color32); uint * blockLinearImage = (uint *) malloc(imageSize); convertToBlockLinear(m_image, blockLinearImage); // @@ Do this in parallel with the GPU, or in the GPU! const uint blockNum = w * h; const uint compressedSize = blockNum * 8; clock_t start = clock(); setupCompressKernel(compressionOptions.colorWeight.ptr()); // TODO: Add support for multiple GPUs. uint bn = 0; while(bn != blockNum) { uint count = min(blockNum - bn, MAX_BLOCKS); cudaMemcpy(m_ctx.data, blockLinearImage + bn * 16, count * 64, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); // Launch kernel. compressNormalKernelDXT1(count, m_ctx.data, m_ctx.result, m_ctx.bitmapTable); // Check for errors. cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError(); if (err != cudaSuccess) { nvDebug("CUDA Error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); outputOptions.error(Error_CudaError); } // Copy result to host, overwrite swizzled image. cudaMemcpy(blockLinearImage, m_ctx.result, count * 8, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); // Output result. outputOptions.writeData(blockLinearImage, count * 8); bn += count; } clock_t end = clock(); //printf("\rCUDA time taken: %.3f seconds\n", float(end-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); free(blockLinearImage); #else outputOptions.error(Error_CudaError); #endif } void CudaCompressor::compressCTX1(const nvtt::CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, const nvtt::OutputOptions::Private & outputOptions) { nvDebugCheck(cuda::isHardwarePresent()); #if defined HAVE_CUDA // Image size in blocks. const uint w = (m_image->width() + 3) / 4; const uint h = (m_image->height() + 3) / 4; uint imageSize = w * h * 16 * sizeof(Color32); uint * blockLinearImage = (uint *) malloc(imageSize); convertToBlockLinear(m_image, blockLinearImage); // @@ Do this in parallel with the GPU, or in the GPU! const uint blockNum = w * h; const uint compressedSize = blockNum * 8; clock_t start = clock(); setupCompressKernel(compressionOptions.colorWeight.ptr()); // TODO: Add support for multiple GPUs. uint bn = 0; while(bn != blockNum) { uint count = min(blockNum - bn, MAX_BLOCKS); cudaMemcpy(m_ctx.data, blockLinearImage + bn * 16, count * 64, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); // Launch kernel. compressKernelCTX1(count, m_ctx.data, m_ctx.result, m_ctx.bitmapTableCTX); // Check for errors. cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError(); if (err != cudaSuccess) { nvDebug("CUDA Error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); outputOptions.error(Error_CudaError); } // Copy result to host, overwrite swizzled image. cudaMemcpy(blockLinearImage, m_ctx.result, count * 8, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); // Output result. outputOptions.writeData(blockLinearImage, count * 8); bn += count; } clock_t end = clock(); //printf("\rCUDA time taken: %.3f seconds\n", float(end-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); free(blockLinearImage); #else outputOptions.error(Error_CudaError); #endif } void CudaCompressor::compressDXT5n(const nvtt::CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, const nvtt::OutputOptions::Private & outputOptions) { nvDebugCheck(cuda::isHardwarePresent()); #if defined HAVE_CUDA // @@ TODO #else outputOptions.error(Error_CudaError); #endif } #endif // 0 #endif // defined HAVE_CUDA