// Copyright NVIDIA Corporation 2008 -- Ignacio Castano // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person // obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without // restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, // copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following // conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR // OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Compressor.h" #include "InputOptions.h" #include "CompressionOptions.h" #include "OutputOptions.h" #include "CompressDXT.h" #include "FastCompressDXT.h" #include "CompressRGB.h" #include "cuda/CudaUtils.h" #include "cuda/CudaCompressDXT.h" using namespace nv; using namespace nvtt; namespace { static int blockSize(Format format) { if (format == Format_DXT1 || format == Format_DXT1a) { return 8; } else if (format == Format_DXT3) { return 16; } else if (format == Format_DXT5 || format == Format_DXT5n) { return 16; } else if (format == Format_BC4) { return 8; } else if (format == Format_BC5) { return 16; } return 0; } inline uint computePitch(uint w, uint bitsize) { uint p = w * ((bitsize + 7) / 8); // Align to 32 bits. return ((p + 3) / 4) * 4; } static int computeImageSize(uint w, uint h, uint d, uint bitCount, Format format) { if (format == Format_RGBA) { return d * h * computePitch(w, bitCount); } else { // @@ Handle 3D textures. DXT and VTC have different behaviors. return ((w + 3) / 4) * ((h + 3) / 4) * blockSize(format); } } } // namespace Compressor::Compressor() : m(*new Compressor::Private()) { m.cudaSupported = cuda::isHardwarePresent(); m.cudaEnabled = true; // @@ Do CUDA initialization here. } Compressor::~Compressor() { // @@ Free CUDA resources here. } /// Enable CUDA acceleration. void Compressor::enableCudaAceleration(bool enable) { if (m.cudaSupported) { m.cudaEnabled = enable; } } /// Check if CUDA acceleration is enabled. bool Compressor::isCudaAcelerationEnabled() const { return m.cudaEnabled; } #if 0 /// Compress the input texture with the given compression options. bool Compressor::process(const InputOptions & inputOptions, const CompressionOptions & compressionOptions, const OutputOptions & outputOptions) const { return m.compress(inputOptions.m, outputOptions.m, compressionOptions.m); } #endif // 0 /// Estimate the size of compressing the input with the given options. int Compressor::estimateSize(const InputOptions & inputOptions, const CompressionOptions & compressionOptions) const { return m.estimateSize(inputOptions.m, compressionOptions.m); } bool Compressor::Private::compress(const InputOptions::Private & inputOptions, const CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, const OutputOptions::Private & outputOptions) const { // Make sure enums match. nvStaticCheck(FloatImage::WrapMode_Clamp == (FloatImage::WrapMode)WrapMode_Clamp); nvStaticCheck(FloatImage::WrapMode_Mirror == (FloatImage::WrapMode)WrapMode_Mirror); nvStaticCheck(FloatImage::WrapMode_Repeat == (FloatImage::WrapMode)WrapMode_Repeat); // Get output handler. if (!outputOptions.openFile()) { if (outputOptions.errorHandler) outputOptions.errorHandler->error(Error_FileOpen); return false; } inputOptions.computeTargetExtents(); // Output DDS header. if (!outputHeader(inputOptions, outputOptions, compressionOptions)) { return false; } for (uint f = 0; f < inputOptions.faceCount; f++) { /*if (!compressMipmaps(f, inputOptions, outputOptions, compressionOptions)) { return false; }*/ } outputOptions.closeFile(); return true; } // Output DDS header. bool Compressor::Private::outputHeader(const InputOptions::Private & inputOptions, const OutputOptions::Private & outputOptions, const CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions) const { // Output DDS header. if (outputOptions.outputHandler == NULL || !outputOptions.outputHeader) { return true; } DDSHeader header; header.setWidth(inputOptions.targetWidth); header.setHeight(inputOptions.targetHeight); int mipmapCount = inputOptions.realMipmapCount(); nvDebugCheck(mipmapCount > 0); header.setMipmapCount(mipmapCount); if (inputOptions.textureType == TextureType_2D) { header.setTexture2D(); } else if (inputOptions.textureType == TextureType_Cube) { header.setTextureCube(); } /*else if (inputOptions.textureType == TextureType_3D) { header.setTexture3D(); header.setDepth(inputOptions.targetDepth); }*/ if (compressionOptions.format == Format_RGBA) { header.setPitch(4 * inputOptions.targetWidth); header.setPixelFormat(compressionOptions.bitcount, compressionOptions.rmask, compressionOptions.gmask, compressionOptions.bmask, compressionOptions.amask); } else { header.setLinearSize(computeImageSize(inputOptions.targetWidth, inputOptions.targetHeight, inputOptions.targetDepth, compressionOptions.bitcount, compressionOptions.format)); if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT1 || compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT1a) { header.setFourCC('D', 'X', 'T', '1'); if (inputOptions.isNormalMap) header.setNormalFlag(true); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT3) { header.setFourCC('D', 'X', 'T', '3'); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT5) { header.setFourCC('D', 'X', 'T', '5'); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT5n) { header.setFourCC('D', 'X', 'T', '5'); if (inputOptions.isNormalMap) header.setNormalFlag(true); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_BC4) { header.setFourCC('A', 'T', 'I', '1'); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_BC5) { header.setFourCC('A', 'T', 'I', '2'); if (inputOptions.isNormalMap) header.setNormalFlag(true); } } // Swap bytes if necessary. header.swapBytes(); uint headerSize = 128; if (header.hasDX10Header()) { nvStaticCheck(sizeof(DDSHeader) == 128 + 20); headerSize = 128 + 20; } bool writeSucceed = outputOptions.outputHandler->writeData(&header, headerSize); if (!writeSucceed && outputOptions.errorHandler != NULL) { outputOptions.errorHandler->error(Error_FileWrite); } return writeSucceed; } // @@ compressMipmaps... #if 0 // Convert input image to linear float image. static FloatImage * toFloatImage(const Image * image, const InputOptions::Private & inputOptions) { nvDebugCheck(image != NULL); FloatImage * floatImage = new FloatImage(image); if (inputOptions.isNormalMap) { // Expand normals. to [-1, 1] range. // floatImage->expandNormals(0); } else if (inputOptions.inputGamma != 1.0f) { // Convert to linear space. floatImage->toLinear(0, 3, inputOptions.inputGamma); } return floatImage; } // Convert linear float image to output image. static Image * toFixedImage(const FloatImage * floatImage, const InputOptions::Private & inputOptions) { nvDebugCheck(floatImage != NULL); if (inputOptions.isNormalMap || inputOptions.outputGamma == 1.0f) { return floatImage->createImage(); } else { return floatImage->createImageGammaCorrect(inputOptions.outputGamma); } } // Create mipmap from the given image. static FloatImage * createMipmap(const FloatImage * floatImage, const InputOptions::Private & inputOptions) { FloatImage * result = NULL; if (inputOptions.mipmapFilter == MipmapFilter_Box) { // Use fast downsample. result = floatImage->fastDownSample(); } else if (inputOptions.mipmapFilter == MipmapFilter_Triangle) { TriangleFilter filter; result = floatImage->downSample(filter, (FloatImage::WrapMode)inputOptions.wrapMode); } else /*if (inputOptions.mipmapFilter == MipmapFilter_Kaiser)*/ { nvDebugCheck(inputOptions.mipmapFilter == MipmapFilter_Kaiser); KaiserFilter filter(inputOptions.kaiserWidth); filter.setParameters(inputOptions.kaiserAlpha, inputOptions.kaiserStretch); result = floatImage->downSample(filter, (FloatImage::WrapMode)inputOptions.wrapMode); } // Normalize mipmap. if ((inputOptions.isNormalMap || inputOptions.convertToNormalMap) && inputOptions.normalizeMipmaps) { normalizeNormalMap(result); } return result; } // Quantize the input image to the precision of the output format. static void quantize(Image * img, const CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions) { if (compressionOptions.enableColorDithering) { if (compressionOptions.format >= Format_DXT1 && compressionOptions.format <= Format_DXT5) { Quantize::FloydSteinberg_RGB16(img); } } if (compressionOptions.binaryAlpha) { if (compressionOptions.enableAlphaDithering) { Quantize::FloydSteinberg_BinaryAlpha(img, compressionOptions.alphaThreshold); } else { Quantize::BinaryAlpha(img, compressionOptions.alphaThreshold); } } else { if (compressionOptions.enableAlphaDithering) { if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT3) { Quantize::Alpha4(img); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT1a) { Quantize::BinaryAlpha(img, compressionOptions.alphaThreshold); } } } } // Process the input, convert to normal map, normalize, or convert to linear space. static FloatImage * processInput(const InputOptions::Private & inputOptions, int idx) { const InputOptions::Private::Image & mipmap = inputOptions.images[idx]; if (inputOptions.convertToNormalMap) { // Scale height factor by 1 / 2 ^ m // @@ Compute scale factor exactly... Vector4 heightScale = inputOptions.heightFactors / float(1 << idx); return createNormalMap(mipmap.data.ptr(), (FloatImage::WrapMode)inputOptions.wrapMode, heightScale, inputOptions.bumpFrequencyScale); } else if (inputOptions.isNormalMap) { if (inputOptions.normalizeMipmaps) { FloatImage * img = new FloatImage(mipmap.data.ptr()); img->normalize(0); return img; } } else { if (inputOptions.inputGamma != inputOptions.outputGamma) { FloatImage * img = new FloatImage(mipmap.data.ptr()); img->toLinear(0, 3, inputOptions.inputGamma); return img; } } return NULL; } struct ImagePair { ImagePair() : m_floatImage(NULL), m_fixedImage(NULL), m_deleteFixedImage(false) {} ~ImagePair() { if (m_deleteFixedImage) { delete m_fixedImage; } } void setFloatImage(FloatImage * image) { m_floatImage = image; if (m_deleteFixedImage) delete m_fixedImage; m_fixedImage = NULL; } void setFixedImage(Image * image, bool deleteImage) { m_floatImage = NULL; if (m_deleteFixedImage) delete m_fixedImage; m_fixedImage = image; m_deleteFixedImage = deleteImage; } FloatImage * floatImage() const { return m_floatImage.ptr(); } Image * fixedImage() const { return m_fixedImage; } void toFixed(const InputOptions::Private & inputOptions) { if (m_floatImage != NULL) { // Convert to fixed. m_fixedImage = toFixedImage(m_floatImage.ptr(), inputOptions); } } private: AutoPtr m_floatImage; Image * m_fixedImage; bool m_deleteFixedImage; }; // Find the first mipmap provided that is greater or equal to the target image size. static int findMipmap(const InputOptions::Private & inputOptions, uint f, int firstMipmap, uint w, uint h, uint d) { nvDebugCheck(firstMipmap >= 0); int bestIdx = -1; for (int m = firstMipmap; m < int(inputOptions.mipmapCount); m++) { int idx = f * inputOptions.mipmapCount + m; const InputOptions::Private::Image & mipmap = inputOptions.images[idx]; if (mipmap.width >= int(w) && mipmap.height >= int(h) && mipmap.depth >= int(d)) { if (mipmap.data != NULL) { bestIdx = idx; } } else { // Do not look further down. break; } } return bestIdx; } static int findImage(const InputOptions::Private & inputOptions, uint f, uint w, uint h, uint d, int inputImageIdx, ImagePair * pair) { nvDebugCheck(w > 0 && h > 0); nvDebugCheck(inputImageIdx >= 0 && inputImageIdx < int(inputOptions.mipmapCount)); nvDebugCheck(pair != NULL); int bestIdx = findMipmap(inputOptions, f, inputImageIdx, w, h, d); const InputOptions::Private::Image & mipmap = inputOptions.images[bestIdx]; if (mipmap.width == w && mipmap.height == h && mipmap.depth == d) { // Generate from input image. AutoPtr processedImage( processInput(inputOptions, bestIdx) ); if (processedImage != NULL) { pair->setFloatImage(processedImage.release()); } else { pair->setFixedImage(mipmap.data.ptr(), false); } return bestIdx; } else { if (pair->floatImage() == NULL && pair->fixedImage() == NULL) { // Generate from input image and resize. AutoPtr processedImage( processInput(inputOptions, bestIdx) ); if (processedImage == NULL) { processedImage = new FloatImage(mipmap.data.ptr()); } // Resize image. @@ Add more filters. @@ Distinguish between downscaling and reconstruction filters. BoxFilter boxFilter; pair->setFloatImage(processedImage->downSample(boxFilter, w, h, (FloatImage::WrapMode)inputOptions.wrapMode)); } else { // Generate from previous mipmap. if (pair->floatImage() == NULL) { nvDebugCheck(pair->fixedImage() != NULL); pair->setFloatImage(toFloatImage(pair->fixedImage(), inputOptions)); } // Create mipmap. pair->setFloatImage(createMipmap(pair->floatImage(), inputOptions)); } } return bestIdx; // @@ ??? } static bool compressMipmaps(uint f, const InputOptions::Private & inputOptions, const OutputOptions::Private & outputOptions, const CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions) { uint w = inputOptions.targetWidth; uint h = inputOptions.targetHeight; uint d = inputOptions.targetDepth; int inputImageIdx = findMipmap(inputOptions, f, 0, w, h, d); if (inputImageIdx == -1) { // First mipmap missing. if (outputOptions.errorHandler != NULL) outputOptions.errorHandler->error(Error_InvalidInput); return false; } ImagePair pair; const uint mipmapCount = inputOptions.realMipmapCount(); nvDebugCheck(mipmapCount > 0); for (uint m = 0; m < mipmapCount; m++) { if (outputOptions.outputHandler) { int size = computeImageSize(w, h, compressionOptions.bitcount, compressionOptions.format); outputOptions.outputHandler->mipmap(size, w, h, d, f, m); } inputImageIdx = findImage(inputOptions, f, w, h, d, inputImageIdx, &pair); // @@ Where to do the color transform? // - Color transform may not be linear, so we cannot do before computing mipmaps. // - Should be done in linear space, that is, after gamma correction. pair.toFixed(inputOptions); // @@ Quantization should be done in compressMipmap! @@ It should not modify the input image!!! quantize(pair.fixedImage(), compressionOptions); compressMipmap(pair.fixedImage(), outputOptions, compressionOptions); // Compute extents of next mipmap: w = max(1U, w / 2); h = max(1U, h / 2); d = max(1U, d / 2); } return true; } #endif // 0 bool Compressor::Private::compressMipmap(const Image * image, const OutputOptions::Private & outputOptions, const CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions) const { nvDebugCheck(image != NULL); if (compressionOptions.format == Format_RGBA || compressionOptions.format == Format_RGB) { compressRGB(image, outputOptions, compressionOptions); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT1) { #if defined(HAVE_S3QUANT) if (compressionOptions.externalCompressor == "s3") { s3CompressDXT1(image, outputOptions); } else #endif #if defined(HAVE_ATITC) if (compressionOptions.externalCompressor == "ati") { atiCompressDXT1(image, outputOptions); } else #endif if (compressionOptions.quality == Quality_Fastest) { fastCompressDXT1(image, outputOptions); } else { if (cudaEnabled) { nvDebugCheck(cudaSupported); cudaCompressDXT1(image, outputOptions, compressionOptions); } else { compressDXT1(image, outputOptions, compressionOptions); } } } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT1a) { if (compressionOptions.quality == Quality_Fastest) { fastCompressDXT1a(image, outputOptions); } else { if (cudaEnabled) { nvDebugCheck(cudaSupported); /*cuda*/compressDXT1a(image, outputOptions, compressionOptions); } else { compressDXT1a(image, outputOptions, compressionOptions); } } } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT3) { if (compressionOptions.quality == Quality_Fastest) { fastCompressDXT3(image, outputOptions); } else { if (cudaEnabled) { nvDebugCheck(cudaSupported); cudaCompressDXT3(image, outputOptions, compressionOptions); } else { compressDXT3(image, outputOptions, compressionOptions); } } } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT5) { if (compressionOptions.quality == Quality_Fastest) { fastCompressDXT5(image, outputOptions); } else { if (cudaEnabled) { nvDebugCheck(cudaSupported); cudaCompressDXT5(image, outputOptions, compressionOptions); } else { compressDXT5(image, outputOptions, compressionOptions); } } } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT5n) { if (compressionOptions.quality == Quality_Fastest) { fastCompressDXT5n(image, outputOptions); } else { compressDXT5n(image, outputOptions, compressionOptions); } } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_BC4) { compressBC4(image, outputOptions, compressionOptions); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_BC5) { compressBC5(image, outputOptions, compressionOptions); } return true; } int Compressor::Private::estimateSize(const InputOptions::Private & inputOptions, const CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions) const { const Format format = compressionOptions.format; const uint bitCount = compressionOptions.bitcount; inputOptions.computeTargetExtents(); uint mipmapCount = inputOptions.realMipmapCount(); int size = 0; for (uint f = 0; f < inputOptions.faceCount; f++) { uint w = inputOptions.targetWidth; uint h = inputOptions.targetHeight; uint d = inputOptions.targetDepth; for (uint m = 0; m < mipmapCount; m++) { size += computeImageSize(w, h, d, bitCount, format); // Compute extents of next mipmap: w = max(1U, w / 2); h = max(1U, h / 2); d = max(1U, d / 2); } } return size; }