// Copyright NVIDIA Corporation 2007 -- Ignacio Castano // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person // obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without // restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, // copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following // conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR // OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #include // memcpy #include // nextPowerOfTwo #include #include "nvtt.h" #include "InputOptions.h" using namespace nv; using namespace nvtt; namespace { static uint countMipmaps(int w, int h, int d) { uint mipmap = 0; while (w != 1 || h != 1 || d != 1) { w = max(1, w / 2); h = max(1, h / 2); d = max(1, d / 2); mipmap++; } return mipmap + 1; } // 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2, 3 -> 2, 4 -> 4, 5 -> 4, ... static uint previousPowerOfTwo(const uint v) { return nextPowerOfTwo(v + 1) / 2; } static uint nearestPowerOfTwo(const uint v) { const uint np2 = nextPowerOfTwo(v); const uint pp2 = previousPowerOfTwo(v); if (np2 - v <= v - pp2) { return np2; } else { return pp2; } } } // namespace /// Constructor. InputOptions::InputOptions() : m(*new InputOptions::Private()) { reset(); } // Delete images. InputOptions::~InputOptions() { resetTextureLayout(); delete &m; } // Reset input options. void InputOptions::reset() { m.wrapMode = WrapMode_Mirror; m.textureType = TextureType_2D; m.inputFormat = InputFormat_BGRA_8UB; m.alphaMode = AlphaMode_Transparency; m.inputGamma = 2.2f; m.outputGamma = 2.2f; m.colorTransform = ColorTransform_None; m.linearTransform = Matrix(identity); m.generateMipmaps = true; m.maxLevel = -1; m.mipmapFilter = MipmapFilter_Box; m.kaiserWidth = 3; m.kaiserAlpha = 4.0f; m.kaiserStretch = 1.0f; m.isNormalMap = false; m.normalizeMipmaps = true; m.convertToNormalMap = false; m.heightFactors.set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); m.bumpFrequencyScale = Vector4(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.25f, 0.125f) / (1.0f + 0.5f + 0.25f + 0.125f); m.maxExtent = 0; m.roundMode = RoundMode_None; m.premultiplyAlpha = false; } // Setup the input image. void InputOptions::setTextureLayout(TextureType type, int width, int height, int depth /*= 1*/) { // Validate arguments. nvCheck(width >= 0); nvCheck(height >= 0); nvCheck(depth >= 0); // Correct arguments. if (width == 0) width = 1; if (height == 0) height = 1; if (depth == 0) depth = 1; // Delete previous images. resetTextureLayout(); m.textureType = type; // Allocate images. m.mipmapCount = countMipmaps(width, height, depth); m.faceCount = (type == TextureType_Cube) ? 6 : 1; m.imageCount = m.mipmapCount * m.faceCount; m.images = new Private::InputImage[m.imageCount]; for(uint f = 0; f < m.faceCount; f++) { uint w = width; uint h = height; uint d = depth; for (uint mipLevel = 0; mipLevel < m.mipmapCount; mipLevel++) { Private::InputImage & img = m.images[f * m.mipmapCount + mipLevel]; img.width = w; img.height = h; img.depth = d; img.mipLevel = mipLevel; img.face = f; img.data = NULL; w = max(1U, w / 2); h = max(1U, h / 2); d = max(1U, d / 2); } } } void InputOptions::resetTextureLayout() { if (m.images != NULL) { // Delete image array. delete [] m.images; m.images = NULL; m.faceCount = 0; m.mipmapCount = 0; m.imageCount = 0; } } // Copies the data to our internal structures. bool InputOptions::setMipmapData(const void * data, int width, int height, int depth /*= 1*/, int face /*= 0*/, int mipLevel /*= 0*/) { nvCheck(depth == 1); const int idx = face * m.mipmapCount + mipLevel; if (m.images[idx].width != width || m.images[idx].height != height || m.images[idx].depth != depth || m.images[idx].mipLevel != mipLevel || m.images[idx].face != face) { // Invalid dimension or index. return false; } m.images[idx].data = new nv::Image(); m.images[idx].data->allocate(width, height); memcpy(m.images[idx].data->pixels(), data, width * height * 4); return true; } /// Describe the format of the input. void InputOptions::setFormat(InputFormat format) { m.inputFormat = format; } /// Set the way the input alpha channel is interpreted. void InputOptions::setAlphaMode(AlphaMode alphaMode) { m.alphaMode = alphaMode; } /// Set gamma settings. void InputOptions::setGamma(float inputGamma, float outputGamma) { m.inputGamma = inputGamma; m.outputGamma = outputGamma; } /// Set texture wrappign mode. void InputOptions::setWrapMode(WrapMode mode) { m.wrapMode = mode; } /// Set mipmap filter. void InputOptions::setMipmapFilter(MipmapFilter filter) { m.mipmapFilter = filter; } /// Set mipmap generation. void InputOptions::setMipmapGeneration(bool enabled, int maxLevel/*= -1*/) { m.generateMipmaps = enabled; m.maxLevel = maxLevel; } /// Set Kaiser filter parameters. void InputOptions::setKaiserParameters(float width, float alpha, float stretch) { m.kaiserWidth = width; m.kaiserAlpha = alpha; m.kaiserStretch = stretch; } /// Indicate whether input is a normal map or not. void InputOptions::setNormalMap(bool b) { m.isNormalMap = b; } /// Enable normal map conversion. void InputOptions::setConvertToNormalMap(bool convert) { m.convertToNormalMap = convert; } /// Set height evaluation factors. void InputOptions::setHeightEvaluation(float redScale, float greenScale, float blueScale, float alphaScale) { // Do not normalize height factors. // float total = redScale + greenScale + blueScale + alphaScale; m.heightFactors = Vector4(redScale, greenScale, blueScale, alphaScale); } /// Set normal map conversion filter. void InputOptions::setNormalFilter(float small, float medium, float big, float large) { float total = small + medium + big + large; m.bumpFrequencyScale = Vector4(small, medium, big, large) / total; } /// Enable mipmap normalization. void InputOptions::setNormalizeMipmaps(bool normalize) { m.normalizeMipmaps = normalize; } /// Set color transform. void InputOptions::setColorTransform(ColorTransform t) { m.colorTransform = t; } // Set linear transform for the given channel. void InputOptions::setLinearTransform(int channel, float w0, float w1, float w2, float w3) { nvCheck(channel >= 0 && channel < 4); Vector4 w(w0, w1, w2, w3); //m.linearTransform.setRow(channel, w); } void InputOptions::setSwizzleTransform(int x, int y, int z, int w) { nvCheck(x >= 0 && x < 3); nvCheck(y >= 0 && y < 3); nvCheck(z >= 0 && z < 3); nvCheck(w >= 0 && w < 3); m.swizzleTransform[0] = x; m.swizzleTransform[1] = y; m.swizzleTransform[2] = z; m.swizzleTransform[3] = w; } void InputOptions::setMaxExtents(int e) { nvDebugCheck(e > 0); m.maxExtent = e; } void InputOptions::setRoundMode(RoundMode mode) { m.roundMode = mode; } void InputOptions::setPremultiplyAlpha(bool b) { m.premultiplyAlpha = b; } void InputOptions::Private::computeTargetExtents() const { nvCheck(images != NULL); uint maxExtent = this->maxExtent; if (roundMode != RoundMode_None) { // rounded max extent should never be higher than original max extent. maxExtent = previousPowerOfTwo(maxExtent); } uint w = images->width; uint h = images->height; uint d = images->depth; nvDebugCheck(w > 0); nvDebugCheck(h > 0); nvDebugCheck(d > 0); // Scale extents without changing aspect ratio. uint maxwhd = max(max(w, h), d); if (maxExtent != 0 && maxwhd > maxExtent) { w = max((w * maxExtent) / maxwhd, 1U); h = max((h * maxExtent) / maxwhd, 1U); d = max((d * maxExtent) / maxwhd, 1U); } // Round to power of two. if (roundMode == RoundMode_ToNextPowerOfTwo) { w = nextPowerOfTwo(w); h = nextPowerOfTwo(h); d = nextPowerOfTwo(d); } else if (roundMode == RoundMode_ToNearestPowerOfTwo) { w = nearestPowerOfTwo(w); h = nearestPowerOfTwo(h); d = nearestPowerOfTwo(d); } else if (roundMode == RoundMode_ToPreviousPowerOfTwo) { w = previousPowerOfTwo(w); h = previousPowerOfTwo(h); d = previousPowerOfTwo(d); } this->targetWidth = w; this->targetHeight = h; this->targetDepth = d; this->targetMipmapCount = countMipmaps(w, h, d); } // Return real number of mipmaps, including first level. // computeTargetExtents should have been called before. int InputOptions::Private::realMipmapCount() const { int mipmapCount = targetMipmapCount; if (!generateMipmaps) mipmapCount = 1; else if (maxLevel != -1 && maxLevel < mipmapCount - 1) mipmapCount = maxLevel + 1; return mipmapCount; } const Image * InputOptions::Private::image(uint face, uint mipmap) const { nvDebugCheck(face < faceCount); nvDebugCheck(mipmap < mipmapCount); const InputImage & image = this->images[face * mipmapCount + mipmap]; nvDebugCheck(image.face == face); nvDebugCheck(image.mipLevel == mipmap); return image.data.ptr(); } const Image * InputOptions::Private::image(uint idx) const { nvDebugCheck(idx < faceCount * mipmapCount); const InputImage & image = this->images[idx]; return image.data.ptr(); }