#summary Instructions to compile NVTT on different platforms #labels Documentation == Contents == * [CompilationInstructions#Prerequisites Prerequisites] * [CompilationInstructions#Windows Windows] * [CompilationInstructions#Visual_Studio_8 Visual Studio 8] * [CompilationInstructions#CMake_and_Visual_Studio_7 CMake and Visual Studio 7] * [CompilationInstructions#CMake_and_Visual_Studio_8 CMake and Visual Studio 8] * [CompilationInstructions#Linux Linux] * [CompilationInstructions#Mac_OSX Mac OSX] == Prerequisites == Project files are provided for Visual Studio 8. For all other platforms and targets you will need to install CMake. You can download it from: http://www.cmake.org/cmake/resources/software.html In order to compile the CUDA accelerated compressors you need to install CUDA: http://www.nvidia.com/object/cuda_get.html Note that CUDA is not free software and is not supported on all platforms. In addition to that, the command line tools also need the following libraries: * libpng * libjpeg * ... Note that the sources already include these libraries precompiled for 32 bit windows. == Windows == === Visual Studio 8 === Simply open the solution file: {{{ projects/vc8/nvtt.sln }}} and build all (Ctrl + Shift + B). === CMake and Visual Studio 7 === Run the following commands: {{{ $ mkdir vc7 $ cd vc7 $ cmake .. -DNVTT_SHARED=1 -G "Visual Studio 7 2003 .NET" }}} open the generated solution file: {{{ vc7/NV.sln }}} and build all (Ctrl + Shift + B). === CMake and Visual Studio 8 === Run the following commands: {{{ $ mkdir vc8 $ cd vc8 $ cmake .. -DNVTT_SHARED=1 -G "Visual Studio 8 2005" }}} open the generated solution file: {{{ vc8/NV.sln }}} and build all (Ctrl + Shift + B). === CMake + MinGW === Note that CUDA does not currently support the MinGW compiler. This target is not supported yet, but may work if CUDA is not enabled. == Linux == If you are running Debian or Ubuntu you can install the required libraries as follows: {{{ sudo apt-get install ... }}} On other distributions you will have to use the corresponding package manager. Then compile and install the sources as follows: {{{ $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install }}} == Mac OSX == Install the required libraries as follows: {{{ $ sudo port install ... }}} Then compile and install the sources as follows: {{{ $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install }}}