// This code is in the public domain -- Ignacio Castaņo #pragma once #ifndef NV_CORE_ARRAY_H #define NV_CORE_ARRAY_H /* This array class requires the elements to be relocable; it uses memmove and realloc. Ideally I should be using swap, but I honestly don't care. The foreach macros that I use are very non-standard and somewhat confusing. It would be nice to have standard foreach as in Qt. */ #include "nvcore.h" #include "Memory.h" #include "Debug.h" #include "Stream.h" #include "Utils.h" // swap #include // memmove #include // for placement new #if NV_CC_GNUC // If typeof is available: #define NV_FOREACH(i, container) \ typedef typeof(container) NV_STRING_JOIN2(cont,__LINE__); \ for(NV_STRING_JOIN2(cont,__LINE__)::PseudoIndex i((container).start()); !(container).isDone(i); (container).advance(i)) /* #define NV_FOREACH(i, container) \ for(typename typeof(container)::PseudoIndex i((container).start()); !(container).isDone(i); (container).advance(i)) */ #else // If typeof not available: struct PseudoIndexWrapper { template PseudoIndexWrapper(const T & container) { nvStaticCheck(sizeof(typename T::PseudoIndex) <= sizeof(memory)); new (memory) typename T::PseudoIndex(container.start()); } // PseudoIndex cannot have a dtor! template typename T::PseudoIndex & operator()(const T * container) { return *reinterpret_cast(memory); } template const typename T::PseudoIndex & operator()(const T * container) const { return *reinterpret_cast(memory); } uint8 memory[4]; // Increase the size if we have bigger enumerators. }; #define NV_FOREACH(i, container) \ for(PseudoIndexWrapper i(container); !(container).isDone(i(&(container))); (container).advance(i(&(container)))) #endif // Declare foreach keyword. #if !defined NV_NO_USE_KEYWORDS # define foreach NV_FOREACH #endif namespace nv { /// Delete all the elements of a container. template void deleteAll(T & container) { for (typename T::PseudoIndex i = container.start(); !container.isDone(i); container.advance(i)) { delete container[i]; } } /** * Replacement for std::vector that is easier to debug and provides * some nice foreach enumerators. */ template class NVCORE_CLASS Array { public: /// Ctor. Array() : m_buffer(NULL), m_size(0), m_buffer_size(0) { } /// Copy ctor. Array( const Array & a ) : m_buffer(NULL), m_size(0), m_buffer_size(0) { copy(a.m_buffer, a.m_size); } /// Ctor that initializes the vector with the given elements. Array( const T * ptr, int num ) : m_buffer(NULL), m_size(0), m_buffer_size(0) { copy(ptr, num); } /// Allocate array. explicit Array(uint capacity) : m_buffer(NULL), m_size(0), m_buffer_size(0) { allocate(capacity); } /// Dtor. ~Array() { clear(); allocate(0); } /// Const element access. NV_FORCEINLINE const T & operator[]( uint index ) const { nvDebugCheck(index < m_size); return m_buffer[index]; } NV_FORCEINLINE const T & at( uint index ) const { nvDebugCheck(index < m_size); return m_buffer[index]; } /// Element access. NV_FORCEINLINE T & operator[] ( uint index ) { nvDebugCheck(index < m_size); return m_buffer[index]; } NV_FORCEINLINE T & at( uint index ) { nvDebugCheck(index < m_size); return m_buffer[index]; } /// Get vector size. NV_FORCEINLINE uint size() const { return m_size; } /// Get vector size. NV_FORCEINLINE uint count() const { return m_size; } /// Get const vector pointer. NV_FORCEINLINE const T * buffer() const { return m_buffer; } /// Get vector pointer. NV_FORCEINLINE T * mutableBuffer() { return m_buffer; } /// Is vector empty. NV_FORCEINLINE bool isEmpty() const { return m_size == 0; } /// Is a null vector. NV_FORCEINLINE bool isNull() const { return m_buffer == NULL; } /// Push an element at the end of the vector. void push_back( const T & val ) { uint new_size = m_size + 1; if (new_size > m_buffer_size) { const T copy(val); // create a copy in case value is inside of this array. resize(new_size); m_buffer[new_size-1] = copy; } else { m_size = new_size; new(m_buffer+new_size-1) T(val); } } NV_FORCEINLINE void pushBack( const T & val ) { push_back(val); } NV_FORCEINLINE void append( const T & val ) { push_back(val); } /// Qt like push operator. NV_FORCEINLINE Array & operator<< ( T & t ) { push_back(t); return *this; } /// Pop and return element at the end of the vector. void pop_back() { nvDebugCheck( m_size > 0 ); resize( m_size - 1 ); } NV_FORCEINLINE void popBack() { pop_back(); } /// Get back element. NV_FORCEINLINE const T & back() const { nvDebugCheck( m_size > 0 ); return m_buffer[m_size-1]; } /// Get back element. NV_FORCEINLINE T & back() { nvDebugCheck( m_size > 0 ); return m_buffer[m_size-1]; } /// Get front element. NV_FORCEINLINE const T & front() const { nvDebugCheck( m_size > 0 ); return m_buffer[0]; } /// Get front element. NV_FORCEINLINE T & front() { nvDebugCheck( m_size > 0 ); return m_buffer[0]; } /// Return true if element found. NV_FORCEINLINE bool find(const T & element, uint * index) const { return find(element, 0, m_size, index); } /// Return true if element found within the given range. bool find(const T & element, uint first, uint count, uint * index) const { for (uint i = first; i < first+count; i++) { if (m_buffer[i] == element) { if (index != NULL) *index = i; return true; } } return false; } /// Check if the given element is contained in the array. NV_FORCEINLINE bool contains(const T & e) const { return find(e, NULL); } /// Remove the element at the given index. This is an expensive operation! void removeAt( uint index ) { nvCheck(index >= 0 && index < m_size); if( m_size == 1 ) { clear(); } else { m_buffer[index].~T(); memmove( m_buffer+index, m_buffer+index+1, sizeof(T) * (m_size - 1 - index) ); m_size--; } } /// Remove the first instance of the given element. bool remove(const T & element) { uint index; if (find(element, &index)) { removeAt(index); return true; } return false; } /// Insert the given element at the given index shifting all the elements up. void insertAt( uint index, const T & val = T() ) { nvCheck( index >= 0 && index <= m_size ); resize( m_size + 1 ); if( index < m_size - 1 ) { memmove( m_buffer+index+1, m_buffer+index, sizeof(T) * (m_size - 1 - index) ); } // Copy-construct into the newly opened slot. new(m_buffer+index) T(val); } /// Append the given data to our vector. NV_FORCEINLINE void append(const Array & other) { append(other.m_buffer, other.m_size); } /// Append the given data to our vector. void append(const T other[], uint count) { if( count > 0 ) { const uint old_size = m_size; resize(m_size + count); // Must use operator=() to copy elements, in case of side effects (e.g. ref-counting). for( uint i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { m_buffer[old_size + i] = other[i]; } } } /// Remove the given element by replacing it with the last one. void replaceWithLast(uint index) { nvDebugCheck( index < m_size ); nv::swap(m_buffer[index], back()); //m_buffer[index] = back(); (m_buffer+m_size-1)->~T(); m_size--; } /// Resize the vector preserving existing elements. NV_NOINLINE void resize(uint new_size) { uint i; uint old_size = m_size; m_size = new_size; // Destruct old elements (if we're shrinking). for( i = new_size; i < old_size; i++ ) { (m_buffer+i)->~T(); // Explicit call to the destructor } if( m_size == 0 ) { //allocate(0); // Don't shrink automatically. } else if( m_size <= m_buffer_size/* && m_size > m_buffer_size >> 1*/) { // don't compact yet. nvDebugCheck(m_buffer != NULL); } else { uint new_buffer_size; if( m_buffer_size == 0 ) { // first allocation new_buffer_size = m_size; } else { // growing new_buffer_size = m_size + (m_size >> 2); } allocate( new_buffer_size ); } // Call default constructors for( i = old_size; i < new_size; i++ ) { new(m_buffer+i) T; // placement new } } /// Resize the vector preserving existing elements and initializing the /// new ones with the given value. NV_NOINLINE void resize( uint new_size, const T &elem ) { uint i; uint old_size = m_size; m_size = new_size; // Destruct old elements (if we're shrinking). for( i = new_size; i < old_size; i++ ) { (m_buffer+i)->~T(); // Explicit call to the destructor } if( m_size == 0 ) { //allocate(0); // Don't shrink automatically. } else if( m_size <= m_buffer_size && m_size > m_buffer_size >> 1 ) { // don't compact yet. } else { uint new_buffer_size; if( m_buffer_size == 0 ) { // first allocation new_buffer_size = m_size; } else { // growing new_buffer_size = m_size + (m_size >> 2); } allocate( new_buffer_size ); } // Call copy constructors for( i = old_size; i < new_size; i++ ) { new(m_buffer+i) T( elem ); // placement new } } /// Clear the buffer. NV_FORCEINLINE void clear() { resize(0); } /// Shrink the allocated vector. NV_FORCEINLINE void shrink() { if (m_size < m_buffer_size) { allocate(m_size); } } /// Preallocate space. NV_FORCEINLINE void reserve(uint desired_size) { if (desired_size > m_buffer_size) { allocate( desired_size ); } } /// Copy elements to this array. Resizes it if needed. void copy(const T * ptr, uint num) { resize( num ); for (uint i = 0; i < m_size; i++) { m_buffer[i] = ptr[i]; } } /// Assignment operator. NV_FORCEINLINE Array & operator=( const Array & a ) { copy(a.m_buffer, a.m_size); return *this; } // Release ownership of allocated memory and returns pointer to it. T * release() { T * tmp = m_buffer; m_buffer = NULL; m_size = 0; m_buffer_size = 0; return tmp; } /// Array serialization. friend Stream & operator<< ( Stream & s, Array & p ) { if( s.isLoading() ) { uint size; s << size; p.resize( size ); } else { s << p.m_size; } for( uint i = 0; i < p.m_size; i++ ) { s << p.m_buffer[i]; } return s; } // Array enumerator. typedef uint PseudoIndex; NV_FORCEINLINE PseudoIndex start() const { return 0; } NV_FORCEINLINE bool isDone(const PseudoIndex & i) const { nvDebugCheck(i <= this->m_size); return i == this->m_size; }; NV_FORCEINLINE void advance(PseudoIndex & i) const { nvDebugCheck(i <= this->m_size); i++; } #if NV_CC_MSVC NV_FORCEINLINE T & operator[]( const PseudoIndexWrapper & i ) { return m_buffer[i(this)]; } NV_FORCEINLINE const T & operator[]( const PseudoIndexWrapper & i ) const { return m_buffer[i(this)]; } #endif /// Swap the members of this vector and the given vector. friend void swap(Array & a, Array & b) { swap(a.m_buffer, b.m_buffer); swap(a.m_size, b.m_size); swap(a.m_buffer_size, b.m_buffer_size); } private: /// Change buffer size. NV_NOINLINE void allocate( uint rsize ) { m_buffer_size = rsize; // free the buffer. if (m_buffer_size == 0) { if (m_buffer) { free( m_buffer ); m_buffer = NULL; } } // realloc the buffer else { m_buffer = realloc(m_buffer, m_buffer_size); } } private: T * m_buffer; uint m_size; uint m_buffer_size; }; } // nv namespace #endif // NV_CORE_ARRAY_H