// Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Ignacio Castano // Copyright (c) 2008-2009 NVIDIA Corporation -- Ignacio Castano // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person // obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without // restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, // copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following // conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR // OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #include "Context.h" #include "nvtt.h" #include "InputOptions.h" #include "CompressionOptions.h" #include "OutputOptions.h" #include "Surface.h" #include "CompressorDX9.h" #include "CompressorDX10.h" #include "CompressorDX11.h" #include "CompressorRGB.h" #include "cuda/CudaUtils.h" #include "cuda/CudaCompressorDXT.h" #include "nvimage/DirectDrawSurface.h" #include "nvimage/ColorBlock.h" #include "nvimage/BlockDXT.h" #include "nvimage/Image.h" #include "nvimage/FloatImage.h" #include "nvimage/Filter.h" #include "nvimage/Quantize.h" #include "nvimage/NormalMap.h" #include "nvimage/PixelFormat.h" #include "nvimage/ColorSpace.h" #include "nvcore/Memory.h" #include "nvcore/Ptr.h" using namespace nv; using namespace nvtt; Compressor::Compressor() : m(*new Compressor::Private()) { // CUDA initialization. m.cudaSupported = cuda::isHardwarePresent(); m.cudaEnabled = false; m.cuda = NULL; enableCudaAcceleration(m.cudaSupported); m.dispatcher = &m.defaultDispatcher; } Compressor::~Compressor() { delete &m; } void Compressor::enableCudaAcceleration(bool enable) { if (m.cudaSupported) { m.cudaEnabled = enable; } if (m.cudaEnabled && m.cuda == NULL) { m.cuda = new CudaContext(); if (!m.cuda->isValid()) { m.cudaEnabled = false; m.cuda = NULL; } } } bool Compressor::isCudaAccelerationEnabled() const { return m.cudaEnabled; } void Compressor::setTaskDispatcher(TaskDispatcher * disp) { if (disp == NULL) { m.dispatcher = &m.defaultDispatcher; } else { m.dispatcher = disp; } } // Input Options API. bool Compressor::process(const InputOptions & inputOptions, const CompressionOptions & compressionOptions, const OutputOptions & outputOptions) const { return m.compress(inputOptions.m, compressionOptions.m, outputOptions.m); } int Compressor::estimateSize(const InputOptions & inputOptions, const CompressionOptions & compressionOptions) const { int w = inputOptions.m.width; int h = inputOptions.m.height; int d = inputOptions.m.depth; getTargetExtent(&w, &h, &d, inputOptions.m.maxExtent, inputOptions.m.roundMode, inputOptions.m.textureType); int mipmapCount = 1; if (inputOptions.m.generateMipmaps) { mipmapCount = countMipmaps(w, h, d); if (inputOptions.m.maxLevel > 0) mipmapCount = min(mipmapCount, inputOptions.m.maxLevel); } return inputOptions.m.faceCount * estimateSize(w, h, d, mipmapCount, compressionOptions); } // Surface API. bool Compressor::outputHeader(const Surface & tex, int mipmapCount, const CompressionOptions & compressionOptions, const OutputOptions & outputOptions) const { return m.outputHeader(tex.type(), tex.width(), tex.height(), tex.depth(), mipmapCount, tex.isNormalMap(), compressionOptions.m, outputOptions.m); } bool Compressor::compress(const Surface & tex, int face, int mipmap, const CompressionOptions & compressionOptions, const OutputOptions & outputOptions) const { return m.compress(tex, face, mipmap, compressionOptions.m, outputOptions.m); } int Compressor::estimateSize(const Surface & tex, int mipmapCount, const CompressionOptions & compressionOptions) const { const int w = tex.width(); const int h = tex.height(); const int d = tex.depth(); return estimateSize(w, h, d, mipmapCount, compressionOptions); } bool Compressor::outputHeader(const CubeSurface & cube, int mipmapCount, const CompressionOptions & compressionOptions, const OutputOptions & outputOptions) const { return m.outputHeader(TextureType_Cube, cube.edgeLength(), cube.edgeLength(), 1, mipmapCount, false, compressionOptions.m, outputOptions.m); } bool Compressor::compress(const CubeSurface & cube, int mipmap, const CompressionOptions & compressionOptions, const OutputOptions & outputOptions) const { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if(!m.compress(cube.face(i), i, mipmap, compressionOptions.m, outputOptions.m)) { return false; } } return true; } int Compressor::estimateSize(const CubeSurface & cube, int mipmapCount, const CompressionOptions & compressionOptions) const { return 6 * estimateSize(cube.edgeLength(), cube.edgeLength(), 1, mipmapCount, compressionOptions); } // Raw API. bool Compressor::outputHeader(TextureType type, int w, int h, int d, int mipmapCount, bool isNormalMap, const CompressionOptions & compressionOptions, const OutputOptions & outputOptions) const { return m.outputHeader(type, w, h, d, mipmapCount, isNormalMap, compressionOptions.m, outputOptions.m); } bool Compressor::compress(int w, int h, int d, int face, int mipmap, const float * rgba, const CompressionOptions & compressionOptions, const OutputOptions & outputOptions) const { return m.compress(AlphaMode_None, w, h, d, face, mipmap, rgba, compressionOptions.m, outputOptions.m); } int Compressor::estimateSize(int w, int h, int d, int mipmapCount, const CompressionOptions & compressionOptions) const { const Format format = compressionOptions.m.format; const uint bitCount = compressionOptions.m.getBitCount(); const uint pitchAlignment = compressionOptions.m.pitchAlignment; int size = 0; for (int m = 0; m < mipmapCount; m++) { size += computeImageSize(w, h, d, bitCount, pitchAlignment, format); // Compute extents of next mipmap: w = max(1, w / 2); h = max(1, h / 2); d = max(1, d / 2); } return size; } bool Compressor::Private::compress(const InputOptions::Private & inputOptions, const CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, const OutputOptions::Private & outputOptions) const { // Make sure enums match. nvStaticCheck(FloatImage::WrapMode_Clamp == (FloatImage::WrapMode)WrapMode_Clamp); nvStaticCheck(FloatImage::WrapMode_Mirror == (FloatImage::WrapMode)WrapMode_Mirror); nvStaticCheck(FloatImage::WrapMode_Repeat == (FloatImage::WrapMode)WrapMode_Repeat); // Get output handler. if (!outputOptions.hasValidOutputHandler()) { outputOptions.error(Error_FileOpen); return false; } nvtt::Surface img; img.setWrapMode(inputOptions.wrapMode); img.setAlphaMode(inputOptions.alphaMode); img.setNormalMap(inputOptions.isNormalMap); const int faceCount = inputOptions.faceCount; int width = inputOptions.width; int height = inputOptions.height; int depth = inputOptions.depth; nv::getTargetExtent(&width, &height, &depth, inputOptions.maxExtent, inputOptions.roundMode, inputOptions.textureType); // If the extents have not changed, then we can use source images for all mipmaps. bool canUseSourceImages = (inputOptions.width == width && inputOptions.height == height && inputOptions.depth == depth); int mipmapCount = 1; if (inputOptions.generateMipmaps) { mipmapCount = countMipmaps(width, height, depth); if (inputOptions.maxLevel > 0) mipmapCount = min(mipmapCount, inputOptions.maxLevel); } if (!outputHeader(inputOptions.textureType, width, height, depth, mipmapCount, img.isNormalMap(), compressionOptions, outputOptions)) { return false; } // Output images. for (int f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) { int w = width; int h = height; int d = depth; bool canUseSourceImagesForThisFace = canUseSourceImages; img.setImage(inputOptions.inputFormat, inputOptions.width, inputOptions.height, inputOptions.depth, inputOptions.images[f]); // To normal map. if (inputOptions.convertToNormalMap) { img.toGreyScale(inputOptions.heightFactors.x, inputOptions.heightFactors.y, inputOptions.heightFactors.z, inputOptions.heightFactors.w); img.toNormalMap(inputOptions.bumpFrequencyScale.x, inputOptions.bumpFrequencyScale.y, inputOptions.bumpFrequencyScale.z, inputOptions.bumpFrequencyScale.w); } // To linear space. if (!img.isNormalMap()) { img.toLinear(inputOptions.inputGamma); } else { img.expandNormals(); } // Resize input. img.resize(w, h, d, ResizeFilter_Box); nvtt::Surface tmp = img; if (!img.isNormalMap()) { tmp.toGamma(inputOptions.outputGamma); } else { tmp.packNormals(); } quantize(tmp, compressionOptions); compress(tmp, f, 0, compressionOptions, outputOptions); for (int m = 1; m < mipmapCount; m++) { w = max(1, w/2); h = max(1, h/2); d = max(1, d/2); int idx = m * faceCount + f; bool useSourceImages = false; if (canUseSourceImagesForThisFace) { if (inputOptions.images[idx] == NULL) { // One face is missing in this mipmap level. canUseSourceImagesForThisFace = false; // If one level is missing, ignore the following source images. } else { useSourceImages = true; } } if (useSourceImages) { img.setImage(inputOptions.inputFormat, w, h, d, inputOptions.images[idx]); // For already generated mipmaps, we need to convert to linear. if (!img.isNormalMap()) { img.toLinear(inputOptions.inputGamma); } else { img.expandNormals(); } } else { if (inputOptions.mipmapFilter == MipmapFilter_Kaiser) { float params[2] = { inputOptions.kaiserStretch, inputOptions.kaiserAlpha }; img.buildNextMipmap(MipmapFilter_Kaiser, inputOptions.kaiserWidth, params); } else { img.buildNextMipmap(inputOptions.mipmapFilter); } } nvDebugCheck(img.width() == w); nvDebugCheck(img.height() == h); nvDebugCheck(img.depth() == d); if (img.isNormalMap()) { if (inputOptions.normalizeMipmaps) { img.normalizeNormalMap(); } tmp = img; tmp.packNormals(); } else { tmp = img; tmp.toGamma(inputOptions.outputGamma); } quantize(tmp, compressionOptions); compress(tmp, f, m, compressionOptions, outputOptions); } } return true; } bool Compressor::Private::compress(const Surface & tex, int face, int mipmap, const CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, const OutputOptions::Private & outputOptions) const { if (!compress(tex.alphaMode(), tex.width(), tex.height(), tex.depth(), face, mipmap, tex.data(), compressionOptions, outputOptions)) { return false; } return true; } bool Compressor::Private::compress(AlphaMode alphaMode, int w, int h, int d, int face, int mipmap, const float * rgba, const CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, const OutputOptions::Private & outputOptions) const { int size = computeImageSize(w, h, d, compressionOptions.getBitCount(), compressionOptions.pitchAlignment, compressionOptions.format); outputOptions.beginImage(size, w, h, d, face, mipmap); // Decide what compressor to use. AutoPtr compressor; #if defined HAVE_CUDA if (cudaEnabled && w * h >= 512) { compressor = chooseGpuCompressor(compressionOptions); } #endif if (compressor == NULL) { compressor = chooseCpuCompressor(compressionOptions); } if (compressor == NULL) { outputOptions.error(Error_UnsupportedFeature); } else { compressor->compress(alphaMode, w, h, d, rgba, dispatcher, compressionOptions, outputOptions); } outputOptions.endImage(); return true; } void Compressor::Private::quantize(Surface & img, const CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions) const { if (compressionOptions.enableColorDithering) { if (compressionOptions.format >= Format_BC1 && compressionOptions.format <= Format_BC3) { img.quantize(0, 5, true, true); img.quantize(1, 6, true, true); img.quantize(2, 5, true, true); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_RGB) { img.quantize(0, compressionOptions.rsize, true, true); img.quantize(1, compressionOptions.gsize, true, true); img.quantize(2, compressionOptions.bsize, true, true); } } if (compressionOptions.enableAlphaDithering) { if (compressionOptions.format == Format_RGB) { img.quantize(3, compressionOptions.asize, true, true); } } else if (compressionOptions.binaryAlpha) { img.binarize(3, float(compressionOptions.alphaThreshold)/255.0f, compressionOptions.enableAlphaDithering); } } bool Compressor::Private::outputHeader(nvtt::TextureType textureType, int w, int h, int d, int mipmapCount, bool isNormalMap, const CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, const OutputOptions::Private & outputOptions) const { if (w <= 0 || h <= 0 || d <= 0 || mipmapCount <= 0) { outputOptions.error(Error_InvalidInput); return false; } if (!outputOptions.outputHeader) { return true; } // Output DDS header. if (outputOptions.container == Container_DDS || outputOptions.container == Container_DDS10) { DDSHeader header; header.setUserVersion(outputOptions.version); if (textureType == TextureType_2D) { header.setTexture2D(); } else if (textureType == TextureType_Cube) { header.setTextureCube(); } else if (textureType == TextureType_3D) { header.setTexture3D(); header.setDepth(d); } header.setWidth(w); header.setHeight(h); header.setMipmapCount(mipmapCount); bool supported = true; if (outputOptions.container == Container_DDS10) { if (compressionOptions.format == Format_RGBA) { const uint bitcount = compressionOptions.getBitCount(); if (bitcount == 16) { if (compressionOptions.rsize == 16) { header.setDX10Format(56); // R16_UNORM } else { // B5G6R5_UNORM // B5G5R5A1_UNORM supported = false; } } else if (bitcount == 32) { // B8G8R8A8_UNORM // B8G8R8X8_UNORM // R8G8B8A8_UNORM // R10G10B10A2_UNORM supported = false; } else { supported = false; } } else { if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT1 || compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT1a || compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT1n) { header.setDX10Format(DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM); if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT1a) header.setHasAlphaFlag(true); if (isNormalMap) header.setNormalFlag(true); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT3) { header.setDX10Format(DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT5) { header.setDX10Format(DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT5n) { header.setDX10Format(DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM); if (isNormalMap) header.setNormalFlag(true); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_BC4) { header.setDX10Format(DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_UNORM); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_BC5) { header.setDX10Format(DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_UNORM); if (isNormalMap) header.setNormalFlag(true); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_BC6) { header.setDX10Format(DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_UF16); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_BC7) { header.setDX10Format(DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM); if (isNormalMap) header.setNormalFlag(true); } else { supported = false; } } } else { if (compressionOptions.format == Format_RGBA) { // Get output bit count. header.setPitch(computeBytePitch(w, compressionOptions.getBitCount(), compressionOptions.pitchAlignment)); if (compressionOptions.pixelType == PixelType_Float) { if (compressionOptions.rsize == 16 && compressionOptions.gsize == 0 && compressionOptions.bsize == 0 && compressionOptions.asize == 0) { header.setFormatCode(111); // D3DFMT_R16F } else if (compressionOptions.rsize == 16 && compressionOptions.gsize == 16 && compressionOptions.bsize == 0 && compressionOptions.asize == 0) { header.setFormatCode(112); // D3DFMT_G16R16F } else if (compressionOptions.rsize == 16 && compressionOptions.gsize == 16 && compressionOptions.bsize == 16 && compressionOptions.asize == 16) { header.setFormatCode(113); // D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F } else if (compressionOptions.rsize == 32 && compressionOptions.gsize == 0 && compressionOptions.bsize == 0 && compressionOptions.asize == 0) { header.setFormatCode(114); // D3DFMT_R32F } else if (compressionOptions.rsize == 32 && compressionOptions.gsize == 32 && compressionOptions.bsize == 0 && compressionOptions.asize == 0) { header.setFormatCode(115); // D3DFMT_G32R32F } else if (compressionOptions.rsize == 32 && compressionOptions.gsize == 32 && compressionOptions.bsize == 32 && compressionOptions.asize == 32) { header.setFormatCode(116); // D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F } else { supported = false; } } else // Fixed point { const uint bitcount = compressionOptions.getBitCount(); if (compressionOptions.bitcount != 0) { // Masks already computed. header.setPixelFormat(compressionOptions.bitcount, compressionOptions.rmask, compressionOptions.gmask, compressionOptions.bmask, compressionOptions.amask); } else if (bitcount <= 32) { // Compute pixel format masks. const uint ashift = 0; const uint bshift = ashift + compressionOptions.asize; const uint gshift = bshift + compressionOptions.bsize; const uint rshift = gshift + compressionOptions.gsize; const uint rmask = ((1 << compressionOptions.rsize) - 1) << rshift; const uint gmask = ((1 << compressionOptions.gsize) - 1) << gshift; const uint bmask = ((1 << compressionOptions.bsize) - 1) << bshift; const uint amask = ((1 << compressionOptions.asize) - 1) << ashift; header.setPixelFormat(bitcount, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask); } else { supported = false; } } } else { header.setLinearSize(computeImageSize(w, h, d, compressionOptions.bitcount, compressionOptions.pitchAlignment, compressionOptions.format)); if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT1 || compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT1a || compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT1n) { header.setFourCC('D', 'X', 'T', '1'); if (isNormalMap) header.setNormalFlag(true); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT3) { header.setFourCC('D', 'X', 'T', '3'); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT5) { header.setFourCC('D', 'X', 'T', '5'); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT5n) { header.setFourCC('D', 'X', 'T', '5'); if (isNormalMap) { header.setNormalFlag(true); header.setSwizzleCode('A', '2', 'D', '5'); //header.setSwizzleCode('x', 'G', 'x', 'R'); } } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_BC4) { header.setFourCC('A', 'T', 'I', '1'); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_BC5) { header.setFourCC('A', 'T', 'I', '2'); if (isNormalMap) { header.setNormalFlag(true); header.setSwizzleCode('A', '2', 'X', 'Y'); } } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_BC6) { // @@ This is not supported by D3DX. Always use DX10 header with BC6-7 formats. header.setFourCC('Z', 'O', 'H', ' '); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_BC7) { header.setFourCC('Z', 'O', 'L', 'A'); if (isNormalMap) header.setNormalFlag(true); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_CTX1) { header.setFourCC('C', 'T', 'X', '1'); if (isNormalMap) header.setNormalFlag(true); } else { supported = false; } } if (outputOptions.srgb) header.setSrgbFlag(true); } if (!supported) { // This container does not support the requested format. outputOptions.error(Error_UnsupportedOutputFormat); return false; } uint headerSize = 128; if (header.hasDX10Header()) { nvStaticCheck(sizeof(DDSHeader) == 128 + 20); headerSize = 128 + 20; } // Swap bytes if necessary. header.swapBytes(); bool writeSucceed = outputOptions.writeData(&header, headerSize); if (!writeSucceed) { outputOptions.error(Error_FileWrite); } return writeSucceed; } return true; } CompressorInterface * Compressor::Private::chooseCpuCompressor(const CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions) const { if (compressionOptions.format == Format_RGB) { return new PixelFormatConverter; } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT1) { #if defined(HAVE_ATITC) if (compressionOptions.externalCompressor == "ati") return new AtiCompressorDXT1; else #endif #if defined(HAVE_SQUISH) if (compressionOptions.externalCompressor == "squish") return new SquishCompressorDXT1; else #endif #if defined(HAVE_D3DX) if (compressionOptions.externalCompressor == "d3dx") return new D3DXCompressorDXT1; else #endif #if defined(HAVE_D3DX) if (compressionOptions.externalCompressor == "stb") return new StbCompressorDXT1; else #endif if (compressionOptions.quality == Quality_Fastest) { return new FastCompressorDXT1; } return new CompressorDXT1; } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT1a) { if (compressionOptions.quality == Quality_Fastest) { return new FastCompressorDXT1a; } return new CompressorDXT1a; } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT1n) { // Not supported. } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT3) { if (compressionOptions.quality == Quality_Fastest) { return new FastCompressorDXT3; } return new CompressorDXT3; } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT5) { #if defined(HAVE_ATITC) if (compressionOptions.externalCompressor == "ati") return new AtiCompressorDXT5; else #endif if (compressionOptions.quality == Quality_Fastest) { return new FastCompressorDXT5; } return new CompressorDXT5; } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT5n) { if (compressionOptions.quality == Quality_Fastest) { return new FastCompressorDXT5n; } return new CompressorDXT5n; } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_BC4) { if (compressionOptions.quality == Quality_Fastest || compressionOptions.quality == Quality_Normal) { return new FastCompressorBC4; } return new ProductionCompressorBC4; } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_BC5) { if (compressionOptions.quality == Quality_Fastest || compressionOptions.quality == Quality_Normal) { return new FastCompressorBC5; } return new ProductionCompressorBC5; } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_CTX1) { // Not supported. } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_BC6) { return new CompressorBC6; } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_BC7) { return new CompressorBC7; } return NULL; } CompressorInterface * Compressor::Private::chooseGpuCompressor(const CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions) const { nvDebugCheck(cudaSupported); if (compressionOptions.quality == Quality_Fastest) { // Do not use CUDA compressors in fastest quality mode. return NULL; } #if defined HAVE_CUDA if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT1) { return new CudaCompressorDXT1(*cuda); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT1a) { //#pragma NV_MESSAGE("TODO: Implement CUDA DXT1a compressor.") } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT1n) { // Not supported. } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT3) { //return new CudaCompressorDXT3(*cuda); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT5) { //return new CudaCompressorDXT5(*cuda); } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_DXT5n) { // @@ Return CUDA compressor. } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_BC4) { // Not supported. } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_BC5) { // Not supported. } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_CTX1) { // @@ Return CUDA compressor. } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_BC6) { // Not supported. } else if (compressionOptions.format == Format_BC7) { // Not supported. } #endif // defined HAVE_CUDA return NULL; }