// This code is in the public domain -- castano@gmail.com #include "Thread.h" #if NV_OS_WIN32 #include "Win32.h" #elif NV_OS_USE_PTHREAD #include #include // usleep #endif using namespace nv; struct Thread::Private { #if NV_OS_WIN32 HANDLE thread; #elif NV_OS_USE_PTHREAD pthread_t thread; #endif ThreadFunc * func; void * arg; }; #if NV_OS_WIN32 unsigned long __stdcall threadFunc(void * arg) { Thread::Private * thread = (Thread::Private *)arg; thread->func(thread->arg); return 0; } #elif NV_OS_USE_PTHREAD extern "C" void * threadFunc(void * arg) { Thread::Private * thread = (Thread::Private *)arg; thread->func(thread->arg); pthread_exit(0); } #endif Thread::Thread() : p(new Private) { p->thread = 0; } Thread::~Thread() { nvDebugCheck(p->thread == 0); } void Thread::start(ThreadFunc * func, void * arg) { p->func = func; p->arg = arg; #if NV_OS_WIN32 p->thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, threadFunc, p.ptr(), 0, NULL); //p->thread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex (0, 0, threadFunc, p.ptr(), 0, NULL); // @@ So that we can call CRT functions... nvDebugCheck(p->thread != NULL); #elif NV_OS_USE_PTHREAD int result = pthread_create(&p->thread, NULL, threadFunc, p.ptr()); nvDebugCheck(result == 0); #endif } void Thread::wait() { #if NV_OS_WIN32 DWORD status = WaitForSingleObject (p->thread, INFINITE); nvCheck (status == WAIT_OBJECT_0); BOOL ok = CloseHandle (p->thread); p->thread = NULL; nvCheck (ok); #elif NV_OS_USE_PTHREAD int result = pthread_join(p->thread, NULL); p->thread = 0; nvDebugCheck(result == 0); #endif } bool Thread::isRunning () const { #if NV_OS_WIN32 return p->thread != NULL; #elif NV_OS_USE_PTHREAD return p->thread != 0; #endif } /*static*/ void Thread::spinWait(uint count) { for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) {} } /*static*/ void Thread::yield() { #if NV_OS_WIN32 SwitchToThread(); #elif NV_OS_USE_PTHREAD int result = sched_yield(); nvDebugCheck(result == 0); #endif } /*static*/ void Thread::sleep(uint ms) { #if NV_OS_WIN32 Sleep(ms); #elif NV_OS_USE_PTHREAD usleep(1000 * ms); #endif } /*static*/ void Thread::wait(Thread * threads, uint count) { /*#if NV_OS_WIN32 // @@ Is there any advantage in doing this? nvDebugCheck(count < MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS); HANDLE * handles = new HANDLE[count]; for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { handles[i] = threads->p->thread; } DWORD result = WaitForMultipleObjects(count, handles, TRUE, INFINITE); for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { CloseHandle (threads->p->thread); threads->p->thread = 0; } delete [] handles; #else*/ for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { threads[i].wait(); } //#endif }