/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006 Simon Brown si@sjbrown.co.uk Copyright (c) 2006 Ignacio Castano icastano@nvidia.com Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "ClusterFit.h" #include "nvmath/Fitting.h" #include "nvmath/Vector.inl" #include "nvimage/ColorBlock.h" #include // FLT_MAX using namespace nv; ClusterFit::ClusterFit() { } void ClusterFit::setColourSet(const ColorSet * set) { // initialise the best error #if NVTT_USE_SIMD m_besterror = SimdVector( FLT_MAX ); Vector3 metric = m_metric.toVector3(); #else m_besterror = FLT_MAX; Vector3 metric = m_metric; #endif // cache some values m_count = set->colorCount; Vector3 values[16]; for (uint i = 0; i < m_count; i++) { values[i] = set->colors[i].xyz(); } Vector3 principle = Fit::computePrincipalComponent(m_count, values, set->weights, metric); // build the list of values int order[16]; float dps[16]; for (uint i = 0; i < m_count; ++i) { dps[i] = dot(values[i], principle); order[i] = i; } // stable sort for (uint i = 0; i < m_count; ++i) { for (uint j = i; j > 0 && dps[j] < dps[j - 1]; --j) { swap(dps[j], dps[j - 1]); swap(order[j], order[j - 1]); } } // weight all the points #if NVTT_USE_SIMD m_xxsum = SimdVector( 0.0f ); m_xsum = SimdVector( 0.0f ); #else m_xxsum = Vector3(0.0f); m_xsum = Vector3(0.0f); m_wsum = 0.0f; #endif for (uint i = 0; i < m_count; ++i) { int p = order[i]; #if NVTT_USE_SIMD Vector4 tmp(values[p] * set->weights[p], set->weights[p]); m_weighted[i] = SimdVector(tmp); m_xxsum += m_weighted[i] * m_weighted[i]; m_xsum += m_weighted[i]; #else m_weighted[i] = values[p] * set->weights[p]; m_xxsum += m_weighted[i] * m_weighted[i]; m_xsum += m_weighted[i]; m_weights[i] = set->weights[p]; m_wsum += m_weights[i]; #endif } } void ClusterFit::setMetric(Vector4::Arg w) { #if NVTT_USE_SIMD Vector4 tmp(w.xyz(), 1); m_metric = SimdVector(tmp); #else m_metric = w.xyz(); #endif m_metricSqr = m_metric * m_metric; } float ClusterFit::bestError() const { #if NVTT_USE_SIMD SimdVector x = m_xxsum * m_metricSqr; SimdVector error = m_besterror + x.splatX() + x.splatY() + x.splatZ(); return error.toFloat(); #else return m_besterror + dot(m_xxsum, m_metricSqr); #endif } #if NVTT_USE_SIMD bool ClusterFit::compress3( Vector3 * start, Vector3 * end ) { int const count = m_count; SimdVector const one = SimdVector(1.0f); SimdVector const zero = SimdVector(0.0f); SimdVector const half(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.25f); SimdVector const two = SimdVector(2.0); SimdVector const grid( 31.0f, 63.0f, 31.0f, 0.0f ); SimdVector const gridrcp( 1.0f/31.0f, 1.0f/63.0f, 1.0f/31.0f, 0.0f ); // declare variables SimdVector beststart = SimdVector( 0.0f ); SimdVector bestend = SimdVector( 0.0f ); SimdVector besterror = SimdVector( FLT_MAX ); SimdVector x0 = zero; int b0 = 0, b1 = 0; // check all possible clusters for this total order for( int c0 = 0; c0 <= count; c0++) { SimdVector x1 = zero; for( int c1 = 0; c1 <= count-c0; c1++) { SimdVector const x2 = m_xsum - x1 - x0; //Vector3 const alphax_sum = x0 + x1 * 0.5f; //float const alpha2_sum = w0 + w1 * 0.25f; SimdVector const alphax_sum = multiplyAdd(x1, half, x0); // alphax_sum, alpha2_sum SimdVector const alpha2_sum = alphax_sum.splatW(); //Vector3 const betax_sum = x2 + x1 * 0.5f; //float const beta2_sum = w2 + w1 * 0.25f; SimdVector const betax_sum = multiplyAdd(x1, half, x2); // betax_sum, beta2_sum SimdVector const beta2_sum = betax_sum.splatW(); //float const alphabeta_sum = w1 * 0.25f; SimdVector const alphabeta_sum = (x1 * half).splatW(); // alphabeta_sum // float const factor = 1.0f / (alpha2_sum * beta2_sum - alphabeta_sum * alphabeta_sum); SimdVector const factor = reciprocal( negativeMultiplySubtract(alphabeta_sum, alphabeta_sum, alpha2_sum*beta2_sum) ); SimdVector a = negativeMultiplySubtract(betax_sum, alphabeta_sum, alphax_sum*beta2_sum) * factor; SimdVector b = negativeMultiplySubtract(alphax_sum, alphabeta_sum, betax_sum*alpha2_sum) * factor; // clamp to the grid a = min( one, max( zero, a ) ); b = min( one, max( zero, b ) ); a = truncate( multiplyAdd( grid, a, half ) ) * gridrcp; b = truncate( multiplyAdd( grid, b, half ) ) * gridrcp; // compute the error (we skip the constant xxsum) SimdVector e1 = multiplyAdd( a*a, alpha2_sum, b*b*beta2_sum ); SimdVector e2 = negativeMultiplySubtract( a, alphax_sum, a*b*alphabeta_sum ); SimdVector e3 = negativeMultiplySubtract( b, betax_sum, e2 ); SimdVector e4 = multiplyAdd( two, e3, e1 ); // apply the metric to the error term SimdVector e5 = e4 * m_metricSqr; SimdVector error = e5.splatX() + e5.splatY() + e5.splatZ(); // keep the solution if it wins if( compareAnyLessThan( error, besterror ) ) { besterror = error; beststart = a; bestend = b; b0 = c0; b1 = c1; } x1 += m_weighted[c0+c1]; } x0 += m_weighted[c0]; } // save the block if necessary if( compareAnyLessThan( besterror, m_besterror ) ) { *start = beststart.toVector3(); *end = bestend.toVector3(); // save the error m_besterror = besterror; return true; } return false; } bool ClusterFit::compress4( Vector3 * start, Vector3 * end ) { int const count = m_count; SimdVector const one = SimdVector(1.0f); SimdVector const zero = SimdVector(0.0f); SimdVector const half = SimdVector(0.5f); SimdVector const two = SimdVector(2.0); SimdVector const onethird( 1.0f/3.0f, 1.0f/3.0f, 1.0f/3.0f, 1.0f/9.0f ); SimdVector const twothirds( 2.0f/3.0f, 2.0f/3.0f, 2.0f/3.0f, 4.0f/9.0f ); SimdVector const twonineths = SimdVector( 2.0f/9.0f ); SimdVector const grid( 31.0f, 63.0f, 31.0f, 0.0f ); SimdVector const gridrcp( 1.0f/31.0f, 1.0f/63.0f, 1.0f/31.0f, 0.0f ); // declare variables SimdVector beststart = SimdVector( 0.0f ); SimdVector bestend = SimdVector( 0.0f ); SimdVector besterror = SimdVector( FLT_MAX ); SimdVector x0 = zero; int b0 = 0, b1 = 0, b2 = 0; // check all possible clusters for this total order for( int c0 = 0; c0 <= count; c0++) { SimdVector x1 = zero; for( int c1 = 0; c1 <= count-c0; c1++) { SimdVector x2 = zero; for( int c2 = 0; c2 <= count-c0-c1; c2++) { SimdVector const x3 = m_xsum - x2 - x1 - x0; //Vector3 const alphax_sum = x0 + x1 * (2.0f / 3.0f) + x2 * (1.0f / 3.0f); //float const alpha2_sum = w0 + w1 * (4.0f/9.0f) + w2 * (1.0f/9.0f); SimdVector const alphax_sum = multiplyAdd(x2, onethird, multiplyAdd(x1, twothirds, x0)); // alphax_sum, alpha2_sum SimdVector const alpha2_sum = alphax_sum.splatW(); //Vector3 const betax_sum = x3 + x2 * (2.0f / 3.0f) + x1 * (1.0f / 3.0f); //float const beta2_sum = w3 + w2 * (4.0f/9.0f) + w1 * (1.0f/9.0f); SimdVector const betax_sum = multiplyAdd(x2, twothirds, multiplyAdd(x1, onethird, x3)); // betax_sum, beta2_sum SimdVector const beta2_sum = betax_sum.splatW(); //float const alphabeta_sum = (w1 + w2) * (2.0f/9.0f); SimdVector const alphabeta_sum = twonineths*( x1 + x2 ).splatW(); // alphabeta_sum // float const factor = 1.0f / (alpha2_sum * beta2_sum - alphabeta_sum * alphabeta_sum); SimdVector const factor = reciprocal( negativeMultiplySubtract(alphabeta_sum, alphabeta_sum, alpha2_sum*beta2_sum) ); SimdVector a = negativeMultiplySubtract(betax_sum, alphabeta_sum, alphax_sum*beta2_sum) * factor; SimdVector b = negativeMultiplySubtract(alphax_sum, alphabeta_sum, betax_sum*alpha2_sum) * factor; // clamp to the grid a = min( one, max( zero, a ) ); b = min( one, max( zero, b ) ); a = truncate( multiplyAdd( grid, a, half ) ) * gridrcp; b = truncate( multiplyAdd( grid, b, half ) ) * gridrcp; // compute the error (we skip the constant xxsum) SimdVector e1 = multiplyAdd( a*a, alpha2_sum, b*b*beta2_sum ); SimdVector e2 = negativeMultiplySubtract( a, alphax_sum, a*b*alphabeta_sum ); SimdVector e3 = negativeMultiplySubtract( b, betax_sum, e2 ); SimdVector e4 = multiplyAdd( two, e3, e1 ); // apply the metric to the error term SimdVector e5 = e4 * m_metricSqr; SimdVector error = e5.splatX() + e5.splatY() + e5.splatZ(); // keep the solution if it wins if( compareAnyLessThan( error, besterror ) ) { besterror = error; beststart = a; bestend = b; b0 = c0; b1 = c1; b2 = c2; } x2 += m_weighted[c0+c1+c2]; } x1 += m_weighted[c0+c1]; } x0 += m_weighted[c0]; } // save the block if necessary if( compareAnyLessThan( besterror, m_besterror ) ) { *start = beststart.toVector3(); *end = bestend.toVector3(); // save the error m_besterror = besterror; return true; } return false; } #else bool ClusterFit::compress3(Vector3 * start, Vector3 * end) { const uint count = m_count; const Vector3 grid( 31.0f, 63.0f, 31.0f ); const Vector3 gridrcp( 1.0f/31.0f, 1.0f/63.0f, 1.0f/31.0f ); // declare variables Vector3 beststart( 0.0f ); Vector3 bestend( 0.0f ); float besterror = FLT_MAX; Vector3 x0(0.0f); float w0 = 0.0f; int b0 = 0, b1 = 0; // check all possible clusters for this total order for (uint c0 = 0; c0 <= count; c0++) { Vector3 x1(0.0f); float w1 = 0.0f; for (uint c1 = 0; c1 <= count-c0; c1++) { float w2 = m_wsum - w0 - w1; // These factors could be entirely precomputed. float const alpha2_sum = w0 + w1 * 0.25f; float const beta2_sum = w2 + w1 * 0.25f; float const alphabeta_sum = w1 * 0.25f; float const factor = 1.0f / (alpha2_sum * beta2_sum - alphabeta_sum * alphabeta_sum); Vector3 const alphax_sum = x0 + x1 * 0.5f; Vector3 const betax_sum = m_xsum - alphax_sum; Vector3 a = (alphax_sum*beta2_sum - betax_sum*alphabeta_sum) * factor; Vector3 b = (betax_sum*alpha2_sum - alphax_sum*alphabeta_sum) * factor; // clamp to the grid a = clamp(a, 0, 1); b = clamp(b, 0, 1); a = floor(grid * a + 0.5f) * gridrcp; b = floor(grid * b + 0.5f) * gridrcp; // compute the error Vector3 e1 = a*a*alpha2_sum + b*b*beta2_sum + 2.0f*( a*b*alphabeta_sum - a*alphax_sum - b*betax_sum ); // apply the metric to the error term float error = dot(e1, m_metricSqr); // keep the solution if it wins if (error < besterror) { besterror = error; beststart = a; bestend = b; b0 = c0; b1 = c1; } x1 += m_weighted[c0+c1]; w1 += m_weights[c0+c1]; } x0 += m_weighted[c0]; w0 += m_weights[c0]; } // save the block if necessary if( besterror < m_besterror ) { *start = beststart; *end = bestend; // save the error m_besterror = besterror; return true; } return false; } bool ClusterFit::compress4(Vector3 * start, Vector3 * end) { const uint count = m_count; const Vector3 grid( 31.0f, 63.0f, 31.0f ); const Vector3 gridrcp( 1.0f/31.0f, 1.0f/63.0f, 1.0f/31.0f ); // declare variables Vector3 beststart( 0.0f ); Vector3 bestend( 0.0f ); float besterror = FLT_MAX; Vector3 x0(0.0f); float w0 = 0.0f; int b0 = 0, b1 = 0, b2 = 0; // check all possible clusters for this total order for (uint c0 = 0; c0 <= count; c0++) { Vector3 x1(0.0f); float w1 = 0.0f; for (uint c1 = 0; c1 <= count-c0; c1++) { Vector3 x2(0.0f); float w2 = 0.0f; for (uint c2 = 0; c2 <= count-c0-c1; c2++) { float w3 = m_wsum - w0 - w1 - w2; float const alpha2_sum = w0 + w1 * (4.0f/9.0f) + w2 * (1.0f/9.0f); float const beta2_sum = w3 + w2 * (4.0f/9.0f) + w1 * (1.0f/9.0f); float const alphabeta_sum = (w1 + w2) * (2.0f/9.0f); float const factor = 1.0f / (alpha2_sum * beta2_sum - alphabeta_sum * alphabeta_sum); Vector3 const alphax_sum = x0 + x1 * (2.0f / 3.0f) + x2 * (1.0f / 3.0f); Vector3 const betax_sum = m_xsum - alphax_sum; Vector3 a = ( alphax_sum*beta2_sum - betax_sum*alphabeta_sum )*factor; Vector3 b = ( betax_sum*alpha2_sum - alphax_sum*alphabeta_sum )*factor; // clamp to the grid a = clamp(a, 0, 1); b = clamp(b, 0, 1); a = floor(a * grid + 0.5f) * gridrcp; b = floor(b * grid + 0.5f) * gridrcp; // compute the error Vector3 e1 = a*a*alpha2_sum + b*b*beta2_sum + 2.0f*( a*b*alphabeta_sum - a*alphax_sum - b*betax_sum ); // apply the metric to the error term float error = dot( e1, m_metricSqr ); // keep the solution if it wins if (error < besterror) { besterror = error; beststart = a; bestend = b; b0 = c0; b1 = c1; b2 = c2; } x2 += m_weighted[c0+c1+c2]; w2 += m_weights[c0+c1+c2]; } x1 += m_weighted[c0+c1]; w1 += m_weights[c0+c1]; } x0 += m_weighted[c0]; w0 += m_weights[c0]; } // save the block if necessary if (besterror < m_besterror) { *start = beststart; *end = bestend; // save the error m_besterror = besterror; return true; } return false; } #endif // NVTT_USE_SIMD