// This code is in the public domain -- castanyo@yahoo.es #include "FloatImage.h" #include "Filter.h" #include "Image.h" #include "nvmath/Color.h" #include "nvmath/Vector.inl" #include "nvmath/Matrix.inl" #include "nvcore/Utils.h" // max #include "nvcore/Ptr.h" #include "nvcore/Memory.h" #include "nvcore/Array.inl" #include #include // memset, memcpy using namespace nv; /// Ctor. FloatImage::FloatImage() : m_componentCount(0), m_width(0), m_height(0), m_depth(0), m_pixelCount(0), m_floatCount(0), m_mem(NULL) { } /// Ctor. Init from image. FloatImage::FloatImage(const Image * img) : m_componentCount(0), m_width(0), m_height(0), m_depth(0), m_pixelCount(0), m_floatCount(0), m_mem(NULL) { initFrom(img); } /// Dtor. FloatImage::~FloatImage() { free(); } /// Init the floating point image from a regular image. void FloatImage::initFrom(const Image * img) { nvCheck(img != NULL); allocate(4, img->width(), img->height(), img->depth()); float * red_channel = channel(0); float * green_channel = channel(1); float * blue_channel = channel(2); float * alpha_channel = channel(3); const uint count = m_pixelCount; for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { Color32 pixel = img->pixel(i); red_channel[i] = float(pixel.r) / 255.0f; green_channel[i] = float(pixel.g) / 255.0f; blue_channel[i] = float(pixel.b) / 255.0f; alpha_channel[i] = float(pixel.a) / 255.0f; } } /// Convert the floating point image to a regular image. Image * FloatImage::createImage(uint baseComponent/*= 0*/, uint num/*= 4*/) const { nvCheck(num <= 4); nvCheck(baseComponent + num <= m_componentCount); AutoPtr img(new Image()); img->allocate(m_width, m_height, m_depth); for (uint i = 0; i < m_pixelCount; i++) { uint c; uint8 rgba[4]= {0, 0, 0, 0xff}; for (c = 0; c < num; c++) { float f = pixel(baseComponent + c, i); rgba[c] = nv::clamp(int(255.0f * f), 0, 255); } img->pixel(i) = Color32(rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], rgba[3]); } return img.release(); } /// Convert the floating point image to a regular image. Correct gamma of rgb, but not alpha. Image * FloatImage::createImageGammaCorrect(float gamma/*= 2.2f*/) const { nvCheck(m_componentCount == 4); AutoPtr img(new Image()); img->allocate(m_width, m_height, m_depth); const float * rChannel = this->channel(0); const float * gChannel = this->channel(1); const float * bChannel = this->channel(2); const float * aChannel = this->channel(3); const uint count = m_pixelCount; for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { const uint8 r = nv::clamp(int(255.0f * pow(rChannel[i], 1.0f/gamma)), 0, 255); const uint8 g = nv::clamp(int(255.0f * pow(gChannel[i], 1.0f/gamma)), 0, 255); const uint8 b = nv::clamp(int(255.0f * pow(bChannel[i], 1.0f/gamma)), 0, 255); const uint8 a = nv::clamp(int(255.0f * aChannel[i]), 0, 255); img->pixel(i) = Color32(r, g, b, a); } return img.release(); } /// Allocate a 2D float image of the given format and the given extents. void FloatImage::allocate(uint c, uint w, uint h, uint d) { if (m_componentCount != c || m_width != w || m_height != h || m_depth != d) { free(); m_width = w; m_height = h; m_depth = d; m_componentCount = c; m_pixelCount = w * h * d; m_floatCount = m_pixelCount * c; m_mem = malloc(m_floatCount); } } /// Free the image, but don't clear the members. void FloatImage::free() { ::free(m_mem); m_mem = NULL; } void FloatImage::resizeChannelCount(uint c) { if (m_componentCount != c) { uint count = m_pixelCount * c; m_mem = realloc(m_mem, count); if (c > m_componentCount) { memset(m_mem + m_floatCount, 0, (count - m_floatCount) * sizeof(float)); } m_componentCount = c; m_floatCount = count; } } void FloatImage::clear(float f/*=0.0f*/) { for (uint i = 0; i < m_floatCount; i++) { m_mem[i] = f; } } void FloatImage::clear(uint c, float f/*= 0.0f*/) { float * channel = this->channel(c); const uint count = m_pixelCount; for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { channel[i] = f; } } void FloatImage::copyChannel(uint src, uint dst) { nvCheck(src < m_componentCount); nvCheck(dst < m_componentCount); const float * srcChannel = this->channel(src); float * dstChannel = this->channel(dst); memcpy(dstChannel, srcChannel, sizeof(float)*m_pixelCount); } void FloatImage::normalize(uint baseComponent) { nvCheck(baseComponent + 3 <= m_componentCount); float * xChannel = this->channel(baseComponent + 0); float * yChannel = this->channel(baseComponent + 1); float * zChannel = this->channel(baseComponent + 2); const uint count = m_pixelCount; for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { Vector3 normal(xChannel[i], yChannel[i], zChannel[i]); normal = normalizeSafe(normal, Vector3(0), 0.0f); xChannel[i] = normal.x; yChannel[i] = normal.y; zChannel[i] = normal.z; } } void FloatImage::packNormals(uint baseComponent) { scaleBias(baseComponent, 3, 0.5f, 0.5f); } void FloatImage::expandNormals(uint baseComponent) { scaleBias(baseComponent, 3, 2, -1.0); } void FloatImage::scaleBias(uint baseComponent, uint num, float scale, float bias) { const uint size = m_pixelCount; for (uint c = 0; c < num; c++) { float * ptr = this->channel(baseComponent + c); for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++) { ptr[i] = scale * ptr[i] + bias; } } } /// Clamp the elements of the image. void FloatImage::clamp(uint baseComponent, uint num, float low, float high) { const uint size = m_pixelCount; for (uint c = 0; c < num; c++) { float * ptr = this->channel(baseComponent + c); for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++) { ptr[i] = nv::clamp(ptr[i], low, high); } } } /// From gamma to linear space. void FloatImage::toLinear(uint baseComponent, uint num, float gamma /*= 2.2f*/) { exponentiate(baseComponent, num, gamma); } /// From linear to gamma space. void FloatImage::toGamma(uint baseComponent, uint num, float gamma /*= 2.2f*/) { exponentiate(baseComponent, num, 1.0f/gamma); } /// Exponentiate the elements of the image. void FloatImage::exponentiate(uint baseComponent, uint num, float power) { const uint size = m_pixelCount; for(uint c = 0; c < num; c++) { float * ptr = this->channel(baseComponent + c); for(uint i = 0; i < size; i++) { ptr[i] = powf(max(0.0f, ptr[i]), power); } } } /// Apply linear transform. void FloatImage::transform(uint baseComponent, const Matrix & m, Vector4::Arg offset) { nvCheck(baseComponent + 4 <= m_componentCount); float * r = this->channel(baseComponent + 0); float * g = this->channel(baseComponent + 1); float * b = this->channel(baseComponent + 2); float * a = this->channel(baseComponent + 3); const uint size = m_pixelCount; for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++) { Vector4 color = nv::transform(m, Vector4(*r, *g, *b, *a)) + offset; *r++ = color.x; *g++ = color.y; *b++ = color.z; *a++ = color.w; } } void FloatImage::swizzle(uint baseComponent, uint r, uint g, uint b, uint a) { nvCheck(baseComponent + 4 <= m_componentCount); nvCheck(r < 7 && g < 7 && b < 7 && a < 7); float consts[] = { 1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f }; float * c[7]; c[0] = this->channel(baseComponent + 0); c[1] = this->channel(baseComponent + 1); c[2] = this->channel(baseComponent + 2); c[3] = this->channel(baseComponent + 3); c[4] = consts; c[5] = consts + 1; c[6] = consts + 2; const uint size = m_pixelCount; for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++) { float tmp[4] = { *c[r], *c[g], *c[b], *c[a] }; *c[0]++ = tmp[0]; *c[1]++ = tmp[1]; *c[2]++ = tmp[2]; *c[3]++ = tmp[3]; } } float FloatImage::sampleNearest(uint c, float x, float y, const WrapMode wm) const { if( wm == WrapMode_Clamp ) return sampleNearestClamp(c, x, y); else if( wm == WrapMode_Repeat ) return sampleNearestRepeat(c, x, y); else /*if( wm == WrapMode_Mirror )*/ return sampleNearestMirror(c, x, y); } float FloatImage::sampleLinear(uint c, float x, float y, WrapMode wm) const { if( wm == WrapMode_Clamp ) return sampleLinearClamp(c, x, y); else if( wm == WrapMode_Repeat ) return sampleLinearRepeat(c, x, y); else /*if( wm == WrapMode_Mirror )*/ return sampleLinearMirror(c, x, y); } float FloatImage::sampleNearest(uint c, float x, float y, float z, WrapMode wm) const { if( wm == WrapMode_Clamp ) return sampleNearestClamp(c, x, y, z); else if( wm == WrapMode_Repeat ) return sampleNearestRepeat(c, x, y, z); else /*if( wm == WrapMode_Mirror )*/ return sampleNearestMirror(c, x, y, z); } float FloatImage::sampleLinear(uint c, float x, float y, float z, WrapMode wm) const { if( wm == WrapMode_Clamp ) return sampleLinearClamp(c, x, y, z); else if( wm == WrapMode_Repeat ) return sampleLinearRepeat(c, x, y, z); else /*if( wm == WrapMode_Mirror )*/ return sampleLinearMirror(c, x, y, z); } float FloatImage::sampleNearestClamp(uint c, float x, float y) const { int ix = wrapClamp(iround(x * m_width), m_width); int iy = wrapClamp(iround(y * m_height), m_height); return pixel(c, ix, iy, 0); } float FloatImage::sampleNearestRepeat(uint c, float x, float y) const { int ix = wrapRepeat(iround(x * m_width), m_width); int iy = wrapRepeat(iround(y * m_height), m_height); return pixel(c, ix, iy, 0); } float FloatImage::sampleNearestMirror(uint c, float x, float y) const { int ix = wrapMirror(iround(x * m_width), m_width); int iy = wrapMirror(iround(y * m_height), m_height); return pixel(c, ix, iy, 0); } float FloatImage::sampleNearestClamp(uint c, float x, float y, float z) const { int ix = wrapClamp(iround(x * m_width), m_width); int iy = wrapClamp(iround(y * m_height), m_height); int iz = wrapClamp(iround(z * m_depth), m_depth); return pixel(c, ix, iy, iz); } float FloatImage::sampleNearestRepeat(uint c, float x, float y, float z) const { int ix = wrapRepeat(iround(x * m_width), m_width); int iy = wrapRepeat(iround(y * m_height), m_height); int iz = wrapRepeat(iround(z * m_depth), m_depth); return pixel(c, ix, iy, iz); } float FloatImage::sampleNearestMirror(uint c, float x, float y, float z) const { int ix = wrapMirror(iround(x * m_width), m_width); int iy = wrapMirror(iround(y * m_height), m_height); int iz = wrapMirror(iround(z * m_depth), m_depth); return pixel(c, ix, iy, iz); } float FloatImage::sampleLinearClamp(uint c, float x, float y) const { const int w = m_width; const int h = m_height; x *= w; y *= h; const float fracX = frac(x); const float fracY = frac(y); const int ix0 = ::clamp(ifloor(x), 0, w-1); const int iy0 = ::clamp(ifloor(y), 0, h-1); const int ix1 = ::clamp(ifloor(x)+1, 0, w-1); const int iy1 = ::clamp(ifloor(y)+1, 0, h-1); return bilerp(c, ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1, fracX, fracY); } float FloatImage::sampleLinearRepeat(uint c, float x, float y) const { const int w = m_width; const int h = m_height; const float fracX = frac(x * w); const float fracY = frac(y * h); // @@ Using floor in some places, but round in others? int ix0 = ifloor(frac(x) * w); int iy0 = ifloor(frac(y) * h); int ix1 = ifloor(frac(x + 1.0f/w) * w); int iy1 = ifloor(frac(y + 1.0f/h) * h); return bilerp(c, ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1, fracX, fracY); } float FloatImage::sampleLinearMirror(uint c, float x, float y) const { const int w = m_width; const int h = m_height; x *= w; y *= h; const float fracX = frac(x); const float fracY = frac(y); int ix0 = wrapMirror(iround(x), w); int iy0 = wrapMirror(iround(y), h); int ix1 = wrapMirror(iround(x) + 1, w); int iy1 = wrapMirror(iround(y) + 1, h); return bilerp(c, ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1, fracX, fracY); } float FloatImage::sampleLinearClamp(uint c, float x, float y, float z) const { const int w = m_width; const int h = m_height; const int d = m_depth; x *= w; y *= h; z *= d; const float fracX = frac(x); const float fracY = frac(y); const float fracZ = frac(z); // @@ Using floor in some places, but round in others? const int ix0 = ::clamp(ifloor(x), 0, w-1); const int iy0 = ::clamp(ifloor(y), 0, h-1); const int iz0 = ::clamp(ifloor(z), 0, h-1); const int ix1 = ::clamp(ifloor(x)+1, 0, w-1); const int iy1 = ::clamp(ifloor(y)+1, 0, h-1); const int iz1 = ::clamp(ifloor(z)+1, 0, h-1); return trilerp(c, ix0, iy0, iz0, ix1, iy1, iz1, fracX, fracY, fracZ); } float FloatImage::sampleLinearRepeat(uint c, float x, float y, float z) const { const int w = m_width; const int h = m_height; const int d = m_depth; const float fracX = frac(x * w); const float fracY = frac(y * h); const float fracZ = frac(z * d); int ix0 = ifloor(frac(x) * w); int iy0 = ifloor(frac(y) * h); int iz0 = ifloor(frac(z) * d); int ix1 = ifloor(frac(x + 1.0f/w) * w); int iy1 = ifloor(frac(y + 1.0f/h) * h); int iz1 = ifloor(frac(z + 1.0f/d) * d); return trilerp(c, ix0, iy0, iz0, ix1, iy1, iz1, fracX, fracY, fracZ); } float FloatImage::sampleLinearMirror(uint c, float x, float y, float z) const { const int w = m_width; const int h = m_height; const int d = m_depth; x *= w; y *= h; z *= d; int ix0 = wrapMirror(iround(x), w); int iy0 = wrapMirror(iround(y), h); int iz0 = wrapMirror(iround(z), d); int ix1 = wrapMirror(iround(x) + 1, w); int iy1 = wrapMirror(iround(y) + 1, h); int iz1 = wrapMirror(iround(z) + 1, d); const float fracX = frac(x); const float fracY = frac(y); const float fracZ = frac(z); return trilerp(c, ix0, iy0, iz0, ix1, iy1, iz1, fracX, fracY, fracZ); } /// Fast downsampling using box filter. /// /// The extents of the image are divided by two and rounded down. /// /// When the size of the image is odd, this uses a polyphase box filter as explained in: /// http://developer.nvidia.com/object/np2_mipmapping.html /// FloatImage * FloatImage::fastDownSample() const { nvDebugCheck(m_depth == 1); nvDebugCheck(m_width != 1 || m_height != 1); AutoPtr dst_image( new FloatImage() ); const uint w = max(1, m_width / 2); const uint h = max(1, m_height / 2); dst_image->allocate(m_componentCount, w, h); // 1D box filter. if (m_width == 1 || m_height == 1) { const uint n = w * h; if ((m_width * m_height) & 1) { const float scale = 1.0f / (2 * n + 1); for(uint c = 0; c < m_componentCount; c++) { const float * src = this->channel(c); float * dst = dst_image->channel(c); for(uint x = 0; x < n; x++) { const float w0 = float(n - x); const float w1 = float(n - 0); const float w2 = float(1 + x); *dst++ = scale * (w0 * src[0] + w1 * src[1] + w2 * src[2]); src += 2; } } } else { for(uint c = 0; c < m_componentCount; c++) { const float * src = this->channel(c); float * dst = dst_image->channel(c); for(uint x = 0; x < n; x++) { *dst = 0.5f * (src[0] + src[1]); dst++; src += 2; } } } } // Regular box filter. else if ((m_width & 1) == 0 && (m_height & 1) == 0) { for(uint c = 0; c < m_componentCount; c++) { const float * src = this->channel(c); float * dst = dst_image->channel(c); for(uint y = 0; y < h; y++) { for(uint x = 0; x < w; x++) { *dst = 0.25f * (src[0] + src[1] + src[m_width] + src[m_width + 1]); dst++; src += 2; } src += m_width; } } } // Polyphase filters. else if (m_width & 1 && m_height & 1) { nvDebugCheck(m_width == 2 * w + 1); nvDebugCheck(m_height == 2 * h + 1); const float scale = 1.0f / (m_width * m_height); for(uint c = 0; c < m_componentCount; c++) { const float * src = this->channel(c); float * dst = dst_image->channel(c); for(uint y = 0; y < h; y++) { const float v0 = float(h - y); const float v1 = float(h - 0); const float v2 = float(1 + y); for (uint x = 0; x < w; x++) { const float w0 = float(w - x); const float w1 = float(w - 0); const float w2 = float(1 + x); float f = 0.0f; f += v0 * (w0 * src[0 * m_width + 2 * x] + w1 * src[0 * m_width + 2 * x + 1] + w2 * src[0 * m_width + 2 * x + 2]); f += v1 * (w0 * src[1 * m_width + 2 * x] + w1 * src[1 * m_width + 2 * x + 1] + w2 * src[1 * m_width + 2 * x + 2]); f += v2 * (w0 * src[2 * m_width + 2 * x] + w1 * src[2 * m_width + 2 * x + 1] + w2 * src[2 * m_width + 2 * x + 2]); *dst = f * scale; dst++; } src += 2 * m_width; } } } else if (m_width & 1) { nvDebugCheck(m_width == 2 * w + 1); const float scale = 1.0f / (2 * m_width); for(uint c = 0; c < m_componentCount; c++) { const float * src = this->channel(c); float * dst = dst_image->channel(c); for(uint y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < w; x++) { const float w0 = float(w - x); const float w1 = float(w - 0); const float w2 = float(1 + x); float f = 0.0f; f += w0 * (src[2 * x + 0] + src[m_width + 2 * x + 0]); f += w1 * (src[2 * x + 1] + src[m_width + 2 * x + 1]); f += w2 * (src[2 * x + 2] + src[m_width + 2 * x + 2]); *dst = f * scale; dst++; } src += 2 * m_width; } } } else if (m_height & 1) { nvDebugCheck(m_height == 2 * h + 1); const float scale = 1.0f / (2 * m_height); for(uint c = 0; c < m_componentCount; c++) { const float * src = this->channel(c); float * dst = dst_image->channel(c); for(uint y = 0; y < h; y++) { const float v0 = float(h - y); const float v1 = float(h - 0); const float v2 = float(1 + y); for (uint x = 0; x < w; x++) { float f = 0.0f; f += v0 * (src[0 * m_width + 2 * x] + src[0 * m_width + 2 * x + 1]); f += v1 * (src[1 * m_width + 2 * x] + src[1 * m_width + 2 * x + 1]); f += v2 * (src[2 * m_width + 2 * x] + src[2 * m_width + 2 * x + 1]); *dst = f * scale; dst++; } src += 2 * m_width; } } } return dst_image.release(); } /// Downsample applying a 1D kernel separately in each dimension. FloatImage * FloatImage::downSample(const Filter & filter, WrapMode wm) const { const uint w = max(1, m_width / 2); const uint h = max(1, m_height / 2); const uint d = max(1, m_depth / 2); return resize(filter, w, h, d, wm); } /// Downsample applying a 1D kernel separately in each dimension. FloatImage * FloatImage::downSample(const Filter & filter, WrapMode wm, uint alpha) const { const uint w = max(1, m_width / 2); const uint h = max(1, m_height / 2); const uint d = max(1, m_depth / 2); return resize(filter, w, h, d, wm, alpha); } /// Downsample applying a 1D kernel separately in each dimension. FloatImage * FloatImage::resize(const Filter & filter, uint w, uint h, WrapMode wm) const { // @@ Use monophase filters when frac(m_width / w) == 0 AutoPtr tmp_image( new FloatImage() ); AutoPtr dst_image( new FloatImage() ); PolyphaseKernel xkernel(filter, m_width, w, 32); PolyphaseKernel ykernel(filter, m_height, h, 32); // @@ Select fastest filtering order: //if (w * m_height <= h * m_width) { tmp_image->allocate(m_componentCount, w, m_height); dst_image->allocate(m_componentCount, w, h); // @@ We could avoid this allocation, write directly to dst_plane. Array tmp_column(h); tmp_column.resize(h); for (uint c = 0; c < m_componentCount; c++) { for (uint z = 0; z < m_depth; z++) { float * tmp_plane = tmp_image->plane(c, z); for (uint y = 0; y < m_height; y++) { this->applyKernelX(xkernel, y, z, c, wm, tmp_plane + y * w); } float * dst_plane = dst_image->plane(c, z); for (uint x = 0; x < w; x++) { tmp_image->applyKernelY(ykernel, x, z, c, wm, tmp_column.buffer()); // @@ We could avoid this copy, write directly to dst_plane. for (uint y = 0; y < h; y++) { dst_plane[y * w + x] = tmp_column[y]; } } } } } return dst_image.release(); } /// Downsample applying a 1D kernel separately in each dimension. (for 3d textures) FloatImage * FloatImage::resize(const Filter & filter, uint w, uint h, uint d, WrapMode wm) const { // @@ Use monophase filters when frac(m_width / w) == 0 // Use the existing 2d version if we are not resizing in the Z axis: if (m_depth == d) { return resize(filter, w, h, wm); } AutoPtr tmp_image( new FloatImage() ); AutoPtr tmp_image2( new FloatImage() ); AutoPtr dst_image( new FloatImage() ); PolyphaseKernel xkernel(filter, m_width, w, 32); PolyphaseKernel ykernel(filter, m_height, h, 32); PolyphaseKernel zkernel(filter, m_depth, d, 32); tmp_image->allocate(m_componentCount, w, m_height, m_depth); tmp_image2->allocate(m_componentCount, w, m_height, d); dst_image->allocate(m_componentCount, w, h, d); Array tmp_column(h); tmp_column.resize(h); for (uint c = 0; c < m_componentCount; c++) { float * tmp_channel = tmp_image->channel(c); // split width in half for (uint z = 0; z < m_depth; z++ ) { for (uint y = 0; y < m_height; y++) { this->applyKernelX(xkernel, y, z, c, wm, tmp_channel + z * m_height * w + y * w); } } // split depth in half float * tmp2_channel = tmp_image2->channel(c); for (uint y = 0; y < m_height; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < w; x++) { tmp_image->applyKernelZ(zkernel, x, y, c, wm, tmp_column.buffer() ); for (uint z = 0; z < d; z++) { tmp2_channel[z * m_height * w + y * w + x] = tmp_column[z]; } } } // split height in half float * dst_channel = dst_image->channel(c); for (uint z = 0; z < d; z++ ) { for (uint x = 0; x < w; x++) { tmp_image2->applyKernelY(ykernel, x, z, c, wm, tmp_column.buffer()); for (uint y = 0; y < h; y++) { dst_channel[z * h * w + y * w + x] = tmp_column[y]; } } } } return dst_image.release(); } /// Downsample applying a 1D kernel separately in each dimension. FloatImage * FloatImage::resize(const Filter & filter, uint w, uint h, WrapMode wm, uint alpha) const { nvCheck(alpha < m_componentCount); AutoPtr tmp_image( new FloatImage() ); AutoPtr dst_image( new FloatImage() ); PolyphaseKernel xkernel(filter, m_width, w, 32); PolyphaseKernel ykernel(filter, m_height, h, 32); { tmp_image->allocate(m_componentCount, w, m_height); dst_image->allocate(m_componentCount, w, h); Array tmp_column(h); tmp_column.resize(h); for (uint i = 0; i < m_componentCount; i++) { // Process alpha channel first. uint c; if (i == 0) c = alpha; else if (i > alpha) c = i; else c = i - 1; for (uint z = 0; z < m_depth; z++) { float * tmp_plane = tmp_image->plane(c, z); for (uint y = 0; y < m_height; y++) { this->applyKernelX(xkernel, y, z, c, wm, tmp_plane + y * w); } float * dst_plane = dst_image->plane(c, z); for (uint x = 0; x < w; x++) { tmp_image->applyKernelY(ykernel, x, z, c, wm, tmp_column.buffer()); // @@ Avoid this copy, write directly to dst_plane. for (uint y = 0; y < h; y++) { dst_plane[y * w + x] = tmp_column[y]; } } } } } return dst_image.release(); } /// Downsample applying a 1D kernel separately in each dimension. (for 3d textures) FloatImage * FloatImage::resize(const Filter & filter, uint w, uint h, uint d, WrapMode wm, uint alpha) const { nvCheck(alpha < m_componentCount); // use the existing 2d version if we are a 2d image: if (m_depth == d) { return resize( filter, w, h, wm, alpha ); } AutoPtr tmp_image( new FloatImage() ); AutoPtr tmp_image2( new FloatImage() ); AutoPtr dst_image( new FloatImage() ); PolyphaseKernel xkernel(filter, m_width, w, 32); PolyphaseKernel ykernel(filter, m_height, h, 32); PolyphaseKernel zkernel(filter, m_depth, d, 32); tmp_image->allocate(m_componentCount, w, m_height, m_depth); tmp_image2->allocate(m_componentCount, w, m_height, d); dst_image->allocate(m_componentCount, w, h, d); Array tmp_column(h); tmp_column.resize(h); for (uint i = 0; i < m_componentCount; i++) { // Process alpha channel first. uint c; if (i == 0) c = alpha; else if (i > alpha) c = i; else c = i - 1; float * tmp_channel = tmp_image->channel(c); for (uint z = 0; z < m_depth; z++ ) { for (uint y = 0; y < m_height; y++) { this->applyKernelX(xkernel, y, z, c, wm, tmp_channel + z * m_height * w + y * w); } } float * tmp2_channel = tmp_image2->channel(c); for (uint y = 0; y < m_height; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < w; x++) { tmp_image->applyKernelZ(zkernel, x, y, c, wm, tmp_column.buffer() ); for (uint z = 0; z < d; z++) { tmp2_channel[z * m_height * w + y * w + x] = tmp_column[z]; } } } float * dst_channel = dst_image->channel(c); for (uint z = 0; z < d; z++ ) { for (uint x = 0; x < w; x++) { tmp_image2->applyKernelY(ykernel, x, z, c, wm, tmp_column.buffer()); for (uint y = 0; y < h; y++) { dst_channel[z * h * w + y * w + x] = tmp_column[y]; } } } } return dst_image.release(); } void FloatImage::convolve(const Kernel2 & k, uint c, WrapMode wm) { AutoPtr tmpImage(clone()); uint w = m_width; uint h = m_height; uint d = m_depth; for (uint z = 0; z < d; z++) { for (uint y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < w; x++) { pixel(c, x, y, 0) = tmpImage->applyKernelXY(&k, x, y, z, c, wm); } } } } /// Apply 2D kernel at the given coordinates and return result. float FloatImage::applyKernelXY(const Kernel2 * k, int x, int y, int z, uint c, WrapMode wm) const { nvDebugCheck(k != NULL); const uint kernelWindow = k->windowSize(); const int kernelOffset = int(kernelWindow / 2); const float * channel = this->plane(c, z); float sum = 0.0f; for (uint i = 0; i < kernelWindow; i++) { int src_y = int(y + i) - kernelOffset; for (uint e = 0; e < kernelWindow; e++) { int src_x = int(x + e) - kernelOffset; int idx = this->index(src_x, src_y, z, wm); sum += k->valueAt(e, i) * channel[idx]; } } return sum; } /// Apply 1D horizontal kernel at the given coordinates and return result. float FloatImage::applyKernelX(const Kernel1 * k, int x, int y, int z, uint c, WrapMode wm) const { nvDebugCheck(k != NULL); const uint kernelWindow = k->windowSize(); const int kernelOffset = int(kernelWindow / 2); const float * channel = this->channel(c); float sum = 0.0f; for (uint i = 0; i < kernelWindow; i++) { const int src_x = int(x + i) - kernelOffset; const int idx = this->index(src_x, y, z, wm); sum += k->valueAt(i) * channel[idx]; } return sum; } /// Apply 1D vertical kernel at the given coordinates and return result. float FloatImage::applyKernelY(const Kernel1 * k, int x, int y, int z, uint c, WrapMode wm) const { nvDebugCheck(k != NULL); const uint kernelWindow = k->windowSize(); const int kernelOffset = int(kernelWindow / 2); const float * channel = this->channel(c); float sum = 0.0f; for (uint i = 0; i < kernelWindow; i++) { const int src_y = int(y + i) - kernelOffset; const int idx = this->index(x, src_y, z, wm); sum += k->valueAt(i) * channel[idx]; } return sum; } /// Apply 1D kernel in the z direction at the given coordinates and return result. float FloatImage::applyKernelZ(const Kernel1 * k, int x, int y, int z, uint c, WrapMode wm) const { nvDebugCheck(k != NULL); const uint kernelWindow = k->windowSize(); const int kernelOffset = int(kernelWindow / 2); const float * channel = this->channel(c); float sum = 0.0f; for (uint i = 0; i < kernelWindow; i++) { const int src_z = int(z + i) - kernelOffset; const int idx = this->index(x, y, src_z, wm); sum += k->valueAt(i) * channel[idx]; } return sum; } /// Apply 1D horizontal kernel at the given coordinates and return result. void FloatImage::applyKernelX(const PolyphaseKernel & k, int y, int z, uint c, WrapMode wm, float * __restrict output) const { const uint length = k.length(); const float scale = float(length) / float(m_width); const float iscale = 1.0f / scale; const float width = k.width(); const int windowSize = k.windowSize(); const float * channel = this->channel(c); for (uint i = 0; i < length; i++) { const float center = (0.5f + i) * iscale; const int left = (int)floorf(center - width); const int right = (int)ceilf(center + width); nvDebugCheck(right - left <= windowSize); float sum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < windowSize; ++j) { const int idx = this->index(left + j, y, z, wm); sum += k.valueAt(i, j) * channel[idx]; } output[i] = sum; } } /// Apply 1D vertical kernel at the given coordinates and return result. void FloatImage::applyKernelY(const PolyphaseKernel & k, int x, int z, uint c, WrapMode wm, float * __restrict output) const { const uint length = k.length(); const float scale = float(length) / float(m_height); const float iscale = 1.0f / scale; const float width = k.width(); const int windowSize = k.windowSize(); const float * channel = this->channel(c); for (uint i = 0; i < length; i++) { const float center = (0.5f + i) * iscale; const int left = (int)floorf(center - width); const int right = (int)ceilf(center + width); nvCheck(right - left <= windowSize); float sum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < windowSize; ++j) { const int idx = this->index(x, j+left, z, wm); sum += k.valueAt(i, j) * channel[idx]; } output[i] = sum; } } /// Apply 1D kernel in the Z direction at the given coordinates and return result. void FloatImage::applyKernelZ(const PolyphaseKernel & k, int x, int y, uint c, WrapMode wm, float * __restrict output) const { const uint length = k.length(); const float scale = float(length) / float(m_height); const float iscale = 1.0f / scale; const float width = k.width(); const int windowSize = k.windowSize(); const float * channel = this->channel(c); for (uint i = 0; i < length; i++) { const float center = (0.5f + i) * iscale; const int left = (int)floorf(center - width); const int right = (int)ceilf(center + width); nvCheck(right - left <= windowSize); float sum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < windowSize; ++j) { const int idx = this->index(x, y, j+left, wm); sum += k.valueAt(i, j) * channel[idx]; } output[i] = sum; } } /// Apply 1D horizontal kernel at the given coordinates and return result. void FloatImage::applyKernelX(const PolyphaseKernel & k, int y, int z, uint c, uint a, WrapMode wm, float * __restrict output) const { const uint length = k.length(); const float scale = float(length) / float(m_width); const float iscale = 1.0f / scale; const float width = k.width(); const int windowSize = k.windowSize(); const float * channel = this->channel(c); const float * alpha = this->channel(a); for (uint i = 0; i < length; i++) { const float center = (0.5f + i) * iscale; const int left = (int)floorf(center - width); const int right = (int)ceilf(center + width); nvDebugCheck(right - left <= windowSize); float norm = 0.0f; float sum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < windowSize; ++j) { const int idx = this->index(left + j, y, z, wm); float w = k.valueAt(i, j) * (alpha[idx] + (1.0f / 256.0f)); norm += w; sum += w * channel[idx]; } output[i] = sum / norm; } } /// Apply 1D vertical kernel at the given coordinates and return result. void FloatImage::applyKernelY(const PolyphaseKernel & k, int x, int z, uint c, uint a, WrapMode wm, float * __restrict output) const { const uint length = k.length(); const float scale = float(length) / float(m_height); const float iscale = 1.0f / scale; const float width = k.width(); const int windowSize = k.windowSize(); const float * channel = this->channel(c); const float * alpha = this->channel(a); for (uint i = 0; i < length; i++) { const float center = (0.5f + i) * iscale; const int left = (int)floorf(center - width); const int right = (int)ceilf(center + width); nvCheck(right - left <= windowSize); float norm = 0; float sum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < windowSize; ++j) { const int idx = this->index(x, j+left, z, wm); float w = k.valueAt(i, j) * (alpha[idx] + (1.0f / 256.0f)); norm += w; sum += w * channel[idx]; } output[i] = sum / norm; } } /// Apply 1D horizontal kernel at the given coordinates and return result. void FloatImage::applyKernelZ(const PolyphaseKernel & k, int x, int y, uint c, uint a, WrapMode wm, float * __restrict output) const { const uint length = k.length(); const float scale = float(length) / float(m_width); const float iscale = 1.0f / scale; const float width = k.width(); const int windowSize = k.windowSize(); const float * channel = this->channel(c); const float * alpha = this->channel(a); for (uint i = 0; i < length; i++) { const float center = (0.5f + i) * iscale; const int left = (int)floorf(center - width); const int right = (int)ceilf(center + width); nvDebugCheck(right - left <= windowSize); float norm = 0.0f; float sum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < windowSize; ++j) { const int idx = this->index(x, y, left + j, wm); float w = k.valueAt(i, j) * (alpha[idx] + (1.0f / 256.0f)); norm += w; sum += w * channel[idx]; } output[i] = sum / norm; } } void FloatImage::flipX() { const uint w = m_width; const uint h = m_height; const uint d = m_depth; const uint w2 = w / 2; for (uint c = 0; c < m_componentCount; c++) { for (uint z = 0; z < d; z++) { for (uint y = 0; y < h; y++) { float * line = scanline(c, y, z); for (uint x = 0; x < w2; x++) { swap(line[x], line[w - 1 - x]); } } } } } void FloatImage::flipY() { const uint w = m_width; const uint h = m_height; const uint d = m_depth; const uint h2 = h / 2; for (uint c = 0; c < m_componentCount; c++) { for (uint z = 0; z < d; z++) { for (uint y = 0; y < h2; y++) { float * src = scanline(c, y, z); float * dst = scanline(c, h - 1 - y, z); for (uint x = 0; x < w; x++) { swap(src[x], dst[x]); } } } } } void FloatImage::flipZ() { const uint w = m_width; const uint h = m_height; const uint d = m_depth; const uint d2 = d / 2; for (uint c = 0; c < m_componentCount; c++) { for (uint z = 0; z < d2; z++) { float * src = plane(c, z); float * dst = plane(c, d - 1 - z); for (uint i = 0; i < w*h; i++) { swap(src[i], dst[i]); } } } } float FloatImage::alphaTestCoverage(float alphaRef, int alphaChannel, float alphaScale/*=1*/) const { const uint w = m_width; const uint h = m_height; float coverage = 0.0f; #if 0 const float * alpha = channel(alphaChannel); const uint count = m_pixelCount; for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (alpha[i] > alphaRef) coverage += 1.0f; // @@ gt or lt? } return coverage / float(w * h); #else const uint n = 8; // If we want subsampling: for (uint y = 0; y < h-1; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < w-1; x++) { float alpha00 = nv::saturate(pixel(alphaChannel, x+0, y+0, 0) * alphaScale); float alpha10 = nv::saturate(pixel(alphaChannel, x+1, y+0, 0) * alphaScale); float alpha01 = nv::saturate(pixel(alphaChannel, x+0, y+1, 0) * alphaScale); float alpha11 = nv::saturate(pixel(alphaChannel, x+1, y+1, 0) * alphaScale); for (float fy = 0.5f/n; fy < 1.0f; fy++) { for (float fx = 0.5f/n; fx < 1.0f; fx++) { float alpha = alpha00 * (1 - fx) * (1 - fy) + alpha10 * fx * (1 - fy) + alpha01 * (1 - fx) * fy + alpha11 * fx * fy; if (alpha > alphaRef) coverage += 1.0f; } } } } return coverage / float(w * h * n * n); #endif } void FloatImage::scaleAlphaToCoverage(float desiredCoverage, float alphaRef, int alphaChannel) { #if 0 float minAlphaRef = 0.0f; float maxAlphaRef = 1.0f; float midAlphaRef = 0.5f; // Determine desired scale using a binary search. Hardcoded to 8 steps max. for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { float currentCoverage = alphaTestCoverage(midAlphaRef, alphaChannel); if (currentCoverage > desiredCoverage) { minAlphaRef = midAlphaRef; } else if (currentCoverage < desiredCoverage) { maxAlphaRef = midAlphaRef; } else { break; } midAlphaRef = (minAlphaRef + maxAlphaRef) * 0.5f; } float alphaScale = alphaRef / midAlphaRef; // Scale alpha channel. scaleBias(alphaChannel, 1, alphaScale, 0.0f); clamp(alphaChannel, 1, 0.0f, 1.0f); #else float minAlphaScale = 0.0f; float maxAlphaScale = 4.0f; float alphaScale = 1.0f; // Determine desired scale using a binary search. Hardcoded to 8 steps max. for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { float currentCoverage = alphaTestCoverage(alphaRef, alphaChannel, alphaScale); if (currentCoverage < desiredCoverage) { minAlphaScale = alphaScale; } else if (currentCoverage > desiredCoverage) { maxAlphaScale = alphaScale; } else { break; } alphaScale = (minAlphaScale + maxAlphaScale) * 0.5f; } // Scale alpha channel. scaleBias(alphaChannel, 1, alphaScale, 0.0f); clamp(alphaChannel, 1, 0.0f, 1.0f); #endif #if _DEBUG alphaTestCoverage(alphaRef, alphaChannel); #endif } FloatImage* FloatImage::clone() const { FloatImage* copy = new FloatImage(); copy->allocate(m_componentCount, m_width, m_height, m_depth); memcpy(copy->m_mem, m_mem, m_floatCount * sizeof(float)); return copy; }