// This code is in the public domain -- castanyo@yahoo.es #ifndef NV_IMAGE_FLOATIMAGE_H #define NV_IMAGE_FLOATIMAGE_H #include "nvimage.h" #include "nvmath/nvmath.h" // lerp #include "nvcore/Debug.h" #include "nvcore/Utils.h" // clamp #include // abs namespace nv { class Vector4; class Matrix; class Image; class Filter; class Kernel1; class Kernel2; class PolyphaseKernel; /// Multicomponent floating point image class. class FloatImage { public: enum WrapMode { WrapMode_Clamp, WrapMode_Repeat, WrapMode_Mirror }; NVIMAGE_API FloatImage(); NVIMAGE_API FloatImage(const Image * img); NVIMAGE_API virtual ~FloatImage(); /** @name Conversion. */ //@{ NVIMAGE_API void initFrom(const Image * img); NVIMAGE_API Image * createImage(uint base_component = 0, uint num = 4) const; NVIMAGE_API Image * createImageGammaCorrect(float gamma = 2.2f) const; //@} /** @name Allocation. */ //@{ NVIMAGE_API void allocate(uint c, uint w, uint h, uint d = 1); NVIMAGE_API void free(); // Does not clear members. NVIMAGE_API void resizeChannelCount(uint c); //@} /** @name Manipulation. */ //@{ NVIMAGE_API void clear(float f = 0.0f); NVIMAGE_API void clear(uint component, float f = 0.0f); NVIMAGE_API void normalize(uint base_component); NVIMAGE_API void packNormals(uint base_component); NVIMAGE_API void expandNormals(uint base_component); NVIMAGE_API void scaleBias(uint base_component, uint num, float scale, float add); NVIMAGE_API void clamp(uint base_component, uint num, float low, float high); NVIMAGE_API void toLinear(uint base_component, uint num, float gamma = 2.2f); NVIMAGE_API void toGamma(uint base_component, uint num, float gamma = 2.2f); NVIMAGE_API void exponentiate(uint base_component, uint num, float power); NVIMAGE_API void transform(uint base_component, const Matrix & m, const Vector4 & offset); NVIMAGE_API void swizzle(uint base_component, uint r, uint g, uint b, uint a); NVIMAGE_API FloatImage * fastDownSample() const; NVIMAGE_API FloatImage * downSample(const Filter & filter, WrapMode wm) const; NVIMAGE_API FloatImage * downSample(const Filter & filter, WrapMode wm, uint alpha) const; NVIMAGE_API FloatImage * resize(const Filter & filter, uint w, uint h, WrapMode wm) const; NVIMAGE_API FloatImage * resize(const Filter & filter, uint w, uint h, uint d, WrapMode wm) const; NVIMAGE_API FloatImage * resize(const Filter & filter, uint w, uint h, WrapMode wm, uint alpha) const; NVIMAGE_API FloatImage * resize(const Filter & filter, uint w, uint h, uint d, WrapMode wm, uint alpha) const; //NVIMAGE_API FloatImage * downSample(const Kernel1 & filter, WrapMode wm) const; //NVIMAGE_API FloatImage * downSample(const Kernel1 & filter, uint w, uint h, WrapMode wm) const; //@} NVIMAGE_API float applyKernelXY(const Kernel2 * k, int x, int y, int z, uint c, WrapMode wm) const; NVIMAGE_API float applyKernelX(const Kernel1 * k, int x, int y, int z, uint c, WrapMode wm) const; NVIMAGE_API float applyKernelY(const Kernel1 * k, int x, int y, int z, uint c, WrapMode wm) const; NVIMAGE_API float applyKernelZ(const Kernel1 * k, int x, int y, int z, uint c, WrapMode wm) const; NVIMAGE_API void applyKernelX(const PolyphaseKernel & k, int y, int z, uint c, WrapMode wm, float * output) const; NVIMAGE_API void applyKernelY(const PolyphaseKernel & k, int x, int z, uint c, WrapMode wm, float * output) const; NVIMAGE_API void applyKernelZ(const PolyphaseKernel & k, int x, int y, uint c, WrapMode wm, float * output) const; NVIMAGE_API void applyKernelX(const PolyphaseKernel & k, int y, int z, uint c, uint a, WrapMode wm, float * output) const; NVIMAGE_API void applyKernelY(const PolyphaseKernel & k, int x, int z, uint c, uint a, WrapMode wm, float * output) const; NVIMAGE_API void applyKernelZ(const PolyphaseKernel & k, int x, int y, uint c, uint a, WrapMode wm, float * output) const; NVIMAGE_API void flipX(); NVIMAGE_API void flipY(); NVIMAGE_API void flipZ(); NVIMAGE_API float alphaTestCoverage(float alphaRef, int alphaChannel) const; NVIMAGE_API void scaleAlphaToCoverage(float coverage, float alphaRef, int alphaChannel); uint width() const { return m_width; } uint height() const { return m_height; } uint depth() const { return m_depth; } uint componentCount() const { return m_componentCount; } uint floatCount() const { return m_floatCount; } uint pixelCount() const { return m_pixelCount; } // @@ It would make sense to swap the order of the arguments so that 'c' is always first. /** @name Pixel access. */ //@{ const float * channel(uint c) const; float * channel(uint c); const float * plane(uint c, uint z) const; float * plane(uint c, uint z); const float * scanline(uint c, uint y, uint z) const; float * scanline(uint c, uint y, uint z); //float pixel(uint c, uint x, uint y) const; //float & pixel(uint c, uint x, uint y); float pixel(uint c, uint x, uint y, uint z) const; float & pixel(uint c, uint x, uint y, uint z); float pixel(uint c, uint idx) const; float & pixel(uint c, uint idx); float pixel(uint idx) const; float & pixel(uint idx); float sampleNearest(uint c, float x, float y, WrapMode wm) const; float sampleLinear(uint c, float x, float y, WrapMode wm) const; float sampleNearest(uint c, float x, float y, float z, WrapMode wm) const; float sampleLinear(uint c, float x, float y, float z, WrapMode wm) const; float sampleNearestClamp(uint c, float x, float y) const; float sampleNearestRepeat(uint c, float x, float y) const; float sampleNearestMirror(uint c, float x, float y) const; float sampleNearestClamp(uint c, float x, float y, float z) const; float sampleNearestRepeat(uint c, float x, float y, float z) const; float sampleNearestMirror(uint c, float x, float y, float z) const; float sampleLinearClamp(uint c, float x, float y) const; float sampleLinearRepeat(uint c, float x, float y) const; float sampleLinearMirror(uint c, float x, float y) const; float sampleLinearClamp(uint c, float x, float y, float z) const; float sampleLinearRepeat(uint c, float x, float y, float z) const; float sampleLinearMirror(uint c, float x, float y, float z) const; //@} FloatImage* clone() const; public: uint index(uint x, uint y, uint z) const; uint indexClamp(int x, int y, int z) const; uint indexRepeat(int x, int y, int z) const; uint indexMirror(int x, int y, int z) const; uint index(int x, int y, int z, WrapMode wm) const; float bilerp(uint c, int ix0, int iy0, int ix1, int iy1, float fx, float fy) const; float trilerp(uint c, int ix0, int iy0, int iz0, int ix1, int iy1, int iz1, float fx, float fy, float fz) const; public: uint16 m_componentCount; uint16 m_width; uint16 m_height; uint16 m_depth; uint32 m_pixelCount; uint32 m_floatCount; float * m_mem; }; /// Get const channel pointer. inline const float * FloatImage::channel(uint c) const { nvDebugCheck(m_mem != NULL); nvDebugCheck(c < m_componentCount); return m_mem + c * m_pixelCount; } /// Get channel pointer. inline float * FloatImage::channel(uint c) { nvDebugCheck(m_mem != NULL); nvDebugCheck(c < m_componentCount); return m_mem + c * m_pixelCount; } inline const float * FloatImage::plane(uint c, uint z) const { nvDebugCheck(z < m_depth); return channel(c) + z * m_width * m_height; } inline float * FloatImage::plane(uint c, uint z) { nvDebugCheck(z < m_depth); return channel(c) + z * m_width * m_height; } /// Get const scanline pointer. inline const float * FloatImage::scanline(uint c, uint y, uint z) const { nvDebugCheck(y < m_height); return plane(c, z) + y * m_width; } /// Get scanline pointer. inline float * FloatImage::scanline(uint z, uint y, uint c) { nvDebugCheck(y < m_height); return plane(c, z) + y * m_width; } /// Get pixel component. inline float FloatImage::pixel(uint c, uint x, uint y, uint z) const { nvDebugCheck(m_mem != NULL); nvDebugCheck(c < m_componentCount); nvDebugCheck(x < m_width); nvDebugCheck(y < m_height); nvDebugCheck(z < m_depth); return m_mem[((c * m_depth + z) * m_height + y) * m_width + x]; } /// Get pixel component. inline float & FloatImage::pixel(uint c, uint x, uint y, uint z) { nvDebugCheck(m_mem != NULL); nvDebugCheck(c < m_componentCount); nvDebugCheck(x < m_width); nvDebugCheck(y < m_height); nvDebugCheck(z < m_depth); return m_mem[((c * m_depth + z) * m_height + y) * m_width + x]; } /// Get pixel component. inline float FloatImage::pixel(uint c, uint idx) const { nvDebugCheck(m_mem != NULL); nvDebugCheck(c < m_componentCount); nvDebugCheck(idx < m_pixelCount); return m_mem[c * m_height * m_width + idx]; } /// Get pixel component. inline float & FloatImage::pixel(uint c, uint idx) { nvDebugCheck(m_mem != NULL); nvDebugCheck(c < m_componentCount); nvDebugCheck(idx < m_pixelCount); return m_mem[c * m_height * m_width + idx]; } /// Get pixel component. inline float FloatImage::pixel(uint idx) const { nvDebugCheck(m_mem != NULL); nvDebugCheck(idx < m_floatCount); return m_mem[idx]; } /// Get pixel component. inline float & FloatImage::pixel(uint idx) { nvDebugCheck(m_mem != NULL); nvDebugCheck(idx < m_floatCount); return m_mem[idx]; } inline uint FloatImage::index(uint x, uint y, uint z) const { nvDebugCheck(x < m_width); nvDebugCheck(y < m_height); nvDebugCheck(z < m_depth); return (z * m_height + y) * m_width + x; } inline int wrapClamp(int x, int w) { return nv::clamp(x, 0, w - 1); } inline int wrapRepeat(int x, int w) { if (x >= 0) return x % w; else return (x + 1) % w + w - 1; } inline int wrapMirror(int x, int w) { if (w == 1) x = 0; x = abs(x); while (x >= w) { x = abs(w + w - x - 2); } return x; } inline uint FloatImage::indexClamp(int x, int y, int z) const { x = wrapClamp(x, m_width - 1); y = wrapClamp(y, m_height - 1); z = wrapClamp(z, m_depth - 1); return index(x, y, z); } inline uint FloatImage::indexRepeat(int x, int y, int z) const { x = wrapRepeat(x, m_width); y = wrapRepeat(y, m_height); z = wrapRepeat(z, m_depth); return index(x, y, z); } inline uint FloatImage::indexMirror(int x, int y, int z) const { x = wrapMirror(x, m_width); y = wrapMirror(y, m_height); z = wrapMirror(z, m_depth); return index(x, y, z); } inline uint FloatImage::index(int x, int y, int z, WrapMode wm) const { if (wm == WrapMode_Clamp) return indexClamp(x, y, z); if (wm == WrapMode_Repeat) return indexRepeat(x, y, z); /*if (wm == WrapMode_Mirror)*/ return indexMirror(x, y, z); } inline float FloatImage::bilerp(uint c, int ix0, int iy0, int ix1, int iy1, float fx, float fy) const { int iz = 0; float f1 = pixel(c, ix0, iy0, iz); float f2 = pixel(c, ix1, iy0, iz); float f3 = pixel(c, ix0, iy1, iz); float f4 = pixel(c, ix1, iy1, iz); float i1 = lerp(f1, f2, fx); float i2 = lerp(f3, f4, fx); return lerp(i1, i2, fy); } inline float FloatImage::trilerp(uint c, int ix0, int iy0, int iz0, int ix1, int iy1, int iz1, float fx, float fy, float fz) const { float f000 = pixel(c, ix0, iy0, iz0); float f100 = pixel(c, ix1, iy0, iz0); float f010 = pixel(c, ix0, iy1, iz0); float f110 = pixel(c, ix1, iy1, iz0); float f001 = pixel(c, ix0, iy0, iz1); float f101 = pixel(c, ix1, iy0, iz1); float f011 = pixel(c, ix0, iy1, iz1); float f111 = pixel(c, ix1, iy1, iz1); float i1 = lerp(f000, f001, fz); float i2 = lerp(f010, f011, fz); float j1 = lerp(f100, f101, fz); float j2 = lerp(f110, f111, fz); float w1 = lerp(i1, i2, fy); float w2 = lerp(j1, j2, fy); return lerp(w1, w2, fx); } // Does not compare channel count. inline bool sameLayout(const FloatImage * img0, const FloatImage * img1) { if (img0 == NULL || img1 == NULL) return false; return img0->width() == img1->width() && img0->height() == img1->height() && img0->depth() == img1->depth(); } } // nv namespace #endif // NV_IMAGE_FLOATIMAGE_H