NVIDIA Texture Tools version 0.9.0 * Private beta prerelease. NVIDIA Texture Tools version 0.9.1 * Bug fix release. NVIDIA Texture Tools version 0.9.2 * Improved alpha compression. * Improved fast DXT1 compression. * Documentation and release notes. NVIDIA Texture Tools version 0.9.3 * Fix non power of two textures. * Fix estimateSize with rgb format. * Fix error in cuda compressor block limit. NVIDIA Texture Tools version 0.9.4 * Added support for input DDS files, including cube maps. * Added support for input PSD files. * Added nvdecompress tool. * Added nvimgdiff tool. * Added nvddsinfo tool. * CUDA compressor 22% faster. * DXT3 & DXT5 CUDA compressors. * Faster DXT5n CPU compressor. * Many bug fixes. NVIDIA Texture Tools version 2.0.0 * Fixed PSNR formula in nvimgdiff. * Added support for arbitrary RGB formats. * Add support for DXT1a. Solves issue 1. * Refactor and improve compression quality of fast compressors. * Add cmake scripts to detect processor and chose compiler options. * Fix normal map decompression. * Evaluate angular deviation error for normal maps in nvimgdiff. * Fix DXT1 compression with custom color metrics. * Fix error in normal map generation from heightmap mipmaps. * Fix errors in estimateSize. * Fix errors when maxLevel is used. * Enable the use of BC5 not just for normal maps. * Add mirror wrapping mode, use by default. * Implement polyphase filters. Solves issue 3. * Add box and triangle filter sampling. * Refactor nvtt public interface. * Add resizing input options (setMaxExtents, setRoundMode). Solves issue 12. * Plain C and C# wrappers. Solves issue 22.