/****************************************************************************** @File PVRTextureUtilities.h @Title @Version @Copyright Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Limited. All Rights Reserved. Strictly Confidential. @Platform @Description ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef _PVRTEXTURE_UTILITIES_H #define _PVRTEXTURE_UTILITIES_H #include "PVRTextureFormat.h" #include "PVRTexture.h" namespace pvrtexture { /*!*********************************************************************** @Function Resize @Input sTexture @Input u32NewWidth @Input u32NewHeight @Input u32NewDepth @Input eResizeMode @Return bool Whether the method succeeds or not. @Description Resizes the texture to new specified dimensions. Filtering mode is specified with "eResizeMode". *************************************************************************/ bool PVR_DLL Resize(CPVRTexture& sTexture, const uint32& u32NewWidth, const uint32& u32NewHeight, const uint32& u32NewDepth, const EResizeMode eResizeMode); /*!*********************************************************************** @Function Rotate90 @Input sTexture @Input eRotationAxis @Input bForward @Return bool Whether the method succeeds or not. @Description Rotates a texture by 90 degrees around the given axis. bForward controls direction of rotation. *************************************************************************/ bool PVR_DLL Rotate90(CPVRTexture& sTexture, const EPVRTAxis eRotationAxis, const bool bForward); /*!*********************************************************************** @Function Flip @Input sTexture @Input eFlipDirection @Return bool Whether the method succeeds or not. @Description Flips a texture in a given direction. *************************************************************************/ bool PVR_DLL Flip(CPVRTexture& sTexture, const EPVRTAxis eFlipDirection); /*!*********************************************************************** @Function Border @Input sTexture @Input uiBorderX @Input uiBorderY @Input uiBorderZ @Return bool Whether the method succeeds or not. @Description Adds a user specified border to the texture. *************************************************************************/ bool PVR_DLL Border(CPVRTexture& sTexture, uint32 uiBorderX, uint32 uiBorderY, uint32 uiBorderZ); /*!*********************************************************************** @Function PreMultiplyAlpha @Input sTexture @Return bool Whether the method succeeds or not. @Description Pre-multiplies a texture's colours by its alpha values. *************************************************************************/ bool PVR_DLL PreMultiplyAlpha(CPVRTexture& sTexture); /*!*********************************************************************** @Function Bleed @Input sTexture @Return bool Whether the method succeeds or not. @Description Allows a texture's colours to run into any fully transparent areas. *************************************************************************/ bool PVR_DLL Bleed(CPVRTexture& sTexture); /*!*********************************************************************** @Function SetChannels @Input sTexture @Input uiNumChannelSets @Input eChannels @Input pValues @Return bool Whether the method succeeds or not. @Description Sets the specified number of channels to values specified in pValues. *************************************************************************/ bool PVR_DLL SetChannels(CPVRTexture& sTexture, uint32 uiNumChannelSets, EChannelName *eChannels, uint32 *pValues); bool PVR_DLL SetChannelsFloat(CPVRTexture& sTexture, uint32 uiNumChannelSets, EChannelName *eChannels, float *pValues); /*!*********************************************************************** @Function CopyChannels @Input sTexture @Input sTextureSource @Input uiNumChannelCopies @Input eChannels @Input eChannelsSource @Return bool Whether the method succeeds or not. @Description Copies the specified channels from sTextureSource into sTexture. sTextureSource is not modified so it is possible to use the same texture as both input and output. When using the same texture as source and destination, channels are preserved between swaps (e.g. copying Red to Green and then Green to Red will result in the two channels trading places correctly). Channels in eChannels are set to the value of the channels in eChannelSource. *************************************************************************/ bool PVR_DLL CopyChannels(CPVRTexture& sTexture, const CPVRTexture& sTextureSource, uint32 uiNumChannelCopies, EChannelName *eChannels, EChannelName *eChannelsSource); /*!*********************************************************************** @Function GenerateNormalMap @Input sTexture @Input fScale @Input sChannelOrder @Return bool Whether the method succeeds or not. @Description Generates a Normal Map from a given height map. Assumes the red channel has the height values. By default outputs to red/green/blue = x/y/z, this can be overridden by specifying a channel order in sChannelOrder. The channels specified will output to red/green/blue/alpha in that order. So "xyzh" maps x to red, y to green, z to blue and h to alpha. 'h' is used to specify that the original height map data should be preserved in the given channel. *************************************************************************/ bool PVR_DLL GenerateNormalMap(CPVRTexture& sTexture, const float fScale, CPVRTString sChannelOrder); /*!*********************************************************************** @Function GenerateMIPMaps @Input sTexture @Input eFilterMode @Input uiMIPMapsToDo @Return bool Whether the method succeeds or not. @Description Generates MIPMaps for a source texture. Default is to create a complete MIPMap chain, however this can be overridden with uiMIPMapsToDo. *************************************************************************/ bool PVR_DLL GenerateMIPMaps(CPVRTexture& sTexture, const EResizeMode eFilterMode, const uint32 uiMIPMapsToDo=PVRTEX_ALLMIPLEVELS); /*!*********************************************************************** @Function ColourMIPMaps @Input sTexture @Return bool Whether the method succeeds or not. @Description Colours a texture's MIPMap levels with artificial colours for debugging. MIP levels are coloured in the order: Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow in a repeating pattern. *************************************************************************/ bool PVR_DLL ColourMIPMaps(CPVRTexture& sTexture); /*!*********************************************************************** @Function Transcode @Input sTexture @Input ptFormat @Input eChannelType @Input eColourspace @Input eQuality @Input bDoDither @Return bool Whether the method succeeds or not. @Description Transcodes a texture from its original format into a newly specified format. Will either quantise or dither to lower precisions based on bDoDither. uiQuality specifies the quality for PVRTC and ETC compression. *************************************************************************/ bool PVR_DLL Transcode(CPVRTexture& sTexture, const PixelType ptFormat, const EPVRTVariableType eChannelType, const EPVRTColourSpace eColourspace, const ECompressorQuality eQuality=ePVRTCNormal, const bool bDoDither=false); }; #endif //_PVRTEXTURE_UTILTIES_H