// This code is in the public domain -- castanyo@yahoo.es #ifndef NV_CORE_CPUINFO_H #define NV_CORE_CPUINFO_H #include #if NV_CC_MSVC #if _MSC_VER >= 1400 # include // __rdtsc #endif #endif namespace nv { // CPU Information. class CpuInfo { protected: static int cpu(); private: // Cache of the CPU data static uint m_cpu; static uint m_procCount; public: static uint processorCount(); static uint coreCount(); static bool hasMMX(); static bool hasSSE(); static bool hasSSE2(); static bool hasSSE3(); }; #if NV_CC_MSVC #if _MSC_VER < 1400 inline uint64 rdtsc() { uint64 t; __asm rdtsc __asm mov DWORD PTR [t], eax __asm mov DWORD PTR [t+4], edx return t; } #else #pragma intrinsic(__rdtsc) inline uint64 rdtsc() { return __rdtsc(); } #endif #endif #if NV_CC_GNUC #if defined(__i386__) inline /*volatile*/ uint64 rdtsc() { uint64 x; //__asm__ volatile ("rdtsc" : "=A" (x)); __asm__ volatile (".byte 0x0f, 0x31" : "=A" (x)); return x; } #elif defined(__x86_64__) static __inline__ uint64 rdtsc(void) { unsigned int hi, lo; __asm__ __volatile__ ("rdtsc" : "=a"(lo), "=d"(hi)); return ( (unsigned long long)lo)|( ((unsigned long long)hi)<<32 ); } #elif defined(__powerpc__) static __inline__ uint64 rdtsc(void) { uint64 result=0; unsigned long int upper, lower, tmp; __asm__ volatile( "0: \n" "\tmftbu %0 \n" "\tmftb %1 \n" "\tmftbu %2 \n" "\tcmpw %2,%0 \n" "\tbne 0b \n" : "=r"(upper),"=r"(lower),"=r"(tmp) ); result = upper; result = result<<32; result = result|lower; return(result); } #endif #endif // NV_CC_GNUC } // nv namespace #endif // NV_CORE_CPUINFO_H