
754 lines
16 KiB

// This code is in the public domain -- castanyo@yahoo.es
#include <nvcore/Containers.h>
#include <nvcore/Ptr.h>
#include <nvmath/nvmath.h>
#include <nvimage/HoleFilling.h>
#include <nvimage/FloatImage.h>
using namespace nv;
// This is a variation of Sapiro's inpainting method.
void nv::fillExtrapolate(int passCount, FloatImage * img, BitMap * bmap)
nvCheck(img != NULL);
nvCheck(bmap != NULL);
const int w = img->width();
const int h = img->height();
const int count = img->componentNum();
nvCheck(bmap->width() == uint(w));
nvCheck(bmap->height() == uint(h));
AutoPtr<BitMap> newbmap(new BitMap(w, h));
for(int p = 0; p < passCount; p++)
for(int c = 0; c < count; c++)
float * channel = img->channel(c);
for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
if (bmap->bitAt(x, y)) {
// Not a hole.
newbmap->setBitAt(x, y);
const bool west = bmap->bitAt(img->indexClamp(x-1, y));
const bool east = bmap->bitAt(img->indexClamp(x+1, y));
const bool north = bmap->bitAt(img->indexClamp(x, y-1));
const bool south = bmap->bitAt(img->indexClamp(x, y+1));
const bool northwest = bmap->bitAt(img->indexClamp(x-1, y-1));
const bool northeast = bmap->bitAt(img->indexClamp(x+1, y-1));
const bool southwest = bmap->bitAt(img->indexClamp(x-1, y+1));
const bool southeast = bmap->bitAt(img->indexClamp(x+1, y+1));
int num = west + east + north + south + northwest + northeast + southwest + southeast;
if (num != 0) {
float average = 0.0f;
if (num == 3 && west && northwest && southwest) {
average = channel[img->indexClamp(x-1, y)];
else if (num == 3 && east && northeast && southeast) {
average = channel[img->indexClamp(x+1, y)];
else if (num == 3 && north && northwest && northeast) {
average = channel[img->indexClamp(x, y-1)];
else if (num == 3 && south && southwest && southeast) {
average = channel[img->indexClamp(x, y+1)];
else {
float total = 0.0f;
if (west) { average += 1 * channel[img->indexClamp(x-1, y)]; total += 1; }
if (east) { average += 1 * channel[img->indexClamp(x+1, y)]; total += 1; }
if (north) { average += 1 * channel[img->indexClamp(x, y-1)]; total += 1; }
if (south) { average += 1 * channel[img->indexClamp(x, y+1)]; total += 1; }
if (northwest) { average += channel[img->indexClamp(x-1, y-1)]; ++total; }
if (northeast) { average += channel[img->indexClamp(x+1, y-1)]; ++total; }
if (southwest) { average += channel[img->indexClamp(x-1, y+1)]; ++total; }
if (southeast) { average += channel[img->indexClamp(x+1, y+1)]; ++total; }
average /= total;
channel[img->indexClamp(x, y)] = average;
newbmap->setBitAt(x, y);
// Update the bit mask.
swap(*newbmap, *bmap);
namespace {
struct Neighbor {
uint16 x;
uint16 y;
uint32 d;
// Compute euclidean squared distance.
static uint dist( uint16 ax, uint16 ay, uint16 bx, uint16 by ) {
int dx = bx - ax;
int dy = by - ay;
return uint(dx*dx + dy*dy);
// Check neighbour, this is the core of the EDT algorithm.
static void checkNeighbour( int x, int y, Neighbor * e, const Neighbor & n ) {
nvDebugCheck(e != NULL);
uint d = dist( x, y, n.x, n.y );
if( d < e->d ) {
e->x = n.x;
e->y = n.y;
e->d = d;
} // namespace
// Voronoi filling using EDT-4
void nv::fillVoronoi(FloatImage * img, const BitMap * bmap)
nvCheck(img != NULL);
const int w = img->width();
const int h = img->height();
const int count = img->componentNum();
nvCheck(bmap->width() == uint(w));
nvCheck(bmap->height() == uint(h));
Array<Neighbor> edm;
edm.resize(w * h);
int x, y;
int x0, x1, y0, y1;
// Init edm.
for( y = 0; y < h; y++ ) {
for( x = 0; x < w; x++ ) {
if( bmap->bitAt(x, y) ) {
edm[y * w + x].x = x;
edm[y * w + x].y = y;
edm[y * w + x].d = 0;
else {
edm[y * w + x].x = w;
edm[y * w + x].y = h;
edm[y * w + x].d = w*w + h*h;
// First pass.
for( y = 0; y < h; y++ ) {
for( x = 0; x < w; x++ ) {
x0 = clamp(x-1, 0, w-1); // @@ Wrap?
x1 = clamp(x+1, 0, w-1);
y0 = clamp(y-1, 0, h-1);
Neighbor & e = edm[y * w + x];
checkNeighbour(x, y, &e, edm[y0 * w + x0]);
checkNeighbour(x, y, &e, edm[y0 * w + x]);
checkNeighbour(x, y, &e, edm[y0 * w + x1]);
checkNeighbour(x, y, &e, edm[y * w + x0]);
for( x = w-1; x >= 0; x-- ) {
x1 = clamp(x+1, 0, w-1);
Neighbor & e = edm[y * w + x];
checkNeighbour(x, y, &e, edm[y * w + x1]);
// Third pass.
for( y = h-1; y >= 0; y-- ) {
for( x = w-1; x >= 0; x-- ) {
x0 = clamp(x-1, 0, w-1);
x1 = clamp(x+1, 0, w-1);
y1 = clamp(y+1, 0, h-1);
Neighbor & e = edm[y * w + x];
checkNeighbour(x, y, &e, edm[y * w + x1]);
checkNeighbour(x, y, &e, edm[y1 * w + x0]);
checkNeighbour(x, y, &e, edm[y1 * w + x]);
checkNeighbour(x, y, &e, edm[y1 * w + x1]);
for( x = 0; x < w; x++ ) {
x0 = clamp(x-1, 0, w-1);
Neighbor & e = edm[y * w + x];
checkNeighbour(x, y, &e, edm[y * w + x0]);
// Fill empty holes.
for( y = 0; y < h; y++ ) {
for( x = 0; x < w; x++ ) {
const int sx = edm[y * w + x].x;
const int sy = edm[y * w + x].y;
nvDebugCheck(sx < w && sy < h);
if( sx != x || sy != y ) {
for(int c = 0; c < count; c++ ) {
img->setPixel(img->pixel(sx, sy, c), x, y, c);
void nv::fillBlur(FloatImage * img, const BitMap * bmap)
nvCheck(img != NULL);
// @@ Apply a 3x3 kernel.
static bool downsample(const FloatImage * src, const BitMap * srcMask, const FloatImage ** _dst, const BitMap ** _dstMask)
const uint w = src->width();
const uint h = src->height();
const uint count = src->componentNum();
// count holes in srcMask, return false if fully filled.
uint holes = 0;
for(uint y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for(uint x = 0; x < w; x++) {
holes += srcMask->bitAt(x, y) == 0;
if (holes == 0 || (w == 2 || h == 2)) {
// Stop when no holes or when the texture is very small.
return false;
// Apply box filter to image and mask and return true.
const uint nw = w / 2;
const uint nh = h / 2;
FloatImage * dst = new FloatImage();
dst->allocate(count, nw, nh);
BitMap * dstMask = new BitMap(nw, nh);
for(uint c = 0; c < count; c++) {
for(uint y = 0; y < nh; y++) {
for(uint x = 0; x < nw; x++) {
const uint x0 = 2 * x + 0;
const uint x1 = 2 * x + 1;
const uint y0 = 2 * y + 0;
const uint y1 = 2 * y + 1;
const float f0 = src->pixel(x0, y0, c);
const float f1 = src->pixel(x1, y0, c);
const float f2 = src->pixel(x0, y1, c);
const float f3 = src->pixel(x1, y1, c);
const bool b0 = srcMask->bitAt(x0, y0);
const bool b1 = srcMask->bitAt(x1, y0);
const bool b2 = srcMask->bitAt(x0, y1);
const bool b3 = srcMask->bitAt(x1, y1);
if (b0 || b1 || b2 || b3) {
// Set bit mask.
dstMask->setBitAt(x, y);
// Set pixel.
float value = 0.0f;
int total = 0;
if (b0) { value += f0; total++; }
if (b1) { value += f1; total++; }
if (b2) { value += f2; total++; }
if (b3) { value += f3; total++; }
dst->setPixel(value / total, x, y, c);
*_dst = dst;
*_dstMask = dstMask;
return true;
// This is the filter used in the Lumigraph paper.
void nv::fillPullPush(FloatImage * img, const BitMap * bmap)
nvCheck(img != NULL);
const uint count = img->componentNum();
const uint w = img->width();
const uint h = img->height();
const uint num = log2(max(w,h));
// Build mipmap chain.
Array<const FloatImage *> mipmaps(num);
Array<const BitMap *> mipmapMasks(num);
const FloatImage * current;
const BitMap * currentMask;
// Compute mipmap chain.
while(downsample(mipmaps.back(), mipmapMasks.back(), &current, &currentMask))
// Sample mipmaps until non-hole is found.
for(uint y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for(uint x = 0; x < w; x++) {
int sx = x;
int sy = y;
//float sx = x;
//float sy = y;
const uint levelCount = mipmaps.count();
for (uint l = 0; l < levelCount; l++)
//const float fx = sx / mipmaps[l]->width();
//const float fy = sy / mipmaps[l]->height();
if (mipmapMasks[l]->bitAt(sx, sy))
// Sample mipmaps[l](sx, sy) and copy to img(x, y)
for(uint c = 0; c < count; c++) {
//img->setPixel(mipmaps[l]->linear_clamp(fx, fy, c), x, y, c);
img->setPixel(mipmaps[l]->pixel(sx, sy, c), x, y, c);
sx /= 2;
sy /= 2;
// Don't delete the original image and mask.
mipmaps[0] = NULL;
mipmapMasks[0] = NULL;
// Delete the mipmaps.
This Code is from Charles Bloom:
Looks in the 5x5 local neighborhood (LocalPixels) of the desired pixel to fill.
It tries to build a quadratic model of the neighborhood surface to use in
extrapolating. You need 5 pixels to establish a 2d quadratic curve.
This is really just a nice generic way to extrapolate pixels. It also happens
to work great for seam-fixing.
Note that I'm working on normals, but I treat them just as 3 scalars and normalize
at the end. To be more correct, I would work on the surface of a sphere, but that
just seems like way too much work.
struct LocalPixels
// 5x5 neighborhood
// the center is at result
// index [y][x]
bool fill[5][5];
float data[5][5];
mutable float result;
mutable float weight;
bool Quad3SubH(float * pQ, int row) const
const bool * pFill = fill[row];
const float * pDat = data[row];
if ( pFill[1] && pFill[2] && pFill[3] )
// good row
*pQ = pDat[1] - 2.f * pDat[2] + pDat[3];
return true;
else if ( pFill[0] && pFill[1] && pFill[2] )
// good row
*pQ = pDat[0] - 2.f * pDat[1] + pDat[2];
return true;
else if ( pFill[2] && pFill[3] && pFill[4] )
// good row
*pQ = pDat[2] - 2.f * pDat[3] + pDat[4];
return true;
return false;
// improve result with a horizontal quad in row 1 and/or
bool Quad3SubV(float * pQ, int col) const
if ( fill[1][col] && fill[2][col] && fill[3][col] )
// good row
*pQ = data[1][col] - 2.f * data[2][col] + data[3][col];
return true;
else if ( fill[0][col] && fill[1][col] && fill[2][col] )
// good row
*pQ = data[0][col] - 2.f * data[1][col] + data[2][col];
return true;
else if ( fill[2][col] && fill[3][col] && fill[4][col] )
// good row
*pQ = data[2][col] - 2.f * data[3][col] + data[4][col];
return true;
return false;
bool Quad3H(float * pQ) const
if (!Quad3SubH(pQ,1))
return Quad3SubH(pQ,3);
float q = 0.0f; // initializer not needed, just make it shut up
if (Quad3SubH(&q, 3))
// got q and pQ
*pQ = (*pQ+q)*0.5f;
return true;
bool Quad3V(float * pQ) const
if (!Quad3SubV(pQ, 1))
return Quad3SubV(pQ, 3);
float q = 0.0f; // initializer not needed, just make it shut up
if (Quad3SubV(&q, 3))
// got q and pQ
*pQ = (*pQ + q) * 0.5f;
return true;
// Quad returns ([0]+[2] - 2.f*[1])
// a common want is [1] - ([0]+[2])*0.5f ;
// so use -0.5f*Quad
bool tryQuads() const
bool res = false;
// look for a pair that straddles the middle:
if ( fill[2][1] && fill[2][3] )
// got horizontal straddle
float q;
if ( Quad3H(&q) )
result += (data[2][1] + data[2][3] - q) * 0.5f;
weight += 1.f;
res = true;
if ( fill[1][2] && fill[3][2] )
// got vertical straddle
float q;
if ( Quad3V(&q) )
result += (data[1][2] + data[3][2] - q) * 0.5f;
weight += 1.f;
res = true;
// look for pairs that lead into the middle :
if ( fill[2][0] && fill[2][1] )
// got left-side pair
float q;
if ( Quad3H(&q) )
result += data[2][1]*2.f - data[2][0] + q;
weight += 1.f;
res = true;
if ( fill[2][3] && fill[2][4] )
// got right-side pair
float q;
if ( Quad3H(&q) )
result += data[2][3]*2.f - data[2][4] + q;
weight += 1.f;
res = true;
if ( fill[0][2] && fill[1][2] )
// got left-side pair
float q;
if ( Quad3V(&q) )
result += data[1][2]*2.f - data[0][2] + q;
weight += 1.f;
res = true;
if ( fill[3][2] && fill[4][2] )
// got right-side pair
float q;
if ( Quad3V(&q) )
result += data[3][2]*2.f - data[4][2] + q;
weight += 1.f;
res = true;
return res;
bool tryPlanar() const
// four cases :
const int indices[] =
2,1, 1,2, 1,1,
2,1, 3,2, 3,1,
2,3, 1,2, 1,3,
2,3, 3,2, 3,3
bool res = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
const int * I = indices + i*6;
if (!fill[ I[0] ][ I[1] ])
if (!fill[ I[2] ][ I[3] ])
if (!fill[ I[4] ][ I[5] ])
result += data[ I[0] ][ I[1] ] + data[ I[2] ][ I[3] ] - data[ I[4] ][ I[5] ];
weight += 1.0f;
res = true;
return res;
bool tryTwos() const
bool res = false;
if (fill[2][1] && fill[2][3])
result += (data[2][1] + data[2][3]) * 0.5f;
weight += 1.0f;
res = true;
if (fill[1][2] && fill[3][2])
result += (data[1][2] + data[3][2]) * 0.5f;
weight += 1.0f;
res = true;
// four side-rotates :
const int indices[] =
2,1, 2,0,
2,3, 2,4,
1,2, 0,2,
3,2, 4,2,
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
const int * I = indices + i*4;
if (!fill[ I[0] ][ I[1] ])
if (!fill[ I[2] ][ I[3] ])
result += data[ I[0] ][ I[1] ]*2.0f - data[ I[2] ][ I[3] ];
weight += 1.0f;
res = true;
return res;
bool doLocalPixelFill() const
result = 0.0f;
weight = 0.0f;
if (tryQuads()) {
return true;
if (tryPlanar()) {
return true;
return tryTwos();
}; // struct LocalPixels
// This is a quadratic extrapolation filter from Charles Bloom (DoPixelSeamFix). Used with his permission.
void nv::fillQuadraticExtrapolate(int passCount, FloatImage * img, BitMap * bmap, int coverageIndex /*= -1*/)
nvCheck(passCount > 0);
nvCheck(img != NULL);
nvCheck(bmap != NULL);
const int w = img->width();
const int h = img->height();
const int count = img->componentNum();
nvCheck(bmap->width() == uint(w));
nvCheck(bmap->height() == uint(h));
AutoPtr<BitMap> newbmap( new BitMap(w, h) );
float * coverageChannel = NULL;
if (coverageIndex != -1)
coverageChannel = img->channel(coverageIndex);
int firstChannel = -1;
for (int p = 0; p < passCount; p++)
for (int c = 0; c < count; c++)
if (c == coverageIndex) continue;
if (firstChannel == -1) firstChannel = c;
float * channel = img->channel(c);
for (int yb = 0; yb < h; yb++) {
for (int xb = 0; xb < w; xb++) {
if (bmap->bitAt(xb, yb)) {
// Not a hole.
newbmap->setBitAt(xb, yb);
int numFill = 0;
LocalPixels lp;
for (int ny = 0; ny < 5; ny++)
int y = (yb + ny - 2);
if ( y < 0 || y >= h )
// out of range
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
lp.fill[ny][i] = false;
for (int nx = 0; nx < 5; nx++)
int x = (xb + nx - 2);
if (x < 0 || x >= w)
lp.fill[ny][nx] = false;
int idx = img->index(x, y);
if (!bmap->bitAt(idx))
lp.fill[ny][nx] = false;
lp.fill[ny][nx] = true;
lp.data[ny][nx] = channel[idx];
// need at least 3 to do anything decent
if (numFill < 2)
nvDebugCheck(lp.fill[2][2] == false);
if (lp.doLocalPixelFill())
const int idx = img->index(xb, yb);
channel[idx] = lp.result / lp.weight;
if (c == firstChannel)
//coverageChannel[idx] /= lp.weight; // @@ Not sure what this was for, coverageChannel[idx] is always zero.
newbmap->setBitAt(xb, yb);
// Update the bit mask.
swap(*newbmap, *bmap);