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// This code is in the public domain --
#include <nvimage/nvimage.h>
#include <nvcore/StrLib.h>
namespace nv
class Image;
class FloatImage;
class Stream;
namespace ImageIO
struct ImageMetaData
HashMap<String, String> tagMap;
NVIMAGE_API Image * load(const char * fileName);
NVIMAGE_API Image * load(const char * fileName, Stream & s);
NVIMAGE_API FloatImage * loadFloat(const char * fileName);
NVIMAGE_API FloatImage * loadFloat(const char * fileName, Stream & s);
NVIMAGE_API bool save(const char * fileName, const Image * img, const ImageMetaData * tags=NULL);
NVIMAGE_API bool save(const char * fileName, Stream & s, const Image * img, const ImageMetaData * tags=NULL);
NVIMAGE_API bool saveFloat(const char * fileName, const FloatImage * fimage, uint baseComponent, uint componentCount);
NVIMAGE_API bool saveFloat(const char * fileName, Stream & s, const FloatImage * fimage, uint baseComponent, uint componentCount);
} // ImageIO namespace
} // nv namespace