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// Branch-free implementation of half-precision (16 bit) floating point
// Copyright 2006 Mike Acton <>
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
// to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
// the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
// and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
// Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// Half-precision floating point format
// ------------------------------------
// | Field | Last | First | Note
// |----------|------|-------|----------
// | Sign | 15 | 15 |
// | Exponent | 14 | 10 | Bias = 15
// | Mantissa | 9 | 0 |
// Compiling
// ---------
// Preferred compile flags for GCC:
// -O3 -fstrict-aliasing -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall -Wstrict-aliasing
// This file is a C99 source file, intended to be compiled with a C99
// compliant compiler. However, for the moment it remains combatible
// with C++98. Therefore if you are using a compiler that poorly implements
// C standards (e.g. MSVC), it may be compiled as C++. This is not
// guaranteed for future versions.
// Features
// --------
// * QNaN + <x> = QNaN
// * <x> + +INF = +INF
// * <x> - -INF = -INF
// * INF - INF = SNaN
// * Denormalized values
// * Difference of ZEROs is always +ZERO
// * Sum round with guard + round + sticky bit (grs)
// * And of course... no branching
// Precision of Sum
// ----------------
// (SUM) uint16 z = half_add( x, y );
// (DIFFERENCE) uint16 z = half_add( x, -y );
// Will have exactly (0 ulps difference) the same result as:
// (For 32 bit IEEE 784 floating point and same rounding mode)
// union FLOAT_32
// {
// float f32;
// uint32 u32;
// };
// union FLOAT_32 fx = { .u32 = half_to_float( x ) };
// union FLOAT_32 fy = { .u32 = half_to_float( y ) };
// union FLOAT_32 fz = { .f32 = fx.f32 + fy.f32 };
// uint16 z = float_to_half( fz );
#include "Half.h"
#include <stdio.h>
// Load immediate
static inline uint32 _uint32_li( uint32 a )
return (a);
// Decrement
static inline uint32 _uint32_dec( uint32 a )
return (a - 1);
// Increment
static inline uint32 _uint32_inc( uint32 a )
return (a + 1);
// Complement
static inline uint32 _uint32_not( uint32 a )
return (~a);
// Negate
static inline uint32 _uint32_neg( uint32 a )
#pragma warning(disable : 4146) // unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned
return (-a);
#pragma warning(default : 4146)
// Extend sign
static inline uint32 _uint32_ext( uint32 a )
return (((int32)a)>>31);
// And
static inline uint32 _uint32_and( uint32 a, uint32 b )
return (a & b);
// And with Complement
static inline uint32 _uint32_andc( uint32 a, uint32 b )
return (a & ~b);
// Or
static inline uint32 _uint32_or( uint32 a, uint32 b )
return (a | b);
// Shift Right Logical
static inline uint32 _uint32_srl( uint32 a, int sa )
return (a >> sa);
// Shift Left Logical
static inline uint32 _uint32_sll( uint32 a, int sa )
return (a << sa);
// Add
static inline uint32 _uint32_add( uint32 a, uint32 b )
return (a + b);
// Subtract
static inline uint32 _uint32_sub( uint32 a, uint32 b )
return (a - b);
// Select on Sign bit
static inline uint32 _uint32_sels( uint32 test, uint32 a, uint32 b )
const uint32 mask = _uint32_ext( test );
const uint32 sel_a = _uint32_and( a, mask );
const uint32 sel_b = _uint32_andc( b, mask );
const uint32 result = _uint32_or( sel_a, sel_b );
return (result);
// Load Immediate
static inline uint16 _uint16_li( uint16 a )
return (a);
// Extend sign
static inline uint16 _uint16_ext( uint16 a )
return (((int16)a)>>15);
// Negate
static inline uint16 _uint16_neg( uint16 a )
return (-a);
// Complement
static inline uint16 _uint16_not( uint16 a )
return (~a);
// Decrement
static inline uint16 _uint16_dec( uint16 a )
return (a - 1);
// Shift Left Logical
static inline uint16 _uint16_sll( uint16 a, int sa )
return (a << sa);
// Shift Right Logical
static inline uint16 _uint16_srl( uint16 a, int sa )
return (a >> sa);
// Add
static inline uint16 _uint16_add( uint16 a, uint16 b )
return (a + b);
// Subtract
static inline uint16 _uint16_sub( uint16 a, uint16 b )
return (a - b);
// And
static inline uint16 _uint16_and( uint16 a, uint16 b )
return (a & b);
// Or
static inline uint16 _uint16_or( uint16 a, uint16 b )
return (a | b);
// Exclusive Or
static inline uint16 _uint16_xor( uint16 a, uint16 b )
return (a ^ b);
// And with Complement
static inline uint16 _uint16_andc( uint16 a, uint16 b )
return (a & ~b);
// And then Shift Right Logical
static inline uint16 _uint16_andsrl( uint16 a, uint16 b, int sa )
return ((a & b) >> sa);
// Shift Right Logical then Mask
static inline uint16 _uint16_srlm( uint16 a, int sa, uint16 mask )
return ((a >> sa) & mask);
// Add then Mask
static inline uint16 _uint16_addm( uint16 a, uint16 b, uint16 mask )
return ((a + b) & mask);
// Select on Sign bit
static inline uint16 _uint16_sels( uint16 test, uint16 a, uint16 b )
const uint16 mask = _uint16_ext( test );
const uint16 sel_a = _uint16_and( a, mask );
const uint16 sel_b = _uint16_andc( b, mask );
const uint16 result = _uint16_or( sel_a, sel_b );
return (result);
#include <PPCIntrinsics.h>
#elif NV_CC_MSVC
#include <intrin.h>
#pragma intrinsic(_BitScanReverse)
uint32 _uint32_nlz( uint32 x ) {
unsigned long index;
_BitScanReverse(&index, x);
return 31 - index;
// Count Leading Zeros
static inline uint32 _uint32_cntlz( uint32 x )
/* On PowerPC, this will map to insn: cntlzw */
/* On Pentium, this will map to insn: clz */
uint32 is_x_nez_msb = _uint32_neg( x );
uint32 nlz = __builtin_clz( x );
uint32 result = _uint32_sels( is_x_nez_msb, nlz, 0x00000020 );
return (result);
#elif NV_OS_XBOX
// Xbox PPC has this as an intrinsic.
return _CountLeadingZeros(x);
#elif NV_CC_MSVC
uint32 is_x_nez_msb = _uint32_neg( x );
uint32 nlz = _uint32_nlz( x );
uint32 result = _uint32_sels( is_x_nez_msb, nlz, 0x00000020 );
return (result);
const uint32 x0 = _uint32_srl( x, 1 );
const uint32 x1 = _uint32_or( x, x0 );
const uint32 x2 = _uint32_srl( x1, 2 );
const uint32 x3 = _uint32_or( x1, x2 );
const uint32 x4 = _uint32_srl( x3, 4 );
const uint32 x5 = _uint32_or( x3, x4 );
const uint32 x6 = _uint32_srl( x5, 8 );
const uint32 x7 = _uint32_or( x5, x6 );
const uint32 x8 = _uint32_srl( x7, 16 );
const uint32 x9 = _uint32_or( x7, x8 );
const uint32 xA = _uint32_not( x9 );
const uint32 xB = _uint32_srl( xA, 1 );
const uint32 xC = _uint32_and( xB, 0x55555555 );
const uint32 xD = _uint32_sub( xA, xC );
const uint32 xE = _uint32_and( xD, 0x33333333 );
const uint32 xF = _uint32_srl( xD, 2 );
const uint32 x10 = _uint32_and( xF, 0x33333333 );
const uint32 x11 = _uint32_add( xE, x10 );
const uint32 x12 = _uint32_srl( x11, 4 );
const uint32 x13 = _uint32_add( x11, x12 );
const uint32 x14 = _uint32_and( x13, 0x0f0f0f0f );
const uint32 x15 = _uint32_srl( x14, 8 );
const uint32 x16 = _uint32_add( x14, x15 );
const uint32 x17 = _uint32_srl( x16, 16 );
const uint32 x18 = _uint32_add( x16, x17 );
const uint32 x19 = _uint32_and( x18, 0x0000003f );
return ( x19 );
// Count Leading Zeros
static inline uint16 _uint16_cntlz( uint16 x )
#ifdef __GNUC__
/* On PowerPC, this will map to insn: cntlzw */
/* On Pentium, this will map to insn: clz */
uint16 nlz32 = (uint16)_uint32_cntlz( (uint32)x );
uint32 nlz = _uint32_sub( nlz32, 16 );
return (nlz);
#elif _NV_OS_XBOX_
uint16 nlz32 = (uint16)_CountLeadingZeros( (uint32)x );
return _uint32_sub( nlz32, 16);
const uint16 x0 = _uint16_srl( x, 1 );
const uint16 x1 = _uint16_or( x, x0 );
const uint16 x2 = _uint16_srl( x1, 2 );
const uint16 x3 = _uint16_or( x1, x2 );
const uint16 x4 = _uint16_srl( x3, 4 );
const uint16 x5 = _uint16_or( x3, x4 );
const uint16 x6 = _uint16_srl( x5, 8 );
const uint16 x7 = _uint16_or( x5, x6 );
const uint16 x8 = _uint16_not( x7 );
const uint16 x9 = _uint16_srlm( x8, 1, 0x5555 );
const uint16 xA = _uint16_sub( x8, x9 );
const uint16 xB = _uint16_and( xA, 0x3333 );
const uint16 xC = _uint16_srlm( xA, 2, 0x3333 );
const uint16 xD = _uint16_add( xB, xC );
const uint16 xE = _uint16_srl( xD, 4 );
const uint16 xF = _uint16_addm( xD, xE, 0x0f0f );
const uint16 x10 = _uint16_srl( xF, 8 );
const uint16 x11 = _uint16_addm( xF, x10, 0x001f );
return ( x11 );
nv::half_from_float( uint32 f )
const uint32 one = _uint32_li( 0x00000001 );
const uint32 f_s_mask = _uint32_li( 0x80000000 );
const uint32 f_e_mask = _uint32_li( 0x7f800000 );
const uint32 f_m_mask = _uint32_li( 0x007fffff );
const uint32 f_m_hidden_bit = _uint32_li( 0x00800000 );
const uint32 f_m_round_bit = _uint32_li( 0x00001000 );
const uint32 f_snan_mask = _uint32_li( 0x7fc00000 );
const uint32 f_e_pos = _uint32_li( 0x00000017 );
const uint32 h_e_pos = _uint32_li( 0x0000000a );
const uint32 h_e_mask = _uint32_li( 0x00007c00 );
const uint32 h_snan_mask = _uint32_li( 0x00007e00 );
const uint32 h_e_mask_value = _uint32_li( 0x0000001f );
const uint32 f_h_s_pos_offset = _uint32_li( 0x00000010 );
const uint32 f_h_bias_offset = _uint32_li( 0x00000070 );
const uint32 f_h_m_pos_offset = _uint32_li( 0x0000000d );
const uint32 h_nan_min = _uint32_li( 0x00007c01 );
const uint32 f_h_e_biased_flag = _uint32_li( 0x0000008f );
const uint32 f_s = _uint32_and( f, f_s_mask );
const uint32 f_e = _uint32_and( f, f_e_mask );
const uint16 h_s = _uint32_srl( f_s, f_h_s_pos_offset );
const uint32 f_m = _uint32_and( f, f_m_mask );
const uint16 f_e_amount = _uint32_srl( f_e, f_e_pos );
const uint32 f_e_half_bias = _uint32_sub( f_e_amount, f_h_bias_offset );
const uint32 f_snan = _uint32_and( f, f_snan_mask );
const uint32 f_m_round_mask = _uint32_and( f_m, f_m_round_bit );
const uint32 f_m_round_offset = _uint32_sll( f_m_round_mask, one );
const uint32 f_m_rounded = _uint32_add( f_m, f_m_round_offset );
const uint32 f_m_denorm_sa = _uint32_sub( one, f_e_half_bias );
const uint32 f_m_with_hidden = _uint32_or( f_m_rounded, f_m_hidden_bit );
const uint32 f_m_denorm = _uint32_srl( f_m_with_hidden, f_m_denorm_sa );
const uint32 h_m_denorm = _uint32_srl( f_m_denorm, f_h_m_pos_offset );
const uint32 f_m_rounded_overflow = _uint32_and( f_m_rounded, f_m_hidden_bit );
const uint32 m_nan = _uint32_srl( f_m, f_h_m_pos_offset );
const uint32 h_em_nan = _uint32_or( h_e_mask, m_nan );
const uint32 h_e_norm_overflow_offset = _uint32_inc( f_e_half_bias );
const uint32 h_e_norm_overflow = _uint32_sll( h_e_norm_overflow_offset, h_e_pos );
const uint32 h_e_norm = _uint32_sll( f_e_half_bias, h_e_pos );
const uint32 h_m_norm = _uint32_srl( f_m_rounded, f_h_m_pos_offset );
const uint32 h_em_norm = _uint32_or( h_e_norm, h_m_norm );
const uint32 is_h_ndenorm_msb = _uint32_sub( f_h_bias_offset, f_e_amount );
const uint32 is_f_e_flagged_msb = _uint32_sub( f_h_e_biased_flag, f_e_half_bias );
const uint32 is_h_denorm_msb = _uint32_not( is_h_ndenorm_msb );
const uint32 is_f_m_eqz_msb = _uint32_dec( f_m );
const uint32 is_h_nan_eqz_msb = _uint32_dec( m_nan );
const uint32 is_f_inf_msb = _uint32_and( is_f_e_flagged_msb, is_f_m_eqz_msb );
const uint32 is_f_nan_underflow_msb = _uint32_and( is_f_e_flagged_msb, is_h_nan_eqz_msb );
const uint32 is_e_overflow_msb = _uint32_sub( h_e_mask_value, f_e_half_bias );
const uint32 is_h_inf_msb = _uint32_or( is_e_overflow_msb, is_f_inf_msb );
const uint32 is_f_nsnan_msb = _uint32_sub( f_snan, f_snan_mask );
const uint32 is_m_norm_overflow_msb = _uint32_neg( f_m_rounded_overflow );
const uint32 is_f_snan_msb = _uint32_not( is_f_nsnan_msb );
const uint32 h_em_overflow_result = _uint32_sels( is_m_norm_overflow_msb, h_e_norm_overflow, h_em_norm );
const uint32 h_em_nan_result = _uint32_sels( is_f_e_flagged_msb, h_em_nan, h_em_overflow_result );
const uint32 h_em_nan_underflow_result = _uint32_sels( is_f_nan_underflow_msb, h_nan_min, h_em_nan_result );
const uint32 h_em_inf_result = _uint32_sels( is_h_inf_msb, h_e_mask, h_em_nan_underflow_result );
const uint32 h_em_denorm_result = _uint32_sels( is_h_denorm_msb, h_m_denorm, h_em_inf_result );
const uint32 h_em_snan_result = _uint32_sels( is_f_snan_msb, h_snan_mask, h_em_denorm_result );
const uint32 h_result = _uint32_or( h_s, h_em_snan_result );
return (uint16)(h_result);
nv::half_to_float( uint16 h )
const uint32 h_e_mask = _uint32_li( 0x00007c00 );
const uint32 h_m_mask = _uint32_li( 0x000003ff );
const uint32 h_s_mask = _uint32_li( 0x00008000 );
const uint32 h_f_s_pos_offset = _uint32_li( 0x00000010 );
const uint32 h_f_e_pos_offset = _uint32_li( 0x0000000d );
const uint32 h_f_bias_offset = _uint32_li( 0x0001c000 );
const uint32 f_e_mask = _uint32_li( 0x7f800000 );
const uint32 f_m_mask = _uint32_li( 0x007fffff );
const uint32 h_f_e_denorm_bias = _uint32_li( 0x0000007e );
const uint32 h_f_m_denorm_sa_bias = _uint32_li( 0x00000008 );
const uint32 f_e_pos = _uint32_li( 0x00000017 );
const uint32 h_e_mask_minus_one = _uint32_li( 0x00007bff );
const uint32 h_e = _uint32_and( h, h_e_mask );
const uint32 h_m = _uint32_and( h, h_m_mask );
const uint32 h_s = _uint32_and( h, h_s_mask );
const uint32 h_e_f_bias = _uint32_add( h_e, h_f_bias_offset );
const uint32 h_m_nlz = _uint32_cntlz( h_m );
const uint32 f_s = _uint32_sll( h_s, h_f_s_pos_offset );
const uint32 f_e = _uint32_sll( h_e_f_bias, h_f_e_pos_offset );
const uint32 f_m = _uint32_sll( h_m, h_f_e_pos_offset );
const uint32 f_em = _uint32_or( f_e, f_m );
const uint32 h_f_m_sa = _uint32_sub( h_m_nlz, h_f_m_denorm_sa_bias );
const uint32 f_e_denorm_unpacked = _uint32_sub( h_f_e_denorm_bias, h_f_m_sa );
const uint32 h_f_m = _uint32_sll( h_m, h_f_m_sa );
const uint32 f_m_denorm = _uint32_and( h_f_m, f_m_mask );
const uint32 f_e_denorm = _uint32_sll( f_e_denorm_unpacked, f_e_pos );
const uint32 f_em_denorm = _uint32_or( f_e_denorm, f_m_denorm );
const uint32 f_em_nan = _uint32_or( f_e_mask, f_m );
const uint32 is_e_eqz_msb = _uint32_dec( h_e );
const uint32 is_m_nez_msb = _uint32_neg( h_m );
const uint32 is_e_flagged_msb = _uint32_sub( h_e_mask_minus_one, h_e );
const uint32 is_zero_msb = _uint32_andc( is_e_eqz_msb, is_m_nez_msb );
const uint32 is_inf_msb = _uint32_andc( is_e_flagged_msb, is_m_nez_msb );
const uint32 is_denorm_msb = _uint32_and( is_m_nez_msb, is_e_eqz_msb );
const uint32 is_nan_msb = _uint32_and( is_e_flagged_msb, is_m_nez_msb );
const uint32 is_zero = _uint32_ext( is_zero_msb );
const uint32 f_zero_result = _uint32_andc( f_em, is_zero );
const uint32 f_denorm_result = _uint32_sels( is_denorm_msb, f_em_denorm, f_zero_result );
const uint32 f_inf_result = _uint32_sels( is_inf_msb, f_e_mask, f_denorm_result );
const uint32 f_nan_result = _uint32_sels( is_nan_msb, f_em_nan, f_inf_result );
const uint32 f_result = _uint32_or( f_s, f_nan_result );
return (f_result);
#if !NV_OS_IOS && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
#include <xmmintrin.h>
#include "nvcore/Memory.h" // NV_ALIGN_16
static __m128 half_to_float4_SSE2(__m128i h)
#define SSE_CONST4(name, val) static const NV_ALIGN_16 uint name[4] = { (val), (val), (val), (val) }
#define CONST(name) *(const __m128i *)&name
SSE_CONST4(mask_nosign, 0x7fff);
SSE_CONST4(mask_justsign, 0x8000);
SSE_CONST4(mask_shifted_exp, 0x7c00 << 13);
SSE_CONST4(expadjust_normal, (127 - 15) << 23);
SSE_CONST4(expadjust_infnan, (128 - 16) << 23);
SSE_CONST4(expadjust_denorm, 1 << 23);
SSE_CONST4(magic_denorm, 113 << 23);
__m128i mnosign = CONST(mask_nosign);
__m128i expmant = _mm_and_si128(mnosign, h);
__m128i justsign = _mm_and_si128(h, CONST(mask_justsign));
__m128i mshiftexp = CONST(mask_shifted_exp);
__m128i eadjust = CONST(expadjust_normal);
__m128i shifted = _mm_slli_epi32(expmant, 13);
__m128i adjusted = _mm_add_epi32(eadjust, shifted);
__m128i justexp = _mm_and_si128(shifted, mshiftexp);
__m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i b_isinfnan = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(mshiftexp, justexp);
__m128i b_isdenorm = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(zero, justexp);
__m128i adj_infnan = _mm_and_si128(b_isinfnan, CONST(expadjust_infnan));
__m128i adjusted2 = _mm_add_epi32(adjusted, adj_infnan);
__m128i adj_den = CONST(expadjust_denorm);
__m128i den1 = _mm_add_epi32(adj_den, adjusted2);
__m128 den2 = _mm_sub_ps(_mm_castsi128_ps(den1), *(const __m128 *)&magic_denorm);
__m128 adjusted3 = _mm_and_ps(den2, _mm_castsi128_ps(b_isdenorm));
__m128 adjusted4 = _mm_andnot_ps(_mm_castsi128_ps(b_isdenorm), _mm_castsi128_ps(adjusted2));
__m128 adjusted5 = _mm_or_ps(adjusted3, adjusted4);
__m128i sign = _mm_slli_epi32(justsign, 16);
__m128 final = _mm_or_ps(adjusted5, _mm_castsi128_ps(sign));
// ~21 SSE2 ops.
return final;
#undef SSE_CONST4
#undef CONST
void nv::half_to_float_array_SSE2(const uint16 * vin, float * vout, int count) {
nvDebugCheck((intptr_t(vin) & 15) == 0);
nvDebugCheck((intptr_t(vout) & 15) == 0);
nvDebugCheck((count & 7) == 0);
__m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 8)
__m128i in = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(vin + i));
__m128i a = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(in, zero);
__m128i b = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(in, zero);
__m128 outa = half_to_float4_SSE2(a);
_mm_storeu_ps((float *)(vout + i), outa);
__m128 outb = half_to_float4_SSE2(b);
_mm_storeu_ps((float *)(vout + i + 4), outb);
// @@ These tables could be smaller.
namespace nv {
uint32 mantissa_table[2048] = { 0xDEADBEEF };
uint32 exponent_table[64];
uint32 offset_table[64];
void nv::half_init_tables()
// Init mantissa table.
mantissa_table[0] = 0;
// denormals
for (int i = 1; i < 1024; i++) {
uint m = i << 13;
uint e = 0;
while ((m & 0x00800000) == 0) {
e -= 0x00800000;
m <<= 1;
m &= ~0x00800000;
e += 0x38800000;
mantissa_table[i] = m | e;
// normals
for (int i = 1024; i < 2048; i++) {
mantissa_table[i] = (i - 1024) << 13;
// Init exponent table.
exponent_table[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < 31; i++) {
exponent_table[i] = 0x38000000 + (i << 23);
exponent_table[31] = 0x7f800000;
exponent_table[32] = 0x80000000;
for (int i = 33; i < 63; i++) {
exponent_table[i] = 0xb8000000 + ((i - 32) << 23);
exponent_table[63] = 0xff800000;
// Init offset table.
offset_table[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < 32; i++) {
offset_table[i] = 1024;
offset_table[32] = 0;
for (int i = 33; i < 64; i++) {
offset_table[i] = 1024;
#if 0
// Inaccurate conversion suggested at the ffmpeg mailing list:
uint32 nv::fast_half_to_float(uint16 v)
if (v & 0x8000) return 0;
uint exp = v >> 10;
if (!exp) return (v>>9)&1;
if (exp >= 15) return 0xffff;
v <<= 6;
return (v+(1<<16)) >> (15-exp);
#if 0
// Some more from a gamedev thread:
// I believe it does not handle specials either.
// Mike Acton's code should be fairly easy to vectorize and that would handle all cases too, the table method might still be faster, though.
static __declspec(align(16)) unsigned half_sign[4] = {0x00008000, 0x00008000, 0x00008000, 0x00008000};
static __declspec(align(16)) unsigned half_exponent[4] = {0x00007C00, 0x00007C00, 0x00007C00, 0x00007C00};
static __declspec(align(16)) unsigned half_mantissa[4] = {0x000003FF, 0x000003FF, 0x000003FF, 0x000003FF};
static __declspec(align(16)) unsigned half_bias_offset[4] = {0x0001C000, 0x0001C000, 0x0001C000, 0x0001C000};
movaps xmm1, xmm0 // Input in xmm0
movaps xmm2, xmm0
andps xmm0, half_sign
andps xmm1, half_exponent
andps xmm2, half_mantissa
paddd xmm1, half_bias_offset
pslld xmm0, 16
pslld xmm1, 13
pslld xmm2, 13
orps xmm1, xmm2
orps xmm0, xmm1 // Result in xmm0
#if 0
// These version computes the tables at compile time:
/* This method is faster than the OpenEXR implementation (very often
* used, eg. in Ogre), with the additional benefit of rounding, inspired
* by James Tursa’s half-precision code. */
static inline uint16_t float_to_half_branch(uint32_t x)
uint16_t bits = (x >> 16) & 0x8000; /* Get the sign */
uint16_t m = (x >> 12) & 0x07ff; /* Keep one extra bit for rounding */
unsigned int e = (x >> 23) & 0xff; /* Using int is faster here */
/* If zero, or denormal, or exponent underflows too much for a denormal
* half, return signed zero. */
if (e < 103)
return bits;
/* If NaN, return NaN. If Inf or exponent overflow, return Inf. */
if (e > 142)
bits |= 0x7c00u;
/* If exponent was 0xff and one mantissa bit was set, it means NaN,
* not Inf, so make sure we set one mantissa bit too. */
bits |= e == 255 && (x & 0x007fffffu);
return bits;
/* If exponent underflows but not too much, return a denormal */
if (e < 113)
m |= 0x0800u;
/* Extra rounding may overflow and set mantissa to 0 and exponent
* to 1, which is OK. */
bits |= (m >> (114 - e)) + ((m >> (113 - e)) & 1);
return bits;
bits |= ((e - 112) << 10) | (m >> 1);
/* Extra rounding. An overflow will set mantissa to 0 and increment
* the exponent, which is OK. */
bits += m & 1;
return bits;
/* These macros implement a finite iterator useful to build lookup
* tables. For instance, S64(0) will call S1(x) for all values of x
* between 0 and 63.
* Due to the exponential behaviour of the calls, the stress on the
* compiler may be important. */
#define S4(x) S1((x)), S1((x)+1), S1((x)+2), S1((x)+3)
#define S16(x) S4((x)), S4((x)+4), S4((x)+8), S4((x)+12)
#define S64(x) S16((x)), S16((x)+16), S16((x)+32), S16((x)+48)
#define S256(x) S64((x)), S64((x)+64), S64((x)+128), S64((x)+192)
#define S1024(x) S256((x)), S256((x)+256), S256((x)+512), S256((x)+768)
/* Lookup table-based algorithm from “Fast Half Float Conversions”
* by Jeroen van der Zijp, November 2008. No rounding is performed,
* and some NaN values may be incorrectly converted to Inf. */
static inline uint16_t float_to_half_nobranch(uint32_t x)
static uint16_t const basetable[512] =
#define S1(i) (((i) < 103) ? 0x0000 : \
((i) < 113) ? 0x0400 >> (113 - (i)) : \
((i) < 143) ? ((i) - 112) << 10 : 0x7c00)
#undef S1
#define S1(i) (0x8000 | (((i) < 103) ? 0x0000 : \
((i) < 113) ? 0x0400 >> (113 - (i)) : \
((i) < 143) ? ((i) - 112) << 10 : 0x7c00))
#undef S1
static uint8_t const shifttable[512] =
#define S1(i) (((i) < 103) ? 24 : \
((i) < 113) ? 126 - (i) : \
((i) < 143 || (i) == 255) ? 13 : 24)
S256(0), S256(0),
#undef S1
uint16_t bits = basetable[(x >> 23) & 0x1ff];
bits |= (x & 0x007fffff) >> shifttable[(x >> 23) & 0x1ff];
return bits;