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@File PVRTextureHeader.h
@Copyright Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Limited. All Rights Reserved. Strictly Confidential.
#include "PVRTextureDefines.h"
#include "PVRTextureFormat.h"
#include "PVRTMap.h"
#include "PVRTString.h"
namespace pvrtexture
//Wrapper class for PVRTextureHeaderV3, adds 'smart' accessor functions.
class PVR_DLL CPVRTextureHeader
PVRTextureHeaderV3 m_sHeader; //Texture header as laid out in a file.
mutable CPVRTMap<uint32, CPVRTMap<uint32,MetaDataBlock> > m_MetaData; //Map of all the meta data stored for a texture.
* Construction methods for a texture header.
@Function CPVRTextureHeader
@Return CPVRTextureHeader A new texture header.
@Description Default constructor for a CPVRTextureHeader. Returns an empty header.
@Function CPVRTextureHeader
@Input fileHeader
@Input metaDataCount
@Input metaData
@Return CPVRTextureHeader A new texture header.
@Description Creates a new texture header from a PVRTextureHeaderV3,
and appends Meta data if any is supplied.
CPVRTextureHeader( PVRTextureHeaderV3 fileHeader,
uint32 metaDataCount=0,
MetaDataBlock* metaData=NULL);
@Function CPVRTextureHeader
@Input u64PixelFormat
@Input u32Height
@Input u32Width
@Input u32Depth
@Input u32NumMipMaps
@Input u32NumArrayMembers
@Input u32NumFaces
@Input eColourSpace
@Input eChannelType
@Input bPreMultiplied
@Return CPVRTextureHeader A new texture header.
@Description Creates a new texture header based on individual header
CPVRTextureHeader( uint64 u64PixelFormat,
uint32 u32Height=1,
uint32 u32Width=1,
uint32 u32Depth=1,
uint32 u32NumMipMaps=1,
uint32 u32NumArrayMembers=1,
uint32 u32NumFaces=1,
EPVRTColourSpace eColourSpace=ePVRTCSpacelRGB,
EPVRTVariableType eChannelType=ePVRTVarTypeUnsignedByteNorm,
bool bPreMultiplied=false);
@Function operator=
@Input rhs
@Return CPVRTextureHeader& This header.
@Description Will copy the contents and information of another header into this one.
CPVRTextureHeader& operator=(const CPVRTextureHeader& rhs);
* Accessor Methods for a texture's properties - getters.
@Function getFileHeader
@Return PVRTextureHeaderV3 The file header.
@Description Gets the file header structure.
const PVRTextureHeaderV3 getFileHeader() const;
@Function getPixelType
@Return PixelType 64-bit pixel type ID.
@Description Gets the 64-bit pixel type ID of the texture.
const PixelType getPixelType() const;
@Function getBitsPerPixel
@Return uint32 Number of bits per pixel
@Description Gets the bits per pixel of the texture format.
const uint32 getBitsPerPixel() const;
@Function getColourSpace
@Return EPVRTColourSpace enum representing colour space.
@Description Returns the colour space of the texture.
const EPVRTColourSpace getColourSpace() const;
@Function getChannelType
@Return EPVRTVariableType enum representing the type of the texture.
@Description Returns the variable type that the texture's data is stored in.
const EPVRTVariableType getChannelType() const;
@Function getWidth
@Input uiMipLevel MIP level that user is interested in.
@Return uint32 Width of the specified MIP-Map level.
@Description Gets the width of the user specified MIP-Map
level for the texture
const uint32 getWidth(uint32 uiMipLevel=PVRTEX_TOPMIPLEVEL) const;
@Function getHeight
@Input uiMipLevel MIP level that user is interested in.
@Return uint32 Height of the specified MIP-Map level.
@Description Gets the height of the user specified MIP-Map
level for the texture
const uint32 getHeight(uint32 uiMipLevel=PVRTEX_TOPMIPLEVEL) const;
@Function getDepth
@Input uiMipLevel MIP level that user is interested in.
@Return Depth of the specified MIP-Map level.
@Description Gets the depth of the user specified MIP-Map
level for the texture
const uint32 getDepth(uint32 uiMipLevel=PVRTEX_TOPMIPLEVEL) const;
@Function getTextureSize
@Input iMipLevel Specifies a MIP level to check,
'PVRTEX_ALLMIPLEVELS' can be passed to get
the size of all MIP levels.
@Input bAllSurfaces Size of all surfaces is calculated if true,
only a single surface if false.
@Input bAllFaces Size of all faces is calculated if true,
only a single face if false.
@Return uint32 Size in PIXELS of the specified texture area.
@Description Gets the size in PIXELS of the texture, given various input
parameters. User can retrieve the total size of either all
surfaces or a single surface, all faces or a single face and
all MIP-Maps or a single specified MIP level. All of these
const uint32 getTextureSize(int32 iMipLevel=PVRTEX_ALLMIPLEVELS, bool bAllSurfaces = true, bool bAllFaces = true) const;
@Function getDataSize
@Input iMipLevel Specifies a mip level to check,
'PVRTEX_ALLMIPLEVELS' can be passed to get
the size of all MIP levels.
@Input bAllSurfaces Size of all surfaces is calculated if true,
only a single surface if false.
@Input bAllFaces Size of all faces is calculated if true,
only a single face if false.
@Return uint32 Size in BYTES of the specified texture area.
@Description Gets the size in BYTES of the texture, given various input
parameters. User can retrieve the size of either all
surfaces or a single surface, all faces or a single face
and all MIP-Maps or a single specified MIP level.
const uint32 getDataSize(int32 iMipLevel=PVRTEX_ALLMIPLEVELS, bool bAllSurfaces = true, bool bAllFaces = true) const;
@Function getNumArrayMembers
@Return uint32 Number of array members in this texture.
@Description Gets the number of array members stored in this texture.
const uint32 getNumArrayMembers() const;
@Function getNumMIPLevels
@Return uint32 Number of MIP-Map levels in this texture.
@Description Gets the number of MIP-Map levels stored in this texture.
const uint32 getNumMIPLevels() const;
@Function getNumFaces
@Return uint32 Number of faces in this texture.
@Description Gets the number of faces stored in this texture.
const uint32 getNumFaces() const;
@Function getOrientation
@Input axis EPVRTAxis type specifying the axis to examine.
@Return EPVRTOrientation Enum orientation of the axis.
@Description Gets the data orientation for this texture.
const EPVRTOrientation getOrientation(EPVRTAxis axis) const;
@Function isFileCompressed
@Return bool True if it is file compressed.
@Description Returns whether or not the texture is compressed using
PVRTexLib's FILE compression - this is independent of
any texture compression.
const bool isFileCompressed() const;
@Function isPreMultiplied
@Return bool True if texture is premultiplied.
@Description Returns whether or not the texture's colour has been
pre-multiplied by the alpha values.
const bool isPreMultiplied() const;
@Function getMetaDataSize
@Return const uint32 Size, in bytes, of the meta data stored in the header.
@Description Returns the total size of the meta data stored in the header.
This includes the size of all information stored in all MetaDataBlocks.
const uint32 getMetaDataSize() const;
@Function getOGLFormat
@Modified internalformat
@Modified format
@Modified type
@Description Gets the OpenGL equivalent values of internal format, format
and type for this texture. This will return any supported
OpenGL texture values, it is up to the user to decide if
these are valid for their current platform.
const void getOGLFormat(uint32& internalformat, uint32& format, uint32& type) const;
@Function getOGLESFormat
@Modified internalformat
@Modified format
@Modified type
@Description Gets the OpenGLES equivalent values of internal format,
format and type for this texture. This will return any
supported OpenGLES texture values, it is up to the user
to decide if these are valid for their current platform.
const void getOGLESFormat(uint32& internalformat, uint32& format, uint32& type) const;
@Function getD3DFormat
@Return const uint32
@Description Gets the D3DFormat (up to DirectX 9 and Direct 3D Mobile)
equivalent values for this texture. This will return any
supported D3D texture formats, it is up to the user to
decide if this is valid for their current platform.
const uint32 getD3DFormat() const;
@Function getDXGIFormat
@Return const uint32
@Description Gets the DXGIFormat (DirectX 10 onward) equivalent values
for this texture. This will return any supported DX texture
formats, it is up to the user to decide if this is valid
for their current platform.
const uint32 getDXGIFormat() const;
* Accessor Methods for a texture's properties - setters.
@Function setPixelFormat
@Input uPixelFormat The format of the pixel.
@Description Sets the pixel format for this texture.
void setPixelFormat(PixelType uPixelFormat);
@Function setColourSpace
@Input eColourSpace A colour space enum.
@Description Sets the colour space for this texture. Default is lRGB.
void setColourSpace(EPVRTColourSpace eColourSpace);
@Function setChannelType
@Input eVarType A variable type enum.
@Description Sets the variable type for the channels in this texture.
void setChannelType(EPVRTVariableType eVarType);
@Function setOGLFormat
@Input internalformat
@Input format
@Input type
@Return bool Whether the format is valid or not.
@Description Sets the format of the texture to PVRTexLib's internal
representation of the OGL format.
bool setOGLFormat(const uint32& internalformat, const uint32& format, const uint32& type);
@Function setOGLESFormat
@Input internalformat
@Input format
@Input type
@Return bool Whether the format is valid or not.
@Description Sets the format of the texture to PVRTexLib's internal
representation of the OGLES format.
bool setOGLESFormat(const uint32& internalformat, const uint32& format, const uint32& type);
@Function setD3DFormat
@Return bool Whether the format is valid or not.
@Description Sets the format of the texture to PVRTexLib's internal
representation of the D3D format.
bool setD3DFormat(const uint32& DWORD_D3D_FORMAT);
@Function setDXGIFormat
@Return bool Whether the format is valid or not.
@Description Sets the format of the texture to PVRTexLib's internal
representation of the DXGI format.
bool setDXGIFormat(const uint32& DWORD_DXGI_FORMAT);
@Function setWidth
@Input newWidth The new width.
@Description Sets the width.
void setWidth(uint32 newWidth);
@Function setHeight
@Input newHeight The new height.
@Description Sets the height.
void setHeight(uint32 newHeight);
@Function setDepth
@Input newDepth The new depth.
@Description Sets the depth.
void setDepth(uint32 newDepth);
@Function setNumArrayMembers
@Input newNumMembers The new number of members in this array.
@Description Sets the depth.
void setNumArrayMembers(uint32 newNumMembers);
@Function setNumMIPLevels
@Input newNumMIPLevels New number of MIP-Map levels.
@Description Sets the number of MIP-Map levels in this texture.
void setNumMIPLevels(uint32 newNumMIPLevels);
@Function setNumFaces
@Input newNumFaces New number of faces for this texture.
@Description Sets the number of faces stored in this texture.
void setNumFaces(uint32 newNumFaces);
@Function setOrientation
@Input eAxisOrientation Enum specifying axis and orientation.
@Description Sets the data orientation for a given axis in this texture.
void setOrientation(EPVRTOrientation eAxisOrientation);
@Function setIsFileCompressed
@Input isFileCompressed Sets file compression to true/false.
@Description Sets whether or not the texture is compressed using
PVRTexLib's FILE compression - this is independent of
any texture compression. Currently unsupported.
void setIsFileCompressed(bool isFileCompressed);
@Function isPreMultiplied
@Return isPreMultiplied Sets if texture is premultiplied.
@Description Sets whether or not the texture's colour has been
pre-multiplied by the alpha values.
void setIsPreMultiplied(bool isPreMultiplied);
Meta Data functions - Getters.
@Function isBumpMap
@Return bool True if it is a bump map.
@Description Returns whether the texture is a bump map or not.
const bool isBumpMap() const;
@Function getBumpMapScale
@Return float Returns the bump map scale.
@Description Gets the bump map scaling value for this texture. If the
texture is not a bump map, 0.0f is returned. If the
texture is a bump map but no meta data is stored to
specify its scale, then 1.0f is returned.
const float getBumpMapScale() const;
@Function getBumpMapOrder
@Return CPVRTString Returns bump map order relative to rgba.
@Description Gets the bump map channel order relative to rgba. For
example, an RGB texture with bumps mapped to XYZ returns
'xyz'. A BGR texture with bumps in the order ZYX will also
return 'xyz' as the mapping is the same: R=X, G=Y, B=Z.
If the letter 'h' is present in the string, it means that
the height map has been stored here.
Other characters are possible if the bump map was created
manually, but PVRTexLib will ignore these characters. They
are returned simply for completeness.
const CPVRTString getBumpMapOrder() const;
@Function getNumTextureAtlasMembers
@Return int Returns number of sub textures defined by meta data.
@Description Works out the number of possible texture atlas members in
the texture based on the w/h/d and the data size.
TODO: Is this the right way to do things? Should I return number of floats? Or just data size? Hmm. Also need to make it TWO floats per dimension, and also possibly a rotated value. Not sure.
const int getNumTextureAtlasMembers() const;
@Function getTextureAtlasData
@Return float* Returns a pointer directly to the texture atlas data.
@Description Returns a pointer to the texture atlas data.
TODO: Maybe I should return a copy rather than the original.
const float* getTextureAtlasData() const;
@Function getCubeMapOrder
@Return CPVRTString Returns cube map order.
@Description Gets the cube map face order. Returned string will be in
the form "ZzXxYy" with capitals representing positive and
small letters representing negative. I.e. Z=Z-Positive,
const CPVRTString getCubeMapOrder() const;
@Function getBorder
@Input uiBorderWidth
@Input uiBorderHeight
@Input uiBorderDepth
@Description Obtains the border size in each dimension for this texture.
void getBorder(uint32& uiBorderWidth, uint32& uiBorderHeight, uint32& uiBorderDepth) const;
@Function getMetaData
@Input DevFOURCC
@Input u32Key
@Return pvrtexture::MetaDataBlock A copy of the meta data from the texture.
@Description Returns a block of meta data from the texture. If the meta data doesn't exist, a block with data size 0 will be returned.
MetaDataBlock getMetaData(uint32 DevFOURCC, uint32 u32Key) const;
@Function hasMetaData
@Input DevFOURCC
@Input u32Key
@Return bool Whether or not the meta data bock specified exists
@Description Returns whether or not the specified meta data exists as
part of this texture header.
bool hasMetaData(uint32 DevFOURCC, uint32 u32Key) const;
@Function getMetaDataMap
@Return MetaDataMap* A direct pointer to the MetaData map.
@Description A pointer directly to the Meta Data Map, to allow users to read out data.
const MetaDataMap* const getMetaDataMap() const;
Meta Data functions - Setters.
@Function setBumpMap
@Input bumpScale Floating point "height" value to scale the bump map.
@Input bumpOrder Up to 4 character string, with values x,y,z,h in
some combination. Not all values need to be present.
Denotes channel order; x,y,z refer to the
corresponding axes, h indicates presence of the
original height map. It is possible to have only some
of these values rather than all. For example if 'h'
is present alone it will be considered a height map.
The values should be presented in RGBA order, regardless
of the texture format, so a zyxh order in a bgra texture
should still be passed as 'xyzh'. Capitals are allowed.
Any character stored here that is not one of x,y,z,h
or a NULL character will be ignored when PVRTexLib
reads the data, but will be preserved. This is useful
if you wish to define a custom data channel for instance.
In these instances PVRTexLib will assume it is simply
colour data.
@Description Sets a texture's bump map data.
void setBumpMap(float bumpScale, CPVRTString bumpOrder="xyz");
@Function setTextureAtlas
@Input pAtlasData Pointer to an array of atlas data.
@Input dataSize Number of floats that the data pointer contains.
@Description Sets the texture atlas coordinate meta data for later display.
It is up to the user to make sure that this texture atlas
data actually makes sense in the context of the header. It is
suggested that the "generateTextureAtlas" method in the tools
is used to create a texture atlas, manually setting one up is
possible but should be done with care.
void setTextureAtlas(float* pAtlasData, uint32 dataSize);
@Function setCubeMapOrder
@Input cubeMapOrder Up to 6 character string, with values
x,X,y,Y,z,Z in some combination. Not all
values need to be present. Denotes face
order; Capitals refer to positive axis
positions and small letters refer to
negative axis positions. E.g. x=X-Negative,
X=X-Positive. It is possible to have only
some of these values rather than all, as
long as they are NULL terminated.
NB: Values past the 6th character are not read.
@Description Sets a texture's bump map data.
void setCubeMapOrder(CPVRTString cubeMapOrder="XxYyZz");
@Function setBorder
@Input uiBorderWidth
@Input uiBorderHeight
@Input uiBorderDepth
@Return void
@Description Sets a texture's border size data. This value is subtracted
from the current texture height/width/depth to get the valid
texture data.
void setBorder(uint32 uiBorderWidth, uint32 uiBorderHeight, uint32 uiBorderDepth);
@Function addMetaData
@Input MetaBlock Meta data block to be added.
@Description Adds an arbitrary piece of meta data.
void addMetaData(const MetaDataBlock& MetaBlock);
@Function removeMetaData
@Input DevFourCC
@Input u32Key
@Return void
@Description Removes a specified piece of meta data, if it exists.
void removeMetaData(const uint32& DevFourCC, const uint32& u32Key);