DDS file class

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Cassidy 2021-04-08 21:26:58 -07:00
parent 09e05b7cde
commit 8b6ea69300
2 changed files with 186 additions and 286 deletions

View File

@ -1,218 +1,90 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import enum
import os
import struct
import typing
import quicktex.image_utils
import quicktex.s3tc.bc1
import quicktex.s3tc.bc3
import quicktex.s3tc.bc4
import quicktex.s3tc.bc5
from PIL import Image
class PixelFormat:
DDS header surface format.
For more information, see microsoft documentation for `DDS_PIXELFORMAT <>`_.
size = 32
"""The size of a PixelFormat block in bytes."""
class Flags(enum.IntFlag):
"""Values which indicate what type of data is in the surface."""
"""Texture contains alpha data (:py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_bitmasks[3]` contains valid data)."""
ALPHA = 0x2
"""Used in some older DDS files for alpha channel only uncompressed data
(:py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_size` contains the alpha channel bitcount; :py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_bitmasks[3]` contains valid data)."""
FOURCC = 0x4
"""Texture contains compressed RGB data; :py:attr:`~PixelFormat.four_cc` contains valid data."""
RGB = 0x40
"""Texture contains uncompressed RGB data; :py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_size` and the RGB masks
(:py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_bitmasks[0:3]`) contain valid data."""
YUV = 0x200
"""Used in some older DDS files for YUV uncompressed data
(:py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_size` contains the YUV bit count; :py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_bitmasks[0]` contains the Y mask,
:py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_bitmasks[1]` contains the U mask, :py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_bitmasks[2]` contains the V mask)."""
LUMINANCE = 0x20000
"""Used in some older DDS files for single channel color uncompressed data (:py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_size`
contains the luminance channel bit count; :py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_bitmasks[0]` contains the channel mask).
Can be combined with :py:attr:`ALPHAPIXELS` for a two channel uncompressed DDS file."""
def __init__(self):
self.flags: PixelFormat.Flags = PixelFormat.Flags.FOURCC
"""Flags representing which data is valid."""
self.four_cc: str = "NONE"
"""FourCC code of the texture format. Valid texture format strings are ``DXT1``, ``DXT2``, ``DXT3``, ``DXT4``, or ``DXT5``.
If a DirectX 10 header is used, this is ``DX10``."""
self.pixel_size: int = 0
"""Number of bits in each pixel if the texture is uncompressed"""
self.pixel_bitmasks: typing.Tuple[int, int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0, 0)
"""Tuple of bitmasks for each channel"""
def from_bytes(data) -> PixelFormat:
Create a new PixelFormat object from a bytes-like object
:param data: A bytes-like object holding the raw data to unpack
:return: An unpacked PixelFormat object
assert len(data) == PixelFormat.size, "Incorrect number of bytes in input."
unpacked = struct.unpack('<2I4s5I', data)
assert unpacked[0] == PixelFormat.size, "Incorrect pixelformat size."
pf = PixelFormat()
pf.flags = PixelFormat.Flags(unpacked[1])
pf.four_cc = unpacked[2].decode()
pf.pixel_size = unpacked[3]
pf.pixel_bitmasks = unpacked[4:8]
return pf
def from_file(file: typing.BinaryIO) -> PixelFormat:
Create a new PixelFormat object from a file. The file position will be advanced by 32 bytes.
:param file: A file-like object to read from.
:return: An unpacked PixelFormat object
assert file.readable(), "Input file is not readable."
data =
return PixelFormat.from_bytes(data)
def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
Write the PixelFormat object to a bytes object.
:return: The packed PixelFormat object
data = struct.pack('<2I4s5I', 32, int(self.flags), bytes(self.four_cc, 'ascii'), self.pixel_size, *self.pixel_bitmasks)
assert len(data) == PixelFormat.size
return data
class DDSFormat:
def __init__(self, name: str, texture, encoder, decoder, four_cc: str = None):
self.four_cc = four_cc
self.decoder = decoder
self.encoder = encoder
self.texture = texture = name
class DDSHeader:
Header for a microsoft DDS file
dds_formats = [
DDSFormat('BC1', quicktex.s3tc.bc1.BC1Texture, quicktex.s3tc.bc1.BC1Encoder, quicktex.s3tc.bc1.BC1Decoder, 'DXT1'),
DDSFormat('BC3', quicktex.s3tc.bc3.BC3Texture, quicktex.s3tc.bc3.BC3Encoder, quicktex.s3tc.bc3.BC3Decoder, 'DXT5'),
DDSFormat('BC4', quicktex.s3tc.bc4.BC4Texture, quicktex.s3tc.bc4.BC4Encoder, quicktex.s3tc.bc4.BC4Decoder, 'ATI1'),
DDSFormat('BC5', quicktex.s3tc.bc5.BC5Texture, quicktex.s3tc.bc5.BC5Encoder, quicktex.s3tc.bc5.BC5Decoder, 'ATI2'),
For more information, see microsoft documentation for `DDS_HEADER <>`_.
size = 124
"""The size of a DDS header in bytes."""
class Flags(enum.IntFlag):
"""Flags to indicate which members contain valid data."""
class PFFlags(enum.IntFlag):
"""Values which indicate what type of data is in the surface."""
CAPS = 0x1
"""Required in every .dds file."""
"""Texture contains alpha data (:py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_bitmasks[3]` contains valid data)."""
HEIGHT = 0x2
"""Required in every .dds file."""
ALPHA = 0x2
"""Used in some older DDS files for alpha channel only uncompressed data
(:py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_size` contains the alpha channel bitcount; :py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_bitmasks[3]` contains valid data)."""
WIDTH = 0x4
"""Required in every .dds file."""
FOURCC = 0x4
"""Texture contains compressed RGB data; :py:attr:`~PixelFormat.four_cc` contains valid data."""
PITCH = 0x8
"""Required when :py:attr:`~DDSHeader.pitch` is provided for an uncompressed texture."""
RGB = 0x40
"""Texture contains uncompressed RGB data; :py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_size` and the RGB masks
(:py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_bitmasks[0:3]`) contain valid data."""
"""Required in every .dds file."""
YUV = 0x200
"""Used in some older DDS files for YUV uncompressed data
(:py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_size` contains the YUV bit count; :py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_bitmasks[0]` contains the Y mask,
:py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_bitmasks[1]` contains the U mask, :py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_bitmasks[2]` contains the V mask)."""
"""Required when :py:attr:`~DDSHeader.mipmap_count` is provided for a mipmapped texture."""
LUMINANCE = 0x20000
"""Used in some older DDS files for single channel color uncompressed data (:py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_size`
contains the luminance channel bit count; :py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_bitmasks[0]` contains the channel mask).
Can be combined with :py:attr:`ALPHAPIXELS` for a two channel uncompressed DDS file."""
LINEAR_SIZE = 0x80000
"""Required when :py:attr:`~DDSHeader.pitch` is provided for a compressed texture."""
DEPTH = 0x800000
"""Required when :py:attr:`~DDSHeader.depth` is provided for a depth texture."""
class DDSFlags(enum.IntFlag):
"""Flags to indicate which members contain valid data."""
CAPS = 0x1
"""Required in every .dds file."""
def __init__(self):
self.flags: DDSHeader.Flags = DDSHeader.Flags.REQUIRED
"""Flags to indicate which members contain valid data."""
HEIGHT = 0x2
"""Required in every .dds file."""
self.dimensions: typing.Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)
"""Width and height of the texture or its first mipmap"""
WIDTH = 0x4
"""Required in every .dds file."""
self.pitch: int = 0
"""The pitch or number of bytes per scan line in an uncompressed texture;
the total number of bytes in the top level texture for a compressed texture."""
PITCH = 0x8
"""Required when :py:attr:`~DDSHeader.pitch` is provided for an uncompressed texture."""
self.depth: int = 0
"""Depth of a volume texture (in pixels), otherwise unused."""
"""Required in every .dds file."""
self.mipmap_count: int = 0
"""Number of mipmap levels, otherwise unused."""
"""Required when :py:attr:`~DDSHeader.mipmap_count` is provided for a mipmapped texture."""
self.pixel_format: PixelFormat = PixelFormat()
"""The pixel format"""
LINEAR_SIZE = 0x80000
"""Required when :py:attr:`~DDSHeader.pitch` is provided for a compressed texture."""
self.caps: typing.Tuple[int, int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0, 0)
"""Specifies the complexity of the surfaces stored."""
DEPTH = 0x800000
"""Required when :py:attr:`~DDSHeader.depth` is provided for a depth texture."""
def from_bytes(data) -> DDSHeader:
Create a new DDS Header from a bytes-like object
:param data: A bytes-like object holding the raw data to unpack
:return: An unpacked DDS header
assert len(data) == PixelFormat.size, "Incorrect number of bytes in input."
unpacked = struct.unpack('<7I44x', data[0:72])
assert unpacked[0] == DDSHeader.size, "Incorrect DDS header size."
header = DDSHeader()
header.flags = DDSHeader.Flags(unpacked[1])
header.dimensions = unpacked[2:4:-1]
header.pitch, header.depth, header.mipmapcount = unpacked[4:7]
header.pixel_format = PixelFormat.from_bytes(data[72:104])
header.caps = struct.unpack('<4I4x', data[104:124])
assert all([val > 0 for val in header.dimensions]), "Image size is zero"
return header
def from_file(file: typing.BinaryIO) -> DDSHeader:
Create a new DDS header from a file. the file position will be advanced by 124 bytes.
:param file: A file-like object to read from.
:return: An unpacked DDS header
assert file.readable(), "Input file is not readable."
return DDSHeader.from_bytes(
def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
Write the DDS header to a bytes object.
:return: The packed DDS header
data = b''
# write header
data += struct.pack('<7I44x', DDSHeader.size, int(self.flags), self.dimensions[1], self.dimensions[0],
self.pitch, self.depth, self.mipmap_count)
data += self.pixel_format.to_bytes()
data += struct.pack('<4I4x', *self.caps)
assert len(data) == DDSHeader.size
return data
@ -229,87 +101,142 @@ class DDSFile:
extension = 'dds'
"""Extension for a DDS file."""
def __init__(self):
self.header: DDSHeader = DDSHeader()
"""The DDS file's header object"""
header_bytes = 124
"""The size of a DDS header in bytes."""
self.textures: typing.List[bytes] = []
def __init__(self):
self.flags: DDSFlags = DDSFlags.TEXTURE
"""Flags to indicate which members contain valid data."""
self.size: typing.Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)
"""Width and height of the texture or its first mipmap"""
self.pitch: int = 0
"""The pitch or number of bytes per row in an uncompressed texture;
the total number of bytes in the top level texture for a compressed texture."""
self.depth: int = 1
"""Depth of a volume texture (in pixels), otherwise unused."""
self.mipmap_count: int = 1
"""Number of mipmap levels, otherwise unused."""
self.pf_flags: PFFlags = PFFlags.FOURCC
"""Flags representing which pixel format data is valid."""
self.four_cc: str = "NONE"
"""FourCC code of the texture format. Valid texture format strings are ``DXT1``, ``DXT2``, ``DXT3``, ``DXT4``, or ``DXT5``.
If a DirectX 10 header is used, this is ``DX10``."""
self.pixel_size: int = 0
"""Number of bits in each pixel if the texture is uncompressed"""
self.pixel_bitmasks: typing.Tuple[int, int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0, 0)
"""Tuple of bitmasks for each channel"""
self.caps: typing.Tuple[int, int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0, 0)
"""Specifies the complexity of the surfaces stored."""
self.textures: typing.List = []
"""A list of bytes objects for each texture in the file"""
def from_file(file: typing.BinaryIO) -> DDSFile:
Create a new DDSFile object from the contents of a file.
self.format: DDSFormat = DDSFormat('NONE', None, None, None)
"""The format used by this dds file"""
:param file: A file-like object to read from.
:return: An unpacked DDS file
def save(self, path: os.PathLike) -> None:
assert file.readable(), "Input file is not readable."
Save the DDSFile to a file
:param path: string or path-like object to write to
with open(path, 'wb') as file:
self.size = self.textures[0].size
self.pitch = self.textures[0].nbytes
self.mipmap_count = len(self.textures)
assert quicktex.image_utils.mip_sizes(self.size, self.mipmap_count) == [tex.size for tex in self.textures], 'incorrect mipmap sizes'
file.write(struct.pack('<7I44x', DDSFile.header_bytes, int(self.flags), self.size[1], self.size[0], self.pitch, self.depth, self.mipmap_count))
file.write(struct.pack('<2I4s5I', 32, int(self.flags), bytes(self.four_cc, 'ascii'), self.pixel_size, *self.pixel_bitmasks))
file.write(struct.pack('<4I4x', *self.caps))
assert file.tell() == 4 + DDSFile.header_bytes, 'error writing file: incorrect header size'
for texture in self.textures:
def decode(self, mip: int = 0, *args, **kwargs) -> Image.Image:
Decode a single texture in the file to images
:param mip: the mip level to decode. Default: 0
:return: The decoded image
decoder = self.format.decoder(*args, **kwargs)
texture = decoder.decode(self.textures[mip])
return Image.frombuffer('RGBA', texture.size, texture)
def decode_all(self, *args, **kwargs) -> typing.List[Image.Image]:
Decade all textures in the file to images
:return: the decoded images
decoder = self.format.decoder(*args, **kwargs)
textures = [decoder.decode(encoded) for encoded in self.textures]
return [Image.frombuffer('RGBA', tex.size, tex) for tex in textures]
def read(path: os.PathLike) -> DDSFile:
with open(path, 'rb') as file:
assert == DDSFile.magic, "Incorrect magic bytes in DDS file."
dds = DDSFile()
dds.header = DDSHeader.from_file(file)
four_cc = dds.header.pixel_format.four_cc
assert four_cc == 'DXT1' or four_cc == 'DXT5'
block_size = 8 if four_cc == 'DXT1' else 16
mip_count = dds.header.mipmap_count if DDSHeader.Flags.MIPMAPCOUNT in dds.header.flags else 1
assert struct.unpack('<I', == DDSFile.header_bytes, "Incorrect DDS header size."
dds.flags = DDSFlags(struct.unpack('<I', # read flags enum
dds.size = struct.unpack('<2I',[::-1] # read dimensions
dds.pitch, dds.depth, dds.mipmap_count = struct.unpack('<3I', # skip 44 unused bytes of data
assert struct.unpack('<I', == 32, "Incorrect pixel format size."
dds.pf_flags = PFFlags(struct.unpack('<I',
dds.four_cc =
dds.pixel_size, *pixel_bitmasks = struct.unpack('<5I',
dds.caps = struct.unpack('<4I', # skip 4 unused bytes of data
assert file.tell() == 4 + DDSFile.header_bytes, "Unexpected EOF" # make sure we are where we expect to be
if DDSFlags.DEPTH not in dds.flags:
dds.depth = 1
if DDSFlags.MIPMAPCOUNT not in dds.flags:
dds.mipmap_count = 1
if PFFlags.FOURCC not in dds.pf_flags:
dds.four_cc = 'NONE'
if dds.four_cc == 'DX10':
raise NotImplementedError('DX10 headers are not yet supported')
# identify the format used
dds.format = next(entry for entry in dds_formats if entry.four_cc == dds.four_cc)
# calculate the size of each level of the texture
sizes = quicktex.image_utils.mip_sizes(dds.size, dds.mipmap_count)
dds.textures = []
for mip in range(mip_count):
block_dimensions = dds.image_block_dimensions()
blocks = block_dimensions[0] * block_dimensions[1]
size = blocks * block_size
for size in sizes:
texture = dds.format.texture(*size) # make a new blocktexture of the current mip size
nbytes = file.readinto(texture)
assert nbytes == texture.size, 'Unexpected end of file'
return dds
def write(self, file: typing.BinaryIO):
Write a DDSFile object to a file.
:param file: a file-like object to write to.
assert file.writable(), "Output file is not writable"
for texture in self.textures:
def mipmap_count(self) -> int:
Get the number of mipmaps in the dds file.
:return: The number of mipmaps
if DDSHeader.Flags.MIPMAPCOUNT in self.header.flags:
mips = self.header.mipmap_count
assert mips > 0
return mips
return 1
def image_dimensions(self, mip: int = 0) -> typing.Tuple[int, int]:
Calculate the dimensions of a mip level in pixels.
:param int mip: which mip level to calculate the dimensions of, between 0 and :py:attr:`~DDSHeader.mipmap_count` exclusive.
:return: the dimensions of the selected mipmap in pixels
assert self.mipmap_count() > mip >= 0, "Invalid mip level"
return tuple([max(size // (2 ** mip), 1) for size in self.header.dimensions])
def image_block_dimensions(self, mip: int = 0) -> typing.Tuple[int, int]:
Calculate the dimensions of a mip level in 4x4 blocks. Only relevent for compressed textures.
:param int mip: Whick mip level to calculate the dimensions of, between 0 and :py:attr:`~DDSHeader.mipmap_count` exclusive.
:return: the dimensions of the selected mipmap in blocks
dimensions = self.image_dimensions(mip)
assert all(size > 0 for size in dimensions)
return tuple([max((size + 3) // 4, 1) for size in dimensions])

View File

@ -5,35 +5,6 @@ import typing
import math
def pad(source: Image.Image, block_dimensions=(4, 4)) -> Image.Image:
Pad an image to be divisible by a specific block size. The input image is repeated into the unused areas so that bilinar filtering works correctly.
:param source: Input image to add padding to. This will not be modified.
:param block_dimensions: The size of a single block that the output must be divisible by.
:return: A new image with the specified padding added.
assert all([dim > 0 for dim in block_dimensions]), "Invalid block size"
padded_dimensions = tuple([
math.ceil(i_dim / b_dim) * b_dim
for i_dim in source.size
for b_dim in block_dimensions
if padded_dimensions == source.size:
# no padding is necessary
return source
output =, padded_dimensions)
for x in range(math.ceil(padded_dimensions[0] / source.width)):
for y in range(math.ceil(padded_dimensions[1] / source.height)):
output.paste(source, (x * source.width, y * source.height))
return output
def mip_sizes(dimensions: typing.Tuple[int, int], mip_count: typing.Optional[int] = None) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[int, int]]:
Create a chain of mipmap sizes for a given source source size, where each source is half the size of the one before.
@ -62,3 +33,5 @@ def mip_sizes(dimensions: typing.Tuple[int, int], mip_count: typing.Optional[int
break # we've reached a 1x1 mip and can get no smaller
return chain