from __future__ import annotations import enum import os import struct import typing import quicktex.image_utils import quicktex.s3tc.bc1 as bc1 import quicktex.s3tc.bc3 as bc3 import quicktex.s3tc.bc4 as bc4 import quicktex.s3tc.bc5 as bc5 from PIL import Image class DDSFormat: def __init__(self, name: str, texture, encoder, decoder, four_cc: str = None): self.four_cc = four_cc self.decoder = decoder self.encoder = encoder self.texture = texture = name dds_formats = [ DDSFormat('BC1', bc1.BC1Texture, bc1.BC1Encoder, bc1.BC1Decoder, 'DXT1'), DDSFormat('BC3', bc3.BC3Texture, bc3.BC3Encoder, bc3.BC3Decoder, 'DXT5'), DDSFormat('BC4', bc4.BC4Texture, bc4.BC4Encoder, bc4.BC4Decoder, 'ATI1'), DDSFormat('BC5', bc5.BC5Texture, bc5.BC5Encoder, bc5.BC5Decoder, 'ATI2'), ] class PFFlags(enum.IntFlag): """Values which indicate what type of data is in the surface.""" ALPHAPIXELS = 0x1 """Texture contains alpha data (:py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_bitmasks[3]` contains valid data).""" ALPHA = 0x2 """Used in some older DDS files for alpha channel only uncompressed data (:py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_size` contains the alpha channel bitcount; :py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_bitmasks[3]` contains valid data).""" FOURCC = 0x4 """Texture contains compressed RGB data; :py:attr:`~PixelFormat.four_cc` contains valid data.""" RGB = 0x40 """Texture contains uncompressed RGB data; :py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_size` and the RGB masks (:py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_bitmasks[0:3]`) contain valid data.""" YUV = 0x200 """Used in some older DDS files for YUV uncompressed data (:py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_size` contains the YUV bit count; :py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_bitmasks[0]` contains the Y mask, :py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_bitmasks[1]` contains the U mask, :py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_bitmasks[2]` contains the V mask).""" LUMINANCE = 0x20000 """Used in some older DDS files for single channel color uncompressed data (:py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_size` contains the luminance channel bit count; :py:attr:`~PixelFormat.pixel_bitmasks[0]` contains the channel mask). Can be combined with :py:attr:`ALPHAPIXELS` for a two channel uncompressed DDS file.""" class DDSFlags(enum.IntFlag): """Flags to indicate which members contain valid data.""" CAPS = 0x1 """Required in every .dds file.""" HEIGHT = 0x2 """Required in every .dds file.""" WIDTH = 0x4 """Required in every .dds file.""" PITCH = 0x8 """Required when :py:attr:`~DDSHeader.pitch` is provided for an uncompressed texture.""" PIXEL_FORMAT = 0x1000 """Required in every .dds file.""" MIPMAPCOUNT = 0x20000 """Required when :py:attr:`~DDSHeader.mipmap_count` is provided for a mipmapped texture.""" LINEAR_SIZE = 0x80000 """Required when :py:attr:`~DDSHeader.pitch` is provided for a compressed texture.""" DEPTH = 0x800000 """Required when :py:attr:`~DDSHeader.depth` is provided for a depth texture.""" TEXTURE = CAPS | HEIGHT | WIDTH | PIXEL_FORMAT class Caps0(enum.IntFlag): """Flags to indicate surface complexity""" COMPLEX = 0x8 """Optional; must be used on any file that contains more than one surface (a mipmap, a cubic environment map, or mipmapped volume texture).""" MIPMAP = 0x400000 """Optional; should be used for a mipmap.""" TEXTURE = 0x1000 """Required""" class DDSFile: """ A microsoft DDS file, containing header information and one or more textures For more information, see microsoft's `Reference for DDS `_. """ magic = b'DDS ' """Magic bytes at the start of every DDS file.""" extension = 'dds' """Extension for a DDS file.""" header_bytes = 124 """The size of a DDS header in bytes.""" def __init__(self): self.flags: DDSFlags = DDSFlags.TEXTURE """Flags to indicate which members contain valid data.""" self.size: typing.Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0) """Width and height of the texture or its first mipmap""" self.pitch: int = 0 """The pitch or number of bytes per row in an uncompressed texture; the total number of bytes in the top level texture for a compressed texture.""" self.depth: int = 1 """Depth of a volume texture (in pixels), otherwise unused.""" self.mipmap_count: int = 1 """Number of mipmap levels, otherwise unused.""" self.pf_flags: PFFlags = PFFlags.FOURCC """Flags representing which pixel format data is valid.""" self.four_cc: str = "NONE" """FourCC code of the texture format. Valid texture format strings are ``DXT1``, ``DXT2``, ``DXT3``, ``DXT4``, or ``DXT5``. If a DirectX 10 header is used, this is ``DX10``.""" self.pixel_size: int = 0 """Number of bits in each pixel if the texture is uncompressed""" self.pixel_bitmasks: typing.Tuple[int, int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0, 0) """Tuple of bitmasks for each channel""" self.caps: typing.Tuple[Caps0, int, int, int] = (Caps0.TEXTURE, 0, 0, 0) """Specifies the complexity of the surfaces stored.""" self.textures: typing.List = [] """A list of bytes objects for each texture in the file""" self.format: DDSFormat = DDSFormat('NONE', None, None, None) """The format used by this dds file""" def save(self, path: os.PathLike) -> None: """ Save the DDSFile to a file :param path: string or path-like object to write to """ with open(path, 'wb') as file: file.write(DDSFile.magic) # WRITE HEADER file.write(struct.pack('<7I44x', DDSFile.header_bytes, int(self.flags), self.size[1], self.size[0], self.pitch, self.depth, self.mipmap_count)) file.write(struct.pack('<2I4s5I', 32, int(self.flags), bytes(self.four_cc, 'ascii'), self.pixel_size, *self.pixel_bitmasks)) file.write(struct.pack('<4I4x', *self.caps)) assert file.tell() == 4 + DDSFile.header_bytes, 'error writing file: incorrect header size' for texture in self.textures: file.write(texture) def decode(self, mip: int = 0, *args, **kwargs) -> Image.Image: """ Decode a single texture in the file to images :param mip: the mip level to decode. Default: 0 :return: The decoded image """ decoder = self.format.decoder(*args, **kwargs) texture = decoder.decode(self.textures[mip]) return Image.frombuffer('RGBA', texture.size, texture) def decode_all(self, *args, **kwargs) -> typing.List[Image.Image]: """ Decade all textures in the file to images :return: the decoded images """ decoder = self.format.decoder(*args, **kwargs) textures = [decoder.decode(encoded) for encoded in self.textures] return [Image.frombuffer('RGBA', tex.size, tex) for tex in textures] def read(path: os.PathLike) -> DDSFile: with open(path, 'rb') as file: assert == DDSFile.magic, "Incorrect magic bytes in DDS file." dds = DDSFile() # READ HEADER header_bytes = struct.unpack(' DDSFile: if image.mode != 'RGBA' or image.mode != 'RGBX': mode = 'RGBA' if 'A' in image.mode else 'RGBX' image = image.convert(mode) sizes = quicktex.image_utils.mip_sizes(image.size, mip_count) images = [image] + [image.resize(size, Image.BILINEAR) for size in sizes[1:]] dds = DDSFile() for i in images: rawtex = quicktex.RawTexture.frombytes(i.tobytes('raw', mode), *i.size) dds.textures.append(encoder.encode(rawtex)) dds.flags = DDSFlags.TEXTURE | DDSFlags.LINEAR_SIZE caps0 = Caps0.TEXTURE if len(images) > 1: dds.flags |= DDSFlags.MIPMAPCOUNT caps0 |= Caps0.MIPMAP | Caps0.COMPLEX dds.caps = (caps0, 0, 0, 0) dds.mipmap_count = len(images) dds.pitch = dds.textures[0].nbytes dds.size = dds.textures[0].size dds.pf_flags = PFFlags.FOURCC dds.four_cc = four_cc return dds