/* Quicktex Texture Compression Library Copyright (C) 2021 Andrew Cassidy Partially derived from rgbcx.h written by Richard Geldreich and licenced under the public domain This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "../../_bindings.h" #include #include #include #include "../../Decoder.h" #include "../../Encoder.h" #include "BC5Decoder.h" #include "BC5Encoder.h" namespace py = pybind11; namespace quicktex::bindings { using namespace quicktex::s3tc; using namespace quicktex::s3tc; void InitBC5(py::module_ &s3tc) { auto bc5 = s3tc.def_submodule("_bc5", "internal bc5 module"); // region BC5Block auto bc5_block = BindBlock(bc5, "BC5Block"); bc5_block.doc() = "A single BC5 block."; bc5_block.def(py::init<>()); bc5_block.def(py::init(), "chan0_block"_a, "chan1_block"_a, R"doc( Create a new BC5Block out of two BC4 blocks. :param BC4Block chan0_block: The BC4 block used for the first channel. :param BC4Block chan1_block: The BC1 block used for the second channel. )doc"); bc5_block.def_readwrite("chan0_block", &BC5Block::chan0_block, "The BC4 block used for the first channel."); bc5_block.def_readwrite("chan1_block", &BC5Block::chan1_block, "The BC4 block used for the second channel."); bc5_block.def_property("blocks", &BC5Block::GetBlocks, &BC5Block::SetBlocks, "The BC4 and BC1 blocks that make up this block as a 2-tuple."); // endregion // region BC5Texture auto bc5_texture = BindBlockTexture(bc5, "BC5Texture"); bc5_texture.doc() = "A texture comprised of BC5 blocks."; // endregion // region BC5Encoder py::class_ bc5_encoder(bc5, "BC5Encoder", R"doc( Encodes dual-channel textures to BC5. )doc"); bc5_encoder.def(py::init(), py::arg("chan0") = 0, py::arg("chan1") = 1, R"doc( Create a new BC5 encoder with the specified channels :param int chan0: the first channel that will be read from. 0 to 3 inclusive. Default: 0 (red). :param int chan1: the second channel that will be read from. 0 to 3 inclusive. Default: 1 (green). )doc"); bc5_encoder.def("encode", &BC5Encoder::Encode, "texture"_a, R"doc( Encode a raw texture into a new BC5Texture using the encoder's current settings. :param RawTexture texture: Input texture to encode. :returns: A new BC5Texture with the same dimension as the input. )doc"); bc5_encoder.def_property_readonly("channels", &BC5Encoder::GetChannels, "A 2-tuple of channels that will be read from. 0 to 3 inclusive. Readonly."); bc5_encoder.def_property_readonly("bc4_encoders", &BC5Encoder::GetBC4Encoders, "2-tuple of internal :py:class:`~quicktex.s3tc.bc4.BC4Encoder` s used for each channel. Readonly."); // endregion // region BC5Decoder py::class_ bc5_decoder(bc5, "BC5Decoder", R"doc( Decodes BC4 textures to two channels. )doc"); bc5_decoder.def(py::init(), py::arg("chan0") = 0, py::arg("chan1") = 1, R"doc( Create a new BC5 decoder with the specified channels :param int chan0: the first channel that will be written to. 0 to 3 inclusive. Default: 0 (red). :param int chan1: the second channel that will be written to. 0 to 3 inclusive. Default: 1 (green). )doc"); bc5_decoder.def("decode", &BC5Decoder::Decode, "texture"_a, R"doc( Decode a BC5 texture into a new RawTexture using the decoder's current settings. :param RawTexture texture: Input texture to encode. :returns: A new RawTexture with the same dimensions as the input )doc"); bc5_decoder.def_property_readonly("channels", &BC5Decoder::GetChannels, "A 2-tuple of channels that will be written to. 0 to 3 inclusive. Readonly."); bc5_decoder.def_property_readonly("bc4_decoders", &BC5Decoder::GetBC4Decoders, "2-tuple of internal :py:class:`~quicktex.s3tc.bc4.BC4Decoder` s used for each channel. Readonly."); // endregion } } // namespace quicktex::bindings