from __future__ import annotations import enum import struct import typing class DDSFlags(enum.IntFlag): CAPS = 0x1 HEIGHT = 0x2 WIDTH = 0x4 PITCH = 0x8 PIXEL_FORMAT = 0x1000 MIPMAPCOUNT = 0x20000 LINEAR_SIZE = 0x80000 DEPTH = 0x800000 REQUIRED = CAPS | HEIGHT | WIDTH | PIXEL_FORMAT class DDSPixelFlags(enum.IntFlag): ALPHAPIXELS = 0x1 ALPHA = 0x2 FOURCC = 0x4 RGB = 0x40 YUV = 0x200 LUMINANCE = 0x20000 class PixelFormat: """ DDS header surface format. For more information, see microsoft documentation for `DDS_PIXELFORMAT `_. """ size = 32 """The size of a PixelFormat block in bytes.""" def __init__(self): self.flags: DDSPixelFlags = DDSPixelFlags(0) self.four_cc: str = "NONE" """ FourCC code of the texture format. Valid texture format strings are ``DXT1``, ``DXT2``, ``DXT3``, ``DXT4``, or ``DXT5``. If a DirectX 10 header is used, this is ``DX10``.""" self.rgb_bit_count: int = 0 self.color_bitmask: typing.Tuple[int, int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0, 0) @staticmethod def from_bytes(data) -> PixelFormat: """ Create a new PixelFormat object from a bytes-like object :param data: A bytes-like object holding the raw data to unpack :return: An unpacked PixelFormat object """ assert len(data) == PixelFormat.size, "Incorrect number of bytes in input." unpacked = struct.unpack('<2I4s5I', data) assert unpacked[0] == PixelFormat.size, "Incorrect pixelformat size." pf = PixelFormat() pf.four_cc = unpacked[2].decode() pf.rgb_bit_count = unpacked[3] pf.color_bitmask = unpacked[4:8] return pf @staticmethod def from_file(file: typing.BinaryIO) -> PixelFormat: """ Create a new PixelFormat object from a file. The file position will be advanced by 32 bytes. :param file: A file-like object to read from. :return: An unpacked PixelFormat object """ assert file.readable(), "Input file is not readable." data = return PixelFormat.from_bytes(data) def to_bytes(self) -> bytes: """ Write the PixelFormat object to a bytes object. :return: The packed PixelFormat object """ data = struct.pack('<2I4s5I', 32, int(self.flags), bytes(self.four_cc, 'ascii'), self.rgb_bit_count, *self.color_bitmask) assert len(data) == PixelFormat.size return data class DDSHeader: """ Header for a microsoft DDS file For more information, see microsoft documentation for `DDS_HEADER `_. """ size = 124 """The size of a DDS header in bytes.""" def __init__(self): self.flags: DDSFlags = DDSFlags.REQUIRED self.dimensions: typing.Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0) self.linear_size: int = 0 self.depth: int = 0 self.mipmap_count: int = 0 self.pixel_format: PixelFormat = PixelFormat() self.caps = (0, 0, 0, 0) @staticmethod def from_bytes(data) -> DDSHeader: """ Create a new DDS Header from a bytes-like object :param data: A bytes-like object holding the raw data to unpack :return: An unpacked DDS header """ assert len(data) == PixelFormat.size, "Incorrect number of bytes in input." unpacked = struct.unpack('<7I44x', data[0:72]) assert unpacked[0] == DDSHeader.size, "Incorrect DDS header size." header = DDSHeader() header.flags = DDSFlags(unpacked[1]) header.dimensions = unpacked[2:4:-1] header.linear_size, header.depth, header.mipmapcount = unpacked[4:7] header.pixel_format = PixelFormat.from_bytes(data[72:104]) header.caps = struct.unpack('<4I4x', data[104:124]) assert all([val > 0 for val in header.dimensions]), "Image size is zero" return header @staticmethod def from_file(file: typing.BinaryIO) -> DDSHeader: """ Create a new DDS header from a file. the file position will be advanced by 124 bytes. :param file: A file-like object to read from. :return: An unpacked DDS header """ assert file.readable(), "Input file is not readable." return DDSHeader.from_bytes( def to_bytes(self) -> bytes: """ Write the DDS header to a bytes object. :return: The packed DDS header """ data = b'' # write header data += struct.pack('<7I44x', DDSHeader.size, int(self.flags), self.dimensions[1], self.dimensions[0], self.linear_size, self.depth, self.mipmap_count) data += self.pixel_format.to_bytes() data += struct.pack('<4I4x', *self.caps) assert len(data) == DDSHeader.size return data class DDSFile: """ A microsoft DDS file, containing header information and one or more textures For more information, see microsoft's `Reference for DDS `_. """ magic = b'DDS ' """Magic bytes at the start of every DDS file.""" extension = 'dds' """Extension for a DDS file.""" def __init__(self): self.header: DDSHeader = DDSHeader() """The DDS file's header object""" self.textures = [] @staticmethod def from_file(file: typing.BinaryIO) -> DDSFile: """ Create a new DDSFile object from the contents of a file. :param file: A file-like object to read from. :return: An unpacked DDS file """ assert file.readable(), "Input file is not readable." assert == DDSFile.magic, "Incorrect magic bytes in DDS file." dds = DDSFile() dds.header = DDSHeader.from_file(file) # TODO: read file contents return dds def write(self, file: typing.BinaryIO): """ Write a DDSFile object to a file. :param file: a file-like object to write to. """ assert file.writable(), "Output file is not writable" file.write(DDSFile.magic) file.write(self.header.to_bytes()) # TODO: write file contents