/* Python-rgbcx Texture Compression Library Copyright (C) 2021 Andrew Cassidy Partially derived from rgbcx.h written by Richard Geldreich and licenced under the public domain This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "BC1Encoder.h" #include #include #include "../BlockView.h" #include "../Color.h" #include "../bitwiseEnums.h" namespace rgbcx { using MatchList = std::array; using MatchListPtr = std::shared_ptr; using InterpolatorPtr = std::shared_ptr; // region Free Functions/Templates inline void PrepSingleColorTableEntry(unsigned &error, MatchList &match_table, uint8_t v, unsigned i, uint8_t low, uint8_t high, uint8_t low8, uint8_t high8, bool ideal) { unsigned new_error = iabs(v - (int)i); // We only need to factor in 3% error in BC1 ideal mode. if (ideal) new_error += (iabs(high8 - (int)low8) * 3) / 100; // Favor equal endpoints, for lower error on actual GPU's which approximate the interpolation. if ((new_error < error) || (new_error == error && low == high)) { assert(new_error <= UINT8_MAX); match_table[i].low = (uint8_t)low; match_table[i].high = (uint8_t)high; match_table[i].error = (uint8_t)new_error; error = new_error; } } template void PrepSingleColorTable(MatchList &match_table, MatchList &match_table_half, Interpolator &interpolator) { unsigned size = 1 << S; assert((S == 5 && size == 32) || (S == 6 && size == 64)); bool ideal = interpolator.IsIdeal(); bool use_8bit = interpolator.CanInterpolate8Bit(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 256; i++) { unsigned error = 256; unsigned error_half = 256; // TODO: Can probably avoid testing for values that definitely wont yield good results, // e.g. low8 and high8 both much smaller or larger than index for (uint8_t low = 0; low < size; low++) { uint8_t low8 = (S == 5) ? scale5To8(low) : scale6To8(low); for (uint8_t high = 0; high < size; high++) { uint8_t high8 = (S == 5) ? scale5To8(high) : scale6To8(low); uint8_t value, value_half; if (use_8bit) { value = interpolator.Interpolate8(high8, low8); value_half = interpolator.InterpolateHalf8(high8, low8); } else { value = (S == 5) ? interpolator.Interpolate5(high, low) : interpolator.Interpolate6(high, low); value_half = (S == 5) ? interpolator.InterpolateHalf5(high, low) : interpolator.InterpolateHalf6(high, low); } PrepSingleColorTableEntry(error, match_table, value, i, low, high, low8, high8, ideal); PrepSingleColorTableEntry(error_half, match_table_half, value_half, i, low, high, low8, high8, ideal); } } } } // endregion BC1Encoder::BC1Encoder(InterpolatorPtr interpolator) : _interpolator(interpolator) { PrepSingleColorTable<5>(*_single_match5, *_single_match5_half, *_interpolator); PrepSingleColorTable<6>(*_single_match6, *_single_match6_half, *_interpolator); } void BC1Encoder::EncodeBlock(Color4x4 pixels, BC1Block *dest) const { auto r_view = pixels.GetChannel(0); auto g_view = pixels.GetChannel(1); auto b_view = pixels.GetChannel(2); if (pixels.IsSingleColor() || true) { // for now assume (wrongly) everything is a single-color block // single-color pixel block, do it the fast way EncodeBlockSingleColor(pixels.Get(0, 0), dest); return; } Color min, max, avg; pixels.GetMinMaxAvgRGB(min, max, avg); } void BC1Encoder::EncodeBlockSingleColor(Color color, BC1Block *dest) const { uint8_t mask = 0xAA; // 2222 uint16_t min16, max16; bool using_3color = false; // why is there no subscript operator for shared_ptr MatchList &match5 = *_single_match5; MatchList &match6 = *_single_match6; MatchList &match5_half = *_single_match5_half; MatchList &match6_half = *_single_match6_half; BC1MatchEntry match_r = match5[color.r]; BC1MatchEntry match_g = match6[color.g]; BC1MatchEntry match_b = match5[color.b]; if ((_flags & (Flags::Use3ColorBlocks | Flags::Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels)) != Flags::None) { BC1MatchEntry match_r_half = match5_half[color.r]; BC1MatchEntry match_g_half = match6_half[color.g]; BC1MatchEntry match_b_half = match5_half[color.b]; const unsigned err4 = match_r.error + match_g.error + match_b.error; const unsigned err3 = match_r_half.error + match_g_half.error + match_b_half.error; if (err3 < err4) { min16 = Color::Pack565Unscaled(match_r_half.low, match_g_half.low, match_b_half.low); max16 = Color::Pack565Unscaled(match_r_half.high, match_g_half.high, match_b_half.high); if (max16 > min16) std::swap(min16, max16); using_3color = true; } } if (!using_3color) { min16 = Color::Pack565Unscaled(match_r.low, match_g.low, match_b.low); max16 = Color::Pack565Unscaled(match_r.high, match_g.high, match_b.high); if (min16 == max16) { // make sure this isnt accidentally a 3-color block // so make max16 > min16 (l > h) if (min16 > 0) { min16--; mask = 0; // endpoints are equal so mask doesnt matter } else { assert(min16 == 0 && max16 == 0); max16 = 1; min16 = 0; mask = 0x55; // 1111 (min value only, max is ignored) } } else if (max16 < min16) { std::swap(min16, max16); mask = 0xFF; // invert mask to 3333 } assert(max16 > min16); } dest->SetLowColor(max16); dest->SetHighColor(min16); dest->selectors[0] = mask; dest->selectors[1] = mask; dest->selectors[2] = mask; dest->selectors[3] = mask; } } // namespace rgbcx