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/* Quicktex Texture Compression Library
Copyright (C) 2021 Andrew Cassidy <drewcassidy@me.com>
Partially derived from rgbcx.h written by Richard Geldreich <richgel99@gmail.com>
and licenced under the public domain
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <Matrix.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <util/math.h>
#include <array>
#include <cstdlib>
namespace quicktex::tests {
#define EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(value, expected) \
{ \
auto v = value; \
auto e = expected; \
if constexpr (std::is_floating_point_v<typename decltype(v)::value_type>) { \
for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.elements; i++) { \
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(v.element(i), e.element(i)) << "At index " << i; \
} \
} else { \
EXPECT_EQ(v, e); \
} \
constexpr size_t fibn(size_t n) { return (n < 2) ? n : fibn(n - 1) + fibn(n - 2); }
template <typename T> constexpr T sqr(T n) { return n * n; }
template <typename Op, typename... Args> constexpr void foreach (Op f, Args... args) { (f(args), ...); }
template <typename T> class MatrixTest : public testing::Test {
using Scalar = T;
template <size_t M> using Vec = quicktex::Vec<T, M>;
template <size_t M, size_t N> using Matrix = quicktex::Matrix<T, M, N>;
template <typename M> constexpr M iota(T start = 0, T stride = 1) {
M result(0);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < M::elements; i++) { result.element(i) = (static_cast<T>(i) + start) * stride; }
return result;
template <typename M> constexpr M sqr(T start = 0, T stride = 1) {
M result(0);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < M::elements; i++) {
result.element(i) = (static_cast<T>(i) + start) * (static_cast<T>(i) + start) * stride;
return result;
template <typename M> constexpr M fib(T start = 0) {
M result(0);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < M::elements; i++) { result.element(i) = fibn(i + start); }
return result;
static constexpr auto sizes = std::make_tuple(Vec<4>(0), Vec<7>(0), Matrix<4, 4>(0), Matrix<5, 6>(0));
template <typename Op> constexpr void foreach_size(Op f) {
auto foreach = [f]<typename... Args>(Args... args) { (f(args), ...); };
std::apply(foreach, sizes);
using Scalars = ::testing::Types<uint8_t, int8_t, uint16_t, int16_t, uint32_t, int32_t, float, double>;
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(MatrixTest, Scalars);
#define IOTA(M, start, stride) this->TestFixture::template iota<M>(start, stride)
#define SQR(M, start, stride) this->TestFixture::template sqr<M>(start, stride)
#define FIB(M, start) this->TestFixture::template fib<M>(start)
TYPED_TEST(MatrixTest, negate) {
if constexpr (std::unsigned_integral<typename TestFixture::Scalar>) {
} else {
TestFixture::foreach_size([&]<typename M>(M) {
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(-IOTA(M, 0, 1), IOTA(M, 0, -1));
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(-IOTA(M, 0, -1), IOTA(M, 0, 1));
TYPED_TEST(MatrixTest, add) {
TestFixture::foreach_size([&]<typename M>(M) {
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 1) + IOTA(M, 0, 3), IOTA(M, 0, 4));
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 2) + IOTA(M, 0, 2), IOTA(M, 0, 4));
if constexpr (!std::unsigned_integral<typename M::value_type>) {
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 3) + IOTA(M, 0, -1), IOTA(M, 0, 2));
TYPED_TEST(MatrixTest, subtract) {
TestFixture::foreach_size([&]<typename M>(M) {
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 4) - IOTA(M, 0, 1), IOTA(M, 0, 3));
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 2) - IOTA(M, 0, 2), IOTA(M, 0, 0));
if constexpr (!std::unsigned_integral<typename M::value_type>) {
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 3) - IOTA(M, 0, -1), IOTA(M, 0, 4));
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 1) - IOTA(M, 0, 3), IOTA(M, 0, -2));
TYPED_TEST(MatrixTest, multiply) {
TestFixture::foreach_size([&]<typename M>(M) {
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 2) * 2, IOTA(M, 0, 4));
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 2) * 0, M(0));
if constexpr (!std::is_unsigned_v<typename M::value_type>) {
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 2) * -2, IOTA(M, 0, -4));
if constexpr (std::numeric_limits<typename M::value_type>::max() >= sqr(M::elements - 1)) {
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 1) * IOTA(M, 0, 1), SQR(M, 0, 1));
if constexpr (std::numeric_limits<typename M::value_type>::max() >= sqr(M::elements - 1) * 3) {
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 1) * IOTA(M, 0, 3), SQR(M, 0, 3));
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 0) * IOTA(M, 0, 3), SQR(M, 0, 0));
if constexpr (std::numeric_limits<typename M::value_type>::max() >= sqr(M::elements - 1) * 4) {
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 2) * IOTA(M, 0, 2), SQR(M, 0, 4));
if constexpr (!std::is_unsigned_v<typename M::value_type>) {
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 4) * IOTA(M, 0, -1), SQR(M, 0, -4));
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, -4) * IOTA(M, 0, -1), SQR(M, 0, 4));
TYPED_TEST(MatrixTest, divide) {
TestFixture::foreach_size([&]<typename M>(M) {
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 4) / 2, IOTA(M, 0, 2));
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 2) / 1, IOTA(M, 0, 2));
if constexpr (!std::is_unsigned_v<typename M::value_type>) {
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 4) / -2, IOTA(M, 0, -2));
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, -4) / -2, IOTA(M, 0, 2));
if constexpr (std::numeric_limits<typename M::value_type>::max() >= sqr(M::elements)) {
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(SQR(M, 1, 1) / IOTA(M, 1, 1), IOTA(M, 1, 1));
if constexpr (std::numeric_limits<typename M::value_type>::max() >= sqr(M::elements) * 3) {
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(SQR(M, 1, 3) / IOTA(M, 1, 1), IOTA(M, 1, 3));
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(SQR(M, 1, 3) / IOTA(M, 1, 3), IOTA(M, 1, 1));
if constexpr (std::numeric_limits<typename M::value_type>::max() >= sqr(M::elements) * 4) {
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(SQR(M, 1, 4) / IOTA(M, 1, 2), IOTA(M, 1, 2));
if constexpr (!std::is_unsigned_v<typename M::value_type>) {
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(SQR(M, 1, -4) / IOTA(M, 1, -1), IOTA(M, 1, 4));
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(SQR(M, 1, 4) / IOTA(M, 1, -1), IOTA(M, 1, -4));
TYPED_TEST(MatrixTest, abs) {
if constexpr (std::unsigned_integral<typename TestFixture::Scalar>) {
} else {
TestFixture::foreach_size([&]<typename M>(M) {
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, -1).abs(), IOTA(M, 0, 1));
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 1).abs(), IOTA(M, 0, 1));
TYPED_TEST(MatrixTest, clamp) {
TestFixture::foreach_size([&]<typename M>(M) {
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 1).clamp(0, M::elements - 1), IOTA(M, 0, 1));
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 1).clamp(M(0), IOTA(M, 0, 1)), IOTA(M, 0, 1));
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 2).clamp(IOTA(M, 0, 1), IOTA(M, 0, 3)), IOTA(M, 0, 2));
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 3).clamp(IOTA(M, 0, 1), IOTA(M, 0, 2)), IOTA(M, 0, 2));
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(IOTA(M, 0, 1).clamp(M(0), M(0)), M(0));
if (std::numeric_limits<typename M::value_type>::max() >= fibn(M::elements)) {
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(FIB(M, 1).clamp(M(0), IOTA(M, 0, 1)), IOTA(M, 0, 1));
if (std::numeric_limits<typename M::value_type>::max() >= sqr(M::elements - 1)) {
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(SQR(M, 0, 1).clamp(M(0), IOTA(M, 0, 1)), IOTA(M, 0, 1));
TYPED_TEST(MatrixTest, matrix_multiply) {
TestFixture::foreach_size([&]<typename M>(M) {
auto identity = Matrix<typename M::value_type, M::height, M::height>::identity();
EXPECT_MATRIX_EQ(identity.mult(IOTA(M, 0, 1)), IOTA(M, 0, 1));
TYPED_TEST(MatrixTest, sum) {
TestFixture::foreach_size([&]<typename M>(M) {
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(M(1).sum(), M::elements);
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(M(0).sum(), 0);
if (std::numeric_limits<typename M::value_type>::max() >= M::elements * (M::elements + 1) / 2) {
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(IOTA(M, 1, 1).sum(), M::elements * (M::elements + 1) / 2);
if constexpr (!std::unsigned_integral<typename M::value_type>) {
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(M(-1).sum(), -1 * (int)M::elements);
// endregion
} // namespace quicktex::tests