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/* Quicktex Texture Compression Library
Copyright (C) 2021 Andrew Cassidy <>
Partially derived from rgbcx.h written by Richard Geldreich <>
and licenced under the public domain
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <numeric>
#include <xsimd/xsimd.hpp>
#include "util/math.h"
#include "util/ranges.h"
namespace quicktex {
template <typename T, size_t M, size_t N> class Matrix;
template <typename T, size_t M> using Vec = Matrix<T, M, 1>;
// region helper concepts
template <typename L, typename R, typename Op>
concept operable = requires(L &l, R &r, Op &op) { op(l, r); };
template <typename V>
concept is_matrix = requires(V &v) {
} && std::same_as < Matrix<typename V::value_type, V::height(), V::width()>,
std::remove_cvref_t < V >> ;
template <typename V> struct vector_stats {
static constexpr size_t width = 1;
static constexpr size_t height = 1;
static constexpr size_t dims = 0;
template <typename V>
requires is_matrix<V>
struct vector_stats<V> {
static constexpr size_t width = V::width;
static constexpr size_t height = V::height;
static constexpr size_t dims = V::dims;
template <typename V> constexpr size_t vector_width = vector_stats<V>::width;
template <typename V> constexpr size_t vector_height = vector_stats<V>::height;
template <typename V> constexpr size_t vector_dims = vector_stats<V>::dims;
// endregion
template <typename T, size_t N> class VecBase {
const T &_at(size_t index) const { return; }
T &_at(size_t index) { return; }
auto _begin() { return _c.begin(); }
auto _begin() const { return _c.begin(); }
auto _end() { return _c.end(); }
auto _end() const { return _c.end(); }
std::array<T, N> _c;
template <typename T, size_t N, size_t M> using matrix_row_type = std::conditional_t<N <= 1, T, Vec<T, N>>;
template <typename T, size_t N, size_t M> using matrix_column_type = std::conditional_t<M <= 1, T, Vec<T, M>>;
* A matrix of values that can be operated on
* @tparam T Scalar type
* @tparam N Width of the matrix
* @tparam M Height of the matrix
template <typename T, size_t M, size_t N>
class Matrix : public VecBase<std::conditional_t<N == 1, T, VecBase<T, N>>, M> {
using base = VecBase<std::conditional_t<N == 1, T, VecBase<T, N>>, M>;
using value_type = T;
using row_type = matrix_row_type<T, N, M>;
using column_type = matrix_column_type<T, N, M>;
using base::base;
// using base::begin;
// using base::end;
// using base::operator[];
// region constructors
* Create a vector from an intializer list
* @param il values to populate with
Matrix(std::initializer_list<row_type> il) {
assert(il.size() == M); // ensure il is of the right size
std::copy_n(il.begin(), M, this->begin());
* Create a vector from a scalar value
* @param scalar value to populate with
Matrix(const T &scalar) { std::fill(this->begin(), this->end(), scalar); }
* Create a vector from an iterator
* @tparam II input iterator type
* @param input_iterator iterator to copy from
template <typename II>
Matrix(const II input_iterator)
requires std::input_iterator<II> && std::convertible_to<std::iter_value_t<II>,
row_type> {
std::copy_n(input_iterator, M, this->begin());
* Create a vector from a range type
* @tparam R Range type
* @param input_range Range to copy from
template <typename R>
Matrix(const R &input_range)
requires range<R> && std::convertible_to<typename R::value_type, row_type>
: Matrix(input_range.begin()) {
assert(std::distance(input_range.begin(), input_range.end()) == M);
template <typename R = T>
requires(N == M)
static constexpr Matrix identity() {
Matrix result = Matrix(0);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; i++) { result.element(i, i) = 1; }
return result;
// endregion
// region iterators and accessors
static constexpr size_t size() { return M; }
static constexpr size_t width = N;
static constexpr size_t height = M;
static constexpr size_t dims = ((width > 1) ? 1 : 0) + ((height > 1) ? 1 : 0);
const row_type &at(size_t index) const { return static_cast<const row_type &>(base::_at(index)); }
row_type &at(size_t index) { return static_cast<row_type &>(base::_at(index)); }
const row_type &operator[](size_t index) const { return at(index); }
row_type &operator[](size_t index) { return at(index); }
const row_type *begin() const { return static_cast<const row_type *>(base::_begin()); }
row_type *begin() { return static_cast<row_type *>(base::_begin()); }
const row_type *end() const { return static_cast<const row_type *>(base::_end()); }
row_type *end() { return static_cast<row_type *>(base::_end()); }
auto column_begin() const { return column_iterator(this, 0); }
auto column_end() const { return column_iterator(this, N); }
auto all_begin() const { return linear_iterator<const Matrix>(this, 0); }
auto all_begin() { return linear_iterator<Matrix>(this, 0); }
auto all_end() const { return linear_iterator<const Matrix>(this, N * M); }
auto all_end() { return linear_iterator<Matrix>(this, N * M); }
const row_type &get_row(size_t m) const {
assert(m < M);
return static_cast<const row_type &>(this->at(m));
template <typename R> void set_row(size_t m, const R &value) {
assert(m < M);
this->at(m) = value;
template <typename S = T> column_type get_column(size_t n) const {
if constexpr (M == 1) {
return element(0, n);
} else {
column_type ret;
for (unsigned m = 0; m < M; m++) { ret[m] = element(m, n); }
return ret;
void set_column(size_t n, const column_type &value) {
if constexpr (M == 1) {
element(0, n) = value;
} else {
for (unsigned m = 0; m < M; m++) { element(m, n) = value[m]; }
// n/m accessors
const T &element(size_t m, size_t n) const {
assert(n < N);
assert(m < M);
if constexpr (N == 1) {
return this->at(m);
} else {
return this->at(m)[n];
T &element(size_t n, size_t m) { return const_cast<T &>(static_cast<const Matrix &>(*this).element(n, m)); }
// linear accessors
const T &element(size_t i) const { return element(i / N, i % N); }
T &element(size_t i) { return element(i / N, i % N); }
// RGBA accessors
const T &r() const { return (*this)[0]; }
T &r() { return this->at(0); }
template <typename S = T> std::enable_if_t<M >= 2, const S &> g() const { return this->at(1); }
template <typename S = T> std::enable_if_t<M >= 2, S &> g() { return this->at(1); }
template <typename S = T> std::enable_if_t<M >= 3, const S &> b() const { return this->at(2); }
template <typename S = T> std::enable_if_t<M >= 3, S &> b() { return this->at(2); }
template <typename S = T> std::enable_if_t<M >= 4, const S &> a() const { return this->at(3); }
template <typename S = T> std::enable_if_t<M >= 4, S &> a() { return this->at(3); }
// XYZW accessors
const T &x() const { return this->at(0); }
T &x() { return this->at(0); }
template <typename S = T> std::enable_if_t<M >= 2, const S &> y() const { return this->at(1); }
template <typename S = T> std::enable_if_t<M >= 2, S &> y() { return this->at(1); }
template <typename S = T> std::enable_if_t<M >= 3, const S &> z() const { return this->at(2); }
template <typename S = T> std::enable_if_t<M >= 3, S &> z() { return this->at(2); }
template <typename S = T> std::enable_if_t<M >= 4, const S &> w() const { return this->at(3); }
template <typename S = T> std::enable_if_t<M >= 4, S &> w() { return this->at(3); }
// endregion
template <typename R>
requires std::equality_comparable_with<T, R> bool
operator==(const Matrix<R, M, N> &rhs) const {
return size() == rhs.size() && std::equal(this->begin(), this->end(), rhs.begin());
// unary vector negation
template <typename S = T>
requires(!std::unsigned_integral<T>) && requires(T &t) { -t; }
Matrix operator-() const {
return _map(std::negate(), *this);
// add vectors
template <typename R>
requires operable<R, T, std::plus<>>
Matrix operator+(const Matrix<R, M, N> &rhs) const {
return _map(std::plus(), *this, rhs);
// subtract vectors
template <typename R>
requires operable<R, T, std::minus<>>
Matrix operator-(const Matrix<R, M, N> &rhs) const {
// we can't just add the negation because that's invalid for unsigned types
return _map(std::minus(), *this, rhs);
// multiply matrix with a matrix or column vector
template <typename R, size_t NN>
requires(NN == 1 || NN == N) && operable<R, T, std::multiplies<>>
Matrix operator*(const Matrix<R, M, N> &rhs) const {
return _map(std::multiplies(), *this, rhs);
// multiply matrix with a scalar
template <typename R>
requires operable<R, T, std::multiplies<>>
Matrix operator*(const R &rhs) const {
return _map(std::multiplies(), *this, rhs);
// divides a matrix by a matrix or column vector
template <typename R, size_t NN>
requires(NN == 1 || NN == N) && operable<R, T, std::divides<>>
Matrix operator/(const Matrix<R, M, NN> &rhs) const {
return _map(std::divides(), *this, rhs);
// divides a matrix by a scalar
template <typename R>
requires operable<R, T, std::divides<>>
Matrix operator/(const R &rhs) const {
return _map(std::divides(), *this, rhs);
// add-assigns a matrix with a matrix
template <typename R>
requires operable<Matrix, R, std::plus<>>
Matrix &operator+=(const R &rhs) {
return *this = *this + rhs;
// subtract-assigns a matrix with a matrix
template <typename R>
requires operable<Matrix, R, std::minus<>>
Matrix &operator-=(const R &rhs) {
return *this = *this - rhs;
// multiply-assigns a matrix with a matrix, column vector, or a scalar
template <typename R>
requires operable<Matrix, R, std::multiplies<>>
Matrix &operator*=(const R &rhs) {
return *this = *this * rhs;
// divide-assigns a matrix by a matrix, column vector, or a scalar
template <typename R>
requires operable<Matrix, R, std::divides<>>
Matrix &operator/=(const R &rhs) {
return *this = *this / rhs;
// decay a 1x1 matrix to a scalar on demand
template <typename S = T>
requires(N == 1 && M == 1)
operator S &() {
return this->at(0);
template <typename S = T>
requires(N == 1 && M == 1)
operator const S &() const {
return this->at(0);
// sum up all columns
column_type hsum() const { return std::accumulate(column_begin(), column_end(), column_type{}); }
// sum up all rows
row_type vsum() const { return std::accumulate(begin(), end(), row_type{}); }
// sum up all values
T sum() const { return std::accumulate(all_begin(), all_end(), T{}); }
template <typename R, size_t P>
requires operable<R, T, std::multiplies<>>
Matrix<T, M, P> mult(const Matrix<R, N, P> &rhs) const {
auto rt = rhs.transpose();
Matrix<T, M, P> res(0);
for (unsigned p = 0; p < P; p++) {
// for each column of the RHS/Result
for (unsigned m = 0; m < M; m++) {
// for each row of the LHS/Result
for (unsigned n = 0; n < N; n++) {
res.element(m, p) += element(m, n) * rhs.element(n, p);
return res;
Matrix<T, N, M> transpose() const {
Matrix<T, N, M> res;
for (unsigned m = 0; m < M; m++) { res.set_column(m, get_row(m)); }
return res;
template <typename R = T>
requires(N == M)
Matrix mirror() const {
Matrix result = *this;
for (unsigned n = 0; n < N - 1; n++) {
for (unsigned m = (n + 1); m < M; m++) {
result.element(m,n) = result.element(n,m);
return result;
// dot product of two compatible matrices
template <typename R>
requires(N == 1) && operable<T, R, std::multiplies<>> && operable<T, T, std::plus<>>
row_type dot(const Matrix<R, M, N> &rhs) const {
// technically this is Lt * R, but the vsum method is probably faster/more readable
// than allocationg a new transpose matrix
Matrix product = *this * rhs;
return product.vsum();
row_type sqr_mag() const { return dot(*this); }
Matrix abs() const { return _map(&quicktex::abs<_chunk_type<>>, *this); }
Matrix clamp(T low, T high) { return _map(&quicktex::clamp<_chunk_type<>>, *this, low, high); }
Matrix clamp(const Matrix &low, const Matrix &high) {
return _map(&quicktex::clamp<_chunk_type<>>, *this, low, high);
class column_iterator : public index_iterator_base<column_iterator> {
using value_type = column_type;
using base = index_iterator_base<column_iterator>;
column_iterator(const Matrix *matrix = nullptr, size_t index = 0) : base(index), _matrix(matrix){};
column_type operator*() const { return _matrix->get_column(this->_index); }
const column_type *operator->() const { &(_matrix->get_column(this->_index)); }
friend bool operator==(const column_iterator &lhs, const column_iterator &rhs) {
return (lhs._matrix == rhs._matrix) && (lhs._index == rhs._index);
const Matrix *_matrix;
template <typename V> class linear_iterator : public index_iterator_base<linear_iterator<V>> {
using value_type = column_type;
using base = index_iterator_base<linear_iterator<V>>;
linear_iterator(V *matrix = nullptr, size_t index = 0) : base(index), _matrix(matrix){};
auto operator*() const { return _matrix->element(this->_index); }
auto *operator->() const { return &(_matrix->element(this->_index)); }
friend bool operator==(const linear_iterator &lhs, const linear_iterator &rhs) {
return (lhs._matrix == rhs._matrix) && (lhs._index == rhs._index);
V *_matrix;
using _batch_type = std::conditional_t<N == 1, typename xsimd::make_sized_batch<T, M>::type, void>;
static constexpr bool _batched = !std::is_void_v<_batch_type>;
// right now batched types are always the whole vector but that might change
template <bool b = true> using _chunk_type = std::conditional_t<b && _batched, _batch_type, row_type>;
template <bool b = true> static constexpr size_t _chunk_count = b &&_batched ? 1 : M;
template <bool b = true> inline _chunk_type<b> _get_chunk(size_t i) const {
assert(i < _chunk_count<b>);
if constexpr (b && _batched) {
return _chunk_type<b>::load_unaligned(&(this->at(0)));
} else {
return this->get_row(i);
template <bool b = true> inline void _set_chunk(size_t i, const _chunk_type<b> &value) {
assert(i < _chunk_count<b>);
if constexpr (b && _batched) {
xsimd::store_unaligned(&(this->at(0)), value);
} else {
this->set_row(i, value);
* Unary map function
* @tparam Op Function type
* @tparam Args Argument types
* @param f function to map
* @param lhs matrix
* @param args additional scalar arguments
* @return vector mapped with f(lhs[i], args)
template <typename Op, typename... Args> inline static Matrix _map(Op f, const Matrix &lhs, Args... args) {
Matrix result;
constexpr bool b = _batched && std::is_invocable_r_v<_chunk_type<>, Op, _chunk_type<>, Args...>;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _chunk_count<b>; i++) {
auto c = lhs._get_chunk<b>(i);
auto resultc = f(c, args...);
result._set_chunk<b>(i, resultc);
return result;
* Binary map function
* @tparam Op Function type
* @tparam Args Argument types
* @param f function to map
* @param lhs first matrix
* @param rhs second matrix argument
* @param args additional scalar arguments
* @return vector mapped with f(lhs[i], rhs[i], args)
template <typename Op, typename... Args>
inline static Matrix _map(Op f, const Matrix &lhs, const Matrix &rhs, Args... args) {
Matrix result;
constexpr bool b = _batched && std::is_invocable_r_v<_chunk_type<>, Op, _chunk_type<>, _chunk_type<>, Args...>;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _chunk_count<b>; i++) {
auto lc = lhs._get_chunk<b>(i);
auto rc = rhs._get_chunk<b>(i);
auto resultc = f(lc, rc, args...);
result._set_chunk<b>(i, resultc);
return result;
* Ternary map function
* @tparam Op Function type
* @tparam Args Argument types
* @param f function to map
* @param lhs first matrix
* @param rhs1 second matrix argument
* @param rhs2 third matrix argument
* @param args additional scalar arguments
* @return vector mapped with f(lhs[i], rhs1[i], rhs2[i], args)
template <typename Op, typename... Args>
inline static Matrix _map(Op f, const Matrix &lhs, const Matrix &rhs1, const Matrix &rhs2, Args... args) {
Matrix result;
constexpr bool b =
_batched && std::is_invocable_r_v<_chunk_type<>, Op, _chunk_type<>, _chunk_type<>, _chunk_type<>, Args...>;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _chunk_count<b>; i++) {
auto lc = lhs._get_chunk<b>(i);
auto r1c = rhs1._get_chunk<b>(i);
auto r2c = rhs2._get_chunk<b>(i);
auto resultc = f(lc, r1c, r2c, args...);
result._set_chunk<b>(i, resultc);
return result;
} // namespace quicktex