
140 lines
6.3 KiB

import click
import os
import pathlib
import quicktex.s3tc.bc1
import quicktex.s3tc.bc3
import quicktex.s3tc.bc4
import quicktex.s3tc.bc5
import quicktex.dds as dds
import quicktex.cli.common as common
from PIL import Image
def encode():
"""Encode images to DDS files of the given format."""
@click.option('-f/-F', '--flip/--no-flip', default=True, show_default=True, help="Vertically flip image before converting.")
@click.option('-r', '--remove', is_flag=True, help="Remove input images after converting.")
@click.option('-s', '--suffix', type=str, default='', help="Suffix to append to output file(s). Ignored if output is a single file.")
@click.option('-o', '--output',
type=click.Path(writable=True), default=None,
help="Output file or directory. If outputting to a file, input filenames must be only a single item. By default, files are decoded in place.")
@click.argument('filenames', nargs=-1, type=click.Path(exists=True, readable=True, dir_okay=False))
def encode_format(encoder, four_cc, flip, remove, suffix, output, filenames):
path_pairs = common.path_pairs(filenames, output, suffix, '.dds')
with click.progressbar(path_pairs, show_eta=False, show_pos=True, item_show_func=lambda x: str(x[0]) if x else '') as bar:
for inpath, outpath in bar:
image = Image.open(inpath)
if flip:
image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
dds.encode(image, encoder, four_cc).save(outpath)
if remove:
@click.option('-l', '--level', type=click.IntRange(0, 18), default=18, help='Quality level to use. Higher values = higher quality, but slower.')
@click.option('-b/-B', '--black/--no-black',
help='[BC1 only] Enable 3-color mode for blocks containing black or very dark pixels. --3color must also be enabled for this to work.'
' (Important: engine/shader MUST ignore decoded texture alpha if this flag is enabled!)')
@click.option('-3/-4', '--3color/--4color', 'threecolor', default=True, help='[BC1 only] Enable 3-color mode for non-black pixels. Higher quality, but slightly slower.')
@click.option('-f/-F', '--flip/--no-flip', default=True, show_default=True, help="Vertically flip image before converting.")
@click.option('-r', '--remove', is_flag=True, help="Remove input images after converting.")
@click.option('-s', '--suffix', type=str, default='', help="Suffix to append to output file(s). Ignored if output is a single file.")
@click.option('-o', '--output',
type=click.Path(writable=True), default=None,
help="Output file or directory. If outputting to a file, input filenames must be only a single item. By default, files are decoded in place.")
@click.argument('filenames', nargs=-1, type=click.Path(exists=True, readable=True, dir_okay=False))
def encode_auto(level, black, threecolor, flip, remove, suffix, output, filenames):
"""Encode images to BC1 or BC3, with the format chosen based on each image's alpha channel."""
color_mode = quicktex.s3tc.bc1.BC1Encoder.ColorMode
if not threecolor:
mode = color_mode.FourColor
elif not black:
mode = color_mode.ThreeColor
mode = color_mode.ThreeColorBlack
bc1_encoder = quicktex.s3tc.bc1.BC1Encoder(level, mode)
bc3_encoder = quicktex.s3tc.bc3.BC3Encoder(level)
path_pairs = common.path_pairs(filenames, output, suffix, '.dds')
with click.progressbar(path_pairs, show_eta=False, show_pos=True, item_show_func=lambda x: str(x[0]) if x else '') as bar:
for inpath, outpath in bar:
image = Image.open(inpath)
if flip:
image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
if 'A' not in image.mode:
has_alpha = False
alpha_hist = image.getchannel('A').histogram()
has_alpha = any([a > 0 for a in alpha_hist[:-1]])
if has_alpha:
dds.encode(image, bc3_encoder, 'DXT5').save(outpath)
dds.encode(image, bc1_encoder, 'DXT1').save(outpath)
if remove:
@click.option('-l', '--level', type=click.IntRange(0, 18), default=18, help='Quality level to use. Higher values = higher quality, but slower.')
@click.option('-b/-B', '--black/--no-black',
help='Enable 3-color mode for blocks containing black or very dark pixels. --3color must also be enabled for this to work.'
' (Important: engine/shader MUST ignore decoded texture alpha if this flag is enabled!)')
@click.option('-3/-4', '--3color/--4color', 'threecolor', default=True, help='Enable 3-color mode for non-black pixels. Higher quality, but slightly slower.')
def encode_bc1(level, black, threecolor, **kwargs):
"""Encode images to BC1 (RGB, no alpha)."""
color_mode = quicktex.s3tc.bc1.BC1Encoder.ColorMode
if not threecolor:
mode = color_mode.FourColor
elif not black:
mode = color_mode.ThreeColor
mode = color_mode.ThreeColorBlack
encode_format.callback(encoder=quicktex.s3tc.bc1.BC1Encoder(level, mode), four_cc='DXT1', **kwargs)
@click.option('-l', '--level', type=click.IntRange(0, 18), default=18, help='Quality level to use. Higher values = higher quality, but slower.')
def encode_bc3(level, **kwargs):
"""Encode images to BC4 (RGBA, 8-bit interpolated alpha)."""
encode_format.callback(quicktex.s3tc.bc3.BC3Encoder(level), 'DXT5', **kwargs)
def encode_bc4(**kwargs):
"""Encode images to BC4 (Single channel, 8-bit interpolated red channel)."""
encode_format.callback(quicktex.s3tc.bc4.BC4Encoder(), 'ATI1', **kwargs)
def encode_bc5(**kwargs):
"""Encode images to BC5 (2-channel, 8-bit interpolated red and green channels)."""
encode_format.callback(quicktex.s3tc.bc5.BC5Encoder(), 'ATI2', **kwargs)
encode_bc1.params += encode_format.params
encode_bc3.params += encode_format.params
encode_bc4.params += encode_format.params
encode_bc5.params += encode_format.params