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/* Quicktex Texture Compression Library
Copyright (C) 2021 Andrew Cassidy <>
Partially derived from rgbcx.h written by Richard Geldreich <>
and licenced under the public domain
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <concepts>
#include <limits>
#include <numeric>
#include <type_traits>
#include "iterator.h"
#include "util/math.h"
#include "util/ranges.h"
#define UINT5_MAX 0x1FU // 31
#define UINT6_MAX 0x3FU // 63
#define assert5bit(x) assert(x <= UINT5_MAX)
#define assert6bit(x) assert(x <= UINT6_MAX)
namespace quicktex {
template <size_t N, typename S> S scale_from_8(S v) {
static_assert(N < 8);
assert(v < (1 << 8));
unsigned max = (1 << N) - 1;
unsigned v2 = (v * max) + 128;
auto result = static_cast<S>((v2 + (v2 >> 8)) >> 8);
assert(result < (1 << N));
return result;
template <size_t N, typename S> S scale_to_8(S v) {
static_assert(N < 8);
assert(v < (1 << N));
constexpr unsigned Lshift = 8 - N;
constexpr unsigned Rshift = N - Lshift;
S result = static_cast<S>((v << Lshift) | (v >> Rshift));
assert(v < (1 << 8));
return result;
* Unpacks an unsigned integer into a range of smaller integers.
* @param packed value to unpack
* @param begin destination start iterator
* @param end destination end iterator
* @param widths widths iterator. values are in bits
* @param little_endian if the input has the first element in the least significant place
* @return the total number of bits unpacked
template <typename P, typename OI, typename WI>
requires std::unsigned_integral<P> && std::output_iterator<OI, P> && std::forward_iterator<WI>
size_t unpack_into(P packed, OI begin, OI end, WI widths, bool little_endian = true) {
using U = std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(*begin)>;
if (little_endian) {
// first element is in the least significant place of packed
unsigned offset = 0;
while (begin < end) {
auto w = *(widths++);
assert(w <= std::numeric_limits<U>::digits);
auto mask = ((1 << w) - 1); // least significant w bits all 1
*(begin++) = (packed >> offset) & mask; // write to output
offset += w; // increment offset
assert(offset <= std::numeric_limits<P>::digits); // detect an overflow condition
return offset;
} else {
// first element is in the most significant place of packed
// with non-constant width, we either need to iterate backwards or
// add up all the widths beforehand to know where to begin
unsigned total_offset = std::accumulate(widths, widths + std::distance(begin, end), 0);
assert(total_offset <= std::numeric_limits<P>::digits); // detect an overflow condition
unsigned offset = total_offset;
while (begin < end) {
auto w = *(widths++);
offset -= w; // decrement offset
assert(w < std::numeric_limits<U>::digits); // detect an overflow condition
auto mask = ((1 << w) - 1); // least significant w bits all 1
*(begin++) = (packed >> offset) & mask; // write to output
return total_offset;
* Unpacks an unsigned integer into a range of smaller integers.
* @param packed value to unpack
* @param dest destination range
* @param widths widths range. values are in bits
* @param little_endian if the input has the first element in the least significant place
* @return the total number of bits unpacked
template <typename P, typename OR, typename WR>
requires std::unsigned_integral<P> && range<OR> && range<WR>
size_t unpack_into(P packed, OR &dest, const WR &widths, bool little_endian = true) {
assert(size(widths) == size(dest));
return unpack_into(packed, dest.begin(), dest.end(), widths.begin(), little_endian);
* Unpacks an unsigned integer into a range of smaller integers.
* @param packed value to unpack
* @param begin destination start iterator
* @param end destination end iterator
* @param width width of each packed element in bits
* @param little_endian if the input has the first element in the least significant place
* @return the total number of bits unpacked
template <typename P, typename OI>
requires std::unsigned_integral<P> && std::output_iterator<OI, P>
size_t unpack_into(P packed, OI begin, OI end, size_t width, bool little_endian = true) {
return unpack_into(packed, begin, end, const_iterator(width), little_endian);
* Unpacks an unsigned integer into a range of smaller integers.
* @param packed value to unpack
* @param dest destination range
* @param width width of each packed element in bits
* @param little_endian if the input has the first element in the least significant place
* @return the total number of bits unpacked
template <typename P, typename OR>
requires std::unsigned_integral<P> && range<OR>
size_t unpack_into(P packed, OR &dest, size_t width, bool little_endian = true) {
return unpack_into(packed, dest.begin(), dest.end(), const_iterator(width), little_endian);
* Unpacks an unsigned integer into an array of smaller integers
* @tparam U unpacked data type
* @tparam N number of values to unpack
* @param packed value to unpack
* @param widths widths iterator. values are in bits
* @param little_endian if the input has the first element in the least significant place
* @return an array of unpacked values
template <typename U, size_t N, typename P, typename WI>
requires std::unsigned_integral<P> && std::forward_iterator<WI>
std::array<U, N> unpack(P packed, WI widths, bool little_endian = true) {
std::array<U, N> unpacked;
unpack_into(packed, unpacked, widths, little_endian);
return unpacked;
* Unpacks an unsigned integer into an array of smaller integers
* @tparam U unpacked data type
* @param packed value to unpack
* @param widths widths array. values are in bits
* @param little_endian if the input has the first element in the least significant place
* @return an array of unpacked values
template <typename U, size_t N, typename P>
requires std::unsigned_integral<P>
std::array<U, N> unpack(P packed, const std::array<size_t, N> &widths, bool little_endian = true) {
return unpack<U, N>(packed, widths.begin(), little_endian);
* Unpacks an unsigned integer into an array of smaller integers
* @tparam U unpacked data type
* @tparam N number of values to unpack
* @param packed value to unpack
* @param widths widths range. values are in bits
* @param little_endian if the input has the first element in the least significant place
* @return an array of unpacked values
template <typename U, size_t N, typename P, typename WR>
requires std::unsigned_integral<P> && range<WR>
std::array<U, N> unpack(P packed, const WR &widths, bool little_endian = true) {
assert(size(widths) == N);
return unpack<U, N>(packed, widths.begin(), little_endian);
* Unpacks an unsigned integer into an array of smaller integers
* @tparam U unpacked data type
* @tparam N number of values to unpack
* @param packed value to unpack
* @param width width of each packed element in bits
* @param little_endian if the input has the first element in the least significant place
* @return an array of unpacked values
template <typename U, size_t N, typename P>
requires std::unsigned_integral<P>
std::array<U, N> unpack(P packed, size_t width, bool little_endian = true) {
std::array<U, N> unpacked;
unpack_into(packed, unpacked, width, little_endian);
return unpacked;
* Packs an iterable of integers into a single integer.
* @tparam II input iterator type
* @tparam WI width iterator type
* @tparam P Output data type. must be an unsigned integral type large enough to hold all input values
* @param start start iterator
* @param end end iterator
* @param widths width iterator. must be at least as large as the input data
* @param little_endian if the output value should have the first element in the least significant place
* of the output or not
* @return Packed integer of type P.
template <typename P, typename II, typename WI>
requires std::unsigned_integral<P> && std::input_iterator<II> && std::input_iterator<WI>
inline constexpr P pack(II start, II end, WI widths, bool little_endian = true) {
P packed = 0;
unsigned offset = 0;
while (start < end) {
P val = static_cast<P>(*(start++));
auto w = *(widths++);
val &= ((1 << w) - 1);
assert(val < (1u << w)); // ensure value can fit in W bits
if (little_endian) {
packed |= static_cast<P>(val) << offset; // first element is in the least significant place of packed
} else {
packed = (packed << w) | static_cast<P>(val); // first element is in the most significant place of packed
offset += w; // increment offset
assert(offset <= std::numeric_limits<P>::digits); // detect an overflow condition
return packed;
* Packs an iterable of integers into a single integer.
* @tparam IR input range type
* @tparam WR width range type
* @tparam P Output data type. must be an unsigned integral type large enough to hold all input values
* @param r range of values to pack
* @param widths range of widths to pack with. must be at least as large as r
* @param little_endian if the output value should have the first element in the least significant place
* of the output or not
* @return Packed integer of type P.
template <typename P, typename IR, typename WR>
requires std::unsigned_integral<P> && range<IR> && range<WR>
inline constexpr P pack(IR r, WR widths, bool little_endian = true) {
assert(size(widths) == size(r));
return pack<P>(r.begin(), r.end(), widths.start(), little_endian);
* Packs an iterable of integers into a single integer.
* @tparam II input iterator type
* @tparam P Output data type. must be an unsigned integral type large enough to hold all input values
* @param start start iterator
* @param end end iterator
* @param width Number of bits in each value
* @param little_endian if the output value should have the first element in the least significant place
* of the output or not
* @return Packed integer of type P.
template <typename P, typename II>
requires std::unsigned_integral<P> && std::input_iterator<II>
inline constexpr P pack(II start, II end, size_t width, bool little_endian = true) {
return pack<P>(start, end, const_iterator(width), little_endian);
* Packs a range of integers into a single integer.
* @tparam IR range type
* @tparam P Output data type. must be an unsigned integral type large enough to hold all input values
* @param r range of values to pack
* @param width Number of bits in each value
* @param little_endian if the output value should have the first element in the least significant place
* of the output or not
* @return Packed integer of type P.
template <typename P, typename IR>
requires std::unsigned_integral<P> && range<IR>
inline constexpr P pack(IR r, size_t width, bool little_endian = true) {
return pack<P>(r.begin(), r.end(), const_iterator(width), little_endian);
} // namespace quicktex