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/* Quicktex Texture Compression Library
Copyright (C) 2021 Andrew Cassidy <>
Partially derived from rgbcx.h written by Richard Geldreich <>
and licenced under the public domain
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <tuple>
#include <xsimd/xsimd.hpp>
#include "util/ranges.h"
namespace quicktex {
namespace detail {
template <typename T>
concept simdable = random_access_range<T> && std::contiguous_iterator<decltype(std::declval<T>().begin())> &&
template <typename T, bool serial = false> struct chunker_impl {};
template <typename T, bool serial>
requires simdable<T> && (!serial)
struct chunker_impl<T, serial> {
// range with contiguous, SIMDable data
static constexpr size_t steps = 2;
using chunk_types = std::tuple<xsimd::batch<range_value_t<T>>, range_value_t<T>>;
template <size_t step> using chunk_type = std::tuple_element_t<step, chunk_types>;
static constexpr std::array<size_t, 2> chunk_sizes = {chunk_type<0>::size, 1};
template <size_t step> static constexpr size_t chunk_count(const T& r) {
if constexpr (step == 0) {
return std::size(r) / chunk_sizes[0];
} else {
return std::size(r) % chunk_sizes[0];
template <size_t step> static constexpr auto get_chunk(const T& r, size_t i) {
assert(i < chunk_count<step>(r));
if constexpr (step == 0) {
return xsimd::load_unaligned(&r[chunk_sizes[0] * i]);
} else {
return r[chunk_sizes[0] * chunk_count<0>(r) + i];
template <size_t step>
static constexpr void set_chunk(T& r, size_t i, const std::tuple_element_t<step, chunk_types>& c) {
assert(i < chunk_count<step>(r));
if constexpr (step == 0) {
xsimd::store_unaligned(&r[chunk_sizes[0] * i], c);
} else {
r[chunk_sizes[0] * chunk_count<0>(r) + i] = c;
template <typename T, bool serial>
requires random_access_range<T> && (!simdable<T> || serial)
struct chunker_impl<T, serial> {
// range with data that cant be SIMDed
static constexpr size_t steps = 1;
template <size_t step> using chunk_type = range_value_t<T>;
static constexpr std::array<size_t, 1> chunk_sizes = {1};
template <size_t step> static constexpr size_t chunk_count(const T& r) { return r.size(); }
template <size_t step> static constexpr auto get_chunk(const T& r, size_t i) { return r[i]; }
template <size_t step> static constexpr void set_chunk(T& r, size_t i, const chunk_type<0>& c) { r[i] = c; }
template <typename T, bool serial>
struct chunker_impl<T, serial> {
static constexpr size_t steps = 1;
using chunk_types = std::tuple<T>;
template <size_t step> using chunk_type = T;
static constexpr std::array<size_t, 1> chunk_sizes = {1};
template <size_t step> static constexpr size_t chunk_count(const T&) { return 1; }
template <size_t step> static constexpr auto get_chunk(const T& r, size_t) { return r; }
template <size_t step> static constexpr void set_chunk(T& r, size_t, const T& c) { r = c; }
template <typename T, bool serial = false, size_t step = 0>
using chunk_type = typename chunker_impl<T, serial>::template chunk_type<step>;
template <typename T, bool serial, typename Op, std::size_t step, typename... Args>
static constexpr bool callable_step() {
return std::is_invocable_r_v<typename chunker_impl<T, serial>::template chunk_type<step>, Op,
typename chunker_impl<Args, serial>::template chunk_type<step>...>;
template <typename T, bool serial, typename Op, typename... Args, std::size_t... steps>
static constexpr bool callable_steps(std::index_sequence<steps...>) {
return (callable_step<T, serial, Op, steps, Args...>() && ...);
template <typename T, bool serial, typename Op, typename... Args> static constexpr bool callable() {
// if constexpr (!(std::same_as<T, Args> && ...)) return false;
// return callable_steps<T, serial, Op>(std::make_index_sequence<chunker_impl<T, serial>::steps>());
return callable_steps<T, serial, Op, Args...>(std::make_index_sequence<1>());
template <typename T, bool serial, size_t step, typename... Args>
requires((std::is_scalar_v<Args> || std::same_as<T, Args>) && ...)
inline void do_map_step(auto f, T& result, const Args&... args) {
using impl = chunker_impl<T, serial>;
using chunk_type = typename impl::template chunk_type<step>;
size_t chunk_count = impl::template chunk_count<step>(result);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < chunk_count; i++) {
chunk_type out_chunk = f(chunker_impl<Args, serial>::template get_chunk<step>(args, i)...);
impl::template set_chunk<step>(result, i, out_chunk);
template <typename T, bool serial, typename Op, std::size_t... steps, typename... Args>
requires((std::is_scalar_v<Args> || std::same_as<T, Args>) && ...)
inline void do_map_steps(Op f, T& result, std::index_sequence<steps...>, const Args&... args) {
// static_assert(callable<T, serial, Op, Args...>());
(do_map_step<T, serial, steps>(f, result, args...), ...);
template <typename T, bool serial, typename Op, typename... Args>
requires((std::is_scalar_v<Args> || std::same_as<T, Args>) && ...)
inline void do_map_all(Op f, T& result, const Args&... args) {
constexpr bool must_serialize = serial || !callable<T, false, Op, Args...>();
do_map_steps<T, must_serialize>(f, result, std::make_index_sequence<chunker_impl<T, serial>::steps>(), args...);
} // namespace detail
template <typename R, typename T, bool serial = false, typename Op, typename... Args>
requires sized_range<T> && (sized_range<Args> && ...)
inline R map_to(Op f, const T& in, const Args&... args) {
// the input and result types are not the same, so attempting chunking is unsafe
R result{};
for (unsigned i = 0; i < in.size(); i++) { result[i] = f(in[i], args[i]...); }
return result;
template <typename T, bool serial = false, typename Op, typename... Args>
requires sized_range<T>
inline auto map(Op f, const T& in, const Args&... args) {
// assert(((in.size() == args.size())) && ...);
if constexpr (((std::is_scalar_v<Args> || std::same_as<T, Args>)&&...) &&
(detail::callable<T, true, Op, T, Args...>())) {
// the input and result types are all the same type and size, so we can attempt chunking
T result{};
detail::do_map_all<T, serial>(f, result, in, args...);
return result;
} else {
using result_type = std::invoke_result_t<Op, typename detail::chunk_type<T, true>, range_value_t<Args>...>;
return map_to<std::array<result_type, std::tuple_size_v<T>>, T, serial>(f, in, args...);
} // namespace quicktex