use crate::Matrix; use num_traits::Num; // borrowed from the auto_ops crate #[doc(hidden)] macro_rules! impl_matrix_op { (neg) => { _impl_op_unary_ex!(Neg::neg); }; (!) => { _impl_op_unary_ex!(Not::not); }; (+) => { _impl_op_binary_ex!(Add::add, AddAssign::add_assign); }; (-) => { _impl_op_binary_ex!(Sub::sub, SubAssign::sub_assign); }; (*) => { _impl_op_binary_ex!(Mul::mul, MulAssign::mul_assign); }; (/) => { _impl_op_binary_ex!(Div::div, DivAssign::div_assign); }; (%) => { _impl_op_binary_ex!(Rem::rem, RemAssign::rem_assign); }; (&) => { _impl_op_binary_ex!(BitAnd::bitand, BitAndAssign::bitand_assign); }; (|) => { _impl_op_binary_ex!(BitOr::bitor, BitOrAssign::bitor_assign); }; (^) => { _impl_op_binary_ex!(BitXor::bitxor, BitXorAssign::bitxor_assign); }; (<<) => { _impl_op_binary_ex!(Shl::shl, ShlAssign::shl_assign); }; (>>) => { _impl_op_binary_ex!(Shr::shr, ShrAssign::shr_assign); }; } #[doc(hidden)] #[macro_export] macro_rules! _impl_op_unary_ex { ($op_trait:ident::$op_fn:ident) => { _impl_op_m_internal!($op_trait, $op_fn, Matrix, Matrix); _impl_op_m_internal!($op_trait, $op_fn, &Matrix, Matrix); } } #[doc(hidden)] #[macro_export] macro_rules! _impl_op_binary_ex { ($op_trait:ident::$op_fn:ident, $op_assign_trait:ident::$op_assign_fn:ident) => { _impl_op_mm_internal!($op_trait, $op_fn, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix); _impl_op_mm_internal!($op_trait, $op_fn, &Matrix, Matrix, Matrix); _impl_op_mm_internal!($op_trait, $op_fn, Matrix, &Matrix, Matrix); _impl_op_mm_internal!($op_trait, $op_fn, &Matrix, &Matrix, Matrix); _impl_op_ms_internal!($op_trait, $op_fn, Matrix, R, Matrix); _impl_op_ms_internal!($op_trait, $op_fn, &Matrix, R, Matrix); _impl_opassign_mm_internal!($op_assign_trait, $op_assign_fn, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix); _impl_opassign_mm_internal!($op_assign_trait, $op_assign_fn, Matrix, &Matrix, Matrix); _impl_opassign_ms_internal!($op_assign_trait, $op_assign_fn, Matrix, R, Matrix); } } #[doc(hidden)] macro_rules! _impl_op_m_internal { ($op_trait:ident, $op_fn:ident, $lhs:ty, $out:ty) => { impl ::std::ops::$op_trait for $lhs where L: ::std::ops::$op_trait + Copy, { type Output = $out; #[inline(always)] fn $op_fn(self) -> Self::Output { let mut result = self.clone(); // we arnt using iterators because they dont seem to always vectorize correctly for m in 0..M { for n in 0..N {[m][n] =[m][n].$op_fn(); } } result } } }; } #[doc(hidden)] macro_rules! _impl_op_mm_internal { ($op_trait:ident, $op_fn:ident, $lhs:ty, $rhs:ty, $out:ty) => { impl ::std::ops::$op_trait<$rhs> for $lhs where L: ::std::ops::$op_trait + Copy, R: Copy, { type Output = $out; #[inline(always)] fn $op_fn(self, other: $rhs) -> Self::Output { let mut result = self.clone(); for m in 0..M { for n in 0..N {[m][n] =[m][n].$op_fn([m][n]); } } result } } }; } #[doc(hidden)] macro_rules! _impl_opassign_mm_internal { ($op_trait:ident, $op_fn:ident, $lhs:ty, $rhs:ty, $out:ty) => { impl ::std::ops::$op_trait<$rhs> for $lhs where L: ::std::ops::$op_trait + Copy, R: Copy, { #[inline(always)] fn $op_fn(&mut self, other: $rhs) { for m in 0..M { for n in 0..N {[m][n].$op_fn([m][n]); } } } } }; } #[doc(hidden)] macro_rules! _impl_op_ms_internal { ($op_trait:ident, $op_fn:ident, $lhs:ty, $rhs:ty, $out:ty) => { impl ::std::ops::$op_trait<$rhs> for $lhs where L: ::std::ops::$op_trait + Copy, R: Copy + Num, { type Output = $out; #[inline(always)] fn $op_fn(self, other: $rhs) -> Self::Output { let mut result = self.clone(); for m in 0..M { for n in 0..N {[m][n] =[m][n].$op_fn(other); } } result } } }; } #[doc(hidden)] macro_rules! _impl_opassign_ms_internal { ($op_trait:ident, $op_fn:ident, $lhs:ty, $rhs:ty, $out:ty) => { impl ::std::ops::$op_trait<$rhs> for $lhs where L: ::std::ops::$op_trait + Copy, R: Copy + Num, { #[inline(always)] fn $op_fn(&mut self, r: $rhs) { for m in 0..M { for n in 0..N {[m][n].$op_fn(r); } } } } }; } impl_matrix_op!(neg); impl_matrix_op!(!); impl_matrix_op!(+); impl_matrix_op!(-); impl_matrix_op!(*); impl_matrix_op!(/); impl_matrix_op!(%); impl_matrix_op!(&); impl_matrix_op!(|); impl_matrix_op!(^); impl_matrix_op!(<<); impl_matrix_op!(>>);