name: Generate KSP Changelog description: > Use Yaclog to generate a KSP changelog config file for use with KerbalChangelog branding: icon: file-text color: green inputs: changelog-path: description: "Path of the changelog markdown file" mod-name: description: "The name of your mod" output-path: description: "Path of the resulting changelog file" outputs: output-path: description: "Path of the resulting changelog file" value: ${{ steps.yaclog-ksp.outputs.output-path}} runs: using: "composite" steps: - id: setup-python uses: actions/setup-python@v5 with: python-version: '3.12' update-environment: 'false' - name: Setup Yaclog-KSP shell: bash run: pipx install --python ${{ steps.setup-python.outputs.python-path }} ${{ github.action_path }} - name: Generate KSP Changelog id: yaclog-ksp shell: bash run: > cat "output-path=$( yaclog-ksp ${{ inputs.changelog-path && format('--path {0}', inputs.changelog-path) }} ${{ inputs.mod-name && format('--name {0}', inputs.mod-name) }} ${{ inputs.output-path && format('--output {0}', inputs.output-path) }} )" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"