
138 lines
4.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-04-16 04:14:37 +00:00
import datetime
import os
import re
import string
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional
bullets = '+-*'
brackets = '[]'
def _strip_link(token):
if link_literal := re.fullmatch(r'\[(.*?)]\((.*?)\)', token):
# in the form [name](link)
return link_literal[1], link_literal[2], None
if link_id := re.fullmatch(r'\[(.*?)]\[(.*?)]', token):
# in the form [name][id] where id is hopefully linked somewhere else in the document
return link_id[1], None, link_id[2].lower()
return token, None, None
class VersionEntry:
def __init__(self):
self.sections = {'': []}
self.name: str = ''
self.date: Optional[datetime.date] = None
self.tags: List[str] = []
self.link: str = ''
def __str__(self) -> str:
if self.name.lower() == 'unreleased':
return f'## {self.name}'
date_str = self.date.isoformat() if self.date else 'UNKNOWN'
line = f'## {self.name} - {date_str}'
for tag in self.tags:
line += ' [' + tag.upper() + ']'
return line
class Changelog:
def __init__(self, path: os.PathLike):
self.path = path
self.header = ''
self.versions = []
self.links = {}
with open(path, 'r') as fp:
# Read file
line = fp.readline()
while line and not line.startswith('##'):
self.header += line
line = fp.readline()
version = None
section = ''
last_line = ''
while line:
if line.isspace():
# skip empty lines
elif line.startswith('## '):
# line is a version header
version = VersionEntry()
section = ''
split = line.removeprefix('##').strip().split()
version.name, version.link, version.link_id = _strip_link(split[0])
if len(split) > 1:
if split[1] == '-':
version.date = datetime.date.fromisoformat(split[1].strip(string.punctuation))
except ValueError:
version.date = None
version.tags = [s.strip(brackets) for s in split[2:]]
elif line.startswith('### '):
# line is a version section header
section = line.removeprefix('###').strip().title()
if section not in version.sections.keys():
version.sections[section] = []
# line is an entry
if match := re.fullmatch(r'\[(.*)]:\s*(.*)\n', line):
# this is a link, so a it to the link table
self.links[match[1].lower()] = match[2]
elif line[0] in bullets or last_line.isspace():
# bullet point or new paragraph
# bullet points are preserved since some people like to use '+', '-' or '*' for different things
# not a bullet point, and no whitespace on last line, so append to the last entry
version.sections[section][-1] += '\n' + line.strip()
last_line = line
line = fp.readline()
for version in self.versions:
# handle links
if match := re.fullmatch(r'\[(.*)]', version.name):
# ref-matched link
link_id = match[1].lower()
if link_id in self.links:
version.link = self.links.pop(link_id)
version.link_id = None
version.name = match[1]
elif version.link_id in self.links:
# id-matched link
version.link = self.links.pop(version.link_id)
def read_version_header(line: str) -> Tuple[str, datetime.date, List[str]]:
split = line.removeprefix('##').strip().split()
name = split[0]
date = datetime.date.fromisoformat(split[2]) if len(split) > 2 else None
tags = [s.removeprefix('[').removesuffix(']') for s in split[3:]]
return name, date, tags
def write_version_header(name: str, date: datetime.date, tags=None) -> str:
line = f'## {name} - {date.isoformat()}'
if tags:
for tag in tags:
line += ' [' + tag.upper() + ']'
return line