Infer version number for unreleased versions

increment the patch number. not always whats intended but at least produces something unique
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Cassidy 2024-08-08 00:43:16 -07:00
parent c4be5d2420
commit 2a67f6edc7

View File

@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ def reformat(obj: Changelog):
help='Show only the version body.')
@click.option('--header', '-h', 'mode', flag_value='header',
help='Show only the version header.')
@click.option('--version', '-v', 'mode', flag_value='version', help='Show only the version number.')
@click.option('--version', '-v', 'mode', flag_value='version', help='Show only the version number. If the current version is unreleased, '
'this is inferred by incrementing the patch number of the last released version')
@click.argument('version_names', metavar='VERSIONS', type=str, nargs=-1)
def show(obj: Changelog, all_versions, markdown, mode, version_names):
@ -89,12 +90,18 @@ def show(obj: Changelog, all_versions, markdown, mode, version_names):
str_func = functions[mode]
kwargs = {'md': markdown, 'color': True}
if all_versions:
versions = obj.versions
elif len(version_names) == 0:
versions = [obj.current_version()]
if mode == 'version' and versions[0].name == 'Unreleased':
latest = obj.current_version(released=True).version
inferred = yaclog.version.increment_version(str(latest), 2, '')
versions = [obj.get_version(name) for name in version_names]
except KeyError as k:
@ -102,8 +109,6 @@ def show(obj: Changelog, all_versions, markdown, mode, version_names):
except ValueError as v:
raise click.ClickException(str(v))
kwargs = {'md': markdown, 'color': True}
sep = '\n\n' if mode == 'body' or mode == 'full' else '\n'
click.echo(sep.join([str_func(v, kwargs) for v in versions]))