# yaclog: yet another changelog tool # Copyright (c) 2021. Andrew Cassidy # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import datetime import os import re from typing import List, Tuple, Optional bullets = '+-*' brackets = '[]' code_regex = re.compile(r'^```') header_regex = re.compile(r'^(?P#+)\s+(?P[^#]+)(?:\s+#+)?$') under1_regex = re.compile(r'^=+\s*$') under2_regex = re.compile(r'^-+\s*$') bullet_regex = re.compile(r'^[-+*]') linkid_regex = re.compile(r'^\[(?P\S*)]:\s*(?P.*)') default_header = '# Changelog\n\nAll notable changes to this project will be documented in this file' def _strip_link(token): if link_literal := re.fullmatch(r'\[(.*?)]\((.*?)\)', token): # in the form [name](link) return link_literal[1], link_literal[2], None if link_id := re.fullmatch(r'\[(.*?)]\[(.*?)]', token): # in the form [name][id] where id is hopefully linked somewhere else in the document return link_id[1], None, link_id[2].lower() return token, None, None def _join_markdown(segments: List[str]) -> str: text: List[str] = [] last_bullet = False for segment in segments: is_bullet = bullet_regex.match(segment) if not is_bullet or not last_bullet: text.append('') text.append(segment) last_bullet = is_bullet return '\n'.join(text).strip() class VersionEntry: def __init__(self): self.sections = {'': []} self.name: str = 'Unreleased' self.date: Optional[datetime.date] = None self.tags: List[str] = [] self.link: str = '' self.link_id: str = '' self.line_no: int = -1 def body(self, md: bool = True) -> str: segments = [] for section, entries in self.sections.items(): if section: if md: segments.append(f'### {section.title()}') else: segments.append(f'{section.upper()}:') if len(entries) > 0: segments.append(_join_markdown(entries)) return _join_markdown(segments) def header(self, md: bool = True) -> str: segments = [] if md: segments.append('##') if self.link and md: segments.append(f'[{self.name}]') else: segments.append(self.name) if self.date or len(self.tags) > 0: segments.append('-') if self.date: segments.append(self.date.isoformat()) segments += [f'[{t.upper()}]' for t in self.tags] return ' '.join(segments) def text(self, md: bool = True) -> str: return self.header(md) + '\n\n' + self.body(md) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.header(False) class Changelog: def __init__(self, path: os.PathLike = None): self.path: os.PathLike = path self.header: str = '' self.versions: List[VersionEntry] = [] self.links = {} if not os.path.exists(path): self.header = default_header return # Read file with open(path, 'r') as fp: lines = fp.readlines() section = '' in_block = False in_code = False segments: List[Tuple[int, List[str], str]] = [] header_segments = [] for line_no, line in enumerate(lines): if in_code: # this is the contents of a code block segments[-1][1].append(line) if code_regex.match(line): in_code = False in_block = False elif code_regex.match(line): # this is the start of a code block in_code = True segments.append((line_no, [line], 'code')) elif under1_regex.match(line) and in_block and len(segments[-1][1]) == 1 and segments[-1][2] == 'p': # this is an underline for a setext-style H1 # ugly but it works last = segments.pop() segments.append((last[0], last[1] + [line], 'h1')) elif under2_regex.match(line) and in_block and len(segments[-1][1]) == 1 and segments[-1][2] == 'p': # this is an underline for a setext-style H2 # ugly but it works last = segments.pop() segments.append((last[0], last[1] + [line], 'h2')) elif bullet_regex.match(line): in_block = True segments.append((line_no, [line], 'li')) elif match := header_regex.match(line): # this is a header kind = f'h{len(match["hashes"])}' segments.append((line_no, [line], kind)) in_block = False elif match := linkid_regex.match(line): # this is a link definition in the form '[id]: link', so add it to the link table self.links[match['link_id'].lower()] = match['link'] elif line.isspace(): # skip empty lines in_block = False elif in_block: # this is a line to be added to a paragraph segments[-1][1].append(line) else: # this is a new paragraph in_block = True segments.append((line_no, [line], 'p')) for segment in segments: text = ''.join(segment[1]).strip() if segment[2] == 'h2': # start of a version slug = text.rstrip('-').strip('#').strip() split = slug.split() if '-' in split: split.remove('-') version = VersionEntry() section = '' version.name = slug version.line_no = segment[0] tags = [] date = [] for word in split[1:]: if match := re.match(r'\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}', word): # date try: date = datetime.date.fromisoformat(match[0]) except ValueError: break elif match := re.match(r'^\[(?P\S*)]', word): tags.append(match['tag']) else: break else: # matches the schema version.name, version.link, version.link_id = _strip_link(split[0]) version.date = date version.tags = tags self.versions.append(version) elif len(self.versions) == 0: # we haven't encountered any version headers yet, # so its best to just add this line to the header string header_segments.append(text) elif segment[2] == 'h3': # start of a version section section = text.strip('#').strip() if section not in self.versions[-1].sections.keys(): self.versions[-1].sections[section] = [] else: # change log entry self.versions[-1].sections[section].append(text) # handle links for version in self.versions: if match := re.fullmatch(r'\[(.*)]', version.name): # ref-matched link link_id = match[1].lower() if link_id in self.links: version.link = self.links.pop(link_id) version.link_id = None version.name = match[1] elif version.link_id in self.links: # id-matched link version.link = self.links.pop(version.link_id) # strip whitespace from header self.header = _join_markdown(header_segments) def write(self, path: os.PathLike = None): if path is None: path = self.path v_links = {} v_links.update(self.links) segments = [self.header] for version in self.versions: if version.link: v_links[version.name] = version.link segments.append(version.text()) for link_id, link in v_links.items(): segments.append(f'[{link_id.lower()}]: {link}') text = _join_markdown(segments) with open(path, 'w') as fp: fp.write(text)